1 Total mixed ration pellets for light fattening lambs: effects on animal health 2 3 4 C. Blanco1, F. J. Giráldez1, N. Prieto1,a, J. Benavides1, S. Wattegedera2, L. Morán1,b, 5 S. Andrés1, R. Bodas1,c 6 7 1 Instituto 8 Grulleros, León, Spain. 9 2 Moredun 10 de Ganadería de Montaña (CSIC-Universidad de León). E-24346 Research Institute, Bush Loan, Penicuik EH26 0PZ, Midlothian, Scotland, UK. 11 12 a 13 University of Alberta, 4-10 Agriculture/Forestry Centre, Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2P5, 14 Canada. Lacombe Research Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, 6000 C&E 15 Trail, Lacombe, Alberta, T4L 1W1, Canada. 16 b 17 c Present 18 119. E-47071 Valladolid, Spain. Present address: Department of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science, Present address: Ashtown Food Research Centre, Teagasc, Dublin 15, Ireland address: Instituto Tecnológico Agrario de Castilla y León. Ctra. Burgos, km 19 20 Corresponding author: Raúl Bodas. Email address: bodrodra@itacyl.es 21 22 Short title: Health effects of TMR for light fattening lambs 23 1 24 Abstract 25 Fifty male Merino lambs (6–8 wk, 14.1 kg; n=10 per group) were used to study the 26 effect of feeding system: barley straw in long form and concentrate pellets in 27 separate troughs (Control), ad libitum alfalfa supplemented with concentrate in 28 separate troughs (Alfalfa) or including various levels of ground barley straw in 29 concentrate pellets (B05, B15 and B25 for 50, 150 and 250 g barley straw/kg), on 30 rumen characteristics, acid-base status, blood cell counts and lymphocyte 31 stimulation. Alfalfa lambs had the heaviest digestive tract contents, highest rumen pH 32 values, lowest VFA concentration, highest papillae counts and best mucosa colour 33 and the greatest blood pCO2 values, lowest sodium and chloride and highest 34 potassium concentrations (P<0.05). Including ground barley straw in the concentrate 35 pellet or providing straw in long form separately from the concentrate reduces rumen 36 pH and darkens ruminal mucosa as compared to alfalfa-fed lambs, thus affecting 37 acid-base status. 38 39 Keywords: rumen; hematology; concentrate; acidosis; sheep 40 41 Implications 42 Using concentrate-based pellets which include up to 25% of ground barley straw, 43 instead of giving concentrate and straw separately, is a suitable way of feeding 44 lambs, thus allowing automatic feed delivery and reducing labor and storage costs. 45 These systems are still liable to cause ruminal acidosis if compared to alfalfa-based 46 diets, although none of them seem to cause serious problems to animal health on top 47 of all of this in young fattening lambs. 48 2 49 Introduction 50 Traditional fattening systems for lambs in Mediterranean countries are based on an 51 ad libitum supply of concentrates generally supplemented with cereal straw in 52 separate feeding troughs (Joy et al., 2008; Rodríguez et al., 2008). However, 53 concentrate pellets are being used more often nowadays in order to make feedlot 54 feeding management easier. The traditional system, which allows the animals to 55 maximize their growth potential, is not devoid of problems, subacute acidosis being 56 the most common. Concentrate diets lead to subacute ruminal acidosis by increasing 57 volatile fatty acid (VFA) production in the rumen and the proportion of propionate and 58 lactate, thus decreasing rumen pH (Enemark et al., 2002; Bodas et al., 2007; 59 Enemark, 2008). These circumstances may entail a drop in blood pH and deplete 60 blood base excess (Brossard et al., 2003). In this sense, if animal health is 61 threatened by a disease (as in the case of rumen acidosis), the risk of associated 62 disorders increases (e.g. parakeratosis-rumenitis, liver abscesses, laminitis) (Penner 63 et al., 2011) and blood cell counts, especially leukocyte counts, and their response to 64 stimuli (LPS, endotoxins) can be modified, thereby compromising the animal’s 65 immune response (Penner et al., 2011; Ceroni et al., 2012). 