University Supervisor Expectation Checklist 1. _____ Make a contact with the cooperating teacher and teacher candidate the first week of student teaching. Review the folder and locate forms on website. Let Marlene know if the cooperating teacher is different than what is on your assignment sheet. 2. _____ Formally observe the teacher candidate 3 times spread out over time. Submit the observation forms electronically to your teacher candidate and cooperating teacher. Complete your formative observations in a timely manner. Discuss your observations with the TC and CT. Remind your candidate to send signed electronic copies of observations/recommendations to our new email address: 3. _____ Complete a summative evaluation at the end of the student teaching experience. Complete an electronic copy of the summative evaluation on or before Dec. 11th and forward to Marlene. 4. _____ Write a letter of recommendation for each teacher candidate on or before Dec. 11th. Give a copy to your candidate. Original signature needed—electronic or by hand. Remind candidate to send signed electronic copies of observations/recommendations to our new email address: 5. _____ Remind the CT’s to write letter of recommendation no later than Dec. 11th, so they are able to receive stipend in a timely manner. 6. _____ Provide journal feedback weekly in d2l. 7. _____ Familiarize yourself with the requirements of the edTPA by reading the content on . 8. _____ Check teacher candidate’s standards attainment check list electronically or in person once a month. 9. _____ Check teacher candidates uploads and report to Director when all uploads are complete. At the end of the student teaching term, make sure your TC has all their required documents uploaded in d2l. Send Director an email no later than Dec. 16th with the status of the TC completion of requirements. Send reminders to teacher candidates throughout the semester. 10. _____ Keep track of absences. Notify Director if more than three. 11. _____ If remediation of a problem is necessary, notify the Director as soon as possible to facilitate a professional growth meeting. 12. _____ Turn in accurate travel expenses monthly. Manage your mileage as best you can. 13. _____ Deliver appreciation certificates (in your Orientation folder) to cooperating teachers at the last formal observation. Thank you notes are available but are optional. Contact Info: Marlene Erickson 218-755-2930 Clinical Experiences, 1500 Birchmont DR NE #35, Bemidji MN 56601 Fall 2015