NAME:___________________________________ DATE:_______CLASS_____LAB_____ Jump Up and Get Down Background: At the end of 19th century, physicists knew there were electrons inside atoms, and that the wiggling of these electrons gave off light and other electromagnetic radiation. But there was still a curious mystery to solve. Physicists would heat up different elements until they glowed, and then direct the light through a prism... I've done that with sunlight. You see the whole rainbow because the prism breaks the light into all of its separate colors. That's what you get with light from the sun. But when scientists looked at the light coming off of just one element, hydrogen for instance, they didn't see the whole rainbow. Instead they just got bright lines of certain colors. Each type of atom gives off a unique set of colors. The colored lines (or Spectral Lines) are a kind of "signature" for the atoms. This technique is so reliable that scientists can tell what elements they are looking at just by reading the lines. Spectroscopy is the science of using spectral lines to figure out what something is made of. That's how we know the composition of distant stars, for instance. To explain the spectral line puzzle, Bohr came up with a radical model of the atom which had electrons orbiting around a nucleus. In order to explain the "signature colors," Bohr came up with an extraordinary rule the electrons had to follow: Electrons can only be in "special" orbits. All other orbits just were not possible. They could "jump" between these special orbits, however, and when they jumped they would wiggle a little bit... And that would cause radiation! This energy released is bursts of visible light. We call these bursts photons. But when we played with the orbits earlier, we saw that just about any orbit and any speed is possible. It doesn't make sense that only some orbits would be "allowed." Now you can see why the Bohr model was considered so radical! It said that energy could only change in little jumps. These are called quanta and that's why this kind of physics is called Quantum Mechanics. Each color of light has its own specific wavelength (measured in nanometers). Here is the range of colors and their corresponding wavelengths. Wavelengths which fall before violet are called ultraviolet and humans cannot see them, and wavelengths which fall after red are called infrared and humans cannot see them. Color Wavelength (nm) Violet 380-435 Blue 435-500 Cyan 500-520 Green 520-565 Yellow 565-590 Orange 590-625 Red 625-740 Procedure: Using the color chart and the individual line spectra data for each element plot out the bright line spectrum on the scale. 1) Line 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Unknown Element A Wavelength (nm) 383 388 397 410 434 486 656 Color 2) Unknown Element B Line Wavelength (nm) 1 410 2 434 Color 3) Line Boron Wavelength (nm) 1 412 2 419 3 449 4 450 5 510 6 608 7 703 Color 4) Unknown Element C Line Wavelenght (nm) 1 447 2 471 3 492 4 502 5 587 6 667 Color 5) Unknown Element D Line 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Wavelength (nm) 405 408 435 Color 491 546 577 579 6) Lithium Line Wavelength (nm) 1 413 2 460 3 540 4 670 Color 7) Neon Line Wavelength (nm) 1 540 2 585 3 588 4 603 5 607 6 616 7 622 8 627 9 633 10 638 11 640 12 651 13 660 14 692 15 703 Color Questions: 1) Which unknown element best matches with this bright line spectra for sodium? ____________________ 2) Which unknown element best matches with this bright line spectra for mercury? ____________________ 3) Which unknown element best matches with this bright line spectra for helium? _____________________ 4) Which unknown element best matches with this bright line spectra for hydrogen? _____________________ 5) Which of the give elements match this spectral pattern. _____________________ 6) Why are bright line spectra able to be used to identify and element? Reflection: The diagram below shows bright-line spectra of selected elements. A) Identify the two elements in the unknown spectrum. ________________ and _________________ B) Explain how a bright-line spectrum is produced, in terms of excited state, energy transitions, and ground state. [2]