Effort slides AS 32508RV.ppt

Effort Reporting at
Presentation to
College of Arts & Science Faculty
March 25, 2008
Dennis Hall, Associate Provost, Research &
Graduate Education
Tim McNamara, Associate Provost, Faculty
Chronology: A Few Key Dates
Feb. 2003
“U.S. Rules on Accounting for Grants Amount to More
than a Hill of Beans”
June 30, 2006 DGH Memo: NSF Labor Audit at VU
July 24, 2007 Provost’s memo to Deans
$5.5M Dept. of Justice settlement (effort reporting)
Jan. 13, 2006 Science article
Northwestern audit
“Effort Declaration and Certification”
Oct. 19, 2007 Major Effort Meeting
Deans of A&S, Engineering, Peabody; Associate Provosts;
representatives from GC, OCGA, Provost’s Office of F&A
Effort: Basic Principles
Effort is more fundamental than compensation
All institutional effort must be declared and
Institutional effort cannot be based on hours per week
Each activity specified as a percentage of the total institutional
effort (T.I.E.); elements must sum to 100%
Charge federal sources for the appropriate shares of the T.I.E.
Consulting, grant-review panels, etc. are not included in T.I.E.
Institutional effort is not bound to a particular time or place
Effort: Basic Principles
Corollary: When compensation for a particular
period of time is charged to a federal source, the
feds’ expectation is that the corresponding effort
(i.e., via the base salary) has been expended
entirely on the work funded by that source.
Incidental activities: 2.5% (1 hour per 40-hour week;
1.5 hours per 60-hour week)
Effort spent writing proposals cannot be charged to
grants (rare exceptions)
Reasonableness standard (very important)
Field Manual: “Policies and Practices: Compensation, Effort
Commitments and Certification” (COGR, March 1, 2007)
VU Websites:
Limit Summer Grant
Carnegie Mellon
Michigan State
Penn State
U. Michigan
U. Rochester
Aware, and ~
Working on it
Washington U.
Not Yet Aware
 Rutgers
 U. Kansas
 U. Nebraska
 U. Pittsburgh
Remaining Challenges,
Works in Progress
Aligning administrative and academic calendars
The lack of an institutional policy on “vacations”
for faculty
Personnel paid 100% from federal
Issues Relating to
Faculty Effort
in Arts and Science
Richard McCarty, Dean
Issues in Arts and Science
Significant grant-related effort occurs during the
academic year when many faculty are paid
disproportionately from A&S funds.
A significant fraction of faculty with NIH grant
support could pay for an additional portion of
grant-related effort during the academic year.
The institutional salary support that is freed up
during the academic year could be employed to
compensate a given faculty member for summer
effort that cannot be charged to his or her
grants (e.g., proposal writing).
Example 1
Proposed Changes
Current Situation
Academic salary = $90,000
Full summer salary = $30,000
from grant*
Actual academic year effort =
Academic year salary from grant
= $0
Total annual salary = $120,000
*100% of summer effort must be
directly related to purposes of
grant (in particular, no unused
effort for proposal writing)
Academic year salary = $90,000
 $80,000 from A&S
 $10,000 from grant
Actual academic year effort = 35%
Full summer salary =
 $20,000 from grant
 $10,000 from A&S*
Total annual salary = $120,000
*Provides the equivalent of one month
of effort for activities that cannot be
funded by grant (e.g., proposal
Example 2
Current Situation
Academic year salary = $90,000
 $74,700 from A&S
 $15,300 from grant+
Actual academic year effort =
Full summer salary = $30,000*
Total annual salary = $120,000
for course release
*100% of summer effort must be
directly related to purposes of
grant (in particular, no unused
effort for proposal writing)
Proposed Change
Academic year salary = $90,000
 $69,700 from A&S
 $20,300 from grant+
Actual academic year effort = 35%
Full summer salary = $30,000
 $25,000 from grant
 $5,000 from A&S*
Total annual salary = $120,000
for course release + 5.5% for
uncompensated effort
* Provides the equivalent of two weeks
of effort for activities that cannot be
funded by grant (e.g., proposal
This proposed change is only valid if the grantcompensated effort during the academic year is < the
actual effort devoted to the grant.
Please remember that “vacation” is a very complicated
issue and our colleagues, Tim and Dennis, are working to
address these complications.
This proposal is being road-tested for 2008 until there is
sufficient time to consider all variables relating to faculty
effort. Consider this a first pass at the problems we are
Other matters will be considered on a case-by-case basis
(e.g. NSF and DoE grantees).