Key quotes of speeches during inauguration, including highlights of President Khuri’s address

Quotes from Greetings from AUB Community
Dana Abed – On behalf of AUB students
Since Dr Khoury took office, we, the students, realized it might be the dawn of a new era. [He] promised us
transparency and proved he is willing to keep his word. We need a president who would lead by example the
next generations of leaders, to extend a helping hand to the student looking for an opportunity to shine. I am
sure Dr. Khoury will […] embody our visions to help us realize our future projects and become effective members
of the general community.
Yousif Asfour, PhD, Chief information officer, on behalf of AUB non-academic staff
You never cease to amaze me with your drive, intellect and humanity. From your convocation speech back in
September to your meetings with our staff over the past couple of months, and through every interaction inbetween, you have inspired us to seek higher standards, take risks to achieve excellence, and collaborate
together in creating a more collegial work place. Dr. Khuri, we are excited by your vision for AUB. We are
grateful that you have taken the time to know us. We are encouraged by your vote of confidence in us, and
mostly we are honored to have you lead us.
Nadia El Cheikh, Professor of History and Interim Associate Provost on behalf of AUB faculty
I have been especially impressed by [Dr. Khuri’s] remarkable talent for giving a sense of purpose to the many
constituencies of the university, including, and perhaps most notably, to the faculty[…] [He] understands our
aspirations — indeed he is one of us. An eminent researcher and renowned oncologist, he is a true academic
who combines deep understanding across disciplines with a conviction in the singular value of a liberal
education […]
In these difficult times of challenges for AUB, Lebanon and the region, Fadlo Khuri has managed to make a
number of breakthroughs: securing a path for academic freedom through tenure, ensuring greater diversity
through empowering women faculty, and transmitting a message of equity and balance[…]
I invite [the Faculty] to work hand in hand with President Khuri, keeping in my mind that the goal of the
University, its president and its faculty is one and the same: May they have life and have it more abundantly.
Wafa Saab, President of Worldwide Alumni Association of AUB, on behalf of AUB alumni
Dr. Khuri’s Lebanese heritage, American upbringing, educational background, academic achievements,
professional accomplishments, and commitment to education, combine the best values of East and West and
serve as a bridge across culture and geography […]
AUB is an investor—not in oil, gas or the stock market, but in human potential, in the education of generations,
in the promise of the future, in a better tomorrow […] It is measure of their loyalty to their Alma Mater that so
many AUB alumni bring back their expertise to benefit their country and the institution that contributed to their
Quotes from Keynote Address by Bermans J. Iskandar
Education is the key to our success as a people, and our survival as a country, and the American University of
Beirut is a historic cradle of education that has played a distinct role in Lebanon, the region, and the world […]
Today’s events are deep affirmations of faith, symbolizing a renewed commitment to Lebanon’s greatest
resource, its people, a resource that has withstood a 40-year war, and that has driven Lebanese innovation and
accomplishments at home and around the world. Under President Khuri’s guidance, AUB will flourish by
nourishing the lives of its students and faculty, and transforming its community […]
In this age of globalization, AUB and other major academic institutions in Lebanon belong on the world stage.
Get it up there, and help the other institutions along. Remember our student days and keep your door open to
students and faculty alike. Strive to minimize partisan pressures that are harmful to the academic mission, all
the while remaining respectful of ideologies. Most importantly, keep your focus on the goal of education as the
equalizer and harmonizer, and if nothing but because you’ve been privileged with a great mission, keep smiling.
Quotes from Fadlo R. Khuri, MD, President of AUB
In higher education today, there is a danger of complacency, even arrogance - at AUB as elsewhere. This
institution must earn the right to be the first choice for undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate education in
the communities and societies it serves.
The significance of AUB in its 150th year cannot be overstated. We are learning the lessons of the past, while
setting our sights on the future. One thing has not changed since Daniel Bliss founded AUB in 1866: we are
determined to make an impact – on knowledge, and on society […]
I’m asked repeatedly about my decision to return to AUB and to Lebanon and my answer has always been the
same: It is an opportunity to make the sort of real and lasting impact I have prepared for my entire life […]
During my first 150 days in College Hall. We have focused on building confidence in the competence and
leadership of the AUB administration, and on formulating an organic and inclusive vision of excellence and
shared governance.
We have started building a consortium of like-minded universities in Lebanon and abroad; built the momentum
for major gifts, recruited a top-quality leadership team, worked on empowering our best leaders, launched a
sustainable fiscal strategy and budgeting process […]
We have progressed in several other major ways, moving for example towards our goal to restore tenure, the
imprimatur of academic excellence. We have held free and fair student elections and seated a new University
Student Faculty Committee dedicated to equitable and representative bylaw reform […] We have engaged in
real and transparent dialogue among students, faculty, staff, Board, and administration, as well as the Lebanese
government and parliament.
For AUB it has become significantly more difficult to provide a world-class education for the very best and
brightest, irrespective of their ability to pay[…] We must address this problem, which strikes at the core of who
we are, a not-for-profit difference-maker in the domain of higher education[…] I propose piloting a national
service and teaching model coupled with a debt-forgiveness approach in collaboration with the government of
Lebanon, to stem the nefarious brain drain that plagues the Middle East[…] We must increase internship
opportunities within regional industries, and expand and enhance our job fairs and career services
This philosophy – that we learn in order to serve – has found its object in the many turbulent periods of the past
150 years. There have always been people who need our help. Today it is imperative to take the lead in helping
growing numbers of refugees who have come to this country[…] To prepare our students for making a difference
in the community, we propose developing the service and leadership aspects of our curriculum[…] We must also
be leaders in pedagogy. We need to help build educational foundations for students who […] are not yet fully
prepared for our rigorous curriculum when they graduate high school. This will be in addition to our expansion
of AUB’s online education programs and our highly regarded University for Seniors, enabling us to deliver
impactful learning opportunities for students from age 16 to 95[…] These goals will not be easily attained. But
looking back at the history of this university from Daniel Bliss onward, nothing meaningful has ever come easily.
Can we do it? I believe we can, we should, and we must […]
I am convinced that we have one of the most talented and productive faculty in AUB's history. Despite the far
greater financial resources at a number of other universities in the Middle East, AUB is the highest-ranked
regional university in authorship of self-initiated influential research.
We even compete in those areas that generally require high degrees of fiscal support and high levels of
technology due to the excellence and entrepreneurial nature of our faculty. AUB needs to get modern resources
in their hands, to genuinely support them […] We must show our trust in them, which is why we moved to […]
restore tenure to AUB for the first time in 30 years. Tenure must be implemented in a manner that is fiscally
responsible for our university, and empowering to our faculty. And we must have the resources to safeguard
their and the university’s future […]
Our faculty members are leaders and we expect them to lead by example, as role models of ethical, supportive,
innovative, and impactful behavior. They have our unequivocal support in achieving this ideal […]
We will spare no effort and seek to lead through example, funneling inspiration into application, and, through
persistence, promote and promulgate a real and durable renaissance in the humanities in the Arab world. There
could be no better time or greater need for a second Arab Awakening, an intellectual Intifada. And who better
to help lead it once more than our own AUB faculty and students? […]
In the words of John F. Kennedy, a rising tide lifts all boats. Might I add, I am not afraid of rocking the boat when
I have to! If we agree with Kennedy’s sentiment, we can and must model a fair, just, pluralistic society at AUB,
one that serves as an example for Lebanon and the Arab World. Only when we achieve this can we have a truly
global impact.