Stellar Tidal Disruption Flares: an EM Signature of Black Hole Merger and Recoil Nicholas Stone in collaboration with Avi Loeb GWPAW – Milwaukee – 1/28/11 Motivation EM counterpart necessary to study host galaxy properties, SMBH population statistics If EM counterpart exists, BH mergers could be used as standard sirens Precision cosmology independent of the standard cosmological distance ladder (Holz & Hughes 2005) Previous proposed EM counterparts require uncertain premerger accretion flows We propose flares from tidally disrupted stars as prompt and perhaps repeating EM signatures for a wide class of SMBH mergers Key numerical relativity prediction: high-velocity (>100 km/s) recoils as generic feature of black hole mergers Supermassive Black Hole Mergers SMBH binaries regularly form as consequence of hierarchical galaxy evolution Final parsec problem: Dynamical friction can reduce abin to ~pc scales But GW emission only merges in less than a Hubble time on ≤mpc scales Possible solutions (Milosavljevic & Merritt 2003): Collisional relaxation (effective only for MBH<107M) Significant nuclear triaxiality Presence of accreting gas (also suppresses vk) Black Hole Recoil Numerical relativity simulations increasingly convergent between groups (Lousto et al. 2010) Gas accretion can align spins, suppress large vk (Bogdanovic et al 2007) PostNewtonian resonances could also align spins (Kesden et al 2010) Lousto 2010 vk distribution: -Unaligned spins -30° alignment -10° alignment Tidal Disruption Events (TDEs) Tidal disruption radius Above ~108 M, rt≤rs M BH rt R M* *3 2 Exception: Kerr BHs, up to ~5x108 M (Beloborodov et al. 1992) At least half thestellar mass unbound with large spread in energy Ý t 5 / 3 Mass fallback rate M Supernova-like UV/X-ray emission, some optical Observed rate ~10-5 /galaxy/yr Evans & Kochanek 1989 Donley et al. 2002 Strubbe & Quataert 2009 Tidal Disruption Rates For a stationary SMBH, governed by relaxation into 6D loss cone (LC) r r2 x v J 2 J lc2 2GMBH rt Theoretical estimates 10-4 – 10-6 stars/yr Rates highest in small, cuspy galaxies SMBH recoil instantaneously shifts phase space and refills loss cone Loss cone drains on a dynamical time (<< relaxational time) TDE rate up to 104-5 x stationary SMBH rate r r r 2 x (v v k ) J 2 J lc2 2GMBH rt Merritt & Milosavljevic 2003 Our Model Phase space shift could identify recoil in two ways TDE signal after LISA signal Repeating TDEs within one galaxy Use pre-coalescence distribution functions of stars, f(J, E) Then shift coordinates in velocity space, and integrate over new loss cone to get total number of draining stars Cuts in energy limit us to short period (<100 yr) stars Two models for f(J, E) Wet merger Dry merger Dry Mergers Final parsec problem solved by These lead respectively to the following density profiles ρ=kr-γ: Collisional relaxation (if MBH<107M) Triaxiality Joint core-cusp profiles (transition at 0.2rinfl) Cores Therefore we consider both core galaxies (γ=1) and the joint (γ=1, 1.75) result of Merritt et al 2007 Salpeter mass function Dry Mergers: Pre-Merger Loss Cone SMBHs decouple from stellar population when aÝstars aÝGW , at separation aE Remove all stars with a<aE But relaxation in J is faster than in E To fill a gap in J-space takes aE Tgap Trelax rinf So there is a second decoupling (aJ) when Tgap>TGW Remove all stars with pericenters rp<aJ Dry Mergers: Results N<(t) is the number of stars disrupted < t years after SMBH merger As mass increases: More stars in post-kick LC Orbital periods in post-kick LC increase As velocity increases: Overlap between postand pre-kick LCs shrink Fewer stars remain on bound orbits Dry Mergers: Results The first post-merger TDEs occurs sooner for: Higher kicks (up to a point) Lighter SMBHs The opposite characteristics lead to more total post-merger TDEs Pure core models produce negligible TDEs Wet Mergers Large accretion flows can solve final parsec problem But – two factors could dramatically increase N<(t) Will dynamically produce low-density stellar core => no postkick TDEs? Star formation Disk migration We model f(J,E) with a simple power-law cusp We set the inner boundary for pericenters to where TGW=Tvisc Note that large vk will be suppressed Wet Mergers: Results Much higher values of N<(100) Sequential TDEs detectable on timescale of years Significantly more uncertainties