FIELD·TEQ™ Organisers Quick Start Guide Version 2.0 Contents Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................ 3 Project Organiser .................................................................................................................................................... 3 Projects ............................................................................................................................................................... 5 Project Details ..................................................................................................................................................... 5 Safe Work Procedures ........................................................................................................................................ 6 Site Info ............................................................................................................................................................... 7 Risks .................................................................................................................................................................. 10 Other project pages .......................................................................................................................................... 11 Lodge a Project ................................................................................................................................................. 11 Activity Organiser ................................................................................................................................................. 13 Activity plans..................................................................................................................................................... 13 Day Plans .......................................................................................................................................................... 16 Personnel .......................................................................................................................................................... 17 Method/Tasks ................................................................................................................................................... 19 Assets ................................................................................................................................................................ 19 Other activity plan pages .................................................................................................................................. 20 Lodge an Activity Plan ....................................................................................................................................... 20 Page | 2 Introduction This guide is intended for organisers such as activity coordinators and project leaders. On small projects these roles are typically held by the same user. Organisers assume the responsibility of planning an activity or project. FIELD.TEQ by default assumes an activity coordinator will also participate and lead the field work and finally record what actually occurred. Projects comprise information about the intended activities including: Risk analyses Locations of project activities Activity plans. A project must be approved before any of its activity plans can be approved. Activity plans comprise information about the off-site activity including: Individual day plans Personnel and activity roles Assets Post activity records. Access to the PROJECT and ACTIVITY PLANS areas is granted automatically when a user is approved for an organiser role during registration approval. Project Organiser Project organisers are created by Administrators assigning the organisers to the required security groups. Further information is provided in the FIELD·TEQ Administrators Quick Start Guide. FIELD·TEQ provides a structured approval process for managing OHS compliance. Projects are approved for a range of activity types, any activities within the approved range of activity types can be added to the project without further approval from the project approver. Activities that fall outside the range of approved activity types require re-approval of the project. Projects are used to provide a high level overview for a range of activities—the details of each activity are contained in the activity plans associated with each project. FIELD·TEQ uses this hierarchical structure to ensure that projects and activities are OHS compliant and that the appropriate organisational oversight is provided at each level. All projects require acceptance by a nominated supervisor before entering the technical or administrative review steps. Projects that require a rigorous OHS review, such as diving are subjected to a technical review to Page | 3 ensure compliance and then move to the general administrative review where all the organisational OHS requirements are verified and approved or rejected. The project approval workflow is shown in Figure 1. Figure 1 Project Approval Workflow To lodge a project for approval the following FIELD·TEQ pages must be completed: Project Details—outline what the project is to do and how long it will take. Safe Work Procedures—assign project responsibilities for participants. Typically an approver will also require the following pages to be completed: Site Info—describes where the project activities will occur. Risks—create a risk profile for the project activities and locations. Further information can be provided using the following pages: Photos—upload images to assist project Approvers and participants. Attachments—upload documents to assist project approvers and participants understand the purpose of the project. Other project information is provided by the following pages: Page | 4 Admin—displays reviewer information. Reports—displays available printable reports on the project. Notices and Change logs—displays historical information on the project. Projects Projects are displayed on the Projects page in the PROJECTS area, an example is shown in Figure 2. An Organiser will see a list of projects that are filtered as follows: My Projects- displays the user’s current and upcoming projects or all of their past, current and upcoming projects depending on the button selections made. By default the page will display current and upcoming projects. Advanced Search—allows the user to view projects associated with their Organisation unit or one of its child Organisation units. Refer to FIELD·TEQ Participants Quick Start Guide for more information. Figure 2 Projects page Project Details The Project Details page must be completed to lodge the project for approval. The Project Details page comprises a range of information that provides an overview of the project, an example is shown in Figure 3. To create a new project: 1. Select the Add New button to display the Project Details page an example is shown in Figure 3. 2. Enter project details then select the Save button to complete the project creation. Fields with a red star are mandatory and must be completed before a project can be saved. Page | 5 Figure 3 Project Details page To edit an existing project: 1. Select the Details button for the project to display the Project Details page then select the Edit button to display the Project Details page with editable fields. 