BSU Graduate Committee Meeting-MINUTES Wednesday – September 11. 2013 8:00-8:50am 111 Deputy Hall

BSU Graduate Committee Meeting-MINUTES
Wednesday – September 11. 2013
111 Deputy Hall
Committee Website:
Members Present: Michael Urban, Mark Christensen, James McCracken, Rick Koch, Wendy
Members Absent: Christel Kippenhan, Heidi Hansen
Non-Members: James Barta, Joan Miller
It was determined that the new minimal quorum for the BSU Graduate Committee under the new
structure is four; it was six under the old structure. See item f below….Dr. Koch informed the group
we will be going under the new structure.
*Approval of the Minutes of 1 May 2013 (Document #1, 9/11/2013) [see committee website listed
above if this direct link doesn’t work]. Mike Urban moved (Mark 2nd) to approve minutes as is.
Motion carried.
a) Curriculum Proposals
1. ED (DAPE) 12-13 #19: State required a literacy component added….tabled till
next meeting so that Mike Urban and Jim Barta get a chance to review as this
was originally approved by the former Department Chair and College Dean. Next
meeting is on Sept. 25 in Deputy 111.
2. GEOG 12-13 #8: Mark Christensen moved (Jim 2nd) Motion carried.
Dr. Barta asked if it would be possible to have the curriculum forms be made
clearer as to the delivery method of the courses i.e list f2f, online, blended. Joan
will send request to Michelle Frenzel concerning form changes.
3. MATH (CourseMods) 12-13 #14: Mike Urban moved (Mark 2nd) to approve the
proposal as is. Motion carried.
b) *Response to Charting the Future: Discussed the importance of individuals as well as the
graduate committee to respond to Dr. Rosenstone’s remarks in this document. The
MnSCU Graduate Representatives would like to make a combined response to him prior
to the Oct. 23? deadline. Wendy Greenberg volunteered to write something up and
share with other members of the BSU Graduate Committee for their additional input as
well. We will discuss this at the next meeting on Sept. 25.
c) *Processing of Paperwork in the School of Graduate Studies…implement ASAP. Joan
talked about the restructuring of the School of Graduate Studies and how the College
Deans will play a more active role in the graduate programs in their colleges. Main
discussion revolved around the proposal (Form 3) and the difficulty that some faculty
and students have in developing a proposal so that a good base for the final product is
Rick Koch was nominated and approved by the committee to continue as Chair of the BSU
Graduate Studies Committee.
The next meeting will be on Wed., Sept. 25 at 8:00 a.m. in Deputy Hall 111. Meeting
adjourned at 8:55 a.m.
Joan Miller, Director and Reporting Secretary
BSU Graduate Committee
Invitation to College Dean (rotation basis, annually) to get them oriented to the workings
of the Graduate Committee, etc. – Dr. James Barta for FY 2013-14
What does an excellent thesis/research paper/capstone project look like? We need
samples on our website; current thesis by Katelyn Larsen (permission received). Is one
sample enough?
d) 1st Call Graduate Student Mini-Grants…Deadline: November 23, 2013.
e) *UNIV 6000, Continuous Enrollment: Inconsistencies….Fall, Spring, Summer
*BSU Graduate Committee Member Revision-it needs to go to Rules Committee and
then to Senate – see comments above.
g) Graduate Assistantships
a. *New Graduate Assistantship (GA) Request Process -Call to go out this Fall Semester.
*Revised New GA Position Request Form
*Revised GA Job Description…must include verbiage on academic
component…must include teaching and scholarship tied to the student’s
graduate program*
h) How do we grow the graduate school at BSU? Visit Departments? Certificates?
Continue with Graduate Faculty Orientation Review
Item #3, The Job of the Graduate Faculty Representative/Q & A….committee is not
adverse to repeating one week….three week…..etc. No later than to the GR….Joan
will go through and make sure wording is consistent…
b. Item #4, Advising a Thesis or Research Paper: tabled till next year.