1 Prevalence and diversity of viruses in the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana 2 Running Title: Beauveria bassiana viruses 3 4 Noemí Herreroa, Encarna Dueñasa, Enrique Quesada Moragab Iñigo Zabalgogeazcoaa 5 6 a 7 Salamanca, Spain 8 b 9 14071 Cordoba, Spain Institute of Natural Resources and Agrobiology (IRNASA-CSIC), Apartado 257, 37071 University of Córdoba, Department of Agricultural and Forest Science and Resources 10 11 12 Author for correspondence: Iñigo Zabalgogeazcoa, email: i.zabalgo@irnasa.csic.es 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 26 27 ABSTRACT Viruses have been discovered in numerous fungal species, but unlike most known animal or 28 plant viruses, they are rarely associated to deleterious effects in their hosts. Among 29 entomopathogenic fungi the knowledge about viruses is very limited, although their existence is 30 suspected because of the presence of virus-like dsRNA in isolates of several species. Beauveria 31 bassiana is one of the most studied species of entomopathogenic fungi; it has a cosmopolitan 32 distribution, and is used as a biological control agent against invertebrates in agriculture. We 33 analyzed a collection of 73 isolates obtained at different locations and habitats in Spain and 34 Portugal, searching for dsRNA elements indicative of viral infections. The results revealed that the 35 prevalence of viral infections is high, 54.8% of the isolates contained dsRNA elements of viral 36 characteristics. dsRNA electropherotypes of infected isolates indicated that virus diversity was high 37 in the collection analyzed, and that mixed virus infections occurred in fungal isolates. However, a 38 hybridization experiment indicated that dsRNA bands of similar size not always have similar 39 sequence. Particular virus species or dsRNA profiles were not associated to locations or type of 40 habitat, probably due to the ubiquity and efficient dispersion of this fungus as an airborne species. 41 The sequence of one of the most common dsRNA elements corresponded to the 5.2 kbp genome of 42 a previously undescribed member of the Totiviridae family, termed Beauveria bassiana RNA virus 43 1 (BbRV1). 44 45 Keywords: mycovirus, victorivirus, Totiviridae, dsRNA, endophyte 46 47 48 49 50 2 51 INTRODUCTION 52 The entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana is a natural enemy of numerous species 53 of insects and arachnids, and has a cosmopolitan distribution (28, 37). This fungus can live in very 54 different niches. In addition to invertebrates, it can infect plants asymptomatically as an endophyte 55 (34, 44, 52), and it is commonly found in soils (36). B. bassiana is known to produce an array of 56 bioactive metabolites that limit the growth of some fungal plant pathogens, and it has been 57 suggested that its endophytic colonization may induce plant systemic resistance against the 58 pathogenic bacteria Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. malvacearum in cotton (30). Because of its 59 entomopathogenic and endophytic characteristics this fungus has been considered as a potential 60 biocontrol agent against plant pests and pathogens, and commercial formulations of B. bassiana for 61 the control of agricultural pests have been developed in several countries (10, 16). 62 In B. bassiana the presence of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) elements indicative of viral 63 infections has been reported in two of 13 Brazilian isolates obtained from insects, two of 12 64 Canadian soil isolates, six of 30 U.S. insect isolates, and in 10 of 15 endophytic isolates from Spain. 65 These dsRNA elements ranged in size from 0.7 to 6 kbp, and the number of elements harbored per 66 fungal isolate varied from 1 to 5. However, none of these dsRNA elements has been sequenced, so 67 the fungal virus to which they might correspond has not been identified (3, 8, 17, 27). 