BSUFA MEET AND CONFER AGENDA APRIL 9, 2014 – 4:30 – 6:30 PM DEPUTY 301A OPENING QUERIES Are you considering retrenchment/re-organization? No Are any faculty members currently under investigation? Nature of investigation (no name needed). No Have any investigations been completed? Results?—Marybeth mentioned last time that an investigation had been completed, no information available. UPDATES Enrollment update- James described the very preliminary data for next fall based on applications, AAR registrations, and housing deposits (potentially down slightly). James also indicated the importance of retaining students to keep us on track in terms of our enrollment numbers. Mike Murray commented on faculty indicating that they thought the new AAR structure worked well. Graduate enrollment by dept. was requested by the IFO. Facilities update- Bill described the ongoing projects- focused on problems with communication and construction noise issues with the Benson project, which is only a small slice of the inconvenience the campus will feel once the larger projects get rolling (Memorial and Decker). Looked for ways to have better communication so students won’t be told to complain directly to the President. Once suggestion was to use social media to keep students more informed, consider the use of a construction webcam. Print shop/mailroom moving to Deputy second floor, Intl. Studies office moving to Birch Hall. Positions update - AA / EEO position – no updates on that position; Patrick mentioned that two searches had failed (microbiology and physiology) and that other searches were at various stages in the process, with some just getting started. Jeff Ueland asked if the Biology positions would be offered again next fall as Probationary positions, and Patrick indicated that the intention was to offer those as probationary positions in the fall. IFO requested adjunct list and supporting rationale for the next M & C. Budget update / NTC - Bill Maki- Bill handed out the budget information that was going to be presented on Thursday. Several questions were asked about specific line items. NTC update - President Hanson- information will be forthcoming once a report comes from the reinvention group May 1st. Athletics- no mention Campaign update- at about $27 million, nothing new since last update. CARRY OVER AGENDA ITEMS 1. Update on Student Preparedness for University Success President Hanson - (12-19-13) Some questions were asked- e.g. connection between this committee and SEMP- seems to be some overlap. President indicated there shouldn’t be much overlap. Need to develop long-term strategy to help underprepared students. 2. Course evaluation proposal Martin Tadlock - 1-29-14 Patrick mentioned that this was in here to solicit feedback. No written feedback was provided. Chris indicated it was DOA, that the faculty were not willing to consider this. Jeff Ueland asked how is this better than current practice. Patrick mentioned that it was intended to be campus-wide to take the burden of administering a survey away from faculty, and that it was intended to be part of all courses with more than 20 students. NEW ITEMS 3. White Whale update- Scott provided handouts, discussed plans. Chris reiterated that Depts have final approval over departmental websites. Scott Faust 4. New checklist for unclassified appointment Marybeth Christenson Jones Marybeth requested feedback- one comment was made regarding having HR more involved in ensuring that individuals eligible for prior consideration are identified at the appropriate stage in the process. 5. Relocation of BSUFA office Chris Brown Bill indicated that several options have been explored, and the current status will be provided once individuals currently using the space have been consulted. 6. Timeline calendars for tenure/promotion 2014-2015 Attachments Patrick Guilfoile Request for feedback on the proposed timelines. Concern was expressed over departments having time to provide feedback on tenure, etc. 7. Academic Assess. Cmte membership/ Release Time for Assess Faculty Patrick Guilfoile /Chris Brown Patrick indicated this was a request for two faculty to participate on the committee in lieu of the assessment coordinators. The work of the coordinators has diminished greatly, and so it was not felt that this was necessary. Jeff wondered if it was important to continue with the coordinators while we still are in the assessment academy. Patrick stated it was a measure of success that they were no longer needed. 8. Load/Overload guidelines for arranged courses Attachment Patrick Guilfoile Guidelines were presented for feedback. Jeff questioned the meaning of “regularly scheduled” would provide some alternative language. 9. Summer Chair 3-way sign off Chris Brown indicated that all extended chair summer duties required a three way sign off from the Chair/Dean/BSUFA. Chris Brown 10. Advising Success Center and Career Services James Parker James described the plan and rationale for combining these offices, and indicated that no positions would be lost. There will need to be greater cross-training for staff in both areas if they are merged. 11. Directory Information (attachment) Attachment James Parker James provided the proposed changes to what constitutes directory information. 200 students currently request exemption from reporting directory information. 12. Hard pre-reqs for BUAD Chris Brown Patrick mentioned this is something that could be considered for Spring of ’15. This requires work on the part of Records to move student information from DARS to ISRS. It also would require the participating departments (for Business, this would include accounting, mathematics, and economics) to thoroughly review transfer equivalencies, to simplify pre-requisites to reduce the change of a student not being able to register as a result of an error, and willingness on the part of instructors to review equivalencies in a timely manner. Agreed that Business and other interested departments could speak with Patrick and Michelle if they are interested in this. There is concern that this could negatively impact enrollment. 13. Laurel House with cost breakdown Bill indicated he would provide the information he has available at this point. Bill Maki 14. Graduate Assistant update & Graduate committee role Chris Brown / Bill Maki Question about the role of the Graduate Committee in making recommendations about Graduate Assistant positions. Appeared to be a conflict in what had been stated (that the Graduate Committee should make a recommendation) and graduate committee members’ understanding that they were not to be involved in this process. Martin will clarify. 15. Scheduling Consultant update Patrick Guilfoile Patrick indicated that a consultant is being hired in a limited role to make recommendations about improving scheduling in one department, with a focus on minimizing course conflicts for students. 16. Fixed Term prior consideration Chris Brown / Marybeth Christenson Jones This was addressed in the context of the checklist for unclassified positions- we indicated that we are following the contract on this. 17. Load report Chris Brown A hard copy was supplied to Chris regarding faculty teaching courses for no load credit. Patrick forwarded an electronic version the following day. 18. 19B money usage Bill Maki The IFO agreed that tangible items purchased with 19B or other University funds need to be shipped to the University. Questions were addressed about the appropriate method of paying for items, whether there had been a denial of purchases. IFO questioned who makes determination if request is or is not related to a faculty member’s field of study. No faculty member has been denied use of 19B funding for purchasing equipment or software. 19. Initial Salary Placement Formula Chris Brown We indicated we are following MnSCU guidelines for placement, and that initial salary was not equal for starting positions in all departments. We indicated we would follow up with further information about the process for making a salary determination. 20. Graduate Education Chris Brown Question about the status of graduate education- would the administration use the program indicators to eliminate programs with low enrollments. Patrick stated that the indicators were intended for departmental self-reflection to consider how they could make those programs more sustainable, and that there were no plans to use the indicators at this time for program prioritization. He also indicated that if the budget situation does become problematic decisions about resource utilization would need to be made. 21. Handicap Parking Reimbursement Chris Brown Bill indicated that this was in progress. All those that paid additional parking fee were contacted regarding reimbursement. REGULAR SCHEDULED MEET & CONFER MEETINGS – APRIL – MAY 2014: APRIL 30, 2014 - 4-6 pm - Deputy 301A MAY 7, 2014 - 4-6 pm - Deputy 301A Cancelled