1 Effects of linseed and quercetin added to the diet of 2 fattening lambs on the fatty acid profile and lipid 3 antioxidant status of meat samples S. Andrésa*, L. Morána, N. Aldaib, M.L. Tejidoa, N. Prietoc, R. Bodasd, F.J. 4 Giráldeza 5 6 7 a 8 24346 Grulleros, León (Spain) 9 b Instituto de Ganadería de Montaña (CSIC-Universidad de León). Finca Marzanas, E- LACTIKER Research Group, Lascaray Research Centre, University of the Basque 10 Country (UPV-EHU), Avda. Miguel de Unamuno 3, 01006 Vitoria-Gasteiz (Spain) 11 c 12 Lacombe Research Centre, 6000 C&E Trail, Lacombe, Alberta, T4L 1W1 (Canada). 13 d 14 Burgos, km. 119. E-47071 Valladolid (Spain) Department of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science, University of Alberta. Instituto Tecnológico Agrario, Junta de Castilla y León. Finca Zamadueñas. Ctra. 15 16 RUNNING HEAD: 17 18 19 *CORRESPONDING AUTHOR: Sonia Andrés, Instituto de Ganadería de Montaña 20 (CSIC-ULE) 24346 Grulleros - León, Spain. Tel. +34 987 307 054 Fax +34 987 317 21 161. E-mail: sonia.andres@eae.csic.es 22 1 23 Abstract 24 Thirty-two Merino lambs fed barley straw and a concentrate formulated either with 25 palm oil (CTRL group) or linseed (+LS group), both alone or supplemented with 26 quercetin (+QCT group or +LS+QCT group) were used to assess the effects of these 27 dietary supplements on meat quality attributes. After being slaughtered, the longissimus 28 thoracis muscles were used to study the fatty acid profile (FA) in detail, whilst 29 longissimus lumborum slices were stored under refrigerated conditions to determine the 30 lipid stability. Linseed increased the content of highly unsaturated n−3 long-chain fatty 31 acid (20:5n−3; 22:5n−3; 22:6n−3). Interestingly, a significant increment of rumenic acid 32 content (9c,11t-18:2) was observed when this seed was administered together with 33 dietary quercetin. Moreover, the feeding of quercetin resulted in a reduction in the 34 proportion of saturated FA and a decrease in lipid peroxidation of meat when the lambs 35 were fed linseed. In conclusion, from both a nutritional and a commercial (shelf-life) 36 point of view, it may be useful to include a source of quercetin when lambs are fed 37 linseed diets. 38 Keywords: fatty acids; antioxidants; linseed; quercetin; TBARS; meat. 39 1. Introduction 40 The scientific evidence establishes that diets that are high in saturated fat are related 41 to increased levels of blood total and low density lipoproteins, which are associated 42 with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease (Webb & O'Neill, 2008). Consequently, 43 consumers from developed countries are interested in fat composition and are currently 44 looking for meat products with added health benefits (Scollan, Hocquette, Nuernberg, 45 Dannenberger, Richardson, & Moloney, 2006). 2 46 Due to the fact that the fatty acid profile (FA) of lamb is characterised by a low 47 polyunsaturated/saturated FA ratio (PUFA/SFA) (Department of Health, 1984; Enser, 48 Hallett, Hewett, Fursey, Wood, & Harrington, 1998), numerous studies have attempted 49 to increase the proportion of PUFA and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) in the final 50 product, by means of different feeding strategies (Castro, Manso, Mantecón, Guirao, & 51 Jimeno, 2005; Bessa et al., 2007). In this regard, the use of linseed is one approach that 52 is known to increase levels of n−3 FA in pork, poultry, beef and dairy products and the 53 consumption of these enriched products increases erythrocyte n−3 FA levels in humans 54 (Legrand et al., 2010). Linseed contains ~40% oil and, of this, ~50–60% is linolenic 55 acid (18:3n−3), making linseed one of the richest plant sources of n−3 FA. 56 Furthermore, in ruminants, bacterial biohydrogenation of PUFA in the rumen can 57 result in the accumulation of other intermediates like trans-MUFA; with this regard 58 vaccenic acid (the precursor of rumenic acid) is considered positive for the health of 59 consumers. However, other intermediates such as dienes, whose biological effects are 60 still unknown, have been barely studied in milk or tissues (Harfoot & Hazlewood, 61 1997). While further information about these intermediates is being obtained, they 62 should be recognised, identified and quantified correctly using the appropriate 63 methodology. 