68 Viruses have been detected in many species covering all four phyla of the true fungi: 69 Chytridiomycota, Zygomycota, Ascomycota and Basidiomycota. In general, mycoviruses are very 70 persistent, vertically transmitted to spores, have no known biological vectors for their transmission, 71 and unlike animal or plant viruses, they normally infect their hosts asymptomatically (14). The 72 symptomless phenotype of many mycoviral infections could be explained by the ancient infection 73 hypothesis, reflecting a long period of coevolution in which reciprocal influences between the 74 fungal host and mycoviruses would have evolved to a non virulent state of the virus, resulting in a 75 symptomless virus-fungus association (33, 43). Nevertheless, some fungal viruses affect the 3 76 virulence of plant pathogenic fungi like Cryphonectria parasitica and Rosellinia necatrix, or affect 77 basidiocarp formation in commercial production of Agaricus bisporus (4, 20, 40). Other fungal 78 viruses are involved in fascinating and complex interactions among organisms, for instance, a virus 79 infecting a Curvularia root endophyte has been reported to increase the thermal tolerance of the 80 plant host of the endophyte (26). Also, a fungal virus of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae 81 maintains a satellite dsRNA that encodes an allelopathic toxin which inhibits the growth of yeast 82 strains lacking the virus and its satellite. RNA silencing machinery, which inhibits the presence of 83 this virus and its satellite, is absent from fungal taxa harboring them, what suggests that this type of 84 interaction with viruses is beneficial for the fungal hosts (9). 85 The presence of fungal viruses has been commonly diagnosed by the presence of dsRNA 86 elements, because most known mycoviruses have either dsRNA genomes or single-stranded RNA 87 (ssRNA) genomes that produce dsRNA replicative intermediates (29). dsRNA elements observed in 88 fungal isolates can be quite diverse in terms of the size and the number of molecules, and several 89 dsRNAs of different sizes infecting the same fungus might correspond to multipartite viral 90 genomes, mixed infections, or even to defective products of virus replication (33, 14). Because of 91 characteristics like their persistence in infected hosts, or the efficient transmission to spores of 92 mycoviruses, the polymorphic dsRNA profiles detected in fungi have been proposed as markers for 93 distinguishing isolates of different origin within a species (15, 21, 48). These dsRNA profiles have 94 been associated to a geographical structure in some fungal species (31, 54), but often this is not the 95 case (42, 49). 96 The main objective of this work was to study the prevalence, variability and patterns of 97 distribution of dsRNA elements in a collection of soil and endophytic isolates of B. bassiana 98 obtained in different locations and habitats of Spain and Portugal. In addition, we sequenced a 99 dsRNA element which provided the first identification of a virus in B. bassiana. 100 4 101 MATERIALS AND METHODS 102 Fungal isolates 103 Seventy three isolates of B. bassiana were analyzed for the presence of mycoviruses. Fifty 104 eight isolates collected from soils in different cultivated and natural habitats of the Iberian Peninsula 105 and the Canary and Balearic Islands came from the collection of the Entomology Laboratory in the 106 School of Agricultural and Forest Sciences and Resources at the University of Cordoba (Spain) 107 (Table 1). Although these isolates were isolated from soil, the pathogenicity of several of them was 108 successfully tested on insects (35-36). Fifteen additional isolates were isolated as endophytes from 109 different grasses in natural habitats of Spain (Table 1). 110 111 Analysis of the presence of double-stranded RNA 112 The presence of dsRNA molecules of sizes ranging from 1 to 12 kbp was used as an 113 indicator of virus infection in fungal isolates. This type of nucleic acid can represent the genome of 114 dsRNA mycoviruses, as well as replicative forms of viruses with ssRNA genomes (29). However, 115 DNA viruses, recently discovered in fungi (56), would not be detected with this technique. 116 To detect the presence of dsRNA, each fungal isolate was cultured for three weeks over 117 cellophane disks layered on top of potato dextrose agar (PDA) (Scharlau) in Petri plates. 118 Approximately 1.5 grams of fresh mycelium of each isolate were harvested, ground with liquid 119 nitrogen, and dsRNA was extracted by CF-11 cellulose (Whatman) chromatography (29). To 120 eliminate contaminating DNA, the purified dsRNA was treated with five units of DNase I 121 (Promega) for 30 minutes at 37ºC, and extracted with one volume of phenol:chloroform (1:1) 122 (Sigma-Aldrich). Contaminating ssRNA was removed by treatment with one unit of S1 nuclease 123 (Promega) at 37ºC for 15 minutes and extracted in the same way. dsRNA extracts were subjected to 124 agarose gel electrophoresis, and visualized after staining with ethidium bromide. All dsRNA 5 125 extractions were independently repeated three times. The size of the different dsRNA elements was 126 estimated in relation to DNA size standards (1 kb DNA ladder, Promega). 