66 Forage intake could be increased by including barley straw in the concentrate pellet 67 (thus forming a total mixed ration, TMR), which could help animals to raise rumen pH 68 to some extent without compromising animal performance. However, the effect of 69 forage on rumen pH depends, to a great extent, on forage particle size, this being 70 particularly small in concentrate pellet-based diets, where the barley straw is almost 71 ground. As a result, using pelleted diets may have no positive effects on rumen 72 physiology, the consequences for animal health being even more detrimental than 73 those from the traditional feeding system due to a decrease in physically effective 3 74 fibre contents (Zhao et al., 2011). So far, the best strategy to promote optimal rumen 75 fermentation is the use of forage-based rations, although it is known that the feed-to- 76 gain ratio and average daily gain may be worsened as compared to concentrate- 77 based rations (Carrasco et al., 2009b; Tufarelli et al., 2011). In a previous work, 78 Blanco et al. (2014) showed that it is possible to fatten light lambs on a TMR pellet 79 including ground barley straw and enhance animal performance without modifying 80 meat characteristics compared to the traditional feeding system for these animals in 81 Mediterranean countries, based on concentrate and long form barley supplied 82 separately. However, despite the improvements achieved when some of the above- 83 mentioned strategies are applied to concentrate-fed lambs, there is a scarcity of data 84 showing their impact on rumen physiology and health when compared to animals 85 receiving forage-based diets (Álvarez-Rodríguez et al., 2010 and 2012). 86 Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of feeding system: 87 barley straw in long form and concentrate pellets in separate troughs (Control), ad 88 libitum alfalfa supplemented with concentrate in separate troughs (Alfalfa) or 89 including various levels of ground barley straw in concentrate pellets (B05, B15 and 90 B25 for 50, 150 and 250 g barley straw/kg), on rumen characteristics and 91 fermentation, acid-base status, blood cell counts and cytokine production in fattening 92 lambs; feed intake, growth rate and weight of digestive tract and contents are also 93 considered. 94 Material and methods 95 Animals and diets 96 Fifty male Merino lambs (6–8 wk old and mean BW 14.1 ± 0.17 kg at the beginning of 97 the experiment) were used in this study and managed as described elsewhere 98 (Blanco et al., 2014). Each lamb was housed in an sawdust bedded individual pen 4 99 during the whole experimental period and, after randomization on the basis of BW, 100 assigned to one of five experimental diets (n = 10): Control (conventional system: 101 barley straw in long form (>25 mm) and concentrate pellet in separate feeding 102 troughs), B05 (concentrate-based TMR pellet including 50 g ground barley straw/kg), 103 B15 (concentrate-based TMR pellet including 150 g ground barley straw /kg), B25 104 (concentrate-based TMR pellet including 250 g ground barley straw /kg) and Alfalfa 105 (restricted concentrate pellets plus ad libitum alfalfa hay). Alfalfa lambs received 17 106 g/kg LBW of concentrate pellet and alfalfa hay ad libitum to keep a minimum supply 107 of long form forage of 50% (this group was included to obtain data from animals fed 108 on a forage-based diet). The rest of the lambs were fed the corresponding 109 experimental diets ad libitum (TMR pellets), fresh drinking water being always 110 available. The ingredients and chemical composition of the feeds are shown in Table 111 1. The amount of feed offered was adjusted daily on the basis of the previous day’s 112 intake, allowing refusals of ca. 200 g/kg feed offered. Samples of the feeds offered 113 and orts were collected daily and pooled in weekly composites for each animal 114 analyzed for DM content. 115 All handling practices followed the recommendations of Directive 2010/63/EU of the 116 European Parliament and of the Council on the Protection of Animals Used for 117 Scientific Purposes, and all of the animals used were able to see and hear the other 118 lambs. [Table 1] 119 120 Blood sampling 121 Blood samples from all the animals were obtained from the jugular vein early in the 122 morning, before feeding time (0800 h) on day 15 of the experimental period (approx. 123 18 kg LW), and again at the same time on the day each animal was slaughtered (27 5 124 kg LW). Blood was collected into 5 ml vacutainers containing lithium heparin tubes 125 (for blood gas analyses, peripheral blood mononuclear cell separation and cytokine 126 assay) and EDTA (for blood cell count analysis). 127 Peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) separation and cytokine assay 128 Blood was mixed with 30 ml of PBS and then PBMC were obtained by centrifuging 129 the cells over Lymphoprep (Axis-Shield). The PBMC recovered were washed three 130 times in Hank´s balanced salt solution (Sigma-Aldrich) and resuspended in complete 131 medium constituted of RPMI 1640 (Lonza) with 10% FCS (Lonza) and 1% antibiotic– 132 antimycotic solution (Santa Cruz Biotechnology). PBMC were counted with an 133 automated cell counter (BioRad) and 1×106 cells/ml were added to each well of a 24 134 well plate. Cells were stimulated in duplicate with Concanavalin A (ConA) at 10 135 g/ml, or with 25 l of complete medium as control (PBS). Cultures were incubated at 136 37 ºC in 5 % CO2 for 72 h. Then, supernatants were collected, centrifuged and stored 137 at -20 ºC until cytokine quantification. 