Fluid Inclusion Thermobarometry as a Tracer for Magmatic Processes Thor H. Hansteen IFM-GEOMAR, Leibniz-Institute for Marine Sciences Dynamics of the Ocean Floor D-24148 Kiel, Germany thansteen@ifm-geomar.de Andreas Klügel Fachbereich Geowissenschaften Universität Bremen D-28334 Bremen, Germany akluegel@uni-bremen.de T.H. Hansteen & A. Klügel: Fluid Inclusions 1 Fluid inclusion: Closed cavity in mineral containing one ore more liquid, vapor and/or fluid phase(s). May also contain daughter mineral(s) formed after inclusion sealing. Roedder´s rules (prerequisites for interpretations): 1) a single homogeneous fluid phase was trapped 2) the inclusion remained at a constant volume after trapping 3) nothing was added to or removed from the inclusion after trapping T.H. Hansteen & A. Klügel: Fluid Inclusions 2 20 µm 20 µm T.H. Hansteen & A. Klügel: Fluid Inclusions 3 Boiling (Vapor and liquid phases coexisting in separate cavities) “Liquid” (now 2-phase) “Vapor” (now 2-phase) T.H. Hansteen & A. Klügel: Fluid Inclusions 4 Occurrence and Formation „Necking down“ (Modified after Shepherd et al. 1985; Roedder 1984)) T.H. Hansteen & A. Klügel: Fluid Inclusions 5 Post-entrapment re-equilibration Stretching: permanent, plastic deformation (creep) of the enclosing crystal Decrepitation (leakage): partial or total Compositional re-equilibration (diffusion and/ or reaction with host) T.H. Hansteen & A. Klügel: Fluid Inclusions 6 Microthermometry The measurement of phase transitions upon heating (Problem: metastability) Fluid inclusions are isochoric systems (constant mass & volume => constant density & molar volume) T.H. Hansteen & A. Klügel: Fluid Inclusions 7 Heating/ freezing stage on petrographic microscope T.H. Hansteen & A. Klügel: Fluid Inclusions 8 The system CO2 Melting properties: Composition Homogenization proporties: Density (molar volume) (Modified after Van den Kerkhof 1988)) T.H. Hansteen & A. Klügel: Fluid Inclusions 9 Homogenization of CO2 inclusions: T increase from 30.0 to 30.5 °C within 30 sec 10 µm T.H. Hansteen & A. Klügel: Fluid Inclusions 10 The system CO2 Isochores Arbitrary inclusion (r=const.) (Projection) (Modified after Roedder 1984; Goldstein and Reynolds 1994) T.H. Hansteen & A. Klügel: Fluid Inclusions 11 System H2O Isochores (Fisher 1976) T.H. Hansteen & A. Klügel: Fluid Inclusions 12 The system H2O- NaCl 25 wt% 10 wt% (Modified after Crawford 1981; T.H. Hansteen & A. Klügel: Fluid Inclusions 13 Microthermometry cycle, system H2O- NaCl Melting properties: Composition Homogenization proporties: Density (molar volume) (Hein 1989) T.H. Hansteen & A. Klügel: Fluid Inclusions 14 Boiling in system H2O - NaCl Vapor Liquid (Modified after Bodnar et al. 1985; Chou 1987) T.H. Hansteen & A. Klügel: Fluid Inclusions 15 “Vapor” (now 2-phase) “Liquid” (now 4-phase) Sylvite Halite Boiling (Vapor and liquid phases coexisting in separate cavities) T.H. Hansteen & A. Klügel: Fluid Inclusions 16 Part 2: Tracking volcanic plumbing systems using CO2 inclusions (after Hansteen et al. 1998; Klügel et al. 2005) (after Zanon et al. 2003; Frezzotti and Peccerillo 2004; Peccerillo et al. 2006) Models of the Recent magma plumbing systems beneath La Palma (Canary Islands) and Vulcano (Aeolian arc) T.H. Hansteen & A. Klügel: Fluid Inclusions 17 Rationale: understanding the density distribution of FI Density distribution of a gang of "Roedder's rule" inclusions First level of entrainment Frequency Second level of entrainment Homogeneous, isochoric & closed Subordinate entrainment Real Inclusion density Interpretation: major entrainment levels => prolonged magma storage => magma ponding / reservoirs x x _ T.H. Hansteen & A. Klügel: Fluid Inclusions 18 Density distributions of REAL fluid inclusions idealized measured (example) (data from Neumann et al. 1995) (data from Zanon et al. 2003) (data from Hansteen et al. 1998) T.H. Hansteen & A. Klügel: Fluid Inclusions 19 Work flow chart: how to obtain pressures from fluid inclusions Microthermometry: determine inclusion composition Determine homogenization temp. Th (LVL) / Th (LVV) Get density from Th • CO2: triple point at -56.6 °C • additional Raman microspectrometry • Microthermometry • accuracy and