Conditionals Lab

Conditional Execution Lab: If/Else Selection Control Structures
Game Version: SpaceSmasher 1.0
Authors: Kelvin Sung, Mike Panitz, Rob Nash, and ET. AL.
The focus of this lab is to explore conditional execution (also called branching) in
our C# programs. We’ll define a mechanism used for “asking a question” and
“making a decision” in a program by using an “if” statement (or more formally, a
selection control structure).
Lab Outcomes
We seek to understand the logic and syntax for the following set of Selection Control
Structures in the context of simple, standalone C# programs as well as in the context
of a real-world, industry-grade software simulation.
The Single If
if( <someBooleanExpression> ) {…}
A Set of Sequential If Statements
if( <someBooleanExpression> ) {…}
if( <someBooleanExpression> ) {…}
if( <someBooleanExpression> ) {…}
Compound Boolean Conditions (using && and ||)
if( <booleanExpressionA> && <booleanExpressionB> ) {..}
if( <booleanExpressionA> || <booleanExpressionB> ) {..}
The Single If/Else Structure (With Default Else)
if( <someBooleanExpressionA> ) {
} else {
Chained If/ElseIF Statements Without Default Else
if( <queryA> ) {
} else if( <queryB> {
Chained If/ElseIF Statements With Default Else
if( <queryA> ) {
} else if( <queryB> {
} else {
Nested If Statements
if( <queryA> ) {
if( <queryB> ) {
Transforming Nested Ifs using &&
Nested If-Elses
if( <queryA> ) {
if( <queryB> ) {
} else {
} else if(<queryC> ) {
if( <queryD> ) {
} else {
Warmup With Single If Statements
To get started, using a compiler OR pen and paper, write out the following bullet
points as if statements. If the word “or” is in the sentence, use C#’s logical OR
operator “||”.
1. A number is negative
2. A number is positive or zero
3. A number is even or odd
4. A grade is above a 90
5. The temperature is higher than 78 degrees
6. The class average was below a 65
7. The answer was true
8. The answer was not true
Conditionals Lab Summary
In this lab, we’ll look at examples of if statements that are used to add features and
functionality (or just fun) to an existing software simulation. Examples will be
presented for each type of IF structure you are asked to build; experiment by
commenting out these examples to see what each IF actually does in our game.
Introduction to IF Statements in SpaceSmasher
In this section, we’ll continue to explore our understanding of conditional execution
by looking at examples from a real-world simulation. We’ll see how including
conditional execution in such a simulation can greatly expand the number of paths
throughout the program, resulting in a broader and deeper piece of software. While
we’ll enjoy the increased depth, complexity, and entertainment value of the
simulation that uses conditional execution, we’ll see that we’ve also increased the
number of paths through our program exponentially. Branching introduces
mutually exclusive pathways into our software, and if errors can exist in any of
these paths, it becomes a nontrivial exercise to test each and every pathway through
this code. This tradeoff in complexity is well known and readily accepted when we
consider the space of problems that could only be addressed by such decisionmaking structures. In fact, if your programming language does not offer such a
construct, then it can’t be considered a fully-fledged (or Turing Complete)
programming language. You can observe the increase in expressiveness in your
software by analog: if we didn’t have the “if” structure in English/Greek/Romance
languages, then we would not have been able to build this sentence, the previous
sentence, and the next sentence.
If you haven’t already completed the Setting Up SpaceSmasher exercises,
you’ll need to do this before moving on to the next section. Also if you’re unfamiliar
with how such block breaking games are played, be sure watch the introductory
online video and be sure to compile, run and play the complete game found in the
starter project.
A Quick Warning About The Starter File:
You’ll notice that this Visual Studio Solution actually contains several sub-projects.
You’ll need to work with the one named “SpaceSmasherCSharp” – it’s the middle one
in the picture below:
(Remember you can open this window by opening the VIEW menu, then picking
“Solution Explorer)
SpaceSmasherCSharp must be in bold face (like it is in the above picture). If it’s not
bold then trying to run the program will cause an error to occur, which will
probably say something to the effect of “A project with output type of Class Library
cannot be started directly.”. You can fix this by right-clicking on
SpaceSmasherCSharp and selecting “Set As StartUp Project”.