127 128 129 cDNA synthesis Isolate EABb 06/02-Su (Table 1), harbouring a single dsRNA element of about 5.5 kbp, 130 according to the DNA size standard, was cultured for three weeks over cellophane disks layered on 131 top of PDA Petri plates. The dsRNA was purified as explained before, and approximately 0.6 µg 132 dissolved in water were used for cDNA synthesis. An RLM-RACE procedure (7) was adapted in 133 the present work for the construction of a cDNA library. The cDNA products obtained were cloned 134 in T-A vectors (Invitrogen). Escherichia coli strain DH5 (Invitrogen) was transformed and 135 screened to select transformants containing inserts, which were sequenced. Gaps in the assembled 136 sequences, which were not covered by clones derived from the cDNA library, were filled by reverse 137 transcription and PCR primed by oligonucleotides designed according to sequences flanking the 138 gaps. The ends of the molecule were cloned and confirmed using again the RLM-RACE method (7) 139 in three independent experiments. 140 141 Sequence and phylogenetic analyses 142 Sequence similarity searches in the EMBL virus sequence database were conducted using 143 the FASTA program (32). For phylogenetic analyses sequence alignments were performed using 144 the ClustalX program (47), and genetic distances among amino acid sequences were calculated 145 according to the Poisson correction model using MEGA3 software (23). Phylogenetic trees were 146 made using the neighbour-joining method, and bootstrap test values were based on 1000 147 replications. Prediction of RNA pseudoknots was done with the program DotKnot (45). 148 149 Northern blotting experiments 6 150 Thirteen different isolates contained a 5.5 kbp dsRNA element (Table 2, isolates EABb 151 06/2, EABb 06/03, EABb 01/125, EABb 01/132, EABb 01/39, EABb 01/73, Bs1, EABb 09/03, 152 EABb 09/08, EABb 01/75, EABb 07/08, EABb 09/04, and EABb 01/07). To determine if these 153 dsRNA molecules of equal size had homologous nucleotide sequences, a Northern hybridization 154 was done. dsRNA extracts from these isolates were electrophoresed in agarose gels, denatured, and 155 transferred to nylon membranes (57). Hybridization and detection was done using the DIG High 156 Prime DNA Labeling and Detection Starter Kit II (Roche). A clone from the 5’ untraslated region 157 (5’UTR) of the genome of Beauveria bassiana RNA virus 1 (BbRV1), which is a non conserved 158 region in the genome of the Totiviridae, was used as a specific probe. 159 160 RESULTS 161 Prevalence and patterns of dsRNA elements 162 Forty of the seventy three (54.8%) soil and endophytic B. bassiana isolates analyzed 163 harboured dsRNA elements. Regarding the substrate where the isolates were obtained, thirty of the 164 fifty eight (51.7%) soil isolates, and ten of the fifteen (66.7%) endophytic isolates contained dsRNA 165 elements. 166 The diversity of dsRNA profiles observed was high. Twenty six different dsRNA elements 167 of estimated sizes ranging from 0.8 to 6.0 kbp were detected among all infected isolates. Some 168 infected isolates contained only one dsRNA element, while others had as many as eleven, and some 169 elements of the same size were common to several isolates (Table 2). In addition, several dsRNA 170 elements were always together in different isolates: a set of two dsRNA molecules of 1.8 and 1.6 171 kbp occurred in seven soil isolates; another set of three dsRNAs of 2.7, 2.4 and 2.1 kbp was present 172 in six soil isolates; and a third set of 3.5, 3.2 and 3.1 kbp dsRNAs was found in three soil isolates 173 (Table 2). Another set of two dsRNAs of 2.3 and 1.9 kbp occurred in five endophytic isolates 7 174 (Table 2, bottom). Each of these sets of dsRNA elements could represent genomes of mycoviruses 175 belonging to families with multipartite genomes like Chrysoviridae or Partitiviridae (11, 46). 176 Soil and endophytic isolates were grouped according to the similarity of their dsRNA 177 electropherotypes (Table 2). According to this classification, nineteen different dsRNA profiles 178 were observed among the soil isolates. A 5.5 kbp dsRNA was the most widespread element, being 179 present in thirteen isolates (Table 2). This molecule was observed alone in some isolates, and 180 together with other dsRNA elements in others, and the same occurred with other dsRNA elements 181 (Fig. 1, Table 2). These combinations of dsRNA elements suggested the existence of mixed virus 182 infections. 