Magnetic coupling noise in a Torsion-bar Antenna for Gravitational wave Observation Department of physics, Graduate school of science, University of Tokyo Kenshi Okada Abstract Torsion-bar Antenna (TOBA) → Sensitive to low-frequency (0.1-1 Hz) GWs on the ground A sensitivity of h ~ 10-19 at 0.1-1 Hz could be realized using 10m scaled TOBA Prototype detectors (test mass : 20cm) using superconductive magnetic levitation are developed Superconductor For demonstration and noise evaluation → the noise level is limited by magnetic noise and seismic noise Next step is to upgrade the detector (ex. magnetic shield) Magnet Magnetic field Test mass Torsion-bar Antenna (TOBA) Low frequency (0.1–1 Hz) GWs are very important targets for cosmology and astronomy (ex. stochastic GW background) ・ Ground based Laser-interferometric detector Not sensitive below 10 Hz ・ Space-borne mission Requires huge resources and time So we propose... New type of gravitational-wave detector for low-frequency (0.1–1 Hz) GW on the ground Torsion-bar antenna (TOBA) M. Ando et al, 2010, Phys. Rev. Lett., 105, 161101 Lower cost compared to space crafts Able to repair and upgrade on the ground Principle of Torsion-bar Antenna Interferometric detector z Torsion-bar Antenna GW z GW y y mirror mirror Laser mirror x mirror Torsion bar photodetector Detect differential length change Detect rotation The rotation is read by an interferometer x Principal sensitivity of TOBA Sensitivity of 10 m scaled TOBA (example) M. Ando et al, 2010, Phys. Rev. Lett., 105, 161101 Bar length :10m, Mass : 7600 kg Bar Q-value : 105 , Temp : 4K Support Loss : 10-10 Read-out by Fabry-Perot Interferometer Laser source : 1064 nm, 10W Cavity length : 1 cm Finesse : 100 Suspension of the test mass : Strong force for suspension and low support loss are needed → Superconducting magnetic levitation is used in prototype detectors Overview of prototype detector Prototype detector using superconducting magnetic levitation For demonstration and noise evaluation Test mass Pulse tube cyrocooler Support made of low thermal-conductivity Inverted T-shape Bar length : 200 mm ・ Feedback → coil-magnet actuator ・ Readout of rotation → Michelson interferometer Wavelength : 1064 nm Output : 40mW 600 mm Two prototype detectors are developed in Tokyo and Kyoto Superconducting magnetic levitation Pulse tube cryocooler Lowest achieved temperature : 63 K Superconductor Pinning effect Almost zero gradient of magnetic force around the rotational axis Gd-Ba-Cu-O Φ 60 mm, t 20 mm Critical temperature : 92 K Superconductor Magnet Magnetic field Test mass Test mass Magnet Nd φ22mm×10mm Mass:131 g Bar length:20 cm Moment of inertia :3.25x10-4 kg m2 ADVANTAGES : ・ Strong levitation force ・ Low resonant frequency ・ Low thermal noise Prototype detector Acoustic shield To prevent the effects of vibration of air to the Laser and the vacuum chamber Pulse tube cryocooler Superconductor Test mass Laser Interferometer Vacuum chamber 10-3Pa Current detector noise GW strain-equivalent noise level 2010 7/20 3:00-4:00 Current best sensitivity: 4×10-9 Hz -1/2 at 0.5Hz superconductor Tidal force of GW → rotation Test mass Test mass is levitated by magnetic force → External magnetic field can be a source of a detector noise Origin of the magnetic coupling noise Magnet Nd, φ22×10 mZ Magnetic moment M Test mass mY mX The magnetic moment is supposed to be almost vertical, but it still has horizontal magnetic moments Vacuum chamber By N mx Test mass Y The horizontal magnetic moments are coupled with the external magnetic field to make torque on the test mass → Magnetic coupling noise X Estimate of the horizontal magnetic moments The horizontal magnetic moments are evaluated by using Magnetic sensors and coils Magnetic sensor Coil Magnetoresistive element Resistance 45 Ω HMC1002, Honeywell Inductance 40 mH Resolution : 3 ×10-9 T Coil Coil B(f) Testmass 400 mm The measured magnetic moments : m x = (3 ±1)×10-3 A・m2 m y = (6 ±2)×10-3 