CHE 116: General Chemistry The Concept of Equilibrium At equilibrium, the rate at which products form 1 is EQUAL to the rate at which products CHAPTER FIFTEEN decompose. Forward reaction: A --> B rate = kf[A] Copyright © Tyna L. Heise 2002 Reverse reaction: B --> A rate = kr[B] All Rights Reserved At equilibrium, kf[A] = kr[B] [B] = kf = a constant (Keq) [A] kr Chap 15.1 Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 1 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. The TheConcept ConceptofofEquilibrium Equilibrium 2 At Atequilibrium, equilibrium,the therate rateatatwhich whichproducts productsform form isisEQUAL EQUALtotothe therate rateatatwhich whichproducts products decompose. decompose. Forward Forwardreaction: reaction: AA--> -->BB rate rate==kkf[A] f[A] Reverse Reversereaction: reaction: BB--> -->AA rate rate==kkr[B] r[B] At Atequilibrium, equilibrium,kkf[A] f[A]==kk r[B] r[B] [B] [B]== kkf f== aaconstant constant(K (Keqeq) ) [A] [A] kkr r Chap 15.1 Chem 15.1 Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 2 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. The TheConcept ConceptofofEquilibrium Equilibrium 3 Once At equilibrium, equilibriumthe is established, rate at which the products form concentrations is EQUAL to the of A rate andatBwhich do notproducts change. decompose. The fact that the composition remains constant Forwardwith reaction: time does A --> not B mean rate that = kf[A] A and B stop reacting Reverse reaction: B --> A rate = kr[B] Compound A is still converted into At equilibrium, kf[A] = kr[B] compound B, but both processes occur at the same rate [B] = kf = a constant (Keq) [A] kr Indicated by double arrow Chap 15.1 Chem 15.1 Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 3 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. The TheConcept ConceptofofEquilibrium Equilibrium 4 At equilibrium, the rate at which products form is EQUAL to the rate at which products decompose. Forward reaction: A --> B rate = kf[A] Reverse reaction: B --> A rate = kr[B] At equilibrium, kf[A] = kr[B] [B] = kf = a constant (Keq) [A] kr Chap 15.1 Chem 15.1 Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 4 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. The TheConcept ConceptofofEquilibrium Equilibrium 5 At equilibrium, the rate at which products form One of the most important chemical systems is isthe EQUAL to the rate at which synthesis of ammonia fromproducts nitrogen and decompose. hydrogen (HABER process) Forward reaction: A --> B rate = kf[A] Reverse reaction: B --> A rate = kr[B] At equilibrium, kf[A] = kr[B] [B] = kf = a constant (Keq) [A] kr Chap 15.1 Chem 15.1 Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 5 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. The TheConcept ConceptofofEquilibrium Equilibrium 6 At equilibrium, the rate at which products form HABER process: N2 + 3H2 2NH3(g) is EQUAL to the rate at which products put N2 + 3H2 in a high pressure tank at a decompose. total pressure of several hundred Forward reaction: --> B rate kf[A] atmospheres, in theApresence of a=catalyst, and at areaction: temperature of several Reverse B --> A rate hundred = kr[B] degrees Celsius. At equilibrium, kf[A] = kr[B] Two gases react, but does not lead to [B] =consumption kf = a constant (Keq) complete of gases [A] kr Chap 15.1 Chem 15.1 Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 6 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. The Constant TheEquilibrium Concept of Equilibrium 7 At equilibrium, the rate at which products form HABER process: is EQUAL to the rate at which N2 +products 3H2 decompose. 2NH3(g) Forward reaction: A at --> B rate =the kf[A] equilibrium, relative concentrations Reverse reaction: B of--> = kr[B] H2A , N2 rate and NH 3 are the same, regardless of At equilibrium, kf[A] = kthe r[B] starting mixture, and note that(K the )equilibrium is [B] = kf = a constant eq reached from either [A] kr direction! Chap 15.1 Chem 15.2 Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 7 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. The Constant TheEquilibrium Concept of Equilibrium 8 General Equation: aA + bB + qQproducts form At equilibrium, the rate atpP which is A, EQUAL toQ the which products B, P and arerate the at chemicals involved decompose. a, b, p and q are the coefficients in the balanced Forwardequilibrium reaction: A --> B rate = kf[A] chemical Reverse --> A at rate = kr[B] the According to thereaction: law of massBaction, equilibrium relationship between products and reactants is At equilibrium, kf[A] = kr[B] proportionally the same [B]p[Q] = qkf = a constant (Keq) Keq = [P] [A] [A]a[B]kbr Chap 15.1 Chem 15.2 Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 8 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. The Constant TheEquilibrium Concept of Equilibrium 9 equilibrium, the rate expression at which products form TheAt equilibrium constant depends EQUAL to the rate at of which products not on onlyison the stoichiometry the reaction, decompose. its mechanism. Forward B rate = kf[A] The only thingreaction: can alter A the-->proportionality constant of a balanced is Reverse reaction: chemical B --> A equation rate = kr[B] TEMPERATURE, altering anything else will At equilibrium, kf[A] = kr[B] cause the reaction to shift in order to get back to [B] = kf = a constant (Keq) the same proportionality... [A] Chap 15.1 Chem 15.2 kr Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 9 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. The Constant TheEquilibrium Concept of Equilibrium 10 At equilibrium, rateofatthe which products …which is why thethe rates forward and form is EQUAL to the at which products reverse reactions arerate always EQUAL and the decompose.of each chemical always remains concentration CONSTANT Forward reaction: A --> B rate = k [A] f Reverse reaction: B --> A rate = kr[B] At equilibrium, kf[A] = kr[B] [B] = kf = a constant (Keq) [A] kr Chap 15.1 Chem 15.2 Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 10 