All the files that we’ll talk about in this document are inside that project, so open the
project up by clicking on that triangle to the left of the name ( 
Single If Statement Flowchart
Getting the code ready for this lab
Open up the Program.cs file, and verify that the Main function looks like this:
static void Main()
using (var game = new UserCodeIf())
All the code that we discuss is located in the UserCodeIf.cs file, so it would be a good
idea to open that file now.
Single If Statements In SpaceSmasher
Compile the SpaceSmasher project for this lab and run the software. Notice that,
while this simulation accomplishes a great deal already (sprites, animation, sound,
etc.), there are still gaps in the desired functionality of such a game. We’ll use our
knowledge of single if statements to improve this software’s interactivity by
enabling the ball to appear or “spawn” into existence, or bounce off of a surface or
wall such as the paddle or the boundaries of the screen. Using this decision-making
structure, we can ask questions about the current state of the world in our game,
and respond accordingly. Example queries about the world state might include:
 Did the user press left on the keyboard?
o If so, move left
 Did the user ask for a new ball to appear in the game?
o If there are more lives left and the user wants to spawn a ball,
do it
 Did the ball hit the paddle?
o What should we do here, if so?
 Did the ball hit a wall like the left and right sides of the screen?
o If so, change the velocity in the x by multiplying it by -1
 Did the ball hit the ceiling?
o If so, change the velocity of the y by multiplying it by -1
 Did the ball hit the gutter area beneath the paddle?
o If so, the ball becomes invisible and the player loses a life
 Did the ball hit a block?
o Asked another way, did the ball have a collision with a block?
 If so, remove the block depending on certain conditions
 What type of block? {NORMAL, FIRE, ICE,
 What type of ball? {NORMAL, FIREBALL,
Variables, Objects, and Players in Our Game
The variable “ball” is an Object reference, and although we don’t know much about
objects yet, we have used objects before, and this will be much like that. We’ll just
pick up and use this thing that we’ve never closely examined before, and parts of
this experience will seem familiar – consider this analogy: You own and drive a
diesel or gas internal combustion engine, but eventually move to a hydrogen fuel
cell or electric car. You’re still able to drive the newer vehicle using the same old
steering wheel and the accelerator pedal, regardless of the type of engine found
under the hood. So let’s pick up this ball (an unfamiliar object) and play! Consider
the following table, which indicates what Objects or functions are available to us in
our game, and the variables or players we’ll need to manipulate to make our game
experience even better.
(For now don’t worry about memorizing this list – just skim the table to get an idea
of what’s available, and refer back to this table as you work through this lab.)
Variables & Players
What type What does it do?
of thing is
it is?
A Ball
Manages the
location and
visual image of a
ball onscreen.
A void
A Paddle
ball.playBounceSound() A void
whether we see
the ball on the
Tells the ball to
become visible
and positions the
ball next to the
provided Object
(a paddle, here).
Manages the
paddle and
collisions with
the paddle
A void
When called, this
plays a ball
ball.yDelta =
ball.yDelta * -1;
A local
What can it be
or return?
Null or
pointing to a
spawned ball.
This is
obtained from
the ballSet.
Can be true or
false; if false,
the ball is
Returns void.
Balls can be
visible or
ballSet for
Points to the
Returns void.
Pass this to
the spawn
called on
our ball.
Returns void.
changes the
direction of
the ball’s
True or false; if
whether we play
the game or see
the win screen.
true, the game
launches the
code in
TODO 0: Single Ifs to Spawn Balls Near Paddles
In this part of the lab, we’ll start by demonstrating a single if statement for you, and
then have you craft your own. We’ll examine an “if” statement that has been
designed to determine if the game has been won (and so we should stop the game),
or if the game is still going on and there’s more work to do as far as updating the
ball, paddle, and other onscreen sprites. Next to the first example in the code is
another example of a compound if statement used to determine if the user is
pressing on the space key (or left-clicking the mouse), which we’ll return to shortly.
We’ll build our own if statement right into the simulation that will put a ball on the
screen (next to the paddle), depending on certain conditions. Roughly speaking,
we’ll spawn a ball if the user is asking for it and if no ball is currently bouncing
around the board. Let’s dive into our first real application by wading through the
following steps here, writing code as we go:
1. Before we look at any specific exercise it’s good for you to know that Visual
Studio has an excellent “Find” feature. Use the EDIT  Find and Replace 
Quick Find feature (keyboard shortcut: Control+F). Type in the text you
want to search for and it’ll find it for you.
