BSU Graduate Committee Meeting -MINUTES Wednesday - October 3, 2012 10:00-10:50am 314 Sattgast Hall Committee Website: Members Present: Christel Kippenhan, Richard Koch, Patty Hartshorn, Joan Miller, Carla NorrisRaynbird, John Gonzalez, Tammy Bobrowsky, Patricia Rogers, James McCracken, Michael Urban Members Absent: Mark Christensen, Heidi Hansen, Virgil Bakken I. Approval of the Minutes of 26 September 2012 (Document #1, 10/3/2012) [see committee website listed above if this direct link doesn’t work]. Christel moved (Tammy 2nd) to approve the minutes with one correction…BAUD should be BUAD. Motion carried. II. Announcements/FYI 1. Midwestern Association of Graduate Schools 68th Annual Meeting scheduled for April 10-12, 2013 in Minneapolis. III. Business 1. Curriculum proposal BUAD (online MBA) 12-13 #1 Christel asked Dr. Rogers to outline exactly what the role of the BSU Graduate Committee is for reviewing curriculum. She stated that it is the role of the Deans and Adm to determine any financial responsibility for new programs. The Graduate Committee should look at structure of the program, assessment, and does the program meet the current BSU guidelines? After much discussion, the following issues need to be sent forth to the Dept: a. Competency requirements need to be spelled out…an assumption cannot be made that the required stats course meets this requirement; b. Capstone experience needs more clarification…the capstone course appears to be another course and does not reflect the requirements of a capstone experience as outlined in the current graduate catalog; c. Catalog copy of the program needs to be submitted…exactly how will appear in the catalog? d. What are the entry requirements for the program? This would also be listed in the catalog copy; e. Stats course does not appear to be graduate level… f. How are the MBA prefixes being changed? What process is needed to make these changes at BSU and/or MnSCU? g. Rationale appears to be weak….needs more stats…the future courses (last paragraph)…why or should this be included? h. It is not clear if the coursework is offered in sequential order? Do the courses build off of one another or can courses be taken randomly, except for the final course? i. Pre-reqs need to be more clearly outlined. j. MBA 6145…this is the final capstone course, however, it does not follow the guidelines as to the capstone experience…this appears to be another course. k. Work experience? Is this a pre-req for admission into the MBA program? Christel moved (John 2nd) to have the proposal returned to the Dept to address structural and procedural issues. Once re-submitted to the BSU Graduate Committee, a possible invitation to attend a future committee meeting would be determined. Motion carried. Rick will provide a listing of all issues to the committee prior to sending it to the dept. Christel moved (Carla 2nd) to deny the approval of the MBA proposal as presented based on the committee’s feedback. The Dept will be given an opportunity to respond to committee concerns. Motion carried. Joan informed the committee that a marketing meeting is in the works to begin to promote the MBA program. She will contact Jackie Carroll and ask that the meeting be postponed until such time the program has proper approval. Meeting adjourned at 10:48 a.m. Next meeting will be Wed., Oct. 17 at 10 a.m. in Sattgast 314. Joan Miller, Reporting Secretary 2. Graduate Faculty Representative. Should we revisit the ‘role of the graduate faculty representative”? Chair received the following email from the Center for Environmental, Earth and Space Studies, Economics, and Sociology: "CEESSES advises the graduate committee to revise the role of the graduate representative to be an active part on the thesis, that graduate representatives must be asked to participate one semester prior to the final defense, and that the graduate representative would be identified on the proposal form. " (CEESSES Dept. Meeting Minutes, 4/16/2012) Currently, the position description of the graduate faculty representative reads in the graduate catalog as “A member of the graduate faculty-at-large (graduate faculty representative) will be appointed by the Dean, School of Graduate Studies, to serve as a procedural observer and a nonvoting participant in the oral examination.” Current information on Graduate Faculty Representative can be found at 3. 3rd member of advisory committee for Masters’ Degrees. Should we require that this 3rd member be from outside the major department? If so, could this 3rd member also serve as the graduate faculty rep.? 4. Graduate Faculty Orientation