183 Surprisingly, the dsRNA patterns found among the endophytic B. bassiana isolates were not 184 as variable as those from soils, only two different dsRNA profiles were found among them (Table2, 185 bottom). Therefore, as deduced from the diversity of dsRNA electrophoretic profiles, virus diversity 186 was greater in soil isolates (19 electropherotypes in 30 infected isolates), than in endophytic isolates 187 (2 electropherotypes in 10 isolates) (Table 2). 188 In general, no concordance between similar dsRNA profiles and particular locations or 189 habitats was found. For example, the 5.5 kbp dsRNA was found in isolates collected in different 190 habitats in south and central Spain, and in the Canary Islands. 191 192 193 Nucleotide sequence and genome organization of a Beauveria bassiana virus A 5.5 kbp dsRNA which was the most abundant element in the survey, occurring in 13 soil 194 isolates, was completely sequenced. Forty two different clones from a cDNA library were 195 sequenced, and four contigs were obtained from their assembly. The gaps between the four contigs 196 were resolved using specific primers flanking the gaps. These experiments were repeated three 197 times. Six identical clones of the 5’ end and four identical clones of the 3’ end from two 198 independent RLM-RACE experiments of each terminus were sequenced. 8 199 The complete sequence of the dsRNA element harboured by isolate EABb 06/02-Su (Fig. 1, 200 lane E) is 5228 bp in length, and has a GC content of 55%. Contains two open reading frames 201 (ORFs): ORF 1 has a length of 2229 bp and encodes a 742 amino acid protein (78.41 kDa); ORF 2 202 is 2505 bp long and encodes an 834 amino acid protein (91.15 kDa) (Fig. 2). These two ORFs are 203 separated by a pentanucleotide, UAAUG, that constitutes the stop codon of ORF 1 (UAA) and the 204 start codon (AUG) of ORF2, and both codons overlap by one nucleotide. A sequence predicted to 205 form a pseudoknot (bold and italic lower case letters; estimated free energy =-14.02 kcal/mol) was 206 detected 11 nucleotides upstream of the UAAUG pentanucleotide: 207 AAUUGCCggugCUgccccaccCGGAgggcCGAACCCCGAGUAAUG. 208 A similar pseudoknot in this position occurs in totiviruses of the Victorivirus genus, and is involved 209 in the reinitiation of translation for ORF2 (24). 210 Other ORFs longer than 528 nt were not found in any strand. The 5’ and 3’ UTRs had 443 211 and 52 bp, respectively. The 5’ UTR starts with a GAATA sequence similar to a GAAAA motif 212 that might be involved in RNA transcription in several Saccharomyces cerevisiae viruses, including 213 the totivirus ScV-LA (39). The amino acid sequence deduced from ORF 1 exhibits a high degree of 214 identity to those of the capsid proteins (CP) of viruses of the family Totiviridae, particularly to that 215 of Tolypocladium cylindrosporum virus 1 (TcV1; 59.7%). The C-terminus of this putative CP has 216 an Ala/Gly/Pro-rich region, which is shared by viruses in the Victorivirus genus (13). The deduced 217 amino acid sequence of ORF 2 also resembled those of RdRps of viruses of the family Totiviridae, 218 particularly that of Sphaeropsis sapinea RNA virus 1 (SsRV-1; 57.3% identity). The eight 219 conserved motifs of the sequences of RdRps of dsRNA viruses of simple eukaryotes (2) were found 220 in the amino acid sequence deduced from ORF 2. 221 222 Phylogenetic analysis of Beauveria bassiana RNA virus 1 9 223 Phylogenetic analyses based on the complete amino acid sequence of the CP and RdRps of 224 selected members of the Totiviridae family and those deduced from ORF 1 and 2 of the 5.5 kbp 225 dsRNA were done (Table S1; Fig. 3). These two phylogenetic trees revealed that the dsRNA from 226 isolate EABb 06/02-Su resembles most the genomes of viruses included in a clade within the genus 227 Victorivirus. This genus is composed by viruses which infect filamentous fungi (13). Therefore, 228 these phylogenetic analyses, and other mentioned characteristics of this dsRNA, like having a non- 229 segmented dsRNA genome of 4.6-6.7 kbp coding for a CP and an RdRp, having a Pro/Ala/Gly-rich 230 region near the C-terminus of the CP, a potential pseudoknot located upstream of pentanucleotide 231 overlapping both ORFs, and 5’ and 3’ UTRs with sizes similar to those from the genus Victorivirus 232 (13), indicated that this dsRNA element represents the complete genome of a new member of this 233 genus, Beauveria bassiana RNA virus 1 (BbRV1). This is the first virus identified in B. bassiana, 234 and its complete genome sequence has been deposited in the EMBL nucleotide sequence database 235 with accession number HE572591. 