VS 2013 Hint: Make sure that you’ve chosen “Current Document”, as pictured
here, in order to search through the entire file.
2. Before we dive in writing our own if statements, examples have been
provided for you to examine; find the comments marked as “EXAMPLE 0”
and “EXAMPLE 1B” - read the comments and code.
a. Optionally, draw a flowchart of a single if statement. (“TODO 0a”)
b. Optionally, draw a flowchart of a single if/else statement. (“TODO 0b”)
i. If you happen to know what a flowchart is, or if you look up
what a flowchart is then you’re welcome to do the above two
exercises. You are NOT expected to know what a flowchart is
for this course, nor will you be graded on this knowledge (not
here, not on exams, etc, etc)
3. Now, in the UserCodeIf.cs file, find the section marked “TODO 0”. This is
where we’ll start writing if statements to add features to our game.
4. Uncomment the last few lines that look like an if statement at the end of the
TODO 0 multi-line comment block.
a. Replace <your question goes here> with a proper C# “question” or
Boolean expression, chosen from one of the following examples:
1. Is x positive? if (x > 0 ) {
2. Is y negative or zero? if ( y <= 0 ) {
3. Is the number even? if( number % 2 == 0 )
4. Is the Boolean true or false? if( someBoolean == true ){
b. Of the demonstrated if questions above, which do you think you
should use here?
i. You want to determine if a property of the ball holds a specific
Boolean value: (the property is “ball.Visible”).
1. You’d like to ask (using ball.Visible): “Is this ball
a. You can restate this as: “Is the ball’s visible
property false?”
c. Inside the body of the if statement, put the tell the ball to spawn
(ball.spawn()), but specifically near the paddle, as in:
i. “ball.spawn(paddle);”
5. Now for some action: compile and run the code! To test our new section,
we’ll have to fulfill the conditions of the if statement before the code in the if
body will execute.
a. Upon starting the game, observe that no ball is visible from the start
i. So, we can assume ball.Visible is false, but we will test this
assumption next.
b. Press space on the keyboard and verify that the ball does appear in
proximity to the paddle.
i. If the ball appears, we know a few things about the state of our
simulated world:
1. We know that either a button was pressed/tapped
a. keyboard.isKeyTapped(Keys.Space)
2. OR, if the space button wasn’t pressed, we know that
the mouse was left clicked
a. (MouseDevice.MouseOnScreen() &&
3. AND, we know that ball.Visible is false.
ii. So, the only way for a ball to spawn is if the ball itself is
invisible, AND either the space was pressed or the left mouse
button was clicked.
c. Verify that your new single if statement accomplishes the desired
outcome of ball spawning as outlined above before moving on.
The Ball Below Was Spawned Using the Space Key
TODO 1: Single Ifs for Paddle & Ball Collisions
In this section, we’ll practice the single if statement again but in a new context.
Notice how the ball travels right through the paddle currently, which is a logic error.
The ball should “bounce off” or reflect about the paddle, and possibly play a sound.
We’ll code up the single if statement responsible for handling the case where the
ball collides with the paddle. First, let’s consider the moving parts – the variables –
that we’ll need to work with to accomplish this task:
Variables & Players
type of
thing is it
What does it
What can it be or
See previous
Determines if
the paddle
overlaps with
the ball.
A void
ball.yDelta *-1;
A void
Plays a bounce
Returns true if
the ball and
paddle collided
on the screen,
false otherwise.
Returns void.
Returns void.
Similar to
, this function
reflects the ball
about an axis.
with the ball.
Find the code commented as “TODO 1” and read it
After reading the comments, uncomment the pseudocode if statement at the
bottom of the code block.
The pseudocode needs to be transformed to actual C# code; using the
variables and players above, transform the pseudocode into a single if
statement that we can compile.
We seek to ask “if the paddle collided with the ball, then reflect the ball
relative to the paddle”
o Note that we could ask a logically equivalent question: “If the ball
collided with the paddle, then reflect the ball relative to the paddle”
 We choose not to use the second form of this question,
however logically equivalent, for implementation reasons.
 The first statement above is carefully worded to indicate which
methods (reflect(), playBounceSound()) belong to which
variables (ball, paddle)
//if the paddle collided with the ball { //using the paddle, reflect the ball
Compile your code and test it. Once this section is complete, you should be
able to spawn balls over and over until one bounces back to the paddle.
o When the ball intersects the paddle’s surface area, the desired
behavior is that ball should reflect (or “bounce off”) the paddle.
