Master's and doctoral dissertations on subjects of importance to public health in the Arab world

Public Health in the Arab World Initiative
Regional Resources Portal
Dissertations on subjects of relevance to public health in the Arab World
Draft: 29 December 2012
Disclaimer: This document is a first draft and provides links to dissertations submitted towards
obtaining masters or doctoral degrees on subjects of importance to public health in the Arab
World. The list was built up through a basic online search and is, understandably, incomplete.
This document will be updated and expanded as more data becomes available.
Please submit links to dissertations not on this list to Thank you!
Dissertation Submitted toward obtaining a Master’s degree in public health or other
Abdel Malak, R. S. (2002). Fertility preferences and unmet need in rural South Lebanon.
American University of Beirut
Abou Abbas, O. G. (2009). Violence against women in Jordan : prevalence and main
determinants. American University of Beirut
Abou Zaki, S. R. (2012). The impact of rising food prices on household food security and
micronutrient intakes in Lebanon. American University of Beirut
Akl, C.G. (2012). Prevalence and determinants of overweight and obesity in a nationally
representative sample of Lebanese children 5 to 12 years old. American University of Beirut
Alameddine, N. I. (2008). Husbands' attitudes towards their involvement in maternal health
in Lebanon. American University of Beirut
Azhar, W. (2009). A Determination of Vitamin D Status and Intake of Pregnant and NonPregnant Saudi Arabian Women in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Eastern Michigan University
Al-Ghali, R. M. (2003).Vitamin A and E status in an urban Lebanese population : a case
study Dar Al Fatwa area, Beirut. American University of Beirut
Al-Nsour, M. A. (2005). Self-reported myocardial infarction in Jordanian population.
American University of Beirut
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Arafat, M.I. (2001). Adequacy of calcium and vitamin D intake of Lebanese pregnant
women. American University of Beirut
Badin, L. Y. (2012). Epidemiology of childhood cancer in Syria. American University of
Baramakian, T.M. (2002). Contraceptive prevalence and determinants in rural South
Lebanon. American University of Beirut
Bou Fajreldin, L. S. (2004). Promotion of healthy cities and villages in Lebanon. American
University of Beirut
Buckland, R. L. (1998). The everyday experience of Somali women in Canada: Implications
for health. University of Ottawa
Dishjekenian, M. K. (2006). Woman's empowerment and contraceptive behaviour in three
poor urban communities in Lebanon. American University of Beirut
El-Barq, A. M. (2003). Palestinian refugees in Lebanon : child labor, schooling and school
dropouts. American University of Beirut
El-Fadl, K. H. (2003).Environmental impact assessment : a comparative evaluation in
MENA countries. American University of Beirut
El-Hoss, R. U. (1998). Trends, differentials and patterns of age at first marriage of males
and females in Lebanon. American University of Beirut
El Sabeh, M.W. (2009). Applying a networked model of governance : the case of the
Lebanese Ministry of Public Health. American University of Beirut
El-Saddik, K.H. (2002). Fertility levels, trends and differentials in Yemen 1997 : analysis
based on period parity progression ratios. American University of Beirut
Faour, T. A. (2001). Women's empowerment in Lebanon : proxies, settings and challenges.
American University of Beirut
Faour, D. K. (1995). Nutritional status of primary school children from different ethnic
backgrounds in United Arab Emirates aged 6-12. American University of Beirut
Farran, S. M. (2011). Determinants of common mental disorders among women in a
disadvantaged community in Lebanon. American University of Beirut
Fayad, R. A. (2000). Magnitude and burden of occupational injuries in Lebanon, 1998.
American University of Beirut
Frangieh, M. (2010). Musculoskeletal symptoms among workers in Lebanon. American
University of Beirut
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Haddad, N.I. (2002). Female labour force participation in selected Arab countries : patterns,
trends and factors influencing them-the case of Egypt, Syria and Tunisia. American
University of Beirut
Haddad, N.F. (2009). Psychosocial parameters at work and musculoskeletal disorders.
American University of Beirut
Halawi, N. A. (1997). Contraceptive use dynamics in a Shiite population, South Lebanon.
American University of Beirut
Halawi, M. A. (2008). Intimate partner violence and reproductive wastage : the case of
Egypt. American University of Beirut
Hammoury, N. A. (2006). Domestic violence against women during pregnancy : the case of
Palestenian refugees attending an antenatal clinic in Lebanon. American University of Beirut
Herbel, L. C. (2009). Explaining Gender Inequality in the Middle East:Islam vs. Oil. Georgia
State University
Hezam, F. A. (2012). Determinants of Malaria treatment seeking behavior of people in
Malaria endemic areas in Yemen. American University of Beirut
Ibrahim, G. H. (2004). Women's autonomy and utilization of reproductive health services in
three impoverished areas in Lebanon. American University of Beirut
Iskandar, M. M. (2004). Diet and physical activity as determinants of non-communicable
disease risk factors in Lebanon. American University of Beirut
Jafar, N. S. (2002). A decade of change in contraceptive behaviour in Egypt 1988-1998.
