Pediatric Trauma Temple College EMS Professions Pediatric Trauma #1 killer after neonatal period Priorities same as in adults ABC’s Children are not just little adults! Airway Anatomy increases upper airway obstruction risk – – – – Large head Short neck Small mandible Large, posteriorly placed tongue Children do NOT mouth breathe well Airway Neck over-extension may obstruct airway due to high glottis Use sniffing position if neck injury not suspected Chin lift important to get tongue out of airway Breathing Small passages obstruct easily Horizontal ribs, weak accessory muscles = Poor respiratory reserve Swallowed air may limit ventilations Anticipate need to assist ventilation Breathing Fast breathing may be normal Breathing at normal adult rates (10-20/min) may indicate respiratory failure Auscultation of chest may be misleading (transmitted breath sounds) Breathing High metabolic rates + Low reserve capacity = High sensitivity to airway, breathing problems Oxygenate, ventilate aggressively Circulation Rapid control of external bleeding essential due to small blood volume Efficient compensation makes recognition of shock difficult Sudden decompensation, onset of irreversible shock may occur Circulation BP monitoring = Poor shock indicator Assess perfusion using: – Peripheral pulse rate, quality – Skin color, temperature – LOC (Silence is not Golden) – Capillary refill Management Airway 100 % O2 Consider early ventilation Prevent hypothermia – Large surface/volume ratio = increased heat loss – Cover with blanket Head Trauma Major cause of death – Large heads – Thin skulls – Poor muscle control Diffuse edema more common than intracranial hematomas Head Trauma Monitor for signs of increased ICP – – – – AVPU Pupils Vomiting Cushing’s triad Hyperventilate Resuscitate hypovolemic shock aggressively Spinal Trauma Uncommon – Usually occur at C1, C2, C3 (high C-spine) – Dislocations more common than fractures Suspect if trauma involves: – Sudden deceleration – Head injuries – Decreased LOC Resist temptation to pick child up and run! Chest Trauma Second only to head trauma as cause of trauma deaths 90% blunt Chest wall flexible: – Rib fracture uncommon – Extensive intrathoracic injury can occur without rib fracture Chest Trauma Mobile mediastinum – Poor tension pneumothorax tolerance Limited respiratory reserve – Poor chest injury tolerance Abdominal Trauma Most common pediatric trauma form Usually blunt Liver, spleen injury more common than in adults – High, broad costal arch – Relatively larger organs – Weak abdominal wall Abdominal Trauma Tenderness = Significant trauma until proven otherwise Distension = Significant trauma until proven otherwise Extremity Trauma Never severe enough to warrant attention before head, chest, abdominal injury Priorities remain with ABC’s Pliant bones absorb/ dissipate significant force – Greenstick fractures common – Treat painful, tender, guarded extremities as fractures Burns Children account for: – 50% of burn admissions – 33% burn deaths Large body surface area increases: – Fluid loss – Heat loss (hypothermia risk) Smaller airway – Increased obstruction risk Burns Consider possibility of child abuse: – Story does not match pattern of burn – “Stocking” or “glove” injury – Unusually deep burns