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. The Constant TheEquilibrium Concept of Equilibrium 11 At equilibrium, the rate which products form Sample exercise: Write theatequilibrium constant is EQUAL rate at which products expression fortoHthe 2(g) + I2(g) 2HI(g) decompose. Forward reaction: A --> B rate = kf[A] Reverse reaction: B --> A rate = kr[B] At equilibrium, kf[A] = kr[B] [B] = kf = a constant (Keq) [A] kr Chap 15.1 Chem 15.2 Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 11 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. The Constant TheEquilibrium Concept of Equilibrium 12 At equilibrium, the rate which products form Sample exercise: Write theatequilibrium constant is EQUAL rate at which products expression fortoHthe 2(g) + I2(g) 2HI(g) decompose. Forward reaction: A --> B rate = kf[A] Keq = [HI]2 Reverse reaction: B --> A rate = k [B] r [H2][I2] At equilibrium, kf[A] = kr[B] [B] = kf = a constant (Keq) [A] kr Chap 15.1 Chem 15.2 Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 12 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. The Constant TheEquilibrium Concept of Equilibrium 13 At equilibrium, rate at whichofproducts form When the reactantsthe and products an is EQUALare to the ratethe at partial which products equilibrium gases, pressures can decompose. be used… Forward q --> B rate = kf[A] K =reaction: (P )p(P )A p P Q a(P )b (P ) Reverse reaction: A B B --> A rate = kr[B] At equilibrium, kf[A] = kr[B] Dn [B] = k = a constant (Keq) K = K (RT) f p eq [A] Chap 15.1 Chem 15.2 kr Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 13 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. The Constant TheEquilibrium Concept of Equilibrium 14 At equilibrium, thethe rateequilibrium at which products form Sample exercise: For is EQUAL to the rate at which products 2SO3(g) 2SO 2(g) + O2(g) decompose. at a temperature of 1000K, Keq has the value Forward of 4.08 x reaction: 10-3. Calculate value A --> Btherate = kfor [A]Kp. f Reverse reaction: B --> A rate = kr[B] At equilibrium, kf[A] = kr[B] [B] = kf = a constant (Keq) [A] kr Chap 15.1 Chem 15.2 Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 14 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. The Constant TheEquilibrium Concept of Equilibrium 15 At equilibrium, thethe rateequilibrium at which products form Sample exercise: For is EQUAL to the rate at which products 2SO3(g) 2SO 2(g) + O2(g) decompose. at a temperature of 1000K, Keq has the value Forward of 4.08 x reaction: 10-3. Calculate value A --> Btherate = kfor [A]Kp. f Dn K = K (RT) Reversepreaction: B --> A rate = kr[B] eq At equilibrium, kf[A] = kr[B] [B] = kf = a constant (Keq) [A] kr Chap 15.1 Chem 15.2 Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 15 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. The Constant TheEquilibrium Concept of Equilibrium 16 At equilibrium, thethe rateequilibrium at which products form Sample exercise: For is EQUAL to the rate at which products 2SO3(g) 2SO 2(g) + O2(g) decompose. at a temperature of 1000K, Keq has the value Forward of 4.08 x reaction: 10-3. Calculate value A --> Btherate = kfor [A]Kp. f Dn K = K (RT) Reversepreaction: B --> A rate = kr[B] eq = 4.08 x 10-3((0.0821)(1000))1 At equilibrium, kf[A] = kr[B] [B] = kf = a constant (Keq) [A] kr Chap 15.1 Chem 15.2 Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 16 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. The Constant TheEquilibrium Concept of Equilibrium 17 At equilibrium, thethe rateequilibrium at which products form Sample exercise: For is EQUAL to the rate at which products 2SO3(g) 2SO 2(g) + O2(g) decompose. at a temperature of 1000K, Keq has the value Forward of 4.08 x reaction: 10-3. Calculate value A --> Btherate = kfor [A]Kp. f Dn K = K (RT) Reversepreaction: B --> A rate = kr[B] eq = 4.08 x 10-3((0.0821)(1000))1 At equilibrium, kf[A] = -3kr[B] = 4.08 x 10 (82.1) [B] = kf = a constant (Keq) [A] kr Chap 15.1 Chem 15.2 Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 17 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. The Constant TheEquilibrium Concept of Equilibrium 18 At equilibrium, thethe rateequilibrium at which products form Sample exercise: For is EQUAL to the rate at which products 2SO3(g) 2SO 2(g) + O2(g) decompose. at a temperature of 1000K, Keq has the value Forward of 4.08 x reaction: 10-3. Calculate value A --> Btherate = kfor [A]Kp. f Dn K = K (RT) Reversepreaction: B --> A rate = kr[B] eq = 4.08 x 10-3((0.0821)(1000))1 At equilibrium, kf[A] =-3kr[B] = 4.08 x 10 (82.1) [B] == 0.335 kf = a constant (Keq) [A] Chap 15.1 Chem 15.2 kr Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 18 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. The Constant TheEquilibrium Concept of Equilibrium 19 At equilibrium, the rate which Equilibrium Constants canatbe veryproducts large or form very is EQUAL to the rateofatthe which products small. The magnitude equilibrium decompose. constant provides us with important information aboutForward the equilibrium reaction:mixture. A --> B rate = k [A] f Reverse reaction: B --> A rate = kr[B] At equilibrium, kf[A] = kr[B] [B] = kf = a constant (Keq) [A] kr Chap 15.1 Chem 15.2 Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 19 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. The Constant TheEquilibrium Concept of Equilibrium 20 At equilibrium, the rate at which products Sample Exercise: The equilibrium constantform for EQUALHto the rate at which products the is reaction 2(g) + I2(g) 2HI(g) varies with decompose. temperature in the following way: Keq = 794 at 298 K B rate = k [A] Forward reaction: A --> f Keq = 54 at 700 K Reverse reaction: B --> A rate = k [B] r Is the formation of products favored more at the or lower At higher equilibrium, kf[A]temperature? = kr[B] [B] = kf = a constant (Keq) [A] kr Chap 15.1 Chem 15.2 Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 20 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. The Constant TheEquilibrium Concept of Equilibrium 21 At equilibrium, the rate at which products Sample Exercise: The