The School of Business & Technology
Math & Computer Science Department
COSC 2670.07
Spring 2009
John Aleshunas
Site: Westport Campus
Web Site: http://mercury.webster.edu/aleshunas
In this course students examine the various technologies and applications
of telecommunications. The course provides an analysis of the current and
future trends in telecommunication technologies and services and includes
an overview of the industry and the associated management and strategy
Course Level
At the completion of this course this student will be able to:
Business Data Networks and Telecommunications, Raymond R. Panko,
Prentice Hall Publishing Co, ISBN: 978-013-615340-5
The UNDERGRADUATE catalog provides these guidelines and
grading options:
 A, A- superior work in the opinion of the instructor
 B+, B, B- good work in the opinion of the instructor
 C+, C, C- satisfactory work in the opinion of the instructor
 D+, D passing, but less than satisfactory work in the opinion of the
 I incomplete work in the opinion of the instructor
 ZF An incomplete which was not completed within one year of
the end of the course
 F unsatisfactory work in the opinion of the instructor; no credit is
 W withdrawn from the course
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Explain current network standards
Explain the physical propagation of data through a network
Explain Ethernet LAN architecture
Explain TCP/IP Internetworking
Explain wireless networks
Explain Quality of Service .
Discuss Networked Applications
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COSC 2670 Telecommunications
IP course in progress
NR not reported for the course
Z a temporary designation given by the registrar indicating that
the final grade has not been submitted by the instructor. When the
final grade is filed in the Office of the Registrar, that grade will
replace the Z.
Midterm Examination
Final Examination
Research Project
Attendance and Class
The course grading scale is:
93 to 100%
90 to 92%
87 to 89%
83 to 86%
80 to 82%
77 to 79%
73 to 76%
70 to 72%
60 to 69%
Below 60%
1. Students will be responsible for at least the following:
a. 8 Class sessions
b. A midterm exam
c. A final exam
d. A research paper
e. Presentation of Paper
2. Suggested in-class activities include:
a. Explain and demonstrate the network protocols
b. Explain and demonstrate the network system layers (physical,
data link, medium access, network, and transport)
3. Homework assignment on class material.
4. Midterm exam
5. Final exam
Policy Statements:
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University policies are provided in the current course catalog and course
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COSC 2670 Telecommunications
University Policies
schedules. They are also available on the university website. This class is
governed by the university’s published policies. The following policies
are of particular interest:
Academic Honesty
The university is committed to high standards of academic honesty.
Students will be held responsible for violations of these standards.
Please refer to the university’s academic honesty policies for a
definition of academic dishonesty and potential disciplinary actions
associated with it.
Drops and Withdrawals
Please be aware that, should you choose to drop or withdraw from this
course, the date on which you notify the university of your decision
will determine the amount of tuition refund you receive. Please refer
to the university policies on drops and withdrawals (published
elsewhere) to find out what the deadlines are for dropping a course
with a full refund and for withdrawing from a course with a partial
Special Services
If you have registered as a student with a documented disability and
are entitled to classroom or testing accommodations, please inform
the instructor at the beginning of the course of the accommodations
you will require in this class so that these can be provided.
Since every student is entitled to full participation in class without
interruption, disruption of class by inconsiderate behavior is not
acceptable. Students are expected to treat the instructor and other
students with dignity and respect, especially in cases where a diversity
of opinion arises. Students who engage in disruptive behavior are
subject to disciplinary action, including removal from the course.
Student Assignments Retained
From time to time, student assignments or projects will be retained by
The Department for the purpose of academic assessment. In every
case, should the assignment or project be shared outside the academic
Department, the student's name and all identifying information about
that student will be redacted from the assignment or project.
Contact Hours for this Course
It is essential that all classes meet for the full instructional time as
scheduled. A class cannot be shortened in length. If a class session
is cancelled for any reason, it must be rescheduled.
Course Policies
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Attendance and participation are required. Students with 2 absences
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COSC 2670 Telecommunications
are advised to withdraw from the course. Please notify the instructor
as soon as possible regarding absences.
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All work is due at the beginning of class. Any work turned after that
will be considered late and will receive substantially lower grades.
The last day to drop the course with a full refund is Friday of Week 2.
The last day to withdraw from the course, without a refund, is Friday
of Week 6
Any student cheating or committing plagiarism might fail the class
and be subject to further disciplinary action.
If you have a disability that may have some impact on your work in
this class and for which you may require accommodations contact the
Director of the Academic Resource Center at (314) 968-7495.
Students with disabilities who believe that they may need
accommodations in this class must contact the Academic Resource
Center before the end of the first week of class to ensure that such
accommodations can be implemented in a timely fashion.
This syllabus may be revised at the discretion of the instructor without
the prior notification or consent of the student.
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COSC 2670 Telecommunications
Weekly Schedule
Week 1
Course overview
Introduction to Telecommunications
Network Standards
Discussion of individual research papers
Text: Ch 1 – An Introduction to Networking
Ch 2 – Network Standards
Week 2
Physical Layer Propagation
Ethernet LANs
Text: Ch 3 – Physical Layer Propagation
Ch 4 – Ethernet LANs
Week 3
Ethernet LANs continued
Wireless LANs
Text: Ch 4 – Ethernet LANs
Ch 5 – Wireless LANs
Week 4
Text: Ch 6 – Telecommunications
Week 5
Wide Area Networks
Text: Ch 7 – Wide Area Networks (WANs)
Week 6
TCP/IP Internetworking
Text: Ch 8 – TCP/IP Internetworking
Week 7
An Introduction to Telecommunications Security
Research Paper Due
Paper Presentations
Text: Ch 9 – Security
Week 8
Paper Presentations
Final Exam
Copyright © 2005 – 2007, School of Business & Technology, Webster University. All rights
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Last Updated: August 1, 2008 AEC