Math 110 Section 4.2 Page 1 / 2 Inverse, 1-to-1 functions (§4.2): Inverse of a function If a given function, f(x), gets you some answer y (given some starting point x) Then the inverse function, f 1 y , takes the answer, and gets you the original starting point x So, if f(x) converts from American dollars into British pounds, then f pounds into American dollars 1 y converts British Draw the circle pictures: Students (the domain) GPA (the range) x (the domain) f(x) (the range) -7 -4 -1 2 5 8 11 -4 -1 2 of the arrow, and Pictorially, we’ll invert the function by removing the arrow-heads from one end putting it on the other end. 5 8 ICE: Table/Pairs: reverse X, Y Bob Jo Mary Joe Sarah Rob Jane 2.0 3.8 4.0 3.9 3.5 2.9 2.1 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 11 One-to-one Functions Each input (each x value) produces (corresponds to) exactly one output (y value) (all functions do this) AND Each output (each y value) produces (corresponds to) exactly one intput (x value) (this makes it into a 1-to-1 fnx) Passes both a vertical line AND a horizontal line test. Symmetric about the y = x line Draw a Couple of these on the board, and ask them about which are which, and why Only 1-to-1 functions have inverse functions Non 1-to-1 functions could be thought of as having inverse relations, which are different Math 110 Page 1 / 2 Math 110 Section 4.2 Page 2 / 2 For a given f(x), here's how to get the inverse function: 1. Replace f(x) with y At the end of this step, we'll have y = blah x blah 2. Since we usually write f 1 x instead of f 1 y , we want to swap the x and y's This means we'll have x = blah y blah, where x shows up once, and y may be occur a bunch of times 3. Solve for y At the end of this step, we're back at y = blah x blah 4. Replace y with f 1 x Example: Step f x 4 x 2 y 4x 2 (1) x 4y 2 (2) x 2 4y (3) x2 y (3) 4 x2 f 1 x (4) 4 = = = 13.1.4 – Inverse, Composite Functions Point out that if f(x) converts from American dollars into British pounds, then f 1 x converts British pounds into American dollars, therefore f f 1 x x This is the equivalent of converting from American dollars into British pounds, then converting from British pounds back into American dollars Thus, for any function f(x), we can show that and f f 1 x x f 1 f x x ICE: Do a couple of these Math 110 Page 2 / 2