138 Interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) and interleukin 4 (IL-4) productions were measured in 139 culture supernatants by sandwich ELISAs. For IFN-γ, a commercially available kit 140 was used (AbD Serotec) and for IL-4 an in-house ELISA using commercially 141 available monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) raised against bovine IL-4 (mAb CC313 and 142 CC314 mAb clones, AbD Serotec). The IL-4 mAbs have been shown to be species 143 cross-reactive for sheep and the ELISA protocol followed has been in described in 144 full by Hope et al (2005). The results for each animal were expressed as the optical 145 density ratio between stimulation with ConA or PBS and with complete medium only. 146 Blood gases, acid-base and haematological variables 6 147 Blood samples for acid-base variables were assayed an hour after being sampled in 148 a Stat Profile pHOx Plus blood analyser (Nova Biomedical, USA) for pH, bicarbonate 149 (HCO3-), CO2 pressure (pCO2), anion Gap, total CO2 (tCO2), and Na, K and Cl 150 concentrations. 151 Blood samples for red blood cell (RBC) and white blood cell (WBC) counts 152 (leukocytes, lymphocytes, monocytes and granulocytes), packed cell volume and 153 haemoglobin were assayed in an electronic cell counter (Cellanalyzer CA530, 154 Bromma, Sweden). 155 Rumen samples and digestive tract characteristics 156 Body weight was recorded twice a week, before the morning feeding, until the lambs 157 reached the intended slaughter BW (27 kg BW). Once each animal was slaughtered 158 (27 kg BW) and the white offal was obtained, full and empty weight of the reticulum- 159 rumen-omasum and abomasum-intestine portions was recorded (Blanco et al., 160 2014). Afterwards, rumen fluid samples from each animal were collected, strained 161 through 2 layers of cheesecloth, and pH was determined immediately. Then, two 162 square samples of 3×3 cm from two locations on the ruminal wall (posterior part of 163 dorsal sac and anterior part of ventral sac) were placed into histological cassettes, 164 washed under tap water and then fixed by immersion in 10% buffered formalin for 165 one week. Gross digital pictures of the ruminal mucosa were taken to measure the 166 colour of the ruminal epithelium as an indicator of the degree of keratinisation 167 (Benavides et al., 2013). Pictures of all the samples were taken with the same 168 camera (Nikon D100, Tokyo, Japan), where focus, lens aperture and exposure time 169 were set to manual, adjusted on the first sample and then kept unchanged until all 170 the pictures were taken. During the whole process, the camera was attached to a 7 171 stand with tungsten incandescent bulbs for illumination; the position of the camera 172 and the bulbs remained unchanged for all the pictures. 173 Once downloaded into the computer, a 1×1 cm representative area of the region of 174 interest located over a representative area of each sample of ruminal epithelium was 175 selected and the ruminal papillae within this area were counted. The picture was then 176 converted to grey scale and the mean gray value, ranging from 0 to 256, where 0 is 177 black and 256 is white, of the selected region of interest was measured. A mean 178 value was obtained for the two areas studied from each rumen. All these operations 179 were performed with ImageJ 1.43 software (Rasband, W.S., ImageJ, U. S. National 180 Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA). 181 Feed analysis 182 Feed samples were assayed to determine dry matter, ash, crude protein (AOAC, 183 2003), neutral and acid detergent fibre (Van Soest et al., 1991). 184 Calculations and statistical analysis 185 Average daily weight gain was estimated as the regression coefficient (slope) of BW 186 against time using the REG procedure in the SAS package (SAS Inst. Inc., Cary, 187 NC). Feed to gain ratio was estimated by regression as the inverse of the slope of 188 BW against cumulative feed intake. All the data obtained were subjected to one way 189 analysis of variance with the diet as the fixed effect and the animal as the random 190 effect, using the MIXED procedure of SAS. The level of significance was determined 191 at P < 0.05 and means were separated using the least significant difference (LSD) 192 procedure; a trend towards significance was declared when P < 0.10. 