equilibrium constantform for EQUALHto the rate at which products the is reaction 2(g) + I2(g) 2HI(g) varies with decompose. temperature in the following way: Keq = 794 at 298 K B rate = k [A] Forward reaction: A --> f Keq = 54 at 700 K Reverse reaction: B --> A rate = k [B] r Is the formation of products favored more at the or lower At higher equilibrium, kf[A]temperature? = kr[B] [B] = kbecause Lower Keq is (K larger f = a constant eq) [A] Chap 15.1 Chem 15.2 kr Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 21 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. Heterogeneous The Concept ofEquilibria Equilibrium 22 equilibrium, the equilibrium rate at whichare products form TheAt substances in the of is EQUAL to the rate at which products different phases: decompose. the concentration of a pure solid or liquid equals itsreaction: density divided its molar Forward A --> Bbyrate = k [A]mass f 3 = mol D = g/cm Reverse reaction: B --> A rate = kr[B] M g/mol cm3 At equilibrium, kf[A] = kr[B] the density is constant at any given [B] = kf = a constant (Keq) temperature so... [A] k r Chap 15.1 Chem 15.3 Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 22 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. Heterogeneous The Concept ofEquilibria Equilibrium 23 At3equilibrium, the+rate products form CaCo (s) CaO(s) CO2at(g)which If a pure solid or is EQUAL to the rate at whichliquid products is used it is Keq = [CaO][CO2] NOT included in the decompose. [CaCO3] equilibrium constant Forward reaction: A --> B rate = kf[A] Keq = constant 1[CO2] Reverse constant reaction: 2 B --> A rate = kr[B] At equilibrium, kf[A] = kr[B] Keq’ = Keq constant 1 = [CO2] [B] = constant kf = a constant (Keq) 2 [A] Chap 15.1 Chem 15.3 kr Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 23 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. Heterogeneous The Concept ofEquilibria Equilibrium 24 At equilibrium, the rate at equilibrium which products form Sample Exercise: Write the is EQUAL toK the rate at which products expressions for eq and Kp for the reaction decompose. 3Fe(s) + 4H2O(g) Fe3O4(s) + 4H2(g) Forward reaction: A --> B rate = kf[A] Reverse reaction: B --> A rate = kr[B] At equilibrium, kf[A] = kr[B] [B] = kf = a constant (Keq) [A] kr Chap 15.1 Chem 15.3 Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 24 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. Heterogeneous The Concept ofEquilibria Equilibrium 25 At equilibrium, the rate at equilibrium which products form Sample Exercise: Write the is EQUAL toK the rate at which products expressions for eq and Kp for the reaction decompose. 3Fe(s) + 4H2O(g) Fe3O4(s) + 4H2(g) Forward reaction: A --> B rate = kf[A] K = products eq reactants Reverse reaction: B --> A rate = kr[B] At equilibrium, kf[A] = kr[B] [B] = kf = a constant (Keq) [A] kr Chap 15.1 Chem 15.3 Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 25 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. Heterogeneous The Concept ofEquilibria Equilibrium 26 At equilibrium, the rate at equilibrium which products form Sample Exercise: Write the is EQUAL toK the rate at which products expressions for eq and Kp for the reaction decompose. 3Fe(s) + 4H2O(g) Fe3O4(s) + 4H2(g) Forward reaction: A --> 4 B rate = kf[A] K = products = [H ] eq 2 4 reactants [H O] Reverse reaction: B 2--> A rate = kr[B] At equilibrium, kf[A] = kr[B] [B] = kf = a constant (Keq) [A] kr Chap 15.1 Chem 15.3 Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 26 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. Heterogeneous The Concept ofEquilibria Equilibrium 27 At equilibrium, the rate at equilibrium which products form Sample Exercise: Write the is EQUAL toK the rate at which products expressions for eq and Kp for the reaction decompose. 3Fe(s) + 4H2O(g) Fe3O4(s) + 4H2(g) Forward reaction: A --> 4 B rate = kf[A] K = products = [H ] eq 2 4 reactants [H O] Reverse reaction: B 2--> A rate = kr[B] 4 = P AtKequilibrium, kf[A] = kr[B] p (H ) 2 4 P(H O) [B]2= kf [A] Chap 15.1 Chem 15.3 = a constant (Keq) kr Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 27 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. Heterogeneous The Concept ofEquilibria Equilibrium 28 At equilibrium, the rateof atthe which products form Sample Exercise: Which following is EQUAL theH rate at which products substances - Hto2(g), 2O(g), O2(g) - when added decompose. to Fe 3O4(s) in a closed container at high temperature, of equilibrium Forwardpermits reaction:attainment A --> B rate = kf[A] in the rxn 3Fe(s) + 4H2O(g) Fe3O4(s) + 4H2(g) Reverse reaction: B --> A rate = kr[B] At equilibrium, kf[A] = kr[B] [B] = kf = a constant (Keq) [A] kr Chap 15.1 Chem 15.3 Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 28 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. Heterogeneous The Concept ofEquilibria Equilibrium 29 At equilibrium, the rateof atthe which products form Sample Exercise: Which following is EQUAL theH rate at which products substances - Hto2(g), 2O(g), O2(g) - when added decompose. to Fe 3O4(s) in a closed container at high temperature, of equilibrium Forwardpermits reaction:attainment A --> B rate = kf[A] in the rxn 3Fe(s) + 4H2O(g) Fe3O4(s) + 4H2(g) Reverse reaction: B --> A rate = kr[B] At equilibrium, kf[A] = kr[B] Only hydrogen [B] = kf = a constant (Keq) [A] kr Chap 15.1 Chem 15.3 Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 29 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. Calculating Equilibrium Const The Concept of Equilibrium 30 At equilibrium, the ratechloride, at whichNO products Sample Exercise: Nitryl in 2Cl, isform is EQUALwith to the rate at which products equilibrium NO 2 and Cl2: decompose. 