Rubric (Checklist)

 Looks good.
 This was handed in after Friday (Nov 20th) at noon, so you do not get the five
points of extra credit (since you instead chose to take the extra time).
Book-Tracking Application:
 You haven’t filled in error-handling code
In the Add and Remove options, make sure to give the user confirmation feedback
when things go ok, too.
 In the Add and Remove options, make sure your error-handling code gives the user
confirmation feedback when things go ok, too
 Looks good.
Book class:
 This is missing entirely.
(You should model the individual books using a class)
 Since the class is a private nested class you can (and should!) make the instance
variables public
 Put a constructor on this, so you can create Book objects in a single line.
 You don't have a string field that stores the author's name.
 You don't have a string field that stores the title.
 You don't have a field that stores the price.
 Add a Print method so you can call it from both of the BookList.PrintBy___ methods.
 The Book's Print method should live here, not on the BookList class.
 It’s better to create a pair of methods which compares two books, and returns -1, 0, or
1 at that point. This way, you can have the method take both (Author & then Title),
or (Title & then Author) into account in one place, rather than having to split code out
for this node compares cleanly to the next one in the list vs. this one has the same
(Author|Title), or I'll store it based on the OTHER attribute. You can name them
something like CompareAuthorFirst, and CompareTitleFirst, or whatever else you'd
You’ve got most of this, but you need to compare by the other field, if the first
one is identical. So if you do a compare by author on Stephen King’s “The
Shining”, and Stephen King’s “Clown Chronicles”, you should notice that the
authors are the same, and then put the “Clown Chronicles” before “The
 Looks good.
Multi-List class
Except for methods whose purpose is specifically to interact with the user (such as
PrintByAuthor/Title), this class shouldn't produce any I/O. Instead, return a value to
the calling method, and then use that to figure out what main should print.)
You need to maintain two separate lists (composed of the same objects) – one is a
chain of books ordered by author, the other is a chain of the same book objects, but
ordered by title
Add: You don’t detect duplicates
In Add, incorporate the check for a duplicate into the ‘adding a book’ loop. This
way, you won’t have to go through the list twice.
Add: Check the return value of AddAuthor before calling AddTitle – there’s no sense
traversing the list twice
If you get a duplicate book by Author, you should add sorted by title, and vice-versa.
This will be easier once you have the Compare____First methods on the Book class
If you get a duplicate book by Author, you should add sorted by title, and vice-versa.
You are doing this, but look for ways to use CompareByAuthor/Title to simplify what
you’re doing here.
You need to add to BOTH lists – so if topTitle is null (meaning there are no books)
you still have to add it to the other list. It might actually be easier to write up two
methods (AddTitle, AddAuthor), and just call both of them here.
When adding a book into the middle of (either) list, you can combine the code for
your two cases (i.e., you can use the same code for 'adding at the end of the list', and
'adding between two existing elements'
You don't provide a PrintByAuthor method.
You don't provide a PrintByTitle method.
You don't provide a RemoveBook method.
Remove: First remove from one list, then the other. Separating them out will make it
much easier to cleanly implement this.
In the Remove method, you should look for an exact match in the title list (i.e., same
title AND same author), then remove the exact match from the title list.
In Remove, refactor the “is the book identical to author & title” to a method on the
book class (or re-use the CompareByAuthor/Title” method, instead of duplicating this
again here.
Find a way to implement the Remove method that doesn’t involve creating a new
book object each time you want to remove something – Either another version of the
Compare methods on the book class, or else an instance variable on the List class that
you re-set each time.
In the Remove method, you should incorporate the check for the target into your first
loop, so you don’t go through the list that extra time (i.e. remove the extra call to
Remove: If the book isn’t in the title list then it cannot be in the author list. As soon
as you know that the book is not present stop & return ErrorCode.BookNotFound
In your Remove method, you can (and should) end before traversing the entire list,
since the lists are stored in sorted order.
Remove: There’s no guarantee that the object previous to the target in the author list
is also the object previous to the target in the title list, so you will need to first iterate
over the author list, then again over the title list.
Remove unused/ commented out code before handing this in
Looks good.
Grade (out of 130):
To calculate your grade: add up all the (-1)'s and (-6)'s and (-X)'s, to get some negative number, then take
that from the total to get your grade. For example: If the total points available for the assignment was 100,
and you had the following penalties: -3 + -6 + -6  -15, so the grade would be 100 -15 = 85.
Why do you have to do this? Because this is only version 1, and so you won't really get your 'real grade'
until you hand in the revision. Sometimes the grade on this first version appears really low (especially if
you left out a whole section), and so I want to give people feedback, but try to avoid spooking people.
Keep in mind that if you don't hand in a revision, this will be your final grade.
Why do you have to do this? Because this is only version 1, and so you won't really get your 'real grade'
until you hand in the revision. Sometimes the grade on this first version appears really low (especially if
you left out a whole section), and so I want to give people feedback, but try to avoid spooking people.
Keep in mind that if you don't hand in a revision, this will be your final grade.
Numbers that are 'greyed out' don't count (i.e., the item is there for informational purposes, to preemptively
give you feedback for your revision), but these don't actually represent points that you've lost. Example of
a 'greyed out' item:
You didn't do X.
Note: Please note that if any of the above errors are duplicated within your code, you need to fix ALL
INSTANCES of the error, even if it's not specifically listed above, in order to get the points.