193 Results 8 194 Mean values of feed intake, growth rate, feed conversion and weight of digestive 195 tract and contents are shown in Table 2. Alfalfa-fed lambs had the highest forage and 196 lowest concentrate and total feed intake (P<0.001). Forage intake increased with the 197 level of barley straw included in the TMR pellet (P<0.001), whereas concentrate 198 intake (proportion of TMR that is not forage) remained constant for Control, B05, B15 199 and B25 lambs. Neutral and acid detergent fibre intake increased with the level of 200 forage ingested, B25 and alfalfa lambs showing the highest values and Control and 201 B05 lambs having the lowest fibre intakes (P<0.001). Alfalfa lambs had the lowest 202 growth rate, while B15 and B25 lambs showed higher daily gains than Control and 203 B05 animals (P<0.001). Alfalfa-fed lambs showed higher feed to gain ratio than the 204 rest of lambs (P<0.001). Animals in the Alfalfa group had the greatest rumen 205 contents weight (P<0.001) and the lowest empty rumen weight (P<0.05). The highest 206 weight of abomasums+intestine contents was shown by alfalfa and B25-fed lambs, 207 while B05 lambs had the lowest values (P<0.05). No differences were observed in 208 empty abomasum+intestine weight (P>0.10). 209 [TABLE 2 NEAR HERE, PLEASE] 210 Table 3 shows the effects of diet on ruminal characteristics. Alfalfa lambs had the 211 highest rumen pH values, followed by Control, B25 and B15 lambs; B05 animals 212 showed the lowest rumen pH values (P<0.05). There were no differences in 213 ammonia concentration. Total VFA concentration was lower in the Alfalfa group 214 compared to the rest of the lambs, as were individual fatty acid concentrations 215 (except butyrate) (P<0.05). However, rumen samples from Alfalfa lambs tended to 216 have the highest proportion of acetate (P<0.10) and the lowest proportion of 217 propionate (P<0.05), thus raising the acetate to propionate ratio compared to the 218 other groups (P<0.01). 9 219 The highest counts of papillae were observed for Alfalfa lambs, followed by B25, 220 Control and B05 lambs, with B15 animals showing the lowest counts (P<0.001). 221 Regarding rumen mucosa colour, animals receiving alfalfa were clearly different from 222 the others, showing the greatest grey, red, green and blue values (P<0.001). 223 [TABLE 3 NEAR HERE, PLEASE] 224 Mean values of parameters related to blood gases are shown in Table 4. B15, B25 225 and Alfalfa lambs had the highest pH values on day 15, although these differences 226 had disappeared by the day of slaughter. Animals in the Alfalfa group tended to have 227 higher HCO3- values on day of slaughter (P<0.10) and had significantly (P<0.05) 228 higher pCO2 values on day of slaughter than lambs in the other groups, whereas 229 anion gap values showed the opposite trend (the lowest values for Alfalfa lambs). Na 230 and Cl concentrations were always lower for Alfalfa than for the rest of the groups 231 (P<0.001), while K concentration was the highest for Alfalfa lambs (P<0.001). 232 [TABLE 4 NEAR HERE, PLEASE] 233 The type of diet consumed by the animals did not affect white blood cells counts 234 (P>0.10), as can be seen in Table 5. However, red blood cell counts and packed cell 235 volume were lower for alfalfa-fed lambs on day 15 of the experiment. 236 [TABLE 5 NEAR HERE, PLEASE] 237 No effects were observed on IFN-γ or IL-4 production depending on the type of diet 238 offered to the animals (P>0.10; Table 6). 239 [TABLE 6 NEAR HERE, PLEASE] 240 Discussion 241 Feed intake and animal performance 242 Feed intake increased with the proportion of barley straw in the TMR, with animals 243 fed on TMR diets showing values for average daily gain and feed-to-gain ratio similar 10 244 to or better than animals fed the control (traditional, concentrate and forage supplied 245 separately) diet. However, alfalfa-fed lambs (which can be considered as a positive 246 control for animal health and welfare) had lower growth rates and higher feed-to-gain 247 ratios than animals in the other groups. These differences are on account of the 248 higher fibre and lower protein and energy intakes in alfalfa-fed lambs as compared to 249 concentrate-fed animals, in agreement with Carrasco et al. (2009a and 2009b), Papi 250 et al. (2011) and Tufarelli et al. (2011). 