Bulk Receipt Interim Receipting (MS Word Document 139.0 KB)

Work Instruction: Bulk Receipt Interim Receipt
June 2011
Financial Services
Work Instruction: Bulk Receipt Interim Receipt Processing
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Financial Services
Responsible Position:
Manager Financial Operations
Approved by:
Director Financial Services
Table of Contents
OVERVIEW .............................................................................................................................3
PURPOSE ............................................................................................................................................ 3
COVERAGE .......................................................................................................................................... 3
RECEIPT INTERIM RECEIPTS ....................................................................................................3
RELEVANT GUIDELINE ............................................................................................................4
OTHER RELATED DOCUMENTS ................................................................................................4
POLICIES ............................................................................................................................................. 4
PROCEDURES AND GUIDES ..................................................................................................................... 5
FORMS ............................................................................................................................................... 5
LINKS ................................................................................................................................................. 5
ABOUT THIS DOCUMENT ........................................................................................................5
Financial Services
Work Instruction: Bulk Receipt Interim Receipt Processing
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This document covers the receipt of Interim Receipts in Financial Services. Financial Services are
responsible for the reconciliation and receipt into OneStop of bulk interim receipt batches that
have been processed by select budget centres.
This Work Instruction applies to interim receipts that are processed through budget centre tills
where no OneStop terminal is present.
This document needs to be considered in conjunction with any other University policies,
procedures and guidelines.
This Work Instruction applies to Financial Services Revenue Staff Only.
Receipt Interim Receipts
Budget Centres send their yellow copies of interim receipts attached to a Interim Receipt
Banking Form along with any Z Total reading from the Cash Registers & Settlement Total from
EFTPOS Terminals to Finance Launceston for receipting into OneStop.
Any Interim Receipts that are Cancelled still need the yellow copy to be sent along with the
Interim Banking as the numbers need to run in sequence and all no's are to be accounted for.
When an Interim banking is received the following information is checked.
Yellow interim receipts are attached
Interim No's are in sequence - Multiple books may be in use.
Interim no's are written on the Interim Receipt Banking Form - From..... / To.....
Z Readings are entered - Z Reading.......they are found on attached Cash Register slips.
Budget Centre name is entered - Department........
Description is filled out
Amount is entered for each description line being used.
Tax field is entered - Taxable = Yes / GST Free = No / Non Bass = Non / Input Tax = Input
Charge account line is filled out for each line on the Interim Receipt Banking Form in full.
EFTPOS settlement totals agree to the amount written on the front of Balance sheet
Cash register total is correct.
Any other information that is attached - eg. Copy of deposit form for cash & cheques
Add front cover sheet up to ensure it is balanced.
Receipting of the Interim Banking
Financial Services
Work Instruction: Bulk Receipt Interim Receipt Processing
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In OneStop Cashier selects the most suitable heading under the list for receipting - Eg if
there is a line for CAPS / Library Fines/ receipt the amount against this line if not most
Interim Banking is receipted under miscellaneous
Enter amount of the first line from the cover sheet not the TOTAL of the whole banking,
Enter Tax Code/ Enter Distribution Line.
Description is not the Individual lines - Description is Takings /Date /Interim No's / Z
Reading - EG Takings 16/05/08 - Interim 86549-86571 - 46 Z
Enter the Departments Name - Eg . History & Classics
If there are more lines to enter select the more button on OneStop & enter the next
amount / tax code/distribution - continue selecting more & enter all lines this way.
To total the amount that is now entered select F11=Total & check that the receipt &
Interim banking equal.
Select F7 - this is the Banked key
In the first box enter the budget centres code - Eg. Con of Music is - 103 & then ok
Receipt will print - write receipt no on the cover sheet for reference - Eg. RN 006598
The Interim Receipt is to be sent to the Budget Centre
Entering Interim Receipts on to the spreadsheet for end of day balance.
Enter Date - this is the date from the Interim Banking Form
Enter Agent - this is the code of the Budget Centre - Eg. 103
Enter the Department
Enter Receipt No
Off the Interim Banking Cover Sheet enter the break up of the total. Eg Cash / Cheques /
Print 3 Copies of this spreadsheet at the end of the day when balanced
1 x copy to Kathleen Wadley
1 x copy attached to the days interims to be filed
1 x copy to be filed with the OneStop Report
Before filing the interim banking, it must be entered on the Interim Receipt Sequence
spreadsheet. This is so an overall record is kept, that all Interim No's / Z* Readings are running in
sequence and any problems are identified and resolved.
Relevant Guideline
Cashiers Back Office Guidelines
Cashier and Revenue Collection Guidelines
Other Related Documents
Invoicing and Receivables Policy
Financial Services
Work Instruction: Bulk Receipt Interim Receipt Processing
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Procedures and Guides
About this Document
Responsible Officer
Review Cycle
Status of version
Work Instruction: Bulk Receipt Interim Receipt Processing
Manager, Financial Operations
Jo Rohwedder
1 year
Jo Rohwedder/David Nolan
Financial Services
Work Instruction: Bulk Receipt Interim Receipt Processing
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