236 237 Northern blotting experiments 238 A Northern blot hybridization was made to check whether B. bassiana isolates sharing the 239 5.5 kbp dsRNA profile are infected by the same mycovirus. A 543 bp clone complementary to the 240 5’ UTR of the genome of BbRV1 was used as a probe. This probe represents a non conserved area 241 among members of the Totiviridae, and its specificity for BbRV1 is likely to be high. Only eleven 242 of the thirteen isolates of B. bassiana harbouring the 5.5 dsRNA hybridized with the BbRV1 probe 243 (Fig. 4). Therefore, although isolates EABb 01/132-Su and EABb 01/39-Su harbour a single 5.5 244 kbp dsRNA element, they seem to be infected by a mycoviral species different to BbRV1. 245 246 247 10 248 249 DISCUSSION The results of the dsRNA analyses of our collection indicate that mycovirus infections are 250 common among B. bassiana isolates from Spain and Portugal, 54.8% of the 73 isolates analyzed 251 harboured dsRNAs of viral characteristics. The prevalence of dsRNA virus-like in soil isolates was 252 lower (51.7%), than that observed for endophytic isolates, which was 66.7% (see below). In both 253 cases, the prevalence values are higher than those reported in other surveys of viruses in soil or 254 insect isolates of B. bassiana (3, 8, 27). 255 A dsRNA element with an electrophoretic profile of 5.5 kbp was the most common element 256 detected in Beauveria isolates; it was present in 13 of the 73 isolates analyzed. In some isolates this 257 dsRNA element was found alone, and in others was accompanied by other dsRNA elements (Figs. 1 258 and 4). The size, nucleotide sequence, and genes encoded by this dsRNA indicate that it is the 259 genome of a new member of the Victorivirus genus (Family Totiviridae), Beauveria bassiana RNA 260 virus 1 (BbRV1). The 5228 bp dsRNA genome of BbRV1 has characteristics of the Totiviridae 261 family (13): contains two ORFs that overlap by one nucleotide (UAAUG), ORF1 encodes a CP and 262 ORF2 an RdRp (Fig. 2). Like other members of the Victorivirus genus, BbRV1 has a predicted 263 RNA pseudoknot structure within close proximity upstream of the CP stop codon (24). This 264 structure and the overlapping stop and start codons are involved in the coupled termination- 265 reinitiation mechanism of translation that occurs in victoriviruses (24). With this type of translation 266 both ORFs are translated as independent proteins. In contrast, in totiviruses of other genera, like 267 ScV-LA, the RdRp is translated as a fusion protein with the CP (12). 268 Additionally, phylogenetic analysis grouped this virus within the Victorivirus genus (Fig. 3), 269 and as other members of this genus it has a Pro/Ala/Gly-rich region near the C-terminus of the CP, 270 and 5’ and 3’ UTRs with sizes similar to those of other victoriviruses (13). Another victorivirus 271 infecting an entomopathogenic fungus has been recently described, Tolypocladium cylindrosporum 272 virus 1 (TcV1) (19). Totiviruses have hosts in three kingdoms, they infect fungi, insects, and 11 273 protozoans (12, 22, 55), and it will be interesting to know if they can move from kingdom to 274 kingdom. Insects and fungi are connected through entomopathogenic fungi, and further studies 275 might lead to find out if some viruses have jumped from fungal to insect hosts or vice versa. In 276 addition, recent works show evidence of the integration of dsRNA viruses in fungal, insect, and 277 other eukaryotic genomes (5, 25). 278 BbRV1 seems to be geographically widespread, isolates infected by a dsRNA of similar size 279 and sequence (Fig. 4) were obtained in several provinces of south and central Spain (Cádiz, 280 Almería, Granada, Córdoba, Sevilla, Ciudad Real), as well as in the Canary Islands. In addition, the 281 isolates infected by BbRV1 came from different habitats, like beaches, olive or eucalyptus groves, 282 oak grasslands, meadows, or fallow land. The presence of BbRV1 in fungal isolates obtained at 283 distant locations may be related to the population dynamics of B. bassiana. This fungus sporulates 284 profusely in dead insect hosts, and its spores are dispersed by wind and rain, but also by living 285 infected hosts which may migrate long distances before dying (28). As a result of its abundant 286 sporulation and efficient dispersion, B. bassiana seems to be a common component of the airborne 287 mycobiota at different locations (1, 51). This abundance and heterogeneity of airborne propagules 288 might explain why a clear geographical or habitat distribution of isolates harboring similar viral 289 infections was not found in this analysis. 