251 Digestive tract characteristics 252 The high weight of rumen contents observed in animals receiving the alfalfa diet is 253 mainly due to the composition of the dry matter intake, which was rich in fibre. This 254 determines a slow fermentation rate and, therefore, low passage rate (Ndlovu and 255 Buchanan-Smith, 1985; Poore et al., 1990; Carro et al., 2000). As a consequence, 256 feed requires more time to be digested, staying longer in the digestive tract 257 (especially in the rumen) and filling it. In fact, the fermentation pattern is different 258 depending upon the diet, as is rumen pH, which is increased in response to forage 259 intake (Carro et al., 2000), especially if it is alfalfa (Ha et al., 1983), as observed in 260 our study. In the case of alfalfa-fed lambs, its intrinsic buffering capacity (Giger- 261 Reverdin et al., 2002), together with its coarse structural fiber that stimulates 262 ruminative chewing and salivation, increases rumen buffering capacity (Mirzaei- 263 Aghsaghali et al., 2008). Within the other groups, Control and B25 had the highest 264 pH values and B05 the lowest. Control group lambs had free access to barley straw 265 and, although they had low forage intake (around 5%), it was in the long form, whose 266 fibre effect is high (Allen, 1997). Moreover, barley straw intake in Control lambs could 267 be associated not with concentrate intake, but with the moments at which pH was 268 lowest (between 3 and 6 hours after intake) (Brossard et al., 2003). Therefore, these 11 269 animals could regulate rumen pH by ingesting forage in a long form (Allen, 1997). 270 Regarding B25 lambs, although they had a relatively high fibre intake, similar to 271 Alfalfa lambs, the small particle size, together with their high concentrate (rapidly 272 fermentable) intake, reduced saliva production and buffering capacity, thus promoting 273 lower pH than the alfalfa diet. The animals with the highest concentrate and lowest 274 long forage intake, B05 lambs, had the lowest rumen pH. 275 According to the pH profile found in the rumen, fermentation pattern and VFA 276 concentration were different for animals receiving concentrate than for alfalfa-fed 277 lambs. Forage based diets are associated with slow fermentation rates, low VFA 278 production, high proportions of acetate and valerate and high acetate to propionate 279 ratios in the rumen (Carro et al., 2000), as observed in this experiment. At the 280 opposite end of the scale, animals receiving concentrate-based diets with up to 25% 281 ground barley straw have a high concentration of VFA, which is related to faster 282 fermentation rate, high acid (mainly propionic) production and total acid load and, 283 therefore low rumen pH (Bodas et al., 2007). Likewise, the type and amount of feed 284 fermented in the rumen and the fermentation rate profile are some of the factors that 285 influence the development of the rumen wall in the early stages. Thus, increased 286 VFA concentration would determine further development of rumen mucosa, which 287 could have led to a heavier empty rumen for concentrate-fed animals as compared to 288 those receiving alfalfa (Baldwin, 1999; Baldwin et al., 2007). 289 On the other hand, the heavy rumens observed in concentrate-fed animals 290 (regardless of the amount of straw included in the TMR) could also be caused by the 291 stimulant effect that feeding concentrate has on ruminal development (Odongo et al., 292 2006). However, it must be borne in mind that the rumen wall undergoes structural 293 changes in response to the inflammation process (rumenitis and parakeratosis) 12 294 associated with high acid load and low pH (Krehbiel et al., 1995; Steele et al., 2009 295 and 2011). 296 The changes occurring in rumen fermentation and dynamics eventually reflect in the 297 state of the mucosa. Thus, in response to acidosis, the rate of metabolism and 298 proliferation of stratified squamous epithelium increase dramatically, resulting in 299 premature transition of cells into the keratinous layer, a condition known as 300 parakeratosis (Kleen et al., 2003; Steele et al., 2011; Plaizier et al., 2012). All 301 animals that received any type of concentrate had a darker colour than those fed on 302 alfalfa. In the table, high values are positive indicators of lightness, whereas lower 303 values indicate darker colours. Parakeratosis processes are associated with a 304 darkening and hardening of the rumen mucosa, due to the low pH and the high 305 concentrations of AGV. In contrast, alfalfa induces lighter brown epithelium colour 306 than concentrate feed, which turned darker and grey (Álvarez-Rodríguez et al., 307 2012). 