2. Edit project details then select the Save button to complete the project creation. Fields with a red star are mandatory and must be completed before a project can be saved. Important fields on the Project Details page are: Organisation unit/s—determines the organisation unit that is responsible for the project and controls users that can view the project. More than one organisational unit can be selected. Supervisors—these users provide the first review of the project in the approval process and typically provide guidance on how the project should be organised. Activities—outlines the type of activities for which you intend to make plans. Safe Work Procedures The Safe Work Procedures page is used to describe the responsibilities of project personnel and the procedures and personal equipment they will need for the project. 1. Select the Safe Work Procedures tab to display the Safe Work Procedures page. The Responsibilities of key personnel field must be completed for the project to be lodged, an example page is shown in Figure 4. Page | 6 Figure 4 Safe Work Procedures page in editable view To edit the Safe Work Procedures page: 1. Select the Edit button to display the Safe Work Procedures page with editable fields then enter the required information, select the Save button to complete the edit. After completing the Safe Work Procedures page the project can be lodged but it is likely the project supervisor will reject the project without completing at least the Risks and Site info pages. Site Info Site information comprises site location and information for managing emergencies. Sites can be added from the list of shared FIELD·TEQ sites or project specific sites can be added directly using the Site Info page, an example is shown Figure 5. 1. Select the Site Info tab to display the Site Info page. Page | 7 Figure 5 Site Info page To add a shared site: 1. Select the Link to Shared button to display the Shared Site Locations dialog, select the checkbox for the required site then select the Select button to display the sites list, an example is shown in Figure 6. Figure 6 A shared site linked to the project To add a new site: 1. Select the Add New button to display a blank Site Details page, an example is shown in Figure 7. Page | 8 Figure 7 An editable Site Details page 2. Complete the page then select the Save button to display the Site Info page. The new site will be added to the project Site Info page, an example is shown in Figure 8. Figure 8 Site Info page Page | 9 Risks A project risk profile is used to assess the suitability of activity plans and participants and is therefore an important project component for ensuring the project is safely executed. 1. Select the Risks tab to display the Risks page, an example is shown in Figure 9. Figure 9 Automatically added project risks New projects may have risks associated with the selected project and activity types that are automatically added at creation. Risks specific to the project are also added by the project leader. To add a risk: 1. Select the Add New button to display a blank Risk Details page then complete the required information, an example is shown in Figure 10. Figure 10 Editable Risk Details page Page | 10 2. Select the Save button to complete the addition and display the Risks page, an example is shown in Figure 11. Figure 11 The Risks page displaying a project type risk and a risk specific to the project The project is now in a state that will enable approvers to review and approve it. The following pages briefly describe the purpose of additional project tabs. Other project pages The remaining pages are used to provide information associated with the project: Photos and Attachments—provide storage for photos and attachments associated with the project such as project plans, manuals or overviews for participants. Admin—displays a brief summary of the project. Activity Plans—displays a list of activity plans associated with the project. Typically activity coordinators will navigate to this page to create an activity plan for the project. Projects need to be approved before activity plans can be lodged. Reports—displays a list of reports that can be used to create PDF reports on the Project Registration or Risk Assessment. Notices—displays a list of all notices associated with the project. All project notices can be viewed on this page. Change Logs—displays a list of change events for the project such as approval dates and approvers. Lodge a Project Once the project details have been completed the project can be lodged for approval. 1. Select the Lodge button on the Project Details page to display the Lodge dialog, an example is shown in Figure 12. Page | 11 The Lodge dialog displays informational and error messages. When error messages are displayed select the Cancel button resolve the errors and re-lodge the project. You can generate a report which will list the information and error messages by selecting the Generate Report button in the lower right of the Lodge dialogue box. Figure 12 Lodge dialog 2. Select the Confirm button to lodge the project for approval. Page | 12 Activity Organiser Activity organisers are typically users that have registered and been approved as activity coordinators in the role of Restricted Coordinator, Coordinator or Instructor for at least one Method/Task. Activity coordinators can create activity plans for off-site activities and are responsible for organising and leading any off-site activity they create. Activity plans Activity plans are used to organise an off-site activity simplifying the assignment of assets, personnel and approval for any off-site activity. Activity plans are typically created from the project Activity Plans page and the user creating the plan is automatically made the activity coordinator. Once a plan is created the role of activity coordinator cannot be reassigned. Activity plans must be associated with a project and can be created for any project with a Draft status. Activity plans cannot be lodged until the project has been approved. Activity plans that do not require approval have a simple one step workflow after being lodged where plans move from Draft to Lodged. Activity plans that require approval, such as a Dive Trip move to a technical review such as a Dive Officer Review after being lodged. This state indicates that a technical expert is reviewing the plan. After the review the plan moves to either the Approved or Rejected Pending Info states. The activity plan workflow is shown in Figure 13. Figure 13 Activity Plan workflow Page | 13 To lodge an activity plan for approval the following pages must be completed: Activity Plan Details—outline what the activity is to do and how long it will take. Day Plans—detail what is to occur on the days of the activity. Personnel—assign personnel to activity roles. Typically an approver will also require the following pages to be completed: Methods/Tasks—describe what tasks or methods will be used for the activity. Assets—describe the required equipment. Further information can be provided using: Photos—upload images to assist project Approvers and participants. Attachments—upload documents to assist project Approvers and participants understand the purpose of the project. Other project information is provided by the following pages: Post Activity Records—provides a record of what actually occurred including any incidents. Admin—provides reviewer information. Reports—provides printable reports on the project. Notices and Change logs—provides historical information on the project. Activity plans cannot be lodged until the project has been approved. Activity plans can be accessed from the Activity Plans page displayed when viewing the project details, an example is shown in Figure 14. 