290 The existence of mixed virus infections could be deduced from the dsRNA profiles 291 observed; in some isolates one or several dsRNA elements of similar size occurred, but in others 292 those elements were accompanied by different dsRNAs. For example, the 5.5 kbp dsRNA which 293 corresponds to the genome of BbRV1 was alone in some isolates, and together with other dsRNAs 294 in others (Figs. 1 and 4). Mixed mycovirus infections seem to be a common occurrence in several 295 fungal species, including the entomopathogenic fungus T. cylindrosporum (14, 19). 296 297 The large number of different dsRNA profiles observed among all the B. bassiana isolates analyzed suggests that there is an important diversity of mycoviruses associated to this 12 298 entomopathogenic species (Table 2). The fact that dsRNAs of similar size found in different isolates 299 may represent the genome of the same virus was supported by the hybridization of a DNA probe 300 complementary to the 5’ end of BbRV1 to the dsRNA of 11 other isolates (Fig. 4). However, in the 301 same experiment two of the 13 isolates tested were not sequence-homologous to BbRV1, what 302 suggests that not all dsRNA elements of similar electrophoretic profile correspond to the same viral 303 species. Therefore, the diversity of viruses existing in the collection of isolates that we analyzed is 304 likely to be greater than what can be estimated using electrophoretic profiles of dsRNA elements. 305 Although partial or complete sequences of all dsRNA elements would be necessary for their 306 correct classification within a mycovirus family, characteristics of the electrophoretic band patterns, 307 like band number and estimated size could be helpful for a hypothetical classification of Beauveria 308 mycoviruses. Some sets of dsRNA elements found in several isolates could correspond to the 309 multipartite genome of a single virus. For instance, some dsRNA profiles could correspond to 310 members of the families Partitiviridae (bipartite genomes of 1.4-2.2 kbp) or Chrysoviridae 311 (genomes composed by four segments of 2.4-3.6 kbp) (11, 46). Intermediates of replication of 312 members of the Barnaviridae family could also be harboured by some isolates (genomes formed by 313 a linear molecule of ssRNA of 4 kbp) (Table 2) (38). Other observed dsRNA elements did not show 314 characteristics of known mycovirus families but could constitute members of new families, satellite 315 RNAs or defective derivates of replication (14). 316 In contrast with the relatively high variation of dsRNA patterns found among soil isolates 317 (0.33 dsRNA profiles/isolate analyzed) only two different dsRNA profiles were found among the 318 fifteen endophytic isolates (0.13 dsRNA profiles/isolate). Among the infected endophytic isolates 319 no relationship between their dsRNA profile and the location or species of the grass host was found. 320 We do not know if the strains isolated from grasses as endophytes might represent a cryptic lineage 321 within B. bassiana (37). This situation could explain the maintenance of a particular set of viruses 322 in a group of grass endophytes. Whether certain strains of entomopathogens might be better 13 323 endophytes than others, or have different survival rates inside plants has been questioned (53). 324 Some evidence indicates that mycoviruses might affect the endophytic capability of fungal strains, 325 in a study of virus infected and virus free strains of the entomopathogen T. cylindrosporum 326 inoculated in tomato and bean leaves, the presence of the mycovirus TcV1 affected the performance 327 of isogenic strains in the different host plants (18). A situation like this in B. bassiana could favour 328 the maintenance of some particular viruses in strains that become endophytes of some particular 329 hosts. 330 The different combinations of dsRNA elements found among isolates could be generated by 331 different rates of virus transmission. For example, in the entomopathogen T. cylindrosporum, 332 different rates of transmission were observed for each of the three mycoviruses that infect it (19). In 333 such situation, dsRNA profiles could be hardly used as marker for distinguishing between different 334 isolates of B. bassiana, since the dsRNA profiles detected in this species could be unstable. 