308 Regarding papillae counts, this parameter was significantly higher in the animals 309 receiving alfalfa, with no differences between the other groups. Although earlier work 310 has shown that concentrate diets with high grain content markedly increase the 311 number and size of ruminal papillae in lambs (Odongo et al., 2006), the underlying 312 mechanisms of the dietary energy-dependent physiologic, biochemical, and 313 histological alterations in the rumen epithelium are not known. Conversely, recent 314 work carried out with lambs fed hay or concentrate diets suggests that forage supply 315 did not affect papillae height or width but reduced the surface area of the papillae 316 (Álvarez-Rodríguez et al., 2012). In any case, the parakeratosis process together 317 with the increased rumen osmolality can result in rapid influx of water from the blood 318 circulation into rumen epithelial cells and into the rumen, causing swelling and 13 319 rupturing of rumen papilla (Owens et al., 1998; Plaizier et al., 2012), thus reducing 320 their numbers. 321 Consequently, although including up to 25% barley straw in the TMR for fattening 322 lambs improves feed intake and animal performance (Blanco et al., 2014), it does not 323 seem to promote a rumen as healthy as including 50% alfalfa hay in the diet. 324 Acid-base blood parameters 325 Alfalfa is rich in potassium, and its administration in large amounts has been 326 associated with increases in K and reduced levels of Na and Cl blood concentrations 327 (Kume et al., 2004). In our experiment, animals receiving the alfalfa diet experienced 328 an increase in K and a decrease in Na and Cl, changes that became more noticeable 329 by the end of the fattening period, when the lambs had the highest alfalfa intakes. 330 Although the modifications in the concentrations of these ions accounted for the 331 decrease in anion gap observed for alfalfa-fed lambs, it must be highlighted that 332 substantial increases in this parameter usually indicate the presence of a metabolic 333 acidosis (Emmett and Narins, 1977; Odongo et al., 2006). 334 Changes in rumen pH may cause changes in blood base excess and blood pH. 335 Albeit all values observed in this experiment were within the normal range, Alfalfa 336 lambs had significantly higher blood pH values than the rest of the animals by mid- 337 fattening period, but these differences were not maintained until the end of the 338 period. This perhaps could be related to increased keratinization of ruminal mucosa 339 or its development in the final stages of the fattening period, which may reduce acid 340 absorption from the rumen (Krehbiel et al., 1995; Kleen et al., 2003). Therefore, the 341 development of parakeratosis as a result of a chemical injury, such as that caused by 342 acidosis, may protect the animals against a continuous drop in blood pH. This does 343 not mean that nutrient (VFA) absorption from the rumen is impaired, but only reduced 14 344 as compared to the initial stages, when the mucosa is probably not as yet thickened 345 (as in animals receiving alfalfa). As a matter of fact, the lower HCO3- and pCO2 346 values observed in concentrate-fed compared to alfalfa-fed lambs indicate that 347 excess base (reserve) in the blood that helps to maintain blood pH is also delivered 348 to the rumen, thus leading to an exhaustion of the reserves (Brossard et al., 2003; 349 Ceroni et al., 2012). Moreover, the long-term effect of an acidogenic diet on the 350 alkaline reserves of the blood requires a longer recovery period than that required for 351 rumen parameters (Brossard et al., 2003). It is important to say that no clinical signs 352 of acidosis were observed, which suggests the lambs likely did not experience 353 discomfort attributable to the diets (Commun et al., 2009). It is noteworthy, however, 354 that the B15 group showed the best HCO3- values after the alfalfa animals by the end 355 of the fattening period, thus indicating a better state of alkaline reserves. 356 Blood cell counts 357 Recent works have suggested that some blood parameters such as white blood cell 358 counts could serve as early indicators of subacute ruminal acidosis in dairy cows 359 without the need to sample rumen fluid (Ceroni et al., 2012). It has been reported that 360 RBC could increase in animals under acidosis challenge as a compensational 361 response against the slow reduction in haematocrit (Ceroni et al., 2012). However, in 362 opposition to these findings, the increase in RBC in concentrate-fed animals on day 363 15 of the experiment was accompanied by an increase in packed cell volume, 364 probably as a consequence of the increase in osmolarity. 