Table of Contents

American University of Beirut
Institutional Self-Study
Commission on Higher Education, Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools
GLOSSARY ...................................................................................................................................... vii
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................................ ix
A. Meeting MSCHE’s Recommendations: Strategic Planning and Assessment
B. AUB’s Strategic Goals and Achievements since 2004
C. Principal Recommendations in the 2008 Self-Study
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ xv
A. Institutional Background
B. Self-Study Process
CHAPTER ONE: Mission, Goals, Objectives and Integrity .................................................... 1
Mission, Goals and Objectives (Standard One)
A. Revision of Mission Statement
B. Alignment of University, Faculty and Department Mission Statements
C. Alignment of Proposed Institutional Goals with Mission Statement
D. Compliance of Administrative and Academic Decisions with Mission and Goals
E. Effectiveness in Achieving Mission
F. Recommendations
Integrity (Standard Six)
G. Institutional Integrity: Policies and Procedures
H. Implementation of Policies and Procedures
I. Academic and Intellectual Freedom
J. Adherence to Ethical Standards
K. Recommendations
CHAPTER TWO: Planning, Resource Allocation and
Institutional Renewal and Resources ....................................................................................... 16
Planning, Resource Allocation and Institutional Renewal (Standard Two)
A. Strategic Planning at AUB
B. Resource Allocation
C. Recommendations
Institutional Resources (Standard Three)
D. Institutional Resources at AUB
E. Financial Stability
F. Recommendations
CHAPTER THREE: Leadership, Governance and Administration ................................... 31
Leadership and Governance (Standard Four)
A. Governance Structure
B. Changes to Bylaws
C. Effectiveness of Governing Bodies
D. Recommendations
Administration (Standard Five)
E. Organizational Structure and Clarity of Roles
F. Human Resources
G. Systems and Information Management
H. Recommendations
CHAPTER FOUR: Student Admissions, Retention and Support Services ...................... 47
Student Admissions and Retention (Standard Eight)
A. Goals and Strategies
B. Undergraduate Admissions
C. Graduate Admissions
D. Acceptance, Yield, Retention and Graduation Rates
E. Diversity of the Student Population
F. Recommendations
Student Support Services (Standard Nine)
G. Academic Advising
H. Registrar’s Office
I. Office of Student Affairs
J. Food, Health and Protection Services
K. Recommendations
CHAPTER FIVE: Faculty ............................................................................................................. 65
Faculty (Standard Ten)
A. Faculty Role in the University Mission
B. Faculty Size and Composition
C. Faculty Workload: Teaching, Research and Service
D. Procedures for Attracting, Reviewing and Retaining Faculty
E. Faculty Participation in Formulation of Academic and Institutional Policies and
F. Supporting Faculty Excellence
G. Academic Environment and Faculty Engagement
H. Contractual Security, Salary and Benefits of Faculty
I. Recommendations
CHAPTER SIX: Educational Offerings ..................................................................................... 81
Educational Offerings (Standard Eleven)
A. Congruence with Mission, Goals and Objectives
B. Relationship to Intellectual and Professional Development of Students
C. Responsiveness to Needs of Students and Market
D. Development, Assessment and Revision of Educational Programs
E. Development of Learning Resources
F. Recommendations
CHAPTER SEVEN: General Education and Related Educational Activities .................. 92
General Education (Standard Twelve)
A. General Education at AUB
B. Recommendations
Related Educational Activities (Standard Thirteen)
C. Related Educational Activities at AUB
D. Recommendations
CHAPTER EIGHT: Institutional Assessment and Student Learning Assessment ....... 104
Institutional Assessment (Standard Seven)
A. Institutional Assessment Initiatives at AUB
B. Summary of Self-Study Findings
C. Analysis of Findings
D. Recommendations
Student Learning Assessment (Standard Fourteen)
E. Learning Outcomes Assessment: Process and Tools
F. Dissemination and Use of Assessment Information
G. Institutional Support for Student Learning Assessment
H. Analysis of Findings
I. Recommendations
CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................... 117
APPENDICES ................................................................................................................................ 118
APPENDIX A: Membership of the Self-Study Steering Committee
and the Eight Working Groups .......................................................................................... 120
APPENDIX B: Recommendations Appearing in 2004 Institutional Self-Study ..... 125