1. Select the PROJECTS area to display a list of all projects then select the Details button for the project that will use the activity plan. 2. Select the Activity Plans page to display a list of all the project activity plans. Figure 14 Activity Plans page accessed from within a project Page | 14 Activity plans can also be accessed from the Plans area by using the on screen filtering options. The user’s current and upcoming activity plans are displayed by default. To create a new activity plan: 1. Select the Add new button to display the New Activity Plan dialog shown in Figure 15. Figure 15 New Activity Plan dialog The confirmation dialog is to ensure that the coordinator understands that the plan being created is constrained by the existing project approvals. 2. Read the dialog text then select the Yes button to display a blank Activity Plan Details page. Page | 15 Figure 16 Activity Plan Details page The fields displayed on the Activity Plan Details page depend on the selected Activity type. Figure 16 shows an activity plan for a Dive trip. 3. Enter or select information in the required fields then select the Save button to complete the addition. To edit an activity plan: 1. Select the Details button to display the Activity Plan Details page then select the Edit button to display the Activity Details page with editable fields. 2. Enter or select information in the required fields then select the Save button to complete the editing. Day Plans Activity Day plans detail the activities that will occur on each day of the activity plan trip. When multiple project sites are visited in one day a day plan should be completed for each site. 1. Select the Day Plans tab from the Activity Plan Details page to display the Day Plans page To create a day plan: 1. Select the Add New button from the bottom row of the day plan list to display a Day Plan Details page with editable fields, an example is shown in Figure 17. Page | 16 Figure 17 Day Plan Details page 2. Complete the page then select the Save button to complete the addition. To edit a day plan: 1. Select the Details button for the day plan to display the Day Plan Details page then select the Edit button to display the page with editable fields. 2. Complete the page then select the Save button. Personnel Each activity requires personnel to fill appropriate activity roles. The number of roles displayed for an activity depends on the activity type; many activities will have limited roles. Typically activities that require rigorous OHS compliance requirements, such as diving will have a range of well-defined roles that must be filled to ensure the safety of the activity. Activity plan personnel can only be assigned to roles they are qualified and approved for and this is enforced by the selection dialog box for each role only displaying registered personnel with the appropriate approvals and qualifications. To add personnel to an activity plan: 1. Select the Personnel tab from the Activity Plan Details page to display the Personnel page that includes the Personnel on trip list. 2. Select the Edit button from the bottom of the page to display the list with Add… buttons, an example is shown in Figure 18. This list comprises all the activity roles and the participants assigned to perform that role. Page | 17 Figure 18 Editable Personnel page 3. Select the Add… button for the required role to display the Add to <role name> personnel dialog, an example is shown in Figure 19. The Add to <role name> personnel dialog displays personnel and their approvals and qualifications. Qualifications that have expired are displayed in red. Figure 19 Add to ...dialog Page | 18 4. Select the required personnel then select the Select button to add the selected person to the activity role. 5. Add further personnel as required. 6. Select the Save button at the bottom of the page to save all the personnel assignments. Method/Tasks The methods or tasks used in an activity are selected from the available methods or tasks displayed on the Methods/Tasks page. An activity can be lodged without completing this page but approvers typically review this page for completeness. The displayed methods or tasks are filtered by the activity coordinator’s method or task approvals. To edit the method or tasks: 1. Select the Methods/Tasks tab from the Activity Plan Details page to display the Methods/Tasks page then select the Edit button to display the page with editable fields, an example is shown in Figure 20. Figure 20 Editable Methods/Tasks page 2. Select the methods or task required for the activity plan then select the Save button to complete the edit. Assets The Assets page is used to record all the equipment required for the activity plan. Activity plans that do not require any assets can skip this section. To add assets to an activity plan: 1. Select the Assets tab from the Activity Plan Details page to display the Assets page then select the asset type from the drop-down list on the last line of the list to display further fields. 2. Complete the fields then select the Save New button to add the asset to the list, an example is shown in Figure 21. Page | 19 Figure 21 Adding Assets to an Activity Plan 3. Continue adding the required activity assets. To view a listed asset: 1. Select the Details button for the required asset to display the Asset Details page. Other activity plan pages The remaining pages are used to provide information associated with the activity plan: Photos and Attachments—provide storage for photos and attachments associated with the activity plan such as manuals or overviews for participants. Post Activity Records—provide a record of what actually took place during the activity and are typically required to complete the activity plan. Admin—displays a brief summary of the activity plan. Reports—displays a list of reports that can be used to create PDF reports for the activity plan. Notices—displays a list of all notices associated with the activity plan. All activity plan notices can be viewed on this page. Change Logs—displays a list of change events for the activity plan such as approval dates and approvers. Lodge an Activity Plan Once the activity plan details have been completed the activity plan can be lodged for approval: 1. Select the Lodge button on the Activity Details page to display the Lodge dialog, an example is shown in Figure 22. The Lodge dialog displays informational and error messages. When error messages are displayed select the Cancel button to resolve the errors and re-lodge the activity plan. Page | 20 Figure 22 Activity Plan Lodge dialog 2. Select the Confirm button to lodge the activity plan. Once the activity plan has been lodged (and approved where required) the fieldwork can begin. Page | 21