The Winds of Change: The Return of Politics Diplomacy (through World War I)

History 102 Outline II
The Winds of Change
The "Forgettable Five": Rutherford B. Hayes, James A Garfield, Chester A. Arthur,
Grover Cleveland, Benjamin Harrison
1877-1881: Hayes (Republican)
Withdrawal from the South & Reconstruction
Rocoe Conkling's (NY) Stalwarts ("Machinists")
James G. Blaine's (Maine) Reformers (“Half-Breeds”)
Patronage, Failed Civil Reform, "Lemonade Lucy"
1881- July 2, 1881 James A Garfield (Republican, Half-Breed)
V.P.: Chester A. Arthur (Stalwart / Conklingite)
Pendleton Act of 1883: Civil Service Reform
Republican Rift of 1884: James Blaine Nominated; "Mugwumps" bolt party
Democrats: Grover Cleveland, the "Veto Governor" of New York
Dr. Samuel Buchard, "Rum, Romanism, and Rebellion" charge against Democrats
1888: The Tariff Issue: Democrats against protection, Republicans for protection
Election of 1888:
Cleveland gets 100,000 more popular votes, loses Electoral College 233 to 168
President Harrison: Sherman Antitrust Act (and interstate commerce)
McKinley Act of 1890
Democratic Sweep of 1892, return of Cleveland
The Agrarian Revolt
Wilson-Gorman Tariff Bill (added 2% income tax on all income over $4,000)
Supreme Court Response to Wilson-Gorman
(16th amendment in 1913)
1886: The "Wabash" Case: Wabash, St. Louis, and Pacific Railway Co. v. Illinois
Narrowing of interpretations of interstate commerce
1887: Interstate Commerce Act, Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC)
Long & Short haul equity, Publishing Rates
1867 National Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry, Oliver Kelley
The Granger's Goals:
1. Scientific Agriculture
2. Feeling of Community
3. Marketing Cooperatives
4. State Legislatures in Midwest, Railroad Rates
1875: Texas Farmers, others: Farmer's Alliance Movement
1. Cooperatives
2. Stores
3. Banks
4. Processing Plants
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5. Cooperation ("neighborly responsibility")
1889: Ocala, Florida: The Ocala Demands
Alliance Endorsements-12 state legislatures, 6 Governors, 50 representatives, 3 Senators
Birth of The People's Party (Populism) at Omaha 1892 Convention
1,500 local Populist officials in 1892, James Weaver gets 8.5% pop vote, 22 electoral
What did the Populists Want?
1. Subtreasuries (warehouses)
2. Abolish National Banks
3. No more absentee land ownership
4. