February 19, 2016 – March 5, 2016
Please fill out one registration form for each participant. You may use photocopies of this form if more than one person wishes to register.
Name: First: _____________________ Last: _____________________________
Major: ___________________________ University: _____________________________
Subject(s) you teach __________________________ Experience: __________years____
Teacher ___________ Administrator ___________ Highest degree: _________________
School or organization: ___________________________________________________
City ____________ Street____________________ Phone No.__________________
School Vat No.( ةسردملل يلاملا مقرلا) ______________ e-mail ______________________
Please check the workshop(s) in which you wish to enroll
E-mail __________________________ Phone __________________________________
Note: Participants are registered on a first-come first-served basis. The Department of Education reserves the right to cancel workshops when insufficient numbers of participants are registered. In such cases fees will be refunded.
Payment in U.S. dollars or its equivalence in Lebanese pounds is to be made by check payable to the American University of Beirut. Registration is incomplete until one registration form per participant and payment are submitted to:
AUB , Department of Education, Fisk Hall, Room 105, 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. & 3:00 – 4:30 p.m.
Deadline for registration is Feb. 8, 2016
For further information please contact us at:
AUB, Fisk Hall, Room 105
Phone: 01-350000 or 374374 Ext. 3060/1
E-mail: dep@aub.edu.lb
Title: Sciencing Through Literature
To introduce participants to means of utilizing children’s literature in enhancing acquisition of scientific concepts and developing scientific skills.
To present illustrations from stories and verse.
To develop relevant teachers skills through practical application.
Coordinator: Dr. Najla Nusayr Bashour, American University of Beirut
Date and Duration: Friday, February 19, 2016 from 3:00 -6:00 pm (3 hrs. with 15 minute break)
Audience: K.G. & elementary school teachers and coordinators
Title: Planning Instruction and Classroom Management
Purpose: This workshop is designed to concretize and consolidate the participants’ curricular knowledge and enable them to create motivating, supportive, and safe classroom environments that ensure equal opportunities for participation and success. It includes an overview of the strategies of dealing with discipline and misbehavior problems.
Coordinator: Dr. Ghada Awada, American University of Beirut break)
Audience: Teachers and coordinators of English at all levels of instruction
Date and Duration: Friday, February 19, 2016 from 3:00 -6:00 pm (3 hrs. with 15 minute
Title: Integrating Educational Technology in Your School
Purpose: In this workshop, school principals, department heads, and technology coordinators will explore the suite of ISTE Standards for Students, Teachers, Coaches, and
Administrators and how they can be integrated to create a homogeneous technology-rich school culture. Through interactive discussions and collaborative activities, this workshop will also cover the role of the Educational Technology Coach (facilitator) and the administration in making technology integration happen. We will also discuss the school software systems, professional development strategies, and technology planning.
Coordinator: Dr. Mahmud Shihab, International College
Date and Duration : Friday, February 19, 2016 from 3:00 -5:15 pm (2 hrs. with 15 minute break)
Audience: School Principals and Academic Coordinators
Title: Creating Technology- Integrated Lessons
Purpose: In this workshop, educators will explore the ISTE Standards for Students and how they transform student learning in the 21 st
century. Through specific performance indicators, the ISTE Standards specify the skills and knowledge that students need to acquire in order to learn effectively and live productively in an increasingly global and digital society. Through hands-on activities and group interactions, participants will learn how to use the standards to construct technology-rich lessons, projects, rubrics, and differentiated learning activities.
Coordinator: Dr. Mahmud Shihab, International College
Date and Duration: Saturday, February 20, 2016 from 9:00 am - 1:15 pm (4 hrs. with 15 minute break)
Audience: Teachers of All Levels
Title: Successful School Strategic Planning in Simple Steps
Purpose: How can you plan efficiently in a dynamic school context? How can you involve everyone in this venture? Strategic planning is a comprehensive process to connect needs with resources and establish priorities. The goal of this workshop is acquaint school principals, administrators, and heads of departments with the theoretical underpinnings of strategic planning and have them master the mechanics of strategic planning for their school or educational organization in simple steps. By the end of this workshop, the attendees will develop the leadership skills needed to direct strategic improvement in schools and understand the role of planning in relationship to other administrative responsibilities.
Coordinator: Dr. Nancy Timonian
Date & Duration: Saturday, February 20, 2016 from 9:00 am - 12:15 pm (3 hrs. with 15 minute break)
Audience: School Administrators, Principals, and Heads of Departments .