64 Other studies have looked for new dietary supplements, such as phenolic compounds 65 (Patra & Saxena, 2009), some of which also have the ability to modify rumen 66 microbiota and PUFA metabolism (i.e. biohydrogenation) (Lourenco, Ramos-Morales, 67 & Wallace, 2010). In this sense, quercetin is a phenolic compound (flavonol) (Nair, 68 Kandaswami, Mahajan, Chadha, Chawda, Nair, Kumar, Nair, & Schwartz, 2002) whose 69 inclusion in the diet has been shown to modify the rumen population (Oskoueian et al., 3 70 2013). Consequently, quercetin might have the potential to modify the FA composition 71 of lamb. 72 It must also be considered that PUFA are susceptible to oxidation, and lipid 73 peroxidation plays a key role in colour changes and undesirable flavour development, 74 thus reducing product shelf-life (Elmore, Mottram, Enser, & Wood, 1999). Phenolic 75 compounds have shown potent antioxidant effects, such as metal chelation or free- 76 radical scavenging activities (Rice-Evans, Miller, & Paganga, 1997). Hence, the 77 antioxidant properties of quercetin may protect PUFA from lipid peroxidation. 78 Therefore, the aim of the present study was to investigate the FA profile and the lipid 79 stability against oxidation processes of lamb meat samples when linseed, quercetin or 80 both were included in the diet of light fattening lambs. 81 2. Material and methods 82 2.1. Animals and diets 83 Two weeks before the start of the trial, 32 male Merino lambs were treated with 84 Ivermectin (Ivomec, Merial Labs, Barcelona, Spain) and vaccinated against 85 enterotoxaemia (Miloxan, Merial Labs, Barcelona, Spain). 86 After stratification on the basis of body weight (BW; average of 15.5 ± 2.12 kg), the 87 lambs were randomly allocated into 4 different groups (2 replicates per dietary 88 treatment, 8 subgroups in total). All of the groups were fed their corresponding total 89 mixed ration (TMR) as described below: two replicates comprised the control group 90 (CTRL, 4 animals per replicate; 34 g palm oil kg-1 of TMR), two replicates were fed 91 ground linseed (+LS, 4 animals per replicate; 85 g linseed kg-1 of TMR), two replicates 92 were fed control diet plus quercetin (Shaanxi Sciphar Biotechnology Co., Ltd, Xi'an, 93 China) (+QCT, 4 animals per replicate; 34 g palm oil plus 2 g quercetin kg-1 of TMR), 4 94 and two replicates were fed ground linseed plus quercetin extracted form Sophora 95 japonica L (+LS+QCT, 4 animals per replicate; 85 g linseed plus 2 g quercetin kg-1 of 96 TMR). The four TMRs were formulated to be isoenergetic and isoproteic. The 97 ingredients and chemical composition of TMR are shown in Table 1. All handling 98 practices followed the recommendations of Directive 2010/63/EU for the protection of 99 animals used for scientific purposes and all animals were able to see and hear other 100 animals. 101 [INSERT TABLE 1 NEAR HERE, PLEASE] 102 After 7 days of adaptation to the basal diet, all of the lambs were fed the 103 corresponding TMR (CTRL, +LS, +QCT and +LS+QCT) during the experimental 104 period (at least 5 weeks, until the animals reached the intended BW, approx. 25 kg). The 105 TMR was weighed and supplied ad libitum at 9:00 a.m. every day, and fresh drinking 106 water was always available. Samples of feed offered and orts (approximately 20% of 107 total offered) were taken daily, weighed, pooled to a composite sample each week, 108 oven-dried at 55°C for at least 72 h (to constant weight), ground to pass through a 1-mm 109 screen using a Willey mill (Arthur H. Thomas, Philadelphia, PA), and stored until 110 analysed. 