Take a look at the pictorial outcome and compare it with your software
before moving on; make sure your software behaves similarly.
No Collision Detection With Paddle
Single If Summary: Decisions are Powerful
When you run the simulation and press space (or left-click), you should see a ball
appear on the screen and start to move around. This logic was accomplished via the
addition of a single if statement in our update() method in the UserCodeIf.cs file. By
adding just two lines of code, we’ve increased what our game can do quite
dramatically. Said another way, we’ve increased the complexity of the user
interactions and the replayability of our software piece using just if statements.
Using this same single if statement trick back-to-back (or in a sequential series), we
can also add movement to our paddle and yet again increase our game’s feature set
and overall fun. This is what we’ll do next in the section that describes serial,
sequential if statements. Note that our update function is called many times a
second and will continuously check (or poll) for the user input which can trigger
these sequential if statements. To spawn a ball, we’ll need to either tap the space
button or left-click on the mouse, but this is not sufficient in and of itself. The if
statement we just wrote also requires that the ball not already be onscreen (i.e. the
ball isn’t “live” or “spawned” yet); said more precisely, ball.Visible is not true. To
rephrase in ambiguous English, “If the user asks to spawn a ball by hitting space (or
later, left-clicking) and if there is no ball already onscreen, then spawn a ball near
the paddle.”
TODO 2: Sequential If Statements & Moving the Paddle with the Keyboard
In this section, we’ll add more interactivity and responsiveness to our game by
facilitating paddle movement in response to button presses (or mouse movements).
To do this, we’d like to encode the following questions using C#’s Selection Control
Structures, or if statements:
If the left button is pressed, move the paddle left
If the right button is pressed, move the paddle right
If the up/down buttons are pressed, move the paddle in the y-axis.
Note that, as the designers of this game, we could choose to implement any types of
events that we want here, including unusual behaviors such as moving the paddle
left when the user presses right! Also, we can differentiate our software from other
such pong games by moving our paddle up and down – these decisions are up to us!
They are all accomplished using if statements, and we’ll need more than one in this
section, so we introduce the concept of asking multiple sequential questions here.
Note that these questions could be related, but by definition of the sequential if
statement are not required to be. Sequential If Statement Definition: Two ifs are
related sequentially if they are positioned in linear order next to one another, but not
conjoined by an “else” or “else if” clause. Such if statements are related only by
proximity. They are not mutually exclusive with respect to their code bodies, as are
if statements that use the “else” and “else if” keywords, introduced in a following
section. In this code TODO, we’re going to ask a series of sequential questions to
help move the paddle when the user requests it. First, we will demonstrate the
pattern of a set of sequential if statements.
if( <some boolean question, for example is x less than 90> ) {
//ifBody1 code goes here, not mutually exclusive to any other code body
if( <some boolean question, for example is y odd> ) {
//ifBody2 code goes here, not mutually exclusive to any other code body
/* more single if statements could go here */
if(<some boolean question, unrelated to the questions above> {
//ifBodyX goes here, not mutually exclusive to any other code body
A few observations are in order regarding the above set of sequential, single if
statements. First is that all internal code bodies could execute if all Boolean
questions evaluate to true; that is, none of the code blocks are mutually exclusive. If
we wanted to obtain this different logical behavior, we’d need to use the “else” or
“else if” keywords. Secondly, note that just like in all other if statements (except
those with a trailing else, discussed last), none of the code bodies are required to
execute, so if all Boolean questions are false, not one code body runs. Finally, it’s
worth noting that these if statements may or may not be related at all to one
another. For example, consider the following two if statements that are unrelated to
one another.
if( rainingOutside == false) {
if( timeForAHaircut == true) {
When logical conditions or questions are unrelated, the sequential set of if
statements is the weapon of choice. We’ll practice using this technique below on a
set of questions that are actually related, and we’ll return to this code to improve it
when we learn to use “else” and “else if” later. Consider the players in this section of
the game before digging into the code examples and exercises below.
Variables & Players
What type
of thing is it
An Object
similar to a
A Boolean
A Boolean
A Paddle
A void
A void
The Mouse
A Boolean
What does it
Use this to
determine if
certain keys
are pressed.
if the
key is
if the
key is
Use this to
spawn balls
What can
it be or
object is
set up for
you and
not null.
true or
true or
This is
from the
Moves the
paddle left.