Purpose: Cognitive and Language Development in Early Childhood (Ages 3 – 12)
T he workshop provides an opportunity for teachers and practitioners who work with children, to update their practice and increase awareness about the cognitive and language development of children aged 3 and 12. The teachers will be given the opportunity to think critically about several issues and case-studies to assess children’s cognitive and linguistic abilities in their educational settings. The purpose of this workshop is help students to develop an understanding of child development and learn to apply this knowledge to their own interactions with children. Preschool and elementary teachers, counselors and practitioners are expected to benefit from this training workshop.
Coordinator: Dr. Anies Al-Hroub, American University of Beirut
Date and Duration: Saturday, February 20, 2016 from 10:00 am - 1:15 pm (3 hrs. with 15 minute break)
Audience: Preschool and elementary teachers, counselors and practitioners.
Title: Misconceptions About Cell Structure - The Diagrams We Use
Purpose: Most textbook diagrams of cell structure are misleading in that they ignore the issue of scale. The way cellular structure tends to be taught moreover does not give students an understanding of how scientists gain information about cells. This workshop will present material arising from a study published in the Journal of Biological Education of student conceptions about cell structure and microscopy.
Coordinator: Dr. Barend Vlaardingerbroek, American University of Beirut
Date & Duration: Friday, February 26, 2016 from 3:00 -5:15 pm (2 hrs. with 15 minute break)
Audience: Any teacher of biology/science with an interest in the teaching of cell biology.
Title: Role of Play & ICT in Teaching (Videos and Movie Maker)
Purpose: This workshop emphasizes the value of play and creative arts in elementary and middle Education, and addresses the importance of high quality and meaningful play and creative arts experience across the curriculum. This workshop applies the creative arts to enhance the development of basic cognitive and non-cognitive skills. It is also designed to enable participants to utilize relevant technological tools in their practice. The WMM
(Windows Movie Maker) computer-assisted language learning tools provides an excellent opportunity for students to creatively write and express themselves using music, script, pictures and visual effects that reflect learners’ personal experiences.
Coordinator: Dr. Ghada Awada, American University of Beirut
Duration: Friday, February 26, 2016 from 3:00 pm – 6:15 pm (3 hrs. with 15 minute break)
Audience: Teachers and coordinators of English at all levels of instruction except teachers of secondary classes
Purpose: Measuring governance and quality of service delivery is central to improving education outcomes. How institutions are managed is one of the most decisive factors in how successful they are in achieving their goals. The goal of this workshop is to familiarize participants with how school governance can be measured, taking into account the underlying principles of transparency, openness, accountability, and voice and participation of stakeholders in decision making. The workshop also aims to identify the role of school leadership in influencing governance. School governance is presented as one of the key elements that needs to be analyzed to initiate reform conducive to improving outcomes. By the end of this workshop, the participants will be able to identify the main indicators of governance, taking into account the multidimensional nature of the concept, and to understand the relationship between the role of the school leader and good governance.
Coordinator: Dr. Hana Addam El-Ghali, American University of Beirut
Date and Duration: Feb. 26, 2016 from 3:00 – 5:15 (2 hrs. with 15 minute break)
Audience: School Administrators, Principals, and Heads of Departments
Title: Improving Education Outcomes through Institutional Governance
Title: Staffing for the Future: Selecting and Hiring Suitable Staff Members
Purpose : What characteristics should you look for when selecting new recruits who will help you move the school to a better place? Some of the functions of an administrator in an educational system are to attract, hire, develop, retain, and motivate personnel in order to achieve the school’s purpose and reconcile individual and organizational objectives. The goal of this workshop is to explore ways through which principals, administrators, and heads of departments can define the staffing needs of the school and select and hire the right people who will help them lead the school to a better future. By the end of the workshop, the attendees will be able to do a job analysis to find out knowledge, skills and qualities necessary for the job, analyze this information and write job specifications and job content.
Coordinator: Dr. Nancy Timonian
Duration: Saturday, February 27, 2016 from 9:00 am - 12:15 pm (3 hrs. with 15 minute break)
Audience: School Administrators, Principals, and Heads of Departments.
Coordinator: Hanadi Dayyeh
Duration: Saturday, February 27, 2016 from 9:00 am - 12:15 pm (3 hrs. with 15 minute break)
Audience: Teachers and coordinators of the Arabic language at elementary level.
Title: RADAR: A Framework for Assessing Your Assessment
Purpose: Have you ever thought of assessing the assessment policy or system used at your school, department, or class? Have you ever figured out how your assessment might shape your instruction and impact student learning? The RADAR model guides you to do so!
