November 28, 2012

BSU Graduate Committee Meeting -MINUTES
Wednesday – November 28, 2012
314 Sattgast Hall
Committee Website:
Members Present: Michael Urban, Richard Koch, James McCracken, Tammy Bobrowsky, Christel
Kippenhan, Michael Murray, Joan Miller
Members Absent: John Gonzalez, Virgil Bakken, Heidi Hansen, Mark Christensen
Guests: Sanjeev Phukan
Approval of the Minutes of 24 October 2012 (Document #1, 11/28/2012) [see committee website listed
above if this direct link doesn’t work]. Michael Urban moved (Michael Murray 2nd) to accept
minutes as presented. Motion carried.
1. Midwestern Association of Graduate Schools 68th Annual Meeting scheduled for April 10-12, 2013
in Minneapolis.
1. Revised MBA proposal from BUAD. Sanjeev Phukan will be present to deliver the proposal,
discuss various components and answer additional questions.
Sanjeev’s comments:
BSU’s will be the first totally online MBA program in the system….St. Cloud-f2f; Metro’s and
Southwest are blended…none others in the MnSCU system
 Catalog Copy was provided
 Included program learning outcomes
 The MBA is not a continuation of an undergraduate program…it is not intended to build
upon their undergraduate program, therefore, students background may not be in
Accounting, Business, etc…could be Engineering
 Program Admission Requirements added, which include work experience
 Moved section of all pre – reqs to put them in as program requirement
 Demonstrated competencies added
 Rationale – 6-9 new courses offered at 5000 rather than 6000 level---foundation courses
would not require work experience so may be taken as graduate special
students…however, students would still need to meet the admission requirements as
outlined in admission standards should they wish to apply for the MBA
 Capstone Class---typical for most MBA programs…thesis requirements are on the
decline, however, they will have a capstone….one class, MBA 6145, Strategy and
Management class must be taken at the very end.
 Syllabi must be taken with a grain of salt as it was created in 2009/10…the proposal
went forward; VP sat on it for 1 year so nothing happened; Griggs moved forward to
have Russell/Herder do the needs assessment; at this point the courses are now
obsolete…Sanjeev does not intend to teach any of the courses so the syllabi will need to
be re-written at the time of implementation of the MBA.
MBA 6110, Statistical and Quantitative Analysis meets competency requirement
ETS, Major Field Test meets the Written Examination requirement
Capstone experience class has been changed substantially-will include an application
case study-real life experience.
Each course will include group case studies.
Oral presentations will be done through video feeds
Action words have been changed as suggested
Graduate committee make up was discussed and Sanjeev agreed they would meet the
requirements as outlined in the current graduate catalog.
Sanjeev will provide an electronic copy of all paperwork (122 pages) to Rick Koch for
disbursement to the committee.
Committee members should be ready to discuss the MBA proposal at next week’s meeting.
2. Update on Graduate Student mini-grants (grant applications were due 11/21) Joan will send out
electronic copies of all five mini-grant applications. Committee members should be ready to
discuss at next meeting slated for Wedn., Dec. 5 at 10:00 a.m. in Sattgast 314.
Meeting adjourned at 10:50 a.m.
Joan Miller, Reporting Secretary
3. Graduate Faculty Orientation -