111 2.2. Slaughter procedure, packaging, and storage of meat samples 112 The animals were slaughtered on four different days; two lambs per group per day. 113 The lambs were selected each day according to their weight (24.8 ± 1.05 kg) and 114 slaughtered by stunning and exsanguination from the jugular vein; they were then 115 eviscerated and skinned. 116 After chilling for 24 hours at 4ºC, the longissimus thoracis (LT) and longissimus 117 lumborum (LL) muscles were removed from both carcass sides. The LT samples were 5 118 freeze-dried and ground before chemical analysis (Andrés, Tejido, Bodas, Morán, 119 Prieto, Blanco, & Giráldez, 2012), and further FA profile determination. The LL 120 samples were cut into 2.5 cm thick slices, placed on impermeable polypropylene trays, 121 over-wrapped with an oxygen-permeable polyvinylchloride film (580 ml m-2 h-1) and 122 then stored under simulated retail display conditions [12 h daily fluorescent illumination 123 (34 W) and 3±1ºC] for 0, 7 and 14 days. Then, the samples were frozen at -30ºC until 124 used for TBARS analysis. 125 2.3. Fatty acid analysis 126 All details regarding lipid extraction and FA determination (GC conditions, peak 127 separation and identification using two complementary columns: 100m SP2560 and 128 100m SLB-IL111, FAME standards) of lamb meat samples have been previously 129 described in Kramer et al. (2008) and Aldai, Lavín, Kramer, Jaroso, & Mantecón 130 (2012). For quantification purposes, 1 mL of internal standard (1 mg mL-1 23:0; N-23- 131 M, supplied by Nu-Chek Prep Inc., Elysian, MN, USA) was added prior to esterification 132 (base methylation). The FA methyl esters (FAME) were expressed as mg 100 g-1 fresh 133 meat and a percentage (%) of total FAME. 134 135 Some nutritionally-interesting indexes were also calculated, according to Ulbricht and Southgate (1991): 136 Saturation index (S/P) = (14:0+16:0+18:0)/(ΣMUFA+ΣPUFA) 137 Atherogenic index (AI) = (12:0+4×14:0+16:0)/(ΣMUFA+Σn-6+Σn-3) 138 Thrombogenic index (IC) = (14:0+16:0+18:0)/[(0.5×ΣMUFA+0.5×Σn-6+3×Σn- 139 3)/(Σn-6)] 140 2.4. TBARS analysis 6 141 Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances procedure (TBARS) was performed on pre- 142 thawed, raw LL samples displayed for 0, 7 and 14 days under the aforementioned 143 refrigerated storage conditions, according to Maraschiello, Sárraga, & García-Regueiro 144 (1999). The results were expressed as µg MDA g-1 meat. 145 2.5. Statistical analysis 146 Fatty acids and TBARS data (n=8 per group) were subjected to a two way analysis of 147 variance, using the GLM procedure of SAS (SAS, 1999) according to the following 148 model: 149 yijk = μ + LSi + QCTj + (LS×QCT)ij + εijk 150 where yijk is the dependent variable, μ is the overall mean, LS is the effect of linseed 151 addition, QCT is the effect of quercetin addition, LS×QCT is the effect of the 152 interaction between quercetin and linseed, and εijk is the residual error. Least square 153 means were generated and separated using the PDIFF option of SAS for main or 154 interactive effects, with the level of significance being determined at P < 0.05. 155 Results 156 3.1. Fatty acids composition of intramuscular fat 157 In absolute amounts, in general, meat samples obtained from lambs fed linseed (+LS 158 and +LS+QCT groups) had a significantly greater content of total FAME per 100 g of 159 fresh meat than CTRL and +QCT groups (Table 2). Differences in SFA, MUFA (cis 160 and trans) and PUFA were also related to the greater FAME content of the 161 aforementioned groups. Regarding trans-MUFA, even though significant differences 162 were observed for the total trans-18:1, where +LS+QCT showed the highest content, no 163 significant differences were observed for the two major trans isomers (10t- and 11t-18:1 7 164 or vaccenic acid, VA) and their ratio. It was interesting to note that the 11t-/10t- ratio 165 was >1, indicating the high content of 11t-18:1 in all treatments. Significant differences 166 observed for the total PUFA content between treatments were mainly related to