2NO2Cl(g) 2NO2(g) + Cl2(g) At equilibrium the concentrations the Forward reaction: A --> B rate = kof [A] f substances are [NO2Cl] = 0.00106 M, [NO2] = Reverse reaction: B --> A rate = k [B] r 0.0108 M, and [Cl2] = 0.00538 M. From these dataAtcalculate the equilibrium equilibrium, kf[A] = kr[B] constant, Keq. [B] = kf = a constant (Keq) [A] kr Chap 15.1 Chem 15.4 Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 30 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. Calculating Equilibrium Const The Concept of Equilibrium 31 At2NO equilibrium, rate at + which products form 2NO Cl2(g) 2Cl(g) the 2(g) is At EQUAL to the rate which productsof the equilibrium the at concentrations decompose. substances are [NO2Cl] = 0.00106 M, [NO2] = 0.0108Forward M, and reaction: [Cl2] = 0.00538 From A --> BM.rate = kfthese [A] data calculate the equilibrium constant, Keq. Reverse reaction: B --> A rate = kr[B] Keq = products At equilibrium, kf[A] = kr[B] reactants [B] = kf = a constant (Keq) [A] kr Chap 15.1 Chem 15.4 Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 31 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. Calculating Equilibrium Const The Concept of Equilibrium 32 At2NO equilibrium, rate at + which products form 2NO Cl2(g) 2Cl(g) the 2(g) is At EQUAL to the rate which productsof the equilibrium the at concentrations decompose. substances are [NO2Cl] = 0.00106 M, [NO2] = 0.0108Forward M, and reaction: [Cl2] = 0.00538 From A --> BM.rate = kfthese [A] data calculate the equilibrium constant, Keq. Reverse reaction: B --> A rate = kr[B] Keq = products = [NO2]2[Cl2] At equilibrium, kf[A] = kr[B] 2 reactants [NO2Cl] [B] = kf = a constant (Keq) [A] kr Chap 15.1 Chem 15.4 Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 32 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. Calculating Equilibrium Const The Concept of Equilibrium 33 At equilibrium, rate at which of products form At equilibrium thethe concentrations the is EQUAL the 2rate at0.00106 which products substances areto[NO Cl] = M, [NO2] = decompose. 0.0108 M, and [Cl2] = 0.00538 M. From these data calculate equilibrium eq. Forward the reaction: A --> Bconstant, rate = k K [A] f 2(0.00538) Keq =Reverse [NO2]2[Cl ] = (0.0108) reaction: B --> A rate = kr[B] 2 [NO2Cl]2 (0.00106)2 At equilibrium, kf[A] = kr[B] [B] = kf = a constant (Keq) [A] kr Chap 15.1 Chem 15.4 Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 33 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. Calculating Equilibrium Const The Concept of Equilibrium 34 At equilibrium, rate at which of products form At equilibrium thethe concentrations the is EQUAL the 2rate at0.00106 which products substances areto[NO Cl] = M, [NO2] = decompose. 0.0108 M, and [Cl2] = 0.00538 M. From these data calculate equilibrium eq. Forward the reaction: A --> Bconstant, rate = k K [A] f 2(0.00538) Keq =Reverse [NO2]2[Cl ] = (0.0108) reaction: B --> A rate = kr[B] 2 [NO2Cl]2 (0.00106)2 At equilibrium, kf[A] = kr[B] = 0.558 [B] = kf = a constant (Keq) [A] kr Chap 15.1 Chem 15.4 Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 34 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. Calculating Equilibrium Const The Concept of Equilibrium 35 At equilibrium, the which products Rarely are we given allrate theatinformation as inform the EQUAL problem, to the ratenormally, at which products firstisexample one decompose.will be given and stoichiometric concentration calculations will give youAthe Forward reaction: -->others. B rate = k [A] f Reverse reaction: B --> A rate = kr[B] Exercise AtSample equilibrium, kf[A]pg= 572 kr[B]on board. [B] = kf = a constant (Keq) [A] kr Chap 15.1 Chem 15.4 Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 35 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. Applications The ConceptofofKEquilibrium eq 36 the reaction rate at which products If KAtis equilibrium, very large, the will tend to form is proceed EQUAL far to the at which products to rate the right creating a large decompose. amount of products. reaction: A --> Bwill rate kf[A] If K isForward very small, the reaction not= proceed, staying to the left, leaving a large Reversefar reaction: B --> A rate = kr[B] amount of reactants unused. At equilibrium, kf[A] = kr[B] [B] = kf = a constant (Keq) [A] kr Chap 15.1 Chem 15.5 Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 36 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. Applications The ConceptofofKEquilibrium eq 37 At equilibrium, the rate at which products form Predicting the Direction is EQUAL to the rate at which products use initial concentrations to determine decompose. original Keq Forward reaction: A --> B rate = kf[A] obtain Keq at temperature you want Reverse reaction: B --> A rate = kr[B] compare calculated Keq to actual Keq and it At equilibrium, kf[A] = kr[B] will tell you how the reaction is going [B] = kf = a constant (Keq) [A] kr Chap 15.1 Chem 15.5 Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 37 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. Applications The ConceptofofKEquilibrium eq 38 At equilibrium, the rate at which products form Predicting the Direction is EQUAL to the rate at which products 2.00 mol H2, 1.00 mol of N2, and 2.00 mol of decompose. NH3 at 472°C Q = (2)2/(1)(2)3 = 0.500 Forward reaction: A --> B rate = kf[A] according to S.E. 15.7, Keq = 0.105 Reverse reaction: B --> A rate = kr[B] our actual is much smaller than the original At equilibrium, kf[A] = kr[B] which tells me that I have quite a bit less kf = reactant a constant (Keqanticipated, ) product [B] and=more than [A]is proceeding kr so reaction to the left Chap 15.1 Chem 15.5 Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 38 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. Applications The ConceptofofKEquilibrium eq 39 At equilibrium, rateKatthe which products Sample exercise: Atthe 1000 value of Keq form for EQUAL2SO to the rate at which products the is reaction 3(g) 2SO2(g) + O2(g) is 4.08 x 10-3decompose. . Calculate the value for Q, and predict the direction in which the reaction proceed Forward reaction: A --> Bwill rate = kf[A] toward equilibrium if the initial concentrations Reverse reaction: B --> A rate = k [B] -3 -3 r are: [SO3] = 2 x 10 M, [SO2] = 5 x 10 M, and [O2]At= equilibrium, 3 x 10-2 M. kf[A] = kr[B] [B] = kf = a constant (Keq) [A] kr Chap 15.1 Chem 15.5 Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 39 