Crime Scene Operations

Crime Scene Operations
Temple College
EMS Professions
Evidence Preservation
The most important part of
evidence collection is protecting
the crime scene
Anything that can be used to connect:
– A victim to a suspect
– A suspect to a victim
– A suspect to a crime scene
The Fundamental Principle
It is impossible to be on a crime scene
– Leaving evidence of yourself on scene!
– Taking evidence of scene with you!
Bite Marks
Broken Fingernails
Blood/Body fluids
Blood Splatters
Tool Marks
Fracture matches
Crime Scene
Location where any part of criminal act
was committed
All entry/exit routes from area where
crime was committed
Evidence Preservation
Patient care is FIRST priority of
ALL responding agencies
Initial Approach
Minimum number of people necessary (one)
Minimum amount of equipment necessary
Minimum amount of contact required
One person approaches and determines
course of action.
Rest of team stays back.
Evidence Preservation
A crime scene is no place for a
Evidence Preservation
Don’t disturb scene any more than
necessary during assessment
Watch where you step
Pay attention to the floor
Avoid kicking anything lying on the floor
Evidence Preservation
Note transient details of scene as you
approach patient
– Lighting (on/off)
– Drapes (open/closed)
– TVs, radios (on/off)
– Furniture position
– Evidence of forced entry
Evidence Preservation
Wear gloves
If you must move something to get to
patient or do assessment
– Tell police
– Note it in your report
If you move a DOA, note it in your
report, tell police
Evidence Preservation
If you are there before police:
– Safeguard scene
– Seal off entire area
– Record names of all people who came into
contact with scene
Evidence Preservation
If you are there before police:
– Try to hold all witnesses at scene
– Limit conversation between them
Evidence Preservation
If you are there before police:
– Record “first” statements by victim
– Note who victim made statement to
– Note statements by witnesses
– Report to police; record in report in quotes
Evidence Preservation
– Smoke
– Eat
– Drink
– Leave wrappers
– Use bathroom
Evidence Preservation
Never cut through bullet hole, stab wound
Do NOT shake or turn clothing inside out
Bag or otherwise secure clothing so police
can recover it at the hospital
If you try IV and miss, mark site and note in
Be conscious of debris you leave on scene-needles, bandage packages, etc.
Evidence Preservation
Avoid handling bullets, bullet fragments
Place in plastic container
Turn over to police
Evidence Preservation
Leave firearms in exact position found
Assume ALL weapons are loaded
If firearm must be moved, only one
person should handle
Outline weapon before moving if
Evidence Preservation
Do NOT handle weapon any way
except by grips
Do NOT attempt to clear, unload
NEVER place anything in gun’s barrel
or inside trigger guard
Evidence Preservation
If victim reports scratching assailant,
cover victim’s hands with paper bags;
tape loosely at wrists
Evidence Preservation
Wet clothing should be placed in paper
(not plastic) bag, turned over to police.
Wet clothing should not be allowed to
stay in ANY kind of bag for >two hours.
Evidence Preservation
Victims of alleged sexual assault should
not wash or use restroom until they are
examined at hospital
Evidence Preservation
Do NOT let evidence leave your
custody until it passes directly to a
peace officer
Note in your report that you handled
evidence and to whom you passed it
Provide your name, unit number to
officer to include in his/her report
Evidence Preservation
If chain of custody on a piece of
evidence is broken, it becomes
inadmissible in court!