335 Alternatively, equal rates of transmission of dsRNA elements to conidia have been observed in 336 other ascomycetes with mixed virus infections (6, 41, 50). A study of transmission of dsRNAs to 337 asexual spores carried in our laboratory showed a 100% transmission of ten dsRNAs harboured by a 338 B. bassiana isolate to its conidial progeny (data not shown), but this might not be the case for other 339 dsRNA elements or combinations. Variation among isolates in dsRNA elements could also be 340 generated by transmission among compatible isolates of B. bassiana by hyphal anastomoses, 341 although the large number of vegetative compatibility groups existing in the species may limit this 342 system of transmission (3). 343 In our laboratory cultures we did not observe any obvious phenotype associated to virus 344 infected cultures in B. bassiana. A lack of obvious symptoms is common in virus infected fungi, 345 and it is interesting that one of the few known examples of a virus causing a disease to fungi occurs 346 under conditions of commercial cultivation in Agaricus bisporus mushrooms (40). There is certain 347 parallel between this and recent views at plant virus systems, suggesting that virulence might appear 14 348 in plant viruses as consequence of high host density and other outcomes of agriculture, while many 349 neutral viruses might be occurring in wild plant species (43). 350 In conclusion, an analysis of B. bassiana isolates representative of different habitats and 351 locations in the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic and Canary Islands, revealed that the presence of 352 fungal viruses is quite common in this species. Mixed virus infections occurred in several isolates. 353 One of these viruses, the totivirus BbRV1 is the first virus whose genome has been sequenced in B. 354 bassiana, and it was found in 36.6% of the dsRNA-infected soil isolates, and at distant locations. 355 Although the dsRNA electrophoretic profiles of infected isolates indicated relatively large virus 356 diversity, hybridizations with a probe complementary to BbRV1 showed that dsRNA elements of 357 similar size not always have the same nucleotide sequence; therefore, virus species diversity should 358 be higher than that estimated by dsRNA electropherotypes. The effects that fungal viruses produce 359 in their Beauveria hosts were not evaluated in the present work, but given the high prevalence of 360 virus infections observed, few antagonistic associations might be expected, as it occurs with most 361 known fungus-virus associations. 362 363 364 365 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research was financed by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, projects AGL2008-01159 and MICINN AGL2008-01137/AGR. 366 367 368 369 370 371 REFERENCES 1. Airaudi D, Marchisio VF. 1996. Fungal biodiversity in the air of Turin. Mycopathologia 136:95-102. 2. Bruenn JA. 1993. A closely-related group of RNA-dependent RNA-polymerases from double-stranded-RNA viruses. Nucleic Acids Res. 21:5667-5669. 15 372 3. Castrillo LA, Griggs MH, Vandenberg JD. 2004. Vegetative compatibility groups in 373 indigenous and mass-released strains of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana: 374 likelihood of recombination in the field. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 86:26-37. 375 4. 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ORF1 encodes a putative CP and ORF2 a 535 putative RdRp. 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 23 560 FIG 3 Phylogenetic analysis of BbRV1. Multiple alignments of amino acid sequences of the CP 561 (A) and RdRp (B) of viruses of the family Totiviridae. The unrooted neighbour-joining 562 phylogenetic trees were made with MEGA software. Numbers at nodes represent bootstrap values 563 as percentages estimated by 1000 replicates. The accession numbers of sequences used in the 564 analyses are given in Table 4. 565 566 567 (A) (B) 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 24 585 FIG 4 Northern blot hybridization of dsRNA elements of about 5.5 kbp present in several B. 586 bassiana isolates using a probe complementary to the 5’ end of BbRV 1. Left panel shows the 587 electrophoretic profiles of 13 isolates, and the right panel the resulting hybridization with a 588 quimioluminescent BbRV1 probe. Letters on the top indicate different isolates A: EABb 06/2-Su; 589 B: EABb 06/03-Su; C: EABb 01/125-Su; D: EABb 01/132-Su; E: EABb 01/39-Su; F: EABb 01/73- 590 Su; G: Bs1; H: EABb 09/03-Su; I: EABb 09/08-Su; J: EABb 01/75-Su; K: EABb 07/08-Su; L: 591 EABb 09/04-Su; M: EABb 01/07-Su. Lane MW contains a size marker and numbers on the left 592 indicate kbp. The isolate used to clone and sequence BbRV1 is EABb 06/2-Su (lane A), obtained in 593 Fuerteventura, Canary Islands. 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 25