American University of Beirut
Jamaleddine, Z. (2012). Feminism, gender equity and sexual/reproductive health in the
Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. The University of Texas
Jibai, R.A. (2002). A study of poverty in Lebanon. American University of Beirut
Jurdi, R. A. (2002). Female age at first marriage in Yemen : a study of trends, patterns,
determinants and preferences. American University of Beirut
Karam, S. E. (2010). Prevalence and determinants of overweight and obesity in Lebanese
adolescents. American University of Beirut
Makarem, R.W. (2011). Exploring conceptualizations of water security in Lebanon : moving
beyond the traditional state paradigm? American University of Beirut
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Mekary, R. A. (1998). Dietary and psychosocial determinants of obesity among women in
urban and rural areas in Lebanon. American University of Beirut
Melzer, K.S. (2002). Nutritional status of Lebanese school children aged 6-9 years from
different socioeconomic backgrounds. American University of Beirut
Mrayati, M. M. (2007). Overweight and obesity among adolescents (15-18 years) in
Damascus : prevalence and associated factors. American University of Beirut
Naja, F.A.K. (1998). Nutritional status of rural populations in relation to production
systems in marginal areas of Lebanon. American University of Beirut
Omeira, M. B. (2007). Young women's employment in the Middle East and North Africa.
American University of Beirut
Ramadan, H.M. (2011). Prevalence and correlates of metabolic syndrome in Aleppo, Syria.
American University of Beirut
Rehaime, M. W. (2010). Quantitative determination of pesticides residues in selected
Lebanese foods and risk characterization for the consumer. American University of Beirut
Saad, R. M. (2009). Evaluation of the quality of palliative care in the children's cancer
center of lebanon. American University of Beirut
Said, H. M. (1984). Surveillance of some rickettsial infections in a selected population of
Lebanon. American University of Beirut
Solomon, J. E. (1990). Prenatal and postpartum health care beliefs and practices of Arab
women. The University of Arizona
Srouji, R. I. (1999). Recent fertility transition in Egypt : evidence based on birth interval
statistics and parity progression ratios. American University of Beirut
Sweidan, M. B. I. (2006).Determinants of neonatal deaths in Jordan. American University of
Tfaily, R. K. (2002). The proximate determinants of fertility in Egypt and Morocco.
American University of Beirut
Youssef, Batoul Ibrahim. (2011). The proportion of health care expenses relative to income
in Lebanon. American University of Beirut
Zein, K. A. (2009). Inequality in maternal health care utilization in Lebanon. American
University of Beirut
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Dissertation Submitted toward obtaining a doctoral degree in public health or other
Acharya, P. (2002). Nutritional impact of resettlement of internally displaced people in
Northern Iraq. University of Masssachusetts Amherst.
Al-Gasseer, N. H. (1990). Experience of menstrual symptoms among Bahraini women.
University of Illinois at Chicago.
Al-Jawini, F. M. (2002). Obstetric interventions and perinatal mortality in Saudi Arabia: A
quantitative analysis of regional rates and trends. University of South Carolina
Al-Khaldi, S.M. (2008). Maternal health care utilization in rural Jordanian villages:
Patterns and predictors. The University of Texas.
Al-Khasawneh, Esra Mansour. (2003). Barriers to breast self-examination in Jordanian
Muslim women. State University of New York at Buffalo.
Al-Saif, M. A. (2002). Diabetes and obesity in adult Saudi population. The University of
Al-Yemeni, M. R. (2004). Development of a Saudi national policy to improve healthcare
delivery through the use of the World Wide Web and Web-accessible healthcare
information resources. University of Pittsburg
Belal, F. (2009). Gender Equality in Secondary Education A Study of Girls Educational
Access and Participation in Jordan Between 2000 and 2005. Seton Hall University
Bou-Assy, F. (2001). Representations sociales de l'endogamie et de ses consequences
biologiques sur la sante des descendants chez des fiances endogames: Cas de deux villages
chiites a l'ouest de Baalbeck (French text, Lebanon). Universite Laval (Canada)
Chapman, S. E. (2003). The impact of unintended and unplanned pregnancy on maternal
health care use: A panel study of Morocco. The Johns Hopkins University
Christiansen, C. D. (1996). The lived experience of circumcision in immigrant Somali
women: A Heideggerian hermeneutic analysis. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University
of Illinois.
Diop-Sidibe, N. (2001). Domestic violence against women in Egypt: Risk factors and health
outcomes of wife-beating. Johns Hopkins University
Dratler, S. J. (1999). Increasing the performance of Egyptian public general hospitals:
Towards equity and efficiency through incentives. University of California
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Ghosh, S. A. (2004). Poverty, household food availability and nutritional well-being of
children in north west Syria. University of Massachusetts - Amherst
Haidar, S. (2003). Environmental determinants of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Syria.
University of Michigan
Kobeissi, Loulou. (2006). Male infertility in Lebanon: A case control study. University of
Merizian, A. (1992). Description of mother-infant interactions in Palestinian women.
University of Illinois at Chicago.
Nahmias, P. (2010). The social epidemiology of maternal obesity in Egypt. Princeton
Singh, K. (2002). Forced migration and under-five mortality in northwestern Uganda and
southern Sudan. Johns Hopkins University
Sunil, T. S. (2004). Reproductive health in Yemen: A theoretical approach. University of
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