Moves the
paddle right. void.
Use this to
get mouse
object is
information set up for
you and
not null.
Use this to
determine if true or
a mouse is
based on
checks for
the space
checks for
the left
for 2player.
In the UserCodeIf.cs file, find the section marked “EXAMPLE 2”
o Read the code and see an example of sequential if statements, back-toback.
In the UserCodeIf.cs file, find the section marked “TODO 2”
o You can search the file for this text string using CTRL-F or Command-F
for PCs and Macs, respectively, in your text editor.
Read the questions in the comments and transform each query in
pseudocode to actual C# code, one at a time, starting with moving the paddle
o Uncomment out the last few lines of code that look like four
sequential, single if statements
o Transform the pseudocode into actual C# code by reading the
comments and following the directions.
o Once you’ve completed just one if statement, compile and run the
code to make sure you can move your paddle left or right respectively.
Notice how the last few pseudocode statements offer you even less details.
o Can you convert these statements into C# code by following the
pattern you used for moving left and right above?
Once you’ve got the paddle moving left, right, up and down, then uncomment
the single sequential if statement near “TODO 3:” for mouse support.
o Recompile and run the game, experimenting with the mouse and ball
The Paddle Is Moved Left Using the Left Key on the Keyboard
TODO 3: Single If Statements Revisited
In this section, we’ll help complete a single if statement to enable mouse support.
We need to check if the user has a mouse connected to our system and if so, we’ll
execute some code to move the paddle accordingly. In this section, the body of the if
statement is already written for you – you simply need to wrap those lines of code in
the if statement you will build. We seek to ask the question: “is the mouse on the
screen?”, so consider the two variables below before you build your single if
Variables & Players
type of
thing is it
What does it
What can it be or
A Boolean Determines if Returns true if a
function. a mouse is
mouse is found,
connected to false otherwise.
our system.
See previous
Use this in your
if statement to
determine if a
mouse is usable.
Find the section of code commented as “TODO 3” and read it.
Uncomment the pseudocoded “if” statement at the bottom of the comments
o Note that the lines inside the “if” statement are marked “leave as-is”,
since these are actual instructions that need no modification but
should be left in the body of your if block.
Rewrite the “if” Boolean expression to use variables from the table above.
Recompile and execute your code. If everything is awesome, you’ll be able to
control the paddle using the mouse in addition to the keyboard
o Note that enabling the mouse indicates to the game that the mouse
has priority over the keystrokes.
No one screenshot will easily convey mouse-to-paddle motion transfer, so
use your imagination to envision a paddle that moves left when you move the
mouse left, and moves right when the mouse moves right.
o This is how your simulation should function when this section is
TODO 99: Transforming Sequential If Statements Into A Single If-Else Statement
In this section, we’ll take two existing if statements that are mutually exclusive and
combine them. Any set of if conditions that are related by mutual exclusion should
be related explicitly in your code for clarity and performance. We’ll start with two if
statements that are sequential and back-to-back, but should really be related and
transform the code to what it should be. Since the code is already completely
written, there are no new variables or players to consider here.
Find the section of code commented as TODO 99 and read it.
Follow the translation pattern presented in the comments for
combining two sequential if statements into one if-else statement
o To do this, move all of the comments in TODO 99 and
EXAMPLE 2 out from in-between the two if statements.
Starting with the second if statement (if(!playerWonGame)) and hit
backspace until you are on the line with the closing “}” from the
previous if(playerWonGame).
o Delete the text “if(!playerWonGame)” from the second if and
replace it with “else”
 As in: “} else {“
Recompile and execute your code; if everything works, you should
notice no changes to the flow of the game, while at the same time
noticing your code has improved internally
o It’s faster and more readable, which are both big software
engineering wins.
TODO 4: Compound If Statements Using Logical AND (&&) with Mouse Support
for Ball Spawning
In this section, we’ll describe how to produce even more expressive and powerful if
statements that ask increasingly detailed questions about the state of our world.