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. Applications The ConceptofofKEquilibrium eq 40 At equilibrium, rateKatthe which products Sample exercise: Atthe 1000 value of Keq form for EQUAL2SO to the rate at which products the is reaction 3(g) 2SO2(g) + O2(g) is 4.08 x 10-3decompose. . Calculate the value for Q, and predict the direction in which the reaction proceed Forward reaction: A --> Bwill rate = kf[A] toward equilibrium if the initial concentrations Reverse reaction: B --> A rate = k [B] -3 -3 r are: [SO3] = 2 x 10 M, [SO2] = 5 x 10 M, and [O2]At= equilibrium, 3 x 10-2 M. kf[A] = kr[B] Q = [SO2]2[O2] [B] = k2f = a constant (Keq) [SO ] 3 [A] k r Chap 15.1 Chem 15.5 Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 40 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. Applications The ConceptofofKEquilibrium eq 41 At equilibrium, rateKatthe which products Sample exercise: Atthe 1000 value of Keq form for EQUAL2SO to the rate at which products the is reaction 3(g) 2SO2(g) + O2(g) is 4.08 x 10-3decompose. . Calculate the value for Q, and predict the direction in which the reaction proceed Forward reaction: A --> Bwill rate = kf[A] toward equilibrium if the initial concentrations Reverse reaction: B --> A rate = k [B] -3 -3 r are: [SO3] = 2 x 10 M, [SO2] = 5 x 10 M, and [O2]At= equilibrium, 3 x 10-2 M. kf[A] = kr[B] Q = [SO2]2[O2] = (5 x 10-3)2(3 x 10-2) [B] = k2f = a constant (K-3eq)2 [SO ] (2 x 10 ) 3 [A] k r Chap 15.1 Chem 15.5 Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 41 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. Applications The ConceptofofKEquilibrium eq 42 At equilibrium, rateKatthe which products Sample exercise: Atthe 1000 value of Keq form for EQUAL2SO to the rate at which products the is reaction 3(g) 2SO2(g) + O2(g) is 4.08 x 10-3decompose. . Calculate the value for Q, and predict the direction in which the reaction proceed Forward reaction: A --> Bwill rate = kf[A] toward equilibrium if the initial concentrations Reverse reaction: B --> A rate = k [B] -3 -3 r are: [SO3] = 2 x 10 M, [SO2] = 5 x 10 M, and [O2]At= equilibrium, 3 x 10-2 M. kf[A] = kr[B] Q = [SO2]2[O2] = (5 x 10-3)2(3 x 10-2) = 0.2 [B] = k2f = a constant (K-3eq)2 [SO ] (2 x 10 ) 3 [A] k r Chap 15.1 Chem 15.5 Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 42 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. Applications The ConceptofofKEquilibrium eq 43 At equilibrium, rateKatthe which products Sample exercise: Atthe 1000 value of Keq form for EQUAL2SO to the rate at which products the is reaction 3(g) 2SO2(g) + O2(g) is 4.08 x 10-3decompose. . Calculate the value for Q, and predict the direction in which the reaction proceed Forward reaction: A --> Bwill rate = kf[A] toward equilibrium if the initial concentrations Reverse reaction: B --> A rate = k [B] -3 -3 r are: [SO3] = 2 x 10 M, [SO2] = 5 x 10 M, and [O2]At= equilibrium, 3 x 10-2 M. kf[A] = kr[B] Q = 0.2 ; 4.08 x 10-3 is much smaller, so I [B] = kf = a constant (Keq) need less products to form and more reactants [A] kr which indicates a shift to the left Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise 43 Chap 15.1 Chem 15.5 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise Chem. 107: T. L. Applications The ConceptofofKEquilibrium eq 44 equilibrium, thethe rateKat products It isAt possible to know and some of theform eq which is EQUAL toand the rate concentrations needattowhich workproducts backwards to finddecompose. a missing concentration. Example: For the Haber Forward reaction: A --> Bprocess, rate = kf[A] Kp = 1.45 x 10-5 at 500°C. Partial pressures Reverse reaction: B --> A rate = k [B] r known are H2 0.928 atm and N2 0.432 atm. What the pressure of NH ? At is equilibrium, kf[A] = kr3[B] [B] = kf = a constant (Keq) [A] kr Chap 15.1 Chem 15.5 Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 44 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. Applications The ConceptofofKEquilibrium eq 45 equilibrium, thethe rateKat products It isAt possible to know and some of theform eq which is EQUAL toand the rate concentrations needattowhich workproducts backwards to finddecompose. a missing concentration. Example: For the Haber Forward reaction: A --> Bprocess, rate = kf[A] Kp = 1.45 x 10-5 at 500°C. Partial pressures Reverse reaction: B --> A rate = k [B] r known are H2 0.928 atm and N2 0.432 atm. What the pressure of NH ? At is equilibrium, kf[A] = kr3[B] Kp = 1.45 x 10-5 = [NH3]2 = x2 [B] = kf = a constant (Keq) 3 3 [H ] [N ] (0.928) (0.432) 2 2 [A] k r Chap 15.1 Chem 15.5 Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 45 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. Applications The ConceptofofKEquilibrium eq 46 equilibrium, thethe rateKat products It isAt possible to know and some of theform eq which is EQUAL toand the rate concentrations needattowhich workproducts backwards to finddecompose. a missing concentration. Example: For the Haber Forward reaction: A --> Bprocess, rate = kf[A] Kp = 1.45 x 10-5 at 500°C. Partial pressures Reverse reaction: B --> A rate = k [B] r known are H2 0.928 atm and N2 0.432 atm. What the pressure of NH ? At is equilibrium, kf[A] = kr3[B] Kp = 1.45 x 10-5 = x2 x = 5.01 x [B] = kf = a constant3 (Keq) -6 10 (0.928) (0.432) [A] k r Chap 15.1 Chem 15.5 Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 46 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. Applications The ConceptofofKEquilibrium eq 47 At equilibrium, rate at which products form Sample exercise:Atthe 500 K the reaction is PCl EQUAL to the rate at which products 5(g) PCl3(g) + Cl2(g) has Kp = 0.497. decompose. In an equilibrium mixture at 500 K, the partial pressure of PClreaction: atm that=of PCl3 is 5 is 0.860 A Forward --> and B rate kf[A] 0.350 atm. What is the partial pressure of Cl2 in Reverse reaction: B --> A rate = k [B] r the equilibrium mixture? At equilibrium, kf[A] = kr[B] [B] = kf = a constant (Keq) [A] kr Chap 15.1 Chem 15.5 Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 47 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. Applications The