in this model Star formation Resonances with disk Wide range of disk parameters Note that we assume (M, R) for all stars Other Factors Cosmological enhancement Higher rate, longer delay until first event? Unequal mass SMBH binaries Resonance in dry mergers Resonant capture can in principal migrate stars inward as binary hardens Demonstrated for the 1:1 Trojan resonance by Seto & Muto 2010 Could be relevant for higher-order mean-motion resonances also – we are currently investigating this Conclusions The phase space shift caused by BH recoil will: The dry merger rates could be dramatically enhanced if MMRs can migrate 10s-100s of stars Time domain surveys in LISA era can use this effect for localization of SMBH merger Produce TDEs at a time t~10s of years after GW signal for dry mergers Perhaps produce repeating TDEs for wet mergers at t~few years after GW signal Confirm strong GR predictions Precision cosmology (standard sirens) Independent confirmation of recoil possible if repeating TDEs observed Calibration of LISA event rate Questions? Observational Constraints Time-domain surveys expected to observe ~10s-1000s of TDEs/yr (Gezari et al. 2009, Strubbe & Quataert 2009) Spatial offsets: we assume LSST resolution ~0.8” LSST particularly promising With photometric subtraction of bulge astrometric precision is FWHM/SNR We assume SNR~10 in our calculations, so detectable offsets of ~0.08” Kinematic offsets: UV spectral followup ideal, but uncertain in LSST era Next best is X-ray, we consider SXS (ASTRO-H) as example 7eV resolution at 10 keV => ~200 km/s offsets detectable if wind velocity is small or can be firmly modeled Tidal Disruption Flares Recent work (Strubbe & Quataert 2009, 2010) models lightcurves/spectra in more detail Accretion torus radiates in the UV/soft X-ray for ~months to ~years Becomes bluer with time Optical and line emission from unbound gas Possible super-Eddington outflow lasting ~weeks Dynamics not settled, but super-Eddington outflows potentially highly luminous in optical (~1043-44 erg/s) Strubbe & Quataert 2009 A Kinematic Recoil Candidate Interpretation of this spectra, by Komossa et al. 2008, has since been disputed Other possibilities: SMBH binary Chance quasar superposition Absorption in Super-Eddington Outflows Predicted by Strubbe & Quataert 2010 (SQ) and Loeb & Ulmer 1997 (LU) for very different super-Eddington models LU scenario: radiation pressure isotropizes returning debris Radiation pressure supports quasi-spherical envelope with smaller accretion disk in center X-ray/UV absorption lines on surface of envelope, thermally broadened ~10s km/s SQ scenario: super-Eddington fallback launches polar wind Wind speed highly uncertain, but features X-ray/UV absorption lines Spectral detection not feasible if vwind>>vkick LISA Localization Capabilities LISA taskforce estimates: 8.2 events/yr localized to within 10 deg2 2.2 events/yr localized to within 1 deg2 Holz & Hughes 2005 provide galaxy column density Eliminating Sources of Confusion Triple SMBH systems with gravitational slingshot Presence of 1 or more SMBH in galactic center (Civano et al. 2010) Host galaxies have very large mass deficits, velocity anisotropy (Iwasawa et al 2008) No GW signal SMBH binaries Very hard (<pc) scale binaries will display interrupted tidal flares Wider binaries potentially resolvable (spatially or spectrally) No TDE kinematic offset for Kozai scenario No GW signal Observability Time-domain sky surveys expected to observe ~10s-1000s of TDEs/yr (Gezari et al. 2009, Strubbe & Quataert 2009) LSST particularly promising Higher numbers (1000s/yr) if super-Eddington outflows behave as in Strubbe & Quataert 2009 Two ways to verify a recoil-associated TDE Spatial offsets Spectral offset between host galaxy and absorption lines in superEddington outflow (less certain) Observational Constraints Peak optical luminosity ~1040-42 erg/s for disk, ~1043-44 for super-Eddington outflows Spatial offsets: we assume LSST resolution ~0.8” With photometric subtraction of bulge astrometric precision is FWHM/SNR We assume SNR~10 in our calculations, so detectable offsets of ~0.08” Kinematic offsets: UV spectral followup ideal, but uncertain in LSST era Next best is X-ray, we consider SXS (ASTRO-H) as example 7eV resolution at 10 keV => ~200 km/s offsets detectable if wind velocity is small or can be firmly modeled