365 Several studies have shown that inducing acidosis by conducting a nutritional 366 challenge based on feeding excessively high grain diets increases lipopolysaccharide 367 endotoxin (LPS) in the rumen of cattle, and this LPS, after digestive tract epithelial 368 barrier failure, may be translocated into the blood stream or the lymphatic system, 15 369 where it can interact with mononuclear cells, endothelial and smooth muscle cells, 370 polymor-phonuclear granulocytes and thrombocytes and stimulate the production of 371 pro-inflammatory mediators such as cytokines (Plaizier et al., 2012). In addition, low 372 extracellular pH and certain organic acids have been shown to activate cellular and 373 humoral components of the immune system and exert pro-inflammatory effects 374 (Kellum et al., 2004; Danscher et al., 2011), and as such these factors could have 375 contributed to the inflammatory response. In a study carried out involving healthy 376 humans, higher serum anion gap and lower bicarbonate levels were associated with 377 increased WBC and concentration of the major acute phase protein C-reactive 378 protein (Farwell and Taylor, 2010). Different organic acids have been suggested to 379 exert different effects on cytokine expression (Kellum et al., 2004; Danscher et al., 380 2011). Nevertheless, in the current study, neither WBC nor cytokines were either 381 raised in response to concentrate feeding or decreased in response to forage 382 feeding. Although LPS was not measured here, the concentrations of LPS in rumens 383 from animals under acidosis challenge, as well as pH, vary considerably among 384 studies (see extensive review by Plaizier et al., 2012). 385 It can be concluded that traditional feeding system (based on supplying the 386 concentrate and barley straw separately) or including up to 25% ground barley straw 387 in the concentrate-based TMR for fattening lambs imply a notable rumen pH 388 depression and evident rumen wall damage when compared to alfalfa-fed animals. 389 These changes, which affect to some extent the blood’s acid-base status, seem to be 390 insufficiently severe to threaten animal health and compromise their immune 391 response. 392 393 Conflict of interest 16 394 The authors declare no conflict of interests. 395 396 Acknowledgements 397 Financial support received from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, 398 Project AGL2010-19094. Carolina Blanco is supported by a contract for young 399 researchers (Council of Castile and León and European Social Fund). Raúl Bodas 400 and Nuria Prieto had a JAE-Doc contract under the programme ‘Junta para la 401 Ampliación de Estudios’ (CSIC-European Social Fund). Sean Wattegedera is funded 402 by The Scottish Government Rural & Environment Science & Analytical Services 403 (RESAS) division and through ‘The route to identification of immunological correlates 404 of protection in ruminants’, Industrial Partnership Award funded by BBSRC (grant 405 numbers BB/I019863/1; BB/I020519/1) with the support of AbD Serotec, a Bio-Rad 406 Company. 407 408 References 409 Allen MS 1997. Relationship between fermentation acid production in the rumen and the 410 requirement for physically effective fiber. Journal of Dairy Science 80, 1447–1462. 411 Álvarez-Rodríguez J, Monleón E, Sanz A, Badiola JJ and Joy M 2012. 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Concentrate feed Ingredients (g/kg) Barley 530 Corn 230 Soybean meal 44% crude protein 210 Barley straw -Mineral vitamin mix 30 Chemical composition from analyses (g/kg DM) DM (g/kg) 900 NDF 166 ADF 58 CP 182 Ash 63 1 Metabolisable energy (MJ/kg DM) 11.5 536 1 B05 B15 B25 490 210 220 50 30 433 150 237 150 30 388 80 252 250 30 900 196 59 181 60 11.2 903 259 94 181 73 10. 5 909 323 138 181 83 9.8 Calculated from feed composition tables (De Blas et al., 2010). 537 23 Barley Alfalfa straw 917 542 391 137 73 8.0 913 626 413 47 104 5.0 538 Table 2. Effect of feeding concentrate and barley straw separately (Control), a TMR with 539 50, 150 and 250 g barley straw per kg (B05, B15 and B25, respectively) or ad libitum 540 alfalfa supplemented with concentrate (Alfalfa) on feed intake, growth rate and weight of 541 digestive tract and contents. Intake (g/animal and day) Concentrate DM1 Forage DM2 Total DM Neutral detergent fibre Acid detergent fibre Average daily gain (g/day) Feed:gain (g/g) Weight of digestive contents (g) Rumen-reticulumomasum Abomasum-intestine Weight of empty digestive tract (g) Rumen-reticulumomasum Abomasum-intestine Control B05 B15 B25 Alfalfa r.s.d. P-value 790b 27a 817a 148a 57a 299b 2.76a 751b 40b 791a 156a 47a 279b 2.89a 779b 137c 916b 237b 86b 339c 2.74a 792b 264d 1056c 341c 146c 353c 3.03a 422a 465e 887a 322c 206d 194a 4.84b 332 31 73 23 13 43 0.43 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 2634a 1593b 2549a 1529a 2613a 1769bc 2642a 1799c 3646b 1876c 562 260 <0.001 0.023 788ab 1668 903c 1679 868bc 1792 844abc 1784 756a 1646 104 178 0.019 0.219 542 1 543 TMR that is not barley straw (B05, B15 and B25 lambs). 544 b Forage 545 the feeding trough, or calculated from TMR composition (B05, B15 and B25 lambs). 