IMPORTANT NOTICE Application Deadline Dates: Fall Semester – July 1st Spring Semester – November 1st Summer Semester – April 15th *Applications will be reviewed after the stated deadline. * Late applications will be reviewed for the following Division of University Studies Application for Undergraduate Readmission (For University Studies Students ONLY) semester. (Please print all information) Name: ________________________________________________________ Last First TU ID#: ____________________________ Middle Indicate if you were previously registered under a maiden or other name _________________________________________________ Current Address ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Number and Street Phone: (Home) __________________ City, State & Zip Code (Work) ________________ E-Mail I am applying for readmission for _____ Spring I plan to enroll as a Campus: ______ Full-Time ______ Main _____ Summer ______ Part-Time ______ Ambler _____ Fall ______ Day ______ Health Sciences __________ (Year) ______Evening Student ______ Tyler College within Temple University in which you were last enrolled: ______________________________________________________ College Dates: _______ to _______ Major/Program Check the school/college below and list the major in which you plan to enroll: Major/Program _____ College of Health Professions & Social Work ____________________________ _____ School of Environmental Design (Landscape Arch., Hort., CRP) ____________________________ _____ Fox School of Business and Management ____________________________ _____ School of Communications and Theater ____________________________ _____ College of Education ____________________________ _____ College of Engineering ____________________________ _____ Ester Boyer College of Music ____________________________ _____ College of Liberal Arts ____________________________ _____ College of Science and Technology ____________________________ _____ School of Tourism and Hospitality Management ____________________________ _____ Tyler School of Art ____________________________ _____ University Studies ____________________________ COMPLETE REVERSE SIDE (Office Use Only) Holds: DEAN’S ACTION/DECISION: ____ APPROVED _____ DENIED Temple Credits: ________________________________________ Transfer Credits: Dean/Dean’s Designee Admit Semester: GPA: Major/Program: Last Semester Attended: Date List all collegiate and/or post-high school institutions you have attended since leaving Temple University. Please have each institution forward an official transcript of your record to the address below. Use an additional sheet of paper, if necessary, to answer this or subsequent questions. Name of Institution City and State Dates Attended From To _________________________ ___________________ ______ ______ _________________________ ___________________ ______ ______ _________________________ ___________________ ______ ______ 1. Please indicate your reason for withdrawing from Temple University. _____ Academic _______ Financial ________*Health-Related ______ Other _______________ *You must submit with this application medical clearance from your health professional that you are cleared to return to school. 2. If you were academically dismissed, why do you now feel ready to successfully resume academic work? ALL APPLICANTS, PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING AND SIGN: I understand that I must schedule an interview to discuss my application for readmission. I understand that withholding information requested on this application or giving false information may make me ineligible for readmission to the University or subject to dismissal. With this in mind, I certify that the above statements are correct and complete. I understand that individual schools/colleges have specific rules regarding acceptability of credits after lapse in enrollment. ________________________________ Student’s Signature RETURN FORM TO: Academic Resource Center First Floor, Suite 101 1810 Liacouras Walk Philadelphia, PA 19122-6029 Fax: 215-204-2516 ____________________________ Date