the 167 higher content of n−3 FA (18:3n−3, 20:5n−3, 22:5n−3, 22:6n−3) in linseed-fed lamb 168 muscles (P<0.001) in comparison to CTRL and +QCT treatments. In relation to n−6 FA, 169 there were no significant differences between treatments. Therefore, the n−6/n−3 ratio 170 was significantly higher in CTRL and +QCT (average of 4.59) in comparison to +LS 171 and +LS+QCT (average 3.18) treatments. No significant differences were found for the 172 total CLA content (Table 2), but significant interactions were observed for rumenic acid 173 (RA, 9c,11t-18:2; P=0.039) and VA (P=0.024). Most of the total CLA consisted of RA 174 and 11t,13c-18:2, which represented over 50% and 30%, respectively. Non-conjugated 175 diene (NC-18:2) content was significantly higher in meat from flax-fed lambs. 176 [INSERT TABLE 2 NEAR HERE, PLEASE] 177 When the results were expressed on a percentage basis (Table 3), meat from lambs 178 fed quercetin showed a lower sum of saturated FA (SFA, P=0.015) and, consequently, a 179 significant improvement of nutritional indexes such as atherogenic (AI, P=0.029, Table 180 2) and saturation (S/P, P=0.022, Table 2). The effect of linseed on SFA did not seem to 181 be remarkable, whereas in general terms, branched-chain FA (BCFA) were not 182 modified by either LS or QCT. 183 [INSERT TABLE 3 NEAR HERE, PLEASE] 184 Although significantly higher values (LS effect) were observed for several individual 185 cis-MUFA and total trans-18:1, the percentage of total monounsaturated FA (MUFA) 186 was not statistically different between dietary treatments (Table 4). The effect of 187 quercetin on MUFA did not seem to be remarkable. 8 188 [INSERT TABLE 4 NEAR HERE, PLEASE] 189 The total polyunsaturated FA (PUFA) including long-chain PUFA (20-to-22 carbon), 190 CLAs, non-conjugated dienes (NC-18:2) and 9c,11t,15c-18:3 (NC-18:3, rumelenic acid) 191 percentages are presented in Table 5. The relative abundance of total n−3 PUFA 192 (P<0.001), together with α-linolenic acid (ALA, 18:3n−3; P<0.001) and eicosapentanoic 193 acid (EPA, 20:5n−3; P=0.019), were greater in the meat of lambs fed linseed. On the 194 contrary, the relative abundance of cis-7,10,13,16-docosatetraenoic acid (22:4n−6; 195 P=0.006) was significantly decreased in the meat of these animals when compared to 196 the CTRL and +QCT lambs. No significant differences were detected for the total n−3 197 and n−6 PUFA when quercetin was supplemented in the diet. 198 Interestingly, dietary quercetin promoted a significant increment in the relative 199 abundance of conjugated FA (Table 5), and significant interactions LS×QCT were 200 observed for RA (P=0.016) and total CLA content (P=0.049). Moreover, total NC-18:2 201 and rumelenic acid (NC-18:3) percentages were significantly increased and decreased, 202 respectively, in the meat when lambs were fed linseed (Table 5). 203 204 [INSERT TABLE 5 NEAR HERE, PLEASE] 3.2 TBARS analysis 205 The evolution of mean TBARS values for each dietary treatment is presented in 206 Figure 1. No significant differences were observed in MDA values during the first day 207 (day 0) of refrigerated storage. As the refrigerated storage period progressed (day 7), a 208 significant effect of linseed was detected (P=0.024), with +LS and +LS+QCT meat 209 samples showing greater MDA values than CTRL and +QCT groups. After 14 days of 210 refrigerated storage, the effect of linseed still was significant (P=0.038), but also 9 211 corresponded to the dietary quercetin (P<0.001) with +QCT and +LS+QCT meat 212 samples showing lower MDA values than CTRL and +LS groups, respectively. 213 [INSERT FIGURE 1 NEAR HERE, PLEASE] 214 4. Discussion 215 4.1. Fatty acid composition of intramuscular fat 216 The content and composition of specific FA in meats is an important factor in 217 assessing its nutritional quality. Particularly interesting has been the higher fatty acid 218 content in the meat of the lambs fed linseed (P=0.025, Table 2), which affected almost 219 all of the other individual FA in absolute amounts (per serving size or 100 g of fresh 220 meat; De Smet, Raes, & Demeyer, 2004). This is in agreement with the results reported 221 by Huang et al. (2008), who explained that feeding n−3 PUFA during a long time may 222 stimulate the differentiation of pre-adipocytes into adipocytes, thus enhancing 223 intramuscular fat accumulation. 