ConceptofofKEquilibrium eq 48 At equilibrium, rate at which products form Sample exercise:Atthe 500 K the reaction is PCl EQUAL to the rate at which products 5(g) PCl3(g) + Cl2(g) has Kp = 0.497. decompose. In an equilibrium mixture at 500 K, the partial pressure of PClreaction: atm that=of PCl3 is 5 is 0.860 A Forward --> and B rate kf[A] 0.350 atm. What is the partial pressure of Cl2 in Reverse reaction: B --> A rate = k [B] r the equilibrium mixture? At equilibrium, kf[A] = kr[B] Kp = [PCl3][Cl2] [PCl[B] 5] = kf = a constant (Keq) [A] Chap 15.1 Chem 15.5 kr Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 48 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. Applications The ConceptofofKEquilibrium eq 49 At equilibrium, rate at which products form Sample exercise:Atthe 500 K the reaction is PCl EQUAL to the rate at which products 5(g) PCl3(g) + Cl2(g) has Kp = 0.497. decompose. In an equilibrium mixture at 500 K, the partial pressure of PClreaction: atm that=of PCl3 is 5 is 0.860 A Forward --> and B rate kf[A] 0.350 atm. What is the partial pressure of Cl2 in Reverse reaction: B --> A rate = k [B] r the equilibrium mixture? At equilibrium, kf[A] = kr[B] Kp = [PCl3][Cl2] 0.497 = (.350)(x) (Keq) [PCl[B] 5] = kf = a constant (0.860) [A] Chap 15.1 Chem 15.5 kr Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 49 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. Applications The ConceptofofKEquilibrium eq 50 At equilibrium, rate at which products form Sample exercise:Atthe 500 K the reaction is PCl EQUAL to the rate at which products 5(g) PCl3(g) + Cl2(g) has Kp = 0.497. decompose. In an equilibrium mixture at 500 K, the partial pressure of PClreaction: atm that=of PCl3 is 5 is 0.860 A Forward --> and B rate kf[A] 0.350 atm. What is the partial pressure of Cl2 in Reverse reaction: B --> A rate = k [B] r the equilibrium mixture? At equilibrium, kf[A] = kr[B] Kp = [PCl3][Cl2] 0.497(0.860) = (.350)(x) [PCl[B] 5] = kf = a constant (Keq) [A] Chap 15.1 Chem 15.5 kr Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 50 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. Applications The ConceptofofKEquilibrium eq 51 At equilibrium, rate at which products form Sample exercise:Atthe 500 K the reaction is PCl EQUAL to the rate at which products 5(g) PCl3(g) + Cl2(g) has Kp = 0.497. decompose. In an equilibrium mixture at 500 K, the partial pressure of PClreaction: atm that=of PCl3 is 5 is 0.860 A Forward --> and B rate kf[A] 0.350 atm. What is the partial pressure of Cl2 in Reverse reaction: B --> A rate = k [B] r the equilibrium mixture? At equilibrium, kf[A] = kr[B] Kp = [PCl3][Cl2] 0.497(0.860) = (x) = a constant (Keq) [PCl[B] 5] = kf (0.350) [A] Chap 15.1 Chem 15.5 kr Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 51 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. Applications The ConceptofofKEquilibrium eq 52 At equilibrium, rate at which products form Sample exercise:Atthe 500 K the reaction is PCl EQUAL to the rate at which products 5(g) PCl3(g) + Cl2(g) has Kp = 0.497. decompose. In an equilibrium mixture at 500 K, the partial pressure of PClreaction: atm that=of PCl3 is 5 is 0.860 A Forward --> and B rate kf[A] 0.350 atm. What is the partial pressure of Cl2 in Reverse reaction: B --> A rate = k [B] r the equilibrium mixture? At equilibrium, kf[A] = kr[B] Kp = [PCl3][Cl2] 1.22 = (x) [PCl[B] 5] = kf = a constant (Keq) [A] Chap 15.1 Chem 15.5 kr Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 52 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. Le Châtelier’s Principle The Concept of Equilibrium 53 At equilibrium, the rate at which products form If a system at equilibrium is disturbed by a ischange EQUAL to the rate at pressure, which products in temperature, or the decompose. concentration of one of the components, the system will reaction: shift its equilibrium position so as Forward A --> B rate = kf[A] to counteract the effect of the disturbance. Reverse reaction: -->equilibrium A rate = kr[B] 3 ways to changeBan At equilibrium, kf[A] = akrreactant [B] add or remove or product Chap 15.1 Chem 15.6 [B] = kfthe = apressure constant (Keq) change [A] kr change theChem. temperature 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 53 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. Le Châtelier’s Principle The Concept of Equilibrium 54 At equilibrium, the rate at which products form Change in reactant or product concentrations is EQUAL to the rate at which products adding a reactant or product forces a shift decompose. that will use up what has been added Forward reaction: A --> B rate = kf[A] removing a reactant or product forces a Reverse reaction: --> A ofrate = kwas shift that will createB more what r[B] taken At equilibrium, k [A] = k [B] f r [B] = kf = a constant (Keq) [A] kr Chap 15.1 Chem 15.6 Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 54 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. Le Châtelier’s Principle The Concept of Equilibrium 55 At equilibrium, the rate at which products form Change in volume or pressure is EQUAL to the rate at which products decreasing volume causes increasing decompose. pressure and vice versa Forward reaction: A --> B rate = kf[A] increasing pressure forces a shift in Reverse reaction: B --> rate = kr[B] equilibrium towards the A production of fewer moles of gas= k [B] At equilibrium, k [A] f r decreasing forces(Ka shift in [B] = kf pressure = a constant ) eq equilibrium [A] krtowards the production of more moles of Chem. gas116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chap 15.1 Chem 15.6 Chem. 55 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. Le Châtelier’s Principle The Concept of Equilibrium 56 At equilibrium, the rate at which products form Change in temperature is EQUAL to the rate at which products increasing temperature forces a shift in decompose. the endothermic direction so increased Forward reaction: energy can be used A up--> B rate = kf[A] Reverse reaction: B --> Aforces rate = kr[B]in decreasing temperature a shift the exothermic direction At