ES 036 Programming Fundamentals Arithmetic Conversion TEB 361 519-661-2111 x81399 Dr. Quazi M. Rahman Arithmetic conversions Implicit Conversion Explicit Conversion 16-Jul-1 ES036 QMR / RE 2 Implicit Conversion (IC) IC results inherent promotion of an operand with a lower (in terms of memory space) data type to the data-type of the other operand in the presence of an arithmetic (binary) operator. Implicit arithmetic conversion is also called automatic conversion, implicit conversion, coercion, promotion or widening. Ex: int a, float b; (a + b) will be a float type where int a gets promoted to float a. 16-Jul-1 ES036 QMR / RE 3 Explicit Conversions: Cast Explicit arithmetic conversions are called casts. For example, int a can be explicitly converted to a float variable by the declaration (float) a. Cast operator: (data_type) variable Cast operator is an unary operator Examples: (double) 2 X = (float) ((int) y+4) (double) (x = 10); ES036 QMR / RE 16-Jul-1 4 Cast Example: casting is integer division. Suppose that 5 kids were asked how many apples they ate, and the answers were summed (12). Average? 16-Jul-1 ES036 QMR / RE 5 Casting #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(void) { int total_apples = 12, kids = 5; float apples_per_kid; apples_per_kid = total_apples / kids; cout<<“Average is ", apples_per_kid; return 0; } 16-Jul-1 ES036 QMR / RE 6 Casting The output is Average is 2 The reason that the output is not accurate can be traced back to the statement apples_per_kid = total_apples / kids Division has higher precedence than the assignment operator so it is done first. Integer division truncates the fractional part of the answer so 12/5 = 2 The assignment operator automatically converts the integer 2 to float 16-Jul-1 ES036 QMR / RE 7 Casting To fix the problem, one of the variable in the division is temporarily converted to a float. apples_per_kid = (float)total_apples / kids; or apples_per_kid = total_apples / (float)kids; Note that it makes sense that the variables total_apples and kids are ints because they have to be whole numbers. 16-Jul-1 ES036 QMR / RE 8