RADAR is a thinking tool designed to help principals, heads of schools, coordinators, and even teachers reflect on whether the school assessment policies and systems are aligned with good practices drawn from research findings on feedback and assessment. RADAR also provides concrete ideas to improve assessment and feedback practices. In this workshop, participants will learn about the 9 RADAR dimensions of good assessment and feedback practice to analyze their current assessment system. Then, participants will be engaged in a hands-on activity to discuss how changes in their assessments might create movement along the different dimensions. Tune to the frequency of this RADAR. You don’t want to miss it!
Coordinator: Dr. Enja Osman, American University of Beirut
Date & Duration: Friday, March 4, 2016 from 3:00 p.m. - 6:15 (3 hrs. with 15 minute break)
Audience: Principals, head of school, coordinators, teachers, all subject areas
Title: Experiential and Holistic Learning: Involving the Head, Heart, and Hands
Purpose: The workshop offers practical ways to empower the teachers and help them develop new strategies to reach and meet the needs of the diverse learners within their classrooms.
It focuses on helping the teachers:
Develop a positive attitude and approach to deal with classroom challenges and diversity
Integrate multi-sensory and artistic methods
Provide meaningful and authentic real-life learning to students
Design and modify the curriculum and materials to engage all students
Tap into Multiple Intelligences
Use portfolio as a means to assess students’ progress
Implement all possible interventions before referring a student to special education
The workshop combines theory and practice through interactive processes, case studies, and reflections.
Coordinator: Dr. Reem Mouawwad, Step Together School
Date & Duration: Friday, March 4, 2016 from 3:00p.m. – 6:15 pm. (3 hrs. with 15 minute break)
Audience: Elementary teachers and Special educators
Developing Creative Thinking Through Children’s Literature
Purpose: What is creativity? And what are its characteristics? What are the cognitive skills related to it? Do we, workers with children have the ability to develop these skills in children?
The creative process gives joy for its initiator while a story forms a creative product in itself, so how can the two be connected?
In this workshop the participant will enjoy practicing means for utilizing literature in general and stories in specific to organize activities that will enhance creative skills in children; these skills will include flexibility and originality. The activities will include components of a story including plot, events, characters and context using a variety of stories.
Coordinator & Presenter: Dr. Najla Nusayr Bashour, American University of Beirut
Date and Duration: Friday, March 4, 2016 from 3:00p.m. – 6:15 pm. (3 hrs. with 15 minute break)
Audience: K.G. & elementary school teachers and coordinators
“Reflecting and discussing issues related to involving students in mathematical tasks of high levels of cognitive demands”
Purpose: The purpose of this workshop will focus on issues related to involving students in high levels of mathematical thinking. The session will consist of different activities that will proceed as follows: (1) Welcome, Introductions, and Icebreaker (10 min); (2) Participant expectations, workshop objectives, agenda, and ground rules (10 min); (3) Reflecting on
Levels of cognitive Demands of mathematical tasks and classifying tasks of different levels of cognitive demands (40 min); (4) designing and presenting tasks of different levels of cognitive demands (40 min); (5) Solving and discussing a mathematical task that corresponds to high levels of cognitive demands (30 min); (6) Analyzing and discussing a case study about a teacher’s beliefs and practices related to involving students in tasks of high level cognitive demands (40 min); (7) Reflection and end of day evaluation (10 min).
Coordinator: Dr. Rabih El-Mouhayar, American University of Beirut
Date and Duration: Saturday, March 5, 2016 from 10:00 am – 1:15 pm (3 hrs. with 15 minute break)
Audience: : Mathematics teachers from different grade levels
Coordinator: Dr. Amal BouZeineddine, American University of Beirut
Date and Duration: Saturday, March 5, 2016 (4 hrs.):
Session 1: 9:00 am – 11 am
Break: 11:00 am – 11: 30 am
Session II: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm
Audience: Teachers and coordinators of the Arabic language at elementary/middle school levels
Title: The Effects of Trauma on Children’s Behaviors & Learning & What Can Teachers
Purpose: Trauma is an emotional response to an overwhelming stress that exceeds a person’s ability to cope and integrate. With children, traumatic events can cause great distress and can disrupt their sense of safety and security. Some children can overcome it if they are resilient in nature and if they have a good support system in their environment. Other children may develop maladaptive symptoms that are manifested as behavior and learning problems at home and in school. Teachers and other school personnel can use different strategies to support their students by easing and managing the impact of the trauma.