546 r.s.d. = residual standard deviation 547 a, b, c, d, e Means Concentrate: supplied in the feeding trough (Control and Alfalfa lambs) or the portion of intake measured as straw (Control lambs) or alfalfa (Alfalfa lambs) ingested from in the same row with different superscripts differ significantly (P<0.05). 548 549 24 550 Table 3. Effect of feeding concentrate and barley straw separately (Control), a TMR with 551 50, 150 and 250 g barley straw per kg (B05, B15 and B25, respectively) or ad libitum 552 alfalfa supplemented with concentrate (Alfalfa) on ruminal characteristics. pH Ammonia (mg/L) VFA concentration (mmol/L) Acetate Propionate Butyrate VFA proportion (mol/100 mol) Acetate Propionate Butyrate Acetate/Propionate Rumen mucosa colour R G B Grey Papillae/cm2 Control 5.77b 5.77 B05 5.24c 4.64 Groups B15 5.56bc 5.73 46.6a 28.3a 6.0 49.2a 30.0a 11.2 46.5a 26.0a 7.1 53.4a 36.0a 11.8 31.9b 10.4b 4.8 13.6 13.2 6.6 0.027 0.004 0.127 51.7 29.8a 6.4 1.99b 51.8 30.4a 11.2 1.82b 51.3 27.6ab 7.8 1.90b 49.5 32.5a 11.5 1.65b 60.8 20.3b 9.6 3.32a 8.7 8.0 6.2 0.81 0.076 0.030 0.373 0.001 105b 80b 61b 85b 49.6bc 104b 81b 63b 86b 47.8bc 107b 82b 62b 87b 42.4c 111b 85b 62b 89b 51.9b 149a 117a 76a 121a 74.2a 12 11 7 11 13.7 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 553 r.s.d. = residual standard deviation 554 a, b, c Means B25 5.69b 5.39 Alfalfa 6.94a 6.32 r.s.d. 0.39 2.66 P-value <0.001 0.750 in the same row with different superscripts differ significantly (P<0.05). 555 25 556 Table 4. Effect of feeding concentrate and barley straw separately (Control), a TMR with 557 50, 150 and 250 g barley straw per kg (B05, B15 and B25, respectively) or ad libitum 558 alfalfa supplemented with concentrate (Alfalfa) on blood gases and ions on day 15 and at 559 the end of fattening period (final, approx 27 kg LBW). Control B05 Groups B15 B25 Day 15 Slaughter day 7.38b 7.43 7.37b 7.41 7.43a 7.44 7.41a 7.44 7.42a 7.42 0.04 0.03 0.003 0.184 HCO3- (mmol/l) Day 15 Slaughter day 28.1 26.1 28.1 26.5 29.5 27.7 28.2 26.5 28.2 28.2 2.2 1.8 0.576 0.085 pCO2 (mm Hg) Day 15 Slaughter day 51.3 42.8b 52.5 45.2ab 48.5 44.1b 47.3 42.5b 48.5 47.2a 5.2 3.1 0.178 0.020 Anion Gap (mmol/l) Day 15 Slaughter day 12.9a 13.4 12.3a 13.4 11.0b 12.9 12.1ab 13.0 11.4b 11.4 1.4 1.5 0.044 0.051 tCO2 (mmol/l) Day 15 Slaughter day 29.6 27.7 29.8 27.9 31.0 29.1 29.6 27.8 29.7 29.6 2.3 1.8 0.637 0.104 Na (mmol/l) Day 15 Slaughter day 148a 146a 147a 146a 147a 146a 147a 146a 144b 144b 2 1 0.006 <0.001 K (mmol/l) Day 15 Slaughter day 5.31 4.34b 5.08 4.53b 4.89 4.42b 4.82 4.47b 5.02 5.04a 0.42 0.38 0.121 0.003 Cl (mmol/l) Day 15 Slaughter day 112a 110bc 112a 112a 111ab 110bc 111a 112ab 109b 109c 2 2 0.031 0.033 Alfalfa r.s.d. P-value pH 560 r.s.d. = residual standard deviation. 561 a, b, c Means in the same row with different superscripts differ significantly (P<0.05). 562 26 563 Table 5. Effect of feeding concentrate and barley straw separately (Control), a TMR with 564 50, 150 and 250 g barley straw per kg (B05, B15 and B25, respectively) or ad libitum 565 alfalfa supplemented with concentrate (Alfalfa) on blood cells counts on day 15 and at the 566 end of fattening period (final, approx 27 kg LBW). Groups B15 Control B05 B25 Alfalfa r.s.d. P-value Red blood cells (10 /µl) Day 15 Slaughter day 10.17ab 9.62 10.29a 9.20 9.76bc 9.41 10.72a 9.90 9.19c 9.94 0.92 1.92 0.035 0.929 Packed cell volume (%) Day 15 Slaughter day 36.2ab 33.7 37.0ab 32.8 36.0b 33.9 39.3a 35.3 33.6c 34.7 3.2 6.5 0.028 0.959 White blood cells (103/µl) Day 15 Slaughter day 10.3 10.3 9.9 11.4 10.5 12.0 10.6 13.0 11.4 9.8 2.9 2.8 0.867 0.197 Lymphocytes (%) Day 15 Slaughter day 36.4 48.7 36.5 53.5 40.3 50.7 41.5 56.4 33.7 47.7 10.0 9.1 0.427 0.376 Granulocytes (%) Day 15 Slaughter day 54.4 43.1 52.7 39.2 49.7 40.8 48.3 35.9 55.7 44.7 8.9 7.5 0.356 0.220 Monocytes (%) Day 15 Slaughter day 9.4 7.8 10.7 7.4 10.0 8.9 10.1 7.5 10.7 7.6 2.0 2.4 0.662 0.672 6 567 r.s.d. = residual standard deviation. 568 a, b, c Means in the same row with different superscripts differ significantly (P<0.05). 569 27 570 Table 6. Effect of feeding concentrate and barley straw separately (Control), a TMR with 571 50, 150 and 250 g barley straw per kg (B05, B15 and B25, respectively) or ad libitum 572 alfalfa supplemented with concentrate (Alfalfa) on ratios of interferon-gamma and 573 interleukin-4 production (pg/ml) by peripheral blood mononuclear cells stimulated either 574 with PBS (IFN-γpbs and IL-4pbs) or concanavalin A (IFN-γcon and IL-4con). IFN-γpbs IFN-γconA IL-4pbs IL-4conA 575 Control 0.00 242 1.52 221 B05 0.00 110 0.93 343 Groups B15 0.00 0.00 1.71 186 B25 0.02 21 2.18 369 Alfalfa 0.05 327 0.00 267 r.s.d. = residual standard deviation. 28 r.s.d. 0.08 386 3.57 335 P-value 0.623 0.370 0.780 0.823