Frequently one question isn’t enough to determine if the creature behind the curtain
is a robot or a human, and so we’ll need the ability to ask a series of logically related
questions, and if statements are perfect for this task. For example, we can logically
relate questions using if conjunctions “else if” and “else”, but before exploring those
we can observe relating questions using && and ||, C#’s logical AND and OR,
respectively. By linking two questions, we can not only indicate an order for the
questions to be asked but also what to do if all the questions return true (AND, like a
circuit in series) or if even just one of the questions result in a true value (OR, like a
circuit in parallel). We’ll start with a common programming task: making sure an
object isn’t null before we try to use it. Remember what happens if we try to
reference String[] args in our program? Or if we declared a Scanner foo = null; and
then called foo.nextInt()? This results in the infamous NullPointerException, and
we’re about to dance right around that common problem in our code by looking an
example that determines if a ball exists first before using it. Find the topic ShortCircuit Evaluation in your textbook’s appendix and read about this useful construct
that we’re about to observe in action.
Logical AND (&&)
Variables & Players
type of
thing is it
What does it
Checks for
collisions with
the edges of
the screen.
A void
ball.xDelta *-1;
What can it be or
See previous
Returns an int. A The return
BoundCollidedSta values can be {
tus indicates
what side of the
screen was
collided with (if
Returns void.
direction of the
ball in the xaxis.
See previous
First check out the code section marked “EXAMPLE 4”
o Read this code to see an example of using the logical AND operator to
prevent a NullPointerException from being thrown.
o Do you see how the AND is used in the code?
 What would the effect be if the AND was replaced with an OR?
 Would this still prevent the NullPointerException?
Next, go to the section marked “TODO 4” and read the comments
Your job here is to combine two single, nested (and thus not sequential) if
statements into one larger, compound if statement joined by an AND
o Note that any nested if statement can be refactored in this manner to
produce one larger if statement
 Notice also that nesting if statements is effectively ANDing
their conditions together
Start by copying-and-pasting the original code so you always have a starting
reference point.
o Now, comment out the original and edit the copy
o Remove the inner if statement completely by joining it’s boolean
expression with the outer if statement using an AND (&&).
When you’re done, you should have produced a single if statement that will
spawn the ball near the paddle if you have a mouse and the left-button is
being pressed.
o Test your code for this behavior before moving on
The Ball Below Was Spawned Using the Mouse and a Compound If with &&
Using TODO 4’s Code
TODO 5: Compound If Statements Using Logical OR (||) & Spawning the Ball
Next, we’ll experiment with the logical OR operator in C#. We can use logical OR in
places we could use AND to produce a more expressive and longer Boolean
expression for use in our if statements. In this next section, we observe some
duplicate code in our software, which we’d like to remove in this lab just as we’ll do
in our first few homework assignments.
Logical OR (||)
Variables & Players
What does it What can it be or
type of
thing is it
A Boolean Determines if Returns true or
function. the provided false.
key has been
Similar to
use Keys.Space
or Keys.Left, etc.
this will only
return true
once, the
very first
instant that
the key is
MouseDevice.IsLeftTapped A Boolean Determines if
function. the indicated
button has
See previous
Returns true if
the left mouse
button has been
clicked, in this
Experiment with
for right-clicks
and power-ups.
Find “TODO 5” in the code and read the comments
Add to the if statement in this section so that it will spawn a new ball if the
keyboard is pressed OR BOTH the mouse exists AND the mouse’s left button
is pressed. ROB, this needs a rewrite!
o To accomplish the BOTH above, use parenthesis around the mouse
statements, as the following pseudocode demonstrates
 if( keyboard.isKeyDown() OR ( mouse exists && pressed))
Recompile and run your code; if it works, you should be able to spawn balls
using the mouse’s left-click, just like before
o To test this code, comment out the compound if statement with &&
you just did in the previous TODO4
 You should still be able to spawn balls via the mouse and your
new code in TODO5
This Ball Below Was Spawned Using the Mouse and a Compound If with ||
Using TODO 5’s Code
TODO 6: Chained IF/ELSE Structures With No Default Else (A.k.a. Multi-way Ifs)
In this section, we’ll build one IF/ELSE structure that handles three mutually
exclusive cases in our game. The ball and paddle should remain in synch with
respect to their status; if the paddle is on fire, the ball should also be a fireball, and if
the paddle is icy, the ball should be an iceball respectively. As the game is currently,
the paddle will change in accordance with the blocks that the ball has hit; however,
the ball doesn’t change at all. We’ll introduce an IF/ELSE statement to fix this
broken behavior. First, consider the variables and players we’ll need to use:
Variables & Players
What type of
thing is it is?
What does it
What can it be
or return?