Coordinator: Lina Ibrahim, MA Educational Psychology & Certified EMDR Therapist
Date and Duration: March 5, 2016, from 9:00am – 12:15pm ( 3 hrs. with 15 minutes break at
11:00 am)
Audience: Preschool & Elementary teachers, coordinators, & supervisors
Title: Critical Thinking and Reflective Practice for Generative Learning
This workshop aims to:
Present a definition of critical thinking and reflective practice and help participants relate it to their work experiences as they construct their own understanding.
Discuss the relation of critical thinking and reflective practice
Present the two levels of critical thinking and their application in practice.
Engage participants in a reflective session examining the applicability of critical thinking and reflective practice to their work
Guide participants to identify challenges that face educators in engaging in reflective practice and in modeling critical thinking, and suggest ways to address these challenges within a Lebanese context.
Explore ways to apply reflective practice to ourselves and to our schools.
During the workshop participants will be given the chance to share their experiences and will be presented with a number of case studies and movie excerpts on which they will “reflect,” practice, and evaluate “critical thinking” and the reflective practice they engage in in their schools.
Coordinator: Dr. Yara Y. Hilal
Date and Duration: Saturday, March 5 th
, 2016 from: 9:00 am – 1:15 pm. (4 hrs. with 15 minute break)
Audience: Teachers, Coordinators, Principals, Vice Principals, Instructional directors, Lead teachers, Team leaders, Heads of Department as well as aspiring school leaders .
Sciencing Through Literature
Planning Instruction and Classroom
K.G. & Elementary school teachers and coordinators
Teachers and coordinators of English at all levels of instruction
Integrating Educational technology in
Your School
School Principals and Academic
Creating Technology – Integrated Lessons Teachers of All Levels
Feb. 19, 2016 Dr. Najla Nusayr Bashour
Feb. 19, 2016
Feb. 19, 2016
Feb. 20, 2016
Dr. Ghada Awada
Dr. Mahmud Shihab
Dr. Mahmud Shihab
Successful School Strategic Planning in
Simple Steps
Cognitive and Language Development in
Early childhood (Ages 3-12)
School Administrators, Principals, and
Heads of Departments.
Preschool and elementary teachers, counselors and practitioners.
Feb. 20, 2016 Dr. Nancy Timonian
Feb. 20, 2016 Dr. Anies Al-Hroub
Misconceptions About Cell Structure –
The Diagrams We Use
Role of Play & ICT in Teaching (Videos and Movie Maker)
Improving Education Outcomes through
Institutional Governance
Staffing for the Future: Selecting and
Hiring Suitable Staff Members
فوفصلا يف ةيبرعلا ةءارقلا م لعت لحارم
ةيئا دتبلاا
RADAR: A Framework for Assessing
Your Assessment
Experiential and Holistic Learning: involving the Head, Heart, and Hands
Any teacher of biology/science with an interest in the teaching of cell biology
Teachers and coordinators of English at all levels of instruction except teachers of secondary Classes.
School Administrators, Principals, and
Heads of Department.
School Administrators, Principals, and
Heads of Departments.
Teachers and coordinators of the
Arabic language at elementary level.
Principals, head of school, coordinators, teachers, all subject areas.
Elementary teachers and Special educators
Feb. 26, 2016 Dr. Barend
Feb. 26, 2016 Dr. Ghada Awada
Feb. 26, 2016 Dr. Hana Addam El-Ghali
Feb. 27, 2016 Dr. Nancy Timonian
Feb. 27, 2016 Ms. Hanadi Dayyeh
March 4, 2016
March 4, 2016
Dr. Enja Osman
Dr. Reem Mouawwad
Developing Creative Thinking Through
Children’s Literature
Reflecting and discussing issues related to involving students in mathematical tasks of high levels of cognitive demands
K.G. & elementary school teachers and coordinators
Mathematics teachers from different grade level
March 4, 2016 Dr. Najla Nusayr Bashour
March 5, 2016 Dr. Rabih El-Mouhayar
No. of hrs.
Fees $
مييقتلا قلق نع اديعب ةيعادبلاا ةباتكلا Teachers and coordinators of the
Arabic language at elementary/middle school
The Effects of Trauma on Children’s
Behaviors & Learning & What Can
Preschool & Elementary teachers, coordinators & supervisors.
Teachers Do.
Critical Thinking and Reflective Practice for Generative Learning
Teachers, Coordinators, Principals,
Vice Principals, Instructional directors, Lead teachers, Team leaders, Heads of Department as well as aspiring school leaders .
March 5, 2015 Dr. Amal BouZeineddine
March 5, 2016 Ms. Lina Ibrahim
March 5, 2016 Dr. Yara Y. Hilal