224 Also notable in our study is the type of trans-FA present (Aldai et al., 2009; Leheska 225 et al., 2008), the content of LC-PUFA (specifically EPA and DHA), the type and 226 amount of conjugated FA (especially RA, the major CLA isomer in our meat samples 227 which, moreover, has been linked to several health benefits), and the level of SFA. 228 Thus, among the trans-FA, both 10t-18:1 and VA were the predominant trans-18:1 229 isomers in the meat samples of all groups, with a trend towards significantly higher 230 levels in both FA in the meat of linseed-fed lambs when expressed as mg/100 g of meat 231 (Table 2), probably as a consequence of the conversion of PUFA to trans-18:1 isomers 232 in the rumen of the lambs. However, t10-shift was not observed. Other studies, on the 233 contrary, have described an exacerbation of 10t-shift when dairy cows had been 234 supplemented with diets high in linoleic (corn) and low in fibre (Griinari et al., 1998) or 10 235 cows fed diets with increased levels of oils or oilseeds rich in linoleic acid such as 236 soybean oil (Piperova et al., 2000) and sunflower oil (Roy et al., 2006; Cruz-Hernandez 237 et al., 2007). 10t-18:1 has been reported to accumulate in concentrate-fed animals 238 (Bessa, Portugal, Méndes, & Santos-Silva, 2005), while rumenic acid (RA, c9,t11-18:2) 239 and its precursor vaccenic acid (VA, t11-18:1) have been found to accumulate in forage- 240 finished ruminants (Dugan et al., 2007; Aldai et al., 2011, 2012). Regarding other t-18:1 241 isomers, increased levels of t12- to t16-18:1 were observed in animals fed linseed 242 (around 8.5% of 18:3n−3 in the whole diet, Table 1). This was also described in milk fat 243 (Rego et al., 2009), muscle and backfat (Bessa et al., 2007; Nassu et al., 2011) and 244 duodenum flow (Shingfield et al., 2011) of ruminants fed with linseed. However, apart 245 from the health benefits described for VA (11t-18:1), at this time it is not possible to 246 assess the health implication of each of all the individual trans-18:1 isomers. 247 Based on levels of intermediates present, biohydrogenation of LNA renders 248 9c,11t,15c-18:3 (NC-18:3, rumelenic acid), which is subsequently hydrogenated to the 249 non-conjugated diene 11t,15c-18:2 (NC-18:2) by ruminal microorganisms, but does not 250 lead to the formation of any CLA isomers (Table 5). For this reason, Jenkins, Wallace, 251 Moate, & Mosley (2008) suggested that the eventual goal would be to regulate 252 biohydrogenation to the point that any number of desired CLA isomers could be 253 delivered to body tissues. In this sense, the interaction LS×QCT observed for total CLA 254 content (Table 5) was of interest, thus indicating a positive additive effect of quercetin 255 when supplemented together with linseed. This effect was mainly linked to the increase 256 of RA (the major CLA isomer) and its precursor, vaccenic acid. 257 Also, it must be pointed out that very few studies have analysed 18:3 isomers present 258 in the ruminal contents or tissues of ruminants. In the present study, +LS and +LS+QCT 259 lambs had significantly higher and lower levels of NC-18:2 and NC-18:3, respectively, 11 260 compared to lambs from the other treatments. As stated beforehand, PUFA are 261 subjected to isomerisation and reduction by rumen bacteria producing numerous trans- 262 containing metabolites which can be deposited into tissues (Gómez et al., 2009). 263 However, the potential health effects of all of these new metabolites require further 264 investigation (Dugan, Aldai, Aalhus, Rolland, & Kramer, 2012). 