APPENDIX C: Questions from the 2007 Self-Study Design ......................................... 145
APPENDIX D: Appendices to Chapters Two to Eight of
the 2008 Institutional Self-Study ....................................................................................... 155
Appendices to Chapter Two...................................................................................155
Appendix D 2-1: Developing Academic and Administrative Strategic Plans (Ver. 1.6)
Appendix D 2-2: Draft [Campus] Strategic Plan Overview 2008 (Ver. 3.17)
Appendix D 2-3: Selected Financial Indicators, 2004-06
Appendices to Chapter Three ................................................................................179
Appendix D 3-1: BOT Meetings since 1 January 2004
Appendix D 3-2: Summary of Actions Taken to Meet Major Challenges Identified in
2004 Institutional Self-Study
Appendix D 3-3: Internal and External Recruitment at Campus and AUBMC between
2004 and 2007
Appendix D 3-4: Policies and Procedures Manuals in Progress
Appendix D 3-5: ACC Accomplishments since 2004
Appendices to Chapter Four .................................................................................187
Appendix D 4-1: Admissions Criteria and Procedures Adopted by the Unified
Admissions Committee (UAC)
Appendix D 4-2: Further Information on Transfer and Non-Degree Students
Appendix D 4-3: Figures and Tables Relevant to Student Admissions and Retention
Figure 4.1. Distribution of Undergraduate Students, Fall 2007-08
Figure 4.2. Distribution of Graduate Students, Fall 2007-08
Figure 4.3. Undergraduate and Graduate Enrolment Growth
Figure 4.4. Student Retention Rates
Figure 4.5. Distribution of Undergraduate Students by Nationality
Table 4.1. Variation of Student Enrolment, Fall 2002-Fall 2007
Table 4.2. Acceptance and Yield Rates for PhD Applicants (as of Fall 2007)
Table 4.3. Financial Aid
Table 4.4. Variations in Student Nationalities since 1970
Table 4.5. Office of Student Affairs, Expenditure and Revenues, 2004-08
(US$ 000s)
Table 4.6. Office of Student Affairs, KPIs from 2004-05 to 2007-08
Table 4.7. Do Students Believe Their Opinions Are Solicited/Considered?
Table 4.8. Occupancy in University Residence Halls, 2004-08
Appendix D 4-4: Findings of the Academic Advising Process Improvement Team
Focus Groups
Appendix D 4-5: List of Updated Processes in Registrar’s Office, 2004-07
Appendix D 4-6: Psychologically Distressed Students and Staff Committee, Final
Appendix D 4-7: Activities/Tasks of Career and Placement Services, 2003-07
Appendices to Chapter Five ..................................................................................206
Appendix D 5-1: Tables and Figures Relevant to Chapter Five on Faculty
Table 5.1 (a). Faculty Distribution by FT/PT, Gender, and Degree
Table 5.1 (b). Instructional Faculty FTEs Distribution by Faculty
Table 5.2. List of Endowed Chairs and Holders
Table 5.3. HR Data on Research Assistants
Table 5.4. Growth in Research Funding and Number of Funded Research Projects
Table 5.5. External Grant Distribution by Faculty (in US$)
Table 5.6. Number of Publications in FAS
Figure 5.1 (a) FAS Publications per Faculty Member and (b) Distribution of FAS
Publications by Type
Table 5.7. Annual Research Productivity by Faculty (Excluding FAS)
Table 5.8 FAS Publication Record
Table 5.9. Steps Taken toward Reinstating Tenure
Table 5.10. New or Restructured Programs Introduced at AUB since 2004
Figure 5.2. Faculty Salaries across Ranks as Compared to Other Institutions
Table 5.11. Modifications to HIP Plan in 2004
Appendices to Chapter Six ....................................................................................216
Appendix D 6-1: Degree Programs Registered with NYSED between 2003 and 2007
Appendix D 6-2: Center for Teaching and Learning Report on Learning Outcomes
Appendix D 6-3: ULOCC Survey Results
Appendix D 6-4: Concept Paper on Educational Goals and Objectives and Learning
Appendices to Chapter Seven ................................................................................250
Appendix D 7-1: 2008 Institutional Survey: Student and Faculty Survey on General
Table 1. Number of Faculty and Student Respondents to 2008 Institutional
Table 2. Students’ Reported Source of Information about AUB’s GER
Table 3. Student Responses to the Distribution of Courses within the GER
Table 4. Faculty Responses to the Distribution of Courses within the GER
Table 5. Student Perceptions of the Educational Objectives Achieved by the GER
Table 6. Faculty Perceptions of the Educational Objectives Achieved by the GER
Appendix D 7-2: AUB Writing Center Data
Table 1. Annual Number of Writers
Table 2. Use of Writing Center
Table 3. Number of Writers by Faculty per Year
Appendices to Chapter Eight ................................................................................255
Appendix D 8-1: List of Institutional Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) at AUB (as
of March 2007)