A・m2 ( m z = 2 A・m2 ) Evaluation of the magnetic coupling noise GW strain-equivalent noise level Spectra of the external magnetic field Magnetic coupling noise Magnetic coupling noise is estimated by the horizontal magnetic moments and the external magnetic field Evaluated noises Magnetic coupling noise Current noise level is limited by Thermal noise Laser frequency noise Laser intensity noise Seismic noise magnetic coupling noise (below 0.4 Hz) and seismic noise (above 0.4Hz) Noise of PD Observation 5 hours simultaneous observational run by two detectors (in Tokyo and Kyoto) on July 20, 2010 → Poster presentation by Ayaka Shoda Upgrade of the prototype detector For further feasibility study of 10m scaled TOBA ・ Magnetic shield → 60db reduction of the magnetic coupling noise ・ Move to a place with lower seismic noise (ex, Kamioka) → 40db reduction of the seismic noise ・ Control of horizontal fluctuation of test mass → 20db reduction of the seismic noise ・ Larger test mass (20 cm →40 cm) → 20db reduction of thermal noise → 6db improvement of sensitivity 10-12 in GW sensitivity around 0.5 Hz is expected Summary Torsion-bar Antenna enables us to search for Low-frequency GWs (0.1 – 1 Hz) on the ground Goal : sensitivity of h ~ 10-19 at 0.1-1 Hz (10m scaled TOBA) Prototype detectors using superconductive magnetic levitation are developed Feasibility and noise characteristics are studied → Current sensitivity is h ~ 10-9 around 0.5 Hz and limited by magnetic noise and seismic noise Upgrade of the prototype is planned The expected sensitivity : h ~ 10-12 around 0.5 Hz End low-frequency Gravitational wave Low frequency (0.1 – 1 Hz) gravitational waves are very important target for cosmology and astronomy • A stochastic GW background • Mergers of massive black holes • Pulsers (0.1 Hz-1 kHz) Laser-interferometric detector Space-borne mission LISA(ESA, NASA) After 2018 LIGO, VIRGO, GEO, TAMA300, LCGT DECIGO(JAPAN) LIGO Not sensitive below 10 Hz Hopefully around 2027 LISA Sensitive in low-frequency But we need much time, costs, risks.. Low-frequency Gravitational wave observaton ・ Laser-interferometric detector LIGO, VIRGO, GEO, TAMA300, LCGT Not sensitive below 10 Hz LIGO ・ Space-borne mission LISA(ESA, NASA) DECIGO(JAPAN) After 2018 Hopefully around 2027 No gravity→ mirror is free No seismic noises →Sensitive in low-frequency But we need time, costs, risks… LISA Evaluation of the magnetic coupling noise Coil Coil B(f) The horizontal magnetic moments are evaluated by using magnetic sensors (Magnetoresistive element : HMC1002, Honeywell) and coils Testmass m x = (3 ±1)×10-3 A・m2 m y = (6 ±2)×10-3 A・m2 ( m z = 2 A・m2 ) GW strain-equivalent noise level Spectra of the external magnetic field Magnetic coupling noise Principle of Torsion-bar Antenna Tosion-bar Antennaz GW Resonant frequency : 5 mHz →Sensitive for GW above 5 mHz y Equation of motion x : Moment of inertia γ :Damping constant Detect the rotational fluctuation of the testmass Tidal force of GW → rotation κ :spring constant :Dynamical quadrapole moment :Amplitude of GW Above the resonant frequency, Transfer coefficient : α ~1/2 Test mass Results from one detector 8 hours observational run by two detectors on August 15, 2009 Upper limit on the GW background Ωgw(0.2 Hz) = 3.6 ×1017 Superconductor Magnetic field Magnet by K Ishidoshiro Test mass How to improve the sensitivity? ・ Noise reduction Magnetic shield, move to place with smaller seismic noise ・ Simultaneous observation But if we use two detectors, we will enhance the sensitivity according to the observation time ・ Bigger detector Simultaneous observation Tokyo Timing: GPS module (Garmin GPS 15xL) Distance : 510 km Kyoto Cross correlation analysis of 5 hours Run will make a 102 times stricter limit On stochastic gravitational wave background Coming soon Optics Vacuum chamber Torsion bar LASER EOM BS Interferometor Laser: wavelength1064nm YAG laser 40mW Rotation of the test mass → Output of PD changes PD