precision better ±0.2 °C • isobaric T-r section • auxiliary equations (e.g. Span & Wagner 1996) Calculate respective isochore using an equation of state Get/assume trapping temperature and calculate pressure Pressure => Depth • different EOS available • lack of experimental data in high P-T range • use independent geothermometer • proxy: eruption temperature of host magma • surprisingly large source of error T.H. Hansteen & A. Klügel: Fluid Inclusions 20 Obtaining density from measured homogenization temperature liquid vapor Th (LVL): accurate to <0.2 °C r accurate to 0.001-0.01 g/cm3 (0.1-2% relative) (near Tcrit: 2-8% uncertainty @ T < 30.9 °C) Th (LVV): accuracy ~1 °C r accurate to 3-12% @ T < 30.2 °C) T.H. Hansteen & A. Klügel: Fluid Inclusions 21 Calculation of isochores: example for an equation of state for CO2 Sterner SM, Pitzer KS (1994): An equation of state for carbon dioxide valid from zero to extreme pressures. Contrib Mineral Petrol 117: 362-374 Contains only 28 non-zero parameters: T.H. Hansteen & A. Klügel: Fluid Inclusions 22 The MAIN problem of all equations of state Realm of igneous petrologists experimental rPT data (from Span & Wagner 1996) T.H. Hansteen & A. Klügel: Fluid Inclusions 23 Calculation of isochores: comparison of different equations of state r = 1.1 g/cm3 : 1030...1180 MPa, ~4-5 km uncertainty r = 0.6 g/cm3 : 270...300 MPa, ~1 km uncertainty DP is deviation from reference EOS: SP94 (Sterner & Pitzer 1994) Eqs.: KJ81 (Kerrick & Jacobs 1981), BR81 (Bottinga & Richet 1981), H81 (Holloway 1981), SW96 (Span & Wagner 1996) T.H. Hansteen & A. Klügel: Fluid Inclusions 24 Calculation of pressures: P-T relationships 50° C uncertainty: r in g/cm3 30 MPa error (3%) 12 MPa error (4%) 2 MPa error (4%) Isochores calculated using the EOS of Sterner & Pitzer (1994) T.H. Hansteen & A. Klügel: Fluid Inclusions 25 Role of (possibly) missing H2O Observation: H2O absent in most basalt-hosted phenocrysts + xenoliths Explanation: H2O more prone to leakage than CO2: compositional reequilibration Mechanisms: many! (diffusion along crystal defects, H and OH diffusion...) Rates: fast! (hours to weeks) For barometry: estimate former H2O content of CO2 inclusions and correct for it notoriously difficult straightforward a = molar H2O/CO2 in trapped fluid, all H2O now lost: rtrap = rmeas·(1 + a ·18/44) Example: 10 mol% of H2O => correction factor = 1.045. Equation of state for H2O-CO2 system (Kerrick and Jacobs 1981 @ 1150 °C): Pressure correction is -7% for r = 0.3 g/cm3 , +23% for r = 0.8 g/cm3. T.H. Hansteen & A. Klügel: Fluid Inclusions 26 Summary: effect of uncertainties and errors on P distribution "Reference data" for 1150 °C Effect of different temperature Effect of different equation of state Effect of correction for 10 mol% H2O T.H. Hansteen & A. Klügel: Fluid Inclusions 27 Summary: effect of uncertainties and errors on P distribution Determination of Th and r Assumption of trapping temperature Calculation of isochore / equation of state Correction for former H2O content Volumetric re-equilibration: stretching Error magnitude Stretching: probably the largest single source of error! • systematic error, causes density decrease • error magnitude difficult to assess • e.g. CO2 inclusions in olivine @ 1100 °C: 1000 MPa decompression in 2 days = 8% density decrease (30% @ 1300 °C) T.H. Hansteen & A. Klügel: Fluid Inclusions 28 Volumetric re-equilibration: a case study (if time permits...) Data from the 1949 eruption on La Palma (Canary Islands), after Hansteen et al. (1998) T.H. Hansteen & A. Klügel: Fluid Inclusions 29 Extra Overheads T.H. Hansteen & A. Klügel: Fluid Inclusions 30 r in g/cm3 Host magma Isochores calculated using the EOS of Sterner & Pitzer (1994) T.H. Hansteen & A. Klügel: Fluid Inclusions 31 Microthermometry: Linkam THMS600 T.H. Hansteen & A. Klügel: Fluid Inclusions 32 Microthermometry: Linkam THMS600 T.H. Hansteen & A. Klügel: Fluid Inclusions 33 Microthermometry: Fluid Inc.-modified USGS stage T.H. Hansteen & A. Klügel: Fluid Inclusions 34 T.H. Hansteen & A. Klügel: Fluid Inclusions 35 The system H2O-NaCl T.H. Hansteen & A. Klügel: Fluid Inclusions 36 System H2O- NaCl T.H. Hansteen & A. Klügel: Fluid Inclusions 37