265 Currently, the trans issue is of special concern. Most regulatory agencies have 266 excluded ruminant meat or dairy products from mandatory labelling of the trans-FA 267 content based on the positive effects of VA (11t-18:1) and RA (9c,11t-18:2) (see review 268 by Aldai et al. 2013 for more information regarding the regulation of trans fats). 269 However, this assumption may not be valid under some feeding practices when 270 ruminants are fed high concentrate diets (Aldai et al., 2009; Aldai, Dugan, Juárez, 271 Martínez, & Osoro, 2010; Leheska et al., 2008). In the present study, the presence of 272 11t-18:1 was slightly higher in comparison to 10t-18:1. However, if total trans-18:1 273 from ruminant fats was to be declared per serving size, it would be between 40.1 and 274 70.1 mg for all the dietary treatments (Table 2). Even including VA, the total trans 275 would be below the trans regulation limits established in Canada (0.2 g per serving size) 276 and in USA (0.5 g per serving size), for example. 277 An assessment of both the absolute and relative amounts of the n−6 and n−3 PUFA 278 is important for meat evaluation (Gebauer, Harris, Kris-Etherton, & Etherton, 2005). 279 The n−3 LC-PUFA are of special interest because of the limited conversion of 18:3n−3 280 to 22:6n−3 in humans (Barcelo-Coblijn & Murphy, 2009), and the need to find 281 alternative sources of n−3 LC PUFA, other than marine products (Brunner, Jones, Friel, 282 & Bartley, 2009). In general, the extensive rumen biohydrogenation promotes a low 283 content of n−3 PUFA in ruminants (Scollan et al., 2006). However, the results of this 284 study showed that the content of total n−3 PUFA, 18:3n−3 and the n−3 LC-PUFA 12 285 20:5n−3, 22:5n−3 and 22:6n−3 in the meat was significantly higher in lambs fed linseed 286 (Table 2). These data suggest a significant conversion rate of 18:3n−3 to n−3 LC- 287 PUFA, provided that none of the n−3 LC-PUFA were diet-derived. However, when the 288 FA were expressed as percent of total FAME, only the LC-PUFA 20:5n−3 was 289 significantly greater in the linseed-fed lambs. Increased levels of neutral rather than 290 phospholipids associated with higher levels of fat in meat, and the preferential 291 accumulation of LC-PUFA in the phospholipid fraction (De Smet et al., 2004) could 292 explain the decreases in the relative proportion of the LC-PUFA in the meat of the 293 lambs being fed linseed when expressed on a percentage basis (Table 5). The n−6/n−3 294 PUFA and LC-PUFA ratios were generally lower in the meat of +LS and +LS+QCT 295 lambs compared to CTRL and +QCT groups (Table 2). Therefore, based on the amount 296 of n−3 LC-PUFA and their n−6/n−3 in the meats, feeding linseed to lambs appears to 297 provide a meat with a healthier FA profile. 298 The feeding of quercetin resulted in a reduction in the proportion of SFA when 299 expressed as a percentage of total FAME (Table 3), which makes the meat more 300 suitable for human nutrition. Accordingly, quercetin dietary supplementation positively 301 affected the atherogenic (AI) and saturation (S/P) indexes of meat, with a decrease of 302 these parameters in the +QCT and +LS+QCT groups (Table 2). 303 Ovine meat has other minor lipid components such as the BCFA. Higher levels of 304 BCFA typically result when readily-fermentable carbohydrate sources are available, 305 causing an increase in propionate production (Wood, 1984). However, in the present 306 study, excepting anteiso 17:0, no significant differences in the BCFA percentages were 307 observed between dietary treatments (Table 3), probably because all of the diets offered 308 to the animals showed similar carbohydrate contents and compositions (Table 1). 