Midterm Review LIST OF TOPIC covered

Honors Chemistry –Topics covered for Midterm Exam
Chapter 1
Describing matter, classifying mater, phases of matter and their properties, volume,
FLM, conversion factors, physical vs. chemical properties, density, specific gravity,
elements atoms, compounds, molecules, mixtures vs. solutions, homogeneous vs.
heterogeneous, separating mixtures and separating solutions methods,
Chapter 2
Energy, endothermic, exothermic, heating curves, mcT, mHf, mHv, specific heat,
Kelvin, Celsius, Fahrenheit, and temperature conversions and relationships, kinetic
energy, potential energy (and diagrams), law of conservation, accuracy vs. precision
(Hitting Matt with a volley ball), significant digits, scientific notation,
Chapter 3
Law of definite proportion, Law of Conservation, ATOMIC THEORIES Democritus,
Dalton, Thompson, Bohr, Rutherford. Cathode ray tube (cathode, anode, cation, anion).
Atomic make up: Nucleus, protons, neutrons, electrons. Locations of all. Electron filling
order and AFBAU principle (s,p,d,f); energy levels, sublevels, orbitals, and spin. Writing
orbital notation. Isotopes, ions. Symbols of elements. Writing elements, ions, and
isotopes. Calculating charges. Electromagnetic spectrum (absorption and emission)
E=Hf, c=fcauses of light emission, electron movement and reasons for ease of
movement, quantum numbers, Hund’s rule, Pauli exclusion principle. Introduction of the
Chapter 4
Periodic Table. Development: Dobereiner, Newlands, Mendeleev, Moseley. Periodic
Law. Periods, groups, valence electrons (What each tells us) Alkali, alkaline earth,
transition metals, halogens, noble gases; lanthanides, and actinides. Ionization energy,
electron shielding. Atomic radius vs. ionic radius. Trends across a period. Trends down
a group. Trends on periodic table.
Chapter 5
Chemical reactivity and reasons. Octet rule, ions (cation and anion), stability of
substances. Ionic bonds, lattice energy, ionic solids.
Chapter 6
Ionic vs. molecular substances, covalent bond, bond energies, non-polar, polar,
coordinate covalent bonds. Dipoles, electronegativity. Metallic bonds. SOLIDS (ionic,
metallic, molecular/covalent). Valence electrons, Lewis electron dot drawings/structures.
Shared electrons/lone electrons. Polyatomic ion structures. VSEPR (valence shell
electron pair repulsion) (Ship shape shape sheet). Polarity of molecules vs. polarity of
Chapter 7
Molecular weight/ molar mass (from PT), mole conversions to atoms of an element,
molecules of a compound, liters of a gas. Avogadro’s number (6.023 x 1023) . Average
atomic mass (weighted average of all the naturally occurring isotopes). Writing formulas
(criss cross oxidation #’s) of compounds. Stock system when needed (if 1st element has
>1 position ox#). Naming acids and bases. Percent composition. Empirical vs.
molecular formulas. Calculating empirical formulas from masses and %. Calculating
molecular formulas from empirical formulas.
Chapter 8
Chemical reactions. Reactants vs. products. Synthesis, decomposition, single
replacement (and table J activity series) double replacement, combustion (types of
Chapter 9
Stoichiometry … mole math of balanced chemical equations. Limiting
reagents/reactants. % error vs. % yield.
Chapter 10
Thermodynamics and Calorimetry. Review heating curves mcT, mHf, mHv, specific
heat. Specific heat vs. molar heat capacity. Enthalpy (H), Entropy (G), Gibbs Free
Energy (G). Calculations and relationships. Factors that affect spontaneity of equations
based on entropy, enthalpy and Gibbs free energy (endothermic and exothermic). Hess’s
Law calculations with a series of equations.
Chapter 11
Change of state. Melting, freezing (change in PE only). MP, FP, sublimation.
Condensation, vaporization. Vaporization vs. evaporation. IMF (Intermolecular forces)
… just what we did so far on IMF