equilibrium, kf[A] = kr[B]so more energy can be produced to replace lost energy [B] = kf = a constant (Keq) [A] kr Chap 15.1 Chem 15.6 Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 56 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. Le Châtelier’s Principle The Concept of Equilibrium 57 Concentration of At equilibrium, the rate at which products form is EQUAL to the rate at which H products 2 is altered and affects are decompose. graphed Forward reaction: A --> B rate = kf[A] Reverse reaction: B --> A rate = kr[B] At equilibrium, kf[A] = kr[B] [B] = kf = a constant (Keq) [A] kr Chap 15.1 Chem 15.6 Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 57 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. Le Châtelier’s Principle The Concept of Equilibrium 58 Sample At equilibrium, Exercise:the For rate theatreaction which products form is EQUAL to +the rate at products PCl5(g) energy which PCl3(g) + Cl2(g) in decompose. what direction will the equilibrium shift when (a) Cl2(g) is added Forward reaction: A --> B rate = kf[A] (b) the temperature is increased Reverse (c ) the reaction: volume isBdecreased --> A rate = kr[B] (d) PCl5(g) is added At equilibrium, kf[A] = kr[B] [B] = kf = a constant (Keq) [A] kr Chap 15.1 Chem 15.6 Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 58 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. Le Châtelier’s Principle The Concept of Equilibrium 59 Sample At equilibrium, Exercise:the For rate theatreaction which products form is EQUAL to +the rate at products PCl5(g) energy which PCl3(g) + Cl2(g) in decompose. what direction will the equilibrium shift when (a) Cl2(g) is added Forward reaction: A --> B rate = kf[A] Reverse reaction: B --> A rate = kr[B] PCl5(g) + energy PCl3(g) + Cl At2(g) equilibrium, kf[A] = kr[B] [B] = kf = a constant (Keq) [A] kr Chap 15.1 Chem 15.6 Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 59 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. Le Châtelier’s Principle The Concept of Equilibrium 60 Sample At equilibrium, Exercise:the For rate theatreaction which products form is EQUAL to +the rate at products PCl5(g) energy which PCl3(g) + Cl2(g) in decompose. what direction will the equilibrium shift when (a) Cl2(g) is added Forward reaction: A --> B rate = kf[A] Reverse reaction: B --> A rate = kr[B] PCl5(g) + energy PCl3(g) + Cl2(g) At equilibrium, kf[A] = kr[B] [B] = kf = a constant (Keq) [A] kr Chap 15.1 Chem 15.6 Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 60 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. Le Châtelier’s Principle The Concept of Equilibrium 61 Sample At equilibrium, Exercise:the For rate theatreaction which products form is EQUAL to +the rate at products PCl5(g) energy which PCl3(g) + Cl2(g) in decompose. what direction will the equilibrium shift when (b) the temperature is increased Forward reaction: A --> B rate = kf[A] Reverse reaction: B --> A rate = kr[B] PCl5(g) + energy PCl3(g) + Cl2(g) At equilibrium, kf[A] = kr[B] [B] = kf = a constant (Keq) [A] kr Chap 15.1 Chem 15.6 Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 61 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. Le Châtelier’s Principle The Concept of Equilibrium 62 Sample At equilibrium, Exercise:the For rate theatreaction which products form is EQUAL to +the rate at products PCl5(g) energy which PCl3(g) + Cl2(g) in decompose. what direction will the equilibrium shift when (b) the temperature is increased Forward reaction: A --> B rate = kf[A] Reverse reaction: B --> A rate = kr[B] PCl5(g) + energy PCl3(g) + Cl2(g) At equilibrium, kf[A] = kr[B] [B] = kf = a constant (Keq) [A] kr Chap 15.1 Chem 15.6 Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 62 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. Le Châtelier’s Principle The Concept of Equilibrium 63 Sample At equilibrium, Exercise:the For rate theatreaction which products form is EQUAL to +the rate at products PCl5(g) energy which PCl3(g) + Cl2(g) in decompose. what direction will the equilibrium shift when (c ) the volume is decreased Forward reaction: A --> B rate = kf[A] Reverse reaction: B --> A rate = kr[B] At equilibrium, kf[A] = kr[B] [B] = kf = a constant (Keq) [A] kr Chap 15.1 Chem 15.6 Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 63 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. Le Châtelier’s Principle The Concept of Equilibrium 64 Sample At equilibrium, Exercise:the For rate theatreaction which products form is EQUAL to +the rate at products PCl5(g) energy which PCl3(g) + Cl2(g) in decompose. what direction will the equilibrium shift when (c ) the volume is decreased Forward reaction: A --> B rate = kf[A] pressure is increased, favors less moles Reverse reaction: B --> A rate = kr[B] At equilibrium, = k3r(g) [B]+ Cl2(g) PCl PCl f[A] 5(g) + energyk 1 mole [B] = kf = a1 constant mole + 1 (K mole eq) [A] kr Chap 15.1 Chem 15.6 Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 64 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. Le Châtelier’s Principle The Concept of Equilibrium 65 Sample At equilibrium, Exercise:the For rate theatreaction which products form is EQUAL to +the rate at products PCl5(g) energy which PCl3(g) + Cl2(g) in decompose. what direction will the equilibrium shift when (c ) the volume is decreased Forward reaction: A --> B rate = kf[A] pressure is increased, favors less moles Reverse reaction: B --> A rate = kr[B] At equilibrium, = k3r(g) [B]+ Cl2(g) PCl PCl f[A] 5(g) + energyk 1 mole [B] = kf = a1 constant mole + 1 (K mole eq) [A] kr Chap 15.1 Chem 15.6 Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 65 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. Le Châtelier’s Principle The Concept of Equilibrium 66 Sample At equilibrium, Exercise:the For rate theatreaction which products form is EQUAL to +the rate at products PCl5(g) energy which PCl3(g) + Cl2(g) in decompose. what direction will the equilibrium shift when (d) PCl5(g) is added Forward reaction: A --> B rate = kf[A] Reverse reaction: B --> A rate = kr[B] At equilibrium, kf[A] = kr[B] [B] = kf = a constant (Keq) [A] kr Chap 15.1 Chem 15.6 Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 66 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. Le Châtelier’s Principle The Concept of Equilibrium 67 Sample At equilibrium, Exercise:the For rate theatreaction which products form is EQUAL to +the rate at products PCl5(g) energy which PCl3(g) + Cl2(g) in decompose. what direction will the equilibrium shift when (b) the temperature is increased Forward reaction: A --> B rate = kf[A] Reverse reaction: B --> A rate = kr[B] PCl5(g) + energy PCl3(g) + Cl2(g) At equilibrium, kf[A] = kr[B] [B] = kf = a constant (Keq) [A] kr Chap 15.1 Chem 15.6 Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 67 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. Le Châtelier’s Principle The Concept of Equilibrium 68 Sample At equilibrium, Exercise:the For rate theatreaction which products form is EQUAL to +the rate at products PCl5(g) energy which PCl3(g) + Cl2(g) in decompose. what direction will the equilibrium shift when (b) the temperature is increased Forward reaction: A --> B rate = kf[A] Reverse reaction: B --> A rate = kr[B] PCl5(g) + energy PCl3(g) + Cl2(g) At equilibrium, kf[A] = kr[B] [B] = kf = a constant (Keq) [A] kr Chap 15.1 Chem 15.6 Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 68 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. Le Châtelier’s Principle The Concept of Equilibrium 69 Sample At equilibrium, Exercise:the Using ratethe at which thermodynamic products form data is EQUAL in Appendix to the rate C, determine at which the products enthalpy change decompose. for the reaction 2POCl3(g) 2PCl3(g) + O2(g) Forward reaction: A --> B rate = kf[A] use this result to determine how the equilibrium Reverse reaction: constant for B --> theAreaction rate =should kr[B] change with temperature. At equilibrium, kf[A] = kr[B] [B] = kf = a constant (Keq) [A] kr Chap 15.1 Chem 15.6 Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 69 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. Le Châtelier’s Principle The Concept of Equilibrium 70 Sample At equilibrium, Exercise:the Using ratethe at which thermodynamic products form data is EQUAL in Appendix to the rate C, determine at which the products enthalpy change decompose. for the reaction 2POCl3(g) 2PCl3(g) + O2(g) Forward reaction: A --> B rate = kf[A] -542.2 -288.07 + 0 Reverse reaction: B --> A rate = kr[B] DH = products - reactants At equilibrium, 2(-288.07) k- f2(-542.2) [A] = kr[B] 508.26 kJ [B] = kf = a constant (Keq) [A] kr Chap 15.1 Chem 15.6 Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 70 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. Le Châtelier’s Principle The Concept of Equilibrium 71 Sample At equilibrium, Exercise:the Using ratethe at which thermodynamic products form data is EQUAL in Appendix to the rate C, determine at which the products enthalpy change decompose. for the reaction 2POCl3(g) 2PCl3(g) + O2(g) Forward reaction: A --> B rate = kf[A] -542.2 -288.07 + 0 Reverse reaction: B --> A rate = kr[B] DH = products - reactants At equilibrium, 2(-288.07) k- f2(-542.2) [A] = kr[B] 508.26 kJ [B] = kf = a constant (Keq) Endothermic [A] kr Chap 15.1 Chem 15.6 Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 71 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. Le Châtelier’s Principle The Concept of Equilibrium 72 Sample At equilibrium, Exercise:the Using ratethe at which thermodynamic products form data is EQUAL in Appendix to the rate C, determine at which the products enthalpy change decompose. for the reaction 2POCl3(g) + energy 2PCl3(g) + O2(g) Forward reaction: A --> B rate = kf[A] use this result to determine how the equilibrium constant Reverse forreaction: the reaction B --> should A rate change = krwith [B] temperature. At equilibrium, kf[A] = kr[B] [B] = kf = a constant (Keq) [A] kr Chap 15.1 Chem 15.6 Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 72 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. Le Châtelier’s Principle The Concept of Equilibrium 73 Sample At equilibrium, Exercise:the Using ratethe at which thermodynamic products form data is EQUAL in Appendix to the rate C, determine at which the products enthalpy change decompose. for the reaction 2POCl3(g) + energy 2PCl3(g) + O2(g) Forward reaction: A --> B rate = kf[A] use this result to determine how the equilibrium constant Reverse forreaction: the reaction B --> should A rate change = krwith [B] temperature. At equilibrium, k2f[A] = kr[B] Keq = [PCl3] [O2] [B] =[POCl kf = 3a]2constant (Keq) [A] kr Chap 15.1 Chem 15.6 Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 73 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L. Le Châtelier’s Principle The Concept of Equilibrium 74 Sample At equilibrium, Exercise:the Using ratethe at which thermodynamic products form data is EQUAL in Appendix to the rate C, determine at which the products enthalpy change decompose. for the reaction 2POCl3(g) + energy 2PCl3(g) + O2(g) Forward reaction: A --> B rate = kf[A] use this result to determine how the equilibrium constant Reverse forreaction: the reaction B --> should A rate change = krwith [B] temperature. At equilibrium, k2f[A] = kr[B] Keq = [PCl3] [O2] if energy inc., [B] =[POCl kf = 3a]2constant equilibrium (Keq) shifts [A] kr right, products are bigger, KeqProf. is larger Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise 74 Chap 15.1 Chem 116: T.L. Heise Chem 15.6 Chem. 107: Prof. T. L. Heise Le Châtelier’s Principle The Concept of Equilibrium 75 Effects At equilibrium, of a Catalyst: the rate a catalyst at which changes products the form rate of is aEQUAL reactiontoonly, the rate not the at which amounts products of the compounds!! decompose. Forward reaction: A --> B rate = kf[A] Remember Reverse reaction: - Rates are B Equal --> A rate = kr[B] At equilibrium, Concentrations kf[A] = kr[B]are Constant [B] =Only kf =temp. a constant can change (Keq) a constant [A] kr Chap 15.1 Chem 15.6 Chem. 116 Prof. T.L. Heise Chem. 75 ChemProf. 116: Prof. T.L.Heise Heise 107: T. L.