13 309 4.2 TBARS analysis 310 As expected, no differences were observed in the TBARS values between dietary 311 treatments on the first day of refrigerated storage. However, TBARS values were 312 increased in all groups with advancing refrigerated storage periods as a consequence of 313 lipid peroxidation. After 7 days of refrigerated storage, TBARS values were 314 significantly greater for the meat of the lambs being fed linseed (P=0.024), probably due 315 to the higher content of PUFA (Table 2). This effect was more pronounced after 14 days 316 of refrigerated storage (P=0.038, LS effect). In general terms, the results are similar to 317 those described by Moloney, Kennedy, Noci, Monahan, & Kerry (2012) in meat from 318 lambs fed linseed as oil or seeds. 319 However, after 14 days of refrigerated storage, a significant reduction of TBARS 320 values was also observed when quercetin was included in the diet of the lambs 321 (P<0.001, QCT effect). Several other studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of 322 dietary phenolic compounds in order to reduce lipid peroxidation of raw (Morán et al., 323 2012) and cooked meat samples (Nieto et al., 2011). However, to our knowledge, this is 324 the first study proving the success of quercetin to reduce the lipid peroxidation of raw 325 meat samples during refrigerated storage. These results are in agreement with those 326 previously published by the same authors (Andrés, Huerga, Mateo, Tejido, Bodas, 327 Morán, Prieto, Rotolo, & Giráldez, 2013), where the usefulness of quercetin to limit the 328 lipid peroxidation of cooked meat samples was highlighted. Both results are especially 329 important, since it has recently been described that, unlike in monogastric species, 330 quercetin aglycone may have a low bioavailability in ruminants after intraruminal (or 331 oral) application (Berger et al., 2012). 332 5. Conclusions 14 333 According to the results of the present study, even though the total fatty acid content 334 is increased significantly with dietary linseed, the total n−3 fatty acid content would 335 contribute to making a healthier meat product. Regarding quercetin, the inclusion of this 336 flavonoid in the diets of lambs being fed linseed may offer some interesting aspects 337 given the numerous positive effects that CLA is believed to have on human health. 338 Also, the feeding of quercetin seems to reduce the concentration of SFA and improve 339 the nutritional profile of the meat. Finally, quercetin may reduce the lipid peroxidation 340 of the meat when the lambs are fed linseed, thus extending the shelf life of this product. 341 Consequently, according to the results of the present study, the addition of a source of 342 quercetin to the diet of the lambs when these animals are being fed linseed seems to be 343 interesting from different perspectives. 344 Acknowledgements 345 Financial support received from ‘Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Castilla y 346 León’ (Project CSI185B11-2) is gratefully acknowledged. María Luisa Tejido, Raúl 347 Bodas, and Nuria Prieto had a JAE-Doc contract and Lara Morán was supported by a 348 JAE-Predoc grant under the programme ‘Junta para la Ampliación de Estudios’ (CSIC- 349 European Social Fund). Noelia Aldai thanks the Spanish Ministry of Science and 350 Innovation and the University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU) for the contract 351 through the ‘Ramón y Cajal (RYC-2011-08593)’ program. 352 References 353 Aldai, N., Dugan, M. E. R., Juárez, M., Martínez, A., & Osoro, K. (2010). Double- 354 muscling character influences the trans-18:1 and conjugated linoleic acid profiles in 355 concentrate-fed yearling bulls. Meat Science, 85, 59–65. 15 356 Aldai, N., Dugan, M. E. R., Rolland, D. C., & Kramer, J. K. G. (2009). Survey of the 357 fatty acid composition of Canadian beef: Backfat and longissimus lumborum 358 muscle. Canadian Journal of Animal Science, 89, 315–329. 359 Aldai, N., Lavín, P., Kramer, J. K. G., Jaroso, R., & Mantecón, A. R. (2012). Breed 360 effect on quality veal production in mountain areas: emphasis on meat fatty acid 361 composition. Meat Science, 92, 687–696. 362 Aldai, N., de Renobales, M., Barron, L.J.R., Kramer, J.K.G. (2013). 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