Summary Report
Alumni Survey was posted on Alumni Community web link and emails were sent to all those on community requesting their cooperation in filling out survey. Reminders were sent on two-week interval periods. Survey was kept for around six weeks and then closed.
Around 950 filled it out. Responses are provided in attached Word document and following sections summarize main findings of the survey.
Section I: Background Information
Respondents were well distributed among all age groups, with nearly similar distributions among all age groupings (15-17%) except for the ‘35-39’ age group showing a lower percentage (8) and the ‘over 50’ a higher one (28). The later is expected as it covers a wider age span.
Table 1 provides distribution of respondents with respect to the year they graduated, i.e.
‘Class of’. As evident from Table 36% of respondents graduated 2000 and after and only
11% graduated before 1970. Table 2 provides their distribution by major. 46% of respondents came from faculty of Arts & Sciences, with those from Engineering and
Business coming next with nearly equal percentages.
Respondents were mostly Lebanese (78%), males (57%) who entered as freshmen/sophomore (82%). 10% and 8% of respondents had Arab (Non-Gulf) and North
American nationalities, respectively. With respect to country of residence, 37% resided in
Lebanon while 20% and 11% were residents of USA and UAE, respectively. Around 4% were living in each of Saudi Arabia, Jordan, United Kingdom and Canada.
Table 1. Respondents’ Distribution by Graduation Year
With respect to their current status, 70% were employed and around 10% were studying at graduate or professional schools. Around 14% did not answer and 7% were seeking employment. 35% of those seeking graduate degrees were PhD or MD students while others were going for MA/MBA.
Table 2. Respondents’ Distribution by Faculty
Faculty Frequency
Medical/health sciences
Sciences 216
Humanities/Social Sciences 213
Section II: Employment Status
With respect to current employment status 75% reported full-time and/or selfemployment and half of them stated that current job is ‘very related’ to their AUB major.
With respect to their annual earnings, respondents were quite equally distributed among income brackets (5-7%) except for ‘over $ 70,000’ and under ’20,000’ showing higher percentages of 22 and 12, respectively.
Section III: Assessment of AUB experience
With respect to assessment of their experience and education at AUB 87% were
‘satisfied/very satisfied’ with both. Similarly, when assessing quality of instruction in their major and overall instruction, 86-89% described it as ‘excellent/good’, with excellent percentages lower (28-32) than the ‘good’ (54-61). With respect to AUB reputation, a third believed it is improving; another third believed it is the same while
20% answered ‘did not know’.
When asked about extent AUB education has prepared them for demands of current position and/or graduate work, 53% and 44% answered ‘well/very well’. When asked to evaluate education at AUB with respect to extent of it being personally, professionally, and financially rewarding, 74%, 57%, and 29% have reported ‘very much’, respectively, indicating that AUB experience is viewed more as personally and professionally rewarding than financially. However, if we include ‘moderately’ category, percentages then would range from 78-96%.
Section IV: Alumni Questions
With respect to keeping in touch with AUB, 61% rarely visit the Campus and 8% have never visited it again after graduation, and 38% rarely or never visit AUB website. Of interest is that around 26% visit it on a daily/weekly/monthly basis. Good percentage
(83%) receive AUB Main Gate and read it (79%), but the situation is different with
Alumni Electronic Newsletter as only 28% receive it. 38% are NOT aware of AUB
Alumni Community and 54% DID NOT register on it and 53% DO NOT have their
AUB Alumni ID Card. Similarly, 88% ARE NOT aware of their Campus benefits and
78% HAVE NOT attended an AUB class reunion event. So, a lot needs to be done to acquaint and involve AUB Alumni with on-line Alumni Community.
Section V. Open-Ended Questions
Alumni responded generously to the open-ended questions providing information on degrees, fields of studies, and educational institutions they pursued their higher education in with their location, in addition to information on their current employment in terms of location, position held and number of years at it. Finally, Alumni provided ‘additional thoughts on how AUB can better serve them’ and the comments provided were very interesting in that they included impressions of AUB, appreciation, and of course some suggestions on how to improve communication with Alumni and what are some of their needs. Detailed info is provided in attached Excel sheets.