See previous
An enumerated
A function that
returns a
paddle states.
are {NORMAL,
Returns a
See previous
An enumerated
A void function.
ball types &
This sets the
current ball
BallTypes are
Notice the
similarities to
Indicates what
ball to draw on
the screen.
Find the code comments associated with “TODO 6” and read the code
After reading the comments, uncomment the pseudocode at the end of the
block comment to get started
Notice the compiler errors; change the pseudocode to actual code using the
variables and players outlined above.
o For example, “if( paddle is normal)” becomes “if(paddle.getState() ==
Replace the body of the IF statements with actual code to change the
type/state of the ball
o Based on the current state of the paddle, so something like:
 So if the paddle is in the FIRE state, so is the ball
 ELSE, if the paddle is in the ICE state, so is the ball
 ELSE the paddle is normal, and so is the ball
Run the code and note that the ball should change when the paddle changes
o Said another way, when the ball collides with a FIRE block, the paddle
changes to a FIRE paddle (which it did previously) AND the ball
changes to a FIRE ball respectively (which the game did not
previously do).
An Ice ball and an Ice Paddle in a Synchronized Visual State
TODO 7: Nested If Statements
In this section, we’ll experiment with putting if statements inside of if statements to
find the smallest of three top scores. In our game, we’ll concern ourselves with only
two top scores: the top score of the day and the overall top score. So, anytime a
player plays a new game, she will generate a new score c. Now, given the three
values a,b,c where a is the top score of the day, b is the overall top score, and c is the
new score in question, we want to find the minimum score and toss it out. So lets
build a function similar to Math.max(a,b) but that instead takes three variables for
our game.
Find the section of code marked as TODO 7 and read it.
Uncomment out the first set of two pseudocoded if statements and change
the pseudocode into actual code
o Hint: consider using “<” and “=”
Uncomment out the second set of two pseudocoded if statements and change
the nonworking code into functional C# code.
Note that we can wrap one if statement completely inside the other for a
specific logical meaning; in this case, it’s to determine the smallest of three
Test your code by adding a few calls to your new function in the initialize()
function that look like:
o Console.WriteLine( minimum(3,2,1) );
 Add two more printlns like this and change the numbers inside
the parenthesis to test your minimum function.
When everything is complete, you should be able to determine the least of
three numbers using ifs inside of ifs, using your console output as
The Console the Output for “minimum(3,2,1)” is 1
TODO 8: Nested If-Elses (A.k.a If-Elses Inside of If-Elses)
In this section, we’ll write something similar to the last function, but this time using
even more code to determine the maximum of three numbers. This too could be
used to determine top scores, and we’ll seek to compare the solution we create here
to the solution in TODO 7 and in TODO 9 to pick the best one. We want to
experiment with if-else structures wrapped completely inside other if-else
structures, to determine the largest of three integers a,b and c.
Find the section of code with the comments “TODO 8” and read it
Uncomment all of the if statements and convert the pseudocode in the
boolean expressions to actual code.
o Hint: consider using “>” and “=”.
Comment out the “return -1;” statement at the bottom of the function.
Recompile and run your code; when it’s complete, we’ll need to add a few
lines in the initialize() function to test your maximum function.
o Add the following code to your initialize() function:
 “Console.WriteLine( maximum(1,2,3) );”
 Copy this line 3 times and change the numbers to test
your function more completely
Run the code and observe the output in the console – is your maximum
function reporting the largest number?
The Console the Output for “maximum(3,2,1)” is 3
TODO 9: Transforming Nested Ifs Using &&
In this section, we’ll make the smallest minimum function possible using logical
AND. In TODO 7 we made a shorter min function and in TODO 8 we made a longer
max function; now we seek to reduce the min function truly to its minimum form, by
replacing the nested ifs with &&.
Find the section of code with the comments “TODO 9” and read it
Following the pattern presented in the pseudocode, lets convert the first two
if statements into one using &&
Put your cursor just before the innermost if statement and hit backspace
until you’re on the previous line that contains an if statement.
o Delete the “{ “and the “)” and the second “if” so your code looks like:
 “if( <questionA> if (<questionB>) {“
o Now change the second “if” to “&&” and delete the second “(“ so you
 “if(<questionA> && <questionB>) {“
Recompile and run your code; your tests should still call this function in the
initialize() method.
o Make sure your new minimum function actually returns the smallest
Now, which do you think is the more efficient if code? The minimum function
here or the maximum function built in TODO 8?