BERGEN COMMUNITY COLLEGE CENTER FOR INSTRUCTIONAL RESEARCH and DEVELOPMENT [CIRD] 2015-2016 MINI-GRANT PROGRAM APPLICATION I. Title of Project: Name[s]: Division[s]: II. Project Abstract: (please limit to 250 words) III. Project description [additional information may be attached] I. Need: II. Objectives: III. Final Product: IV. How the project will contribute to the College’s strategic plan (please choose one or more areas to address): Student Success & Excellence Faculty and Staff Success and Excellence Commitment to Bergen County Institution Building V. Supporting documentation [support your application by showing that you have researched the literature on this topic] VI. Detailed outline of activities: VII. Implementation: IV. Time schedule [all project activities must be completed by June 1, 2016]: V. Project Assessment: VI. Facility usage: VII. Personnel requirements [specify name, positions and expertise]: a. Faculty: b. Consultants: c. VIII. Clerical, technical and student assistance: Budget: CIRD has no authority to grant release time, faculty stipends or overload; therefore, please do not include faculty compensation in the proposed budget. If divisional funds, supplies or other resources will be used to supplement the proposed budget, a verifying letter from the appropriate College officer must accompany this application. a. Personnel [justify with details of time and costs, personnel costs can only include non-faculty.] b. Equipment [specify] Equipment purchased is college property and must be inventoried by the College. c. Supplies [specify]: d. Project evaluation: e. Other [specify]: 2 TOTAL BUDGET: Additional information: I understand that an interim report on this project is due in the Chair of Faculty Development no later than January 29, 2016, and that the final report is due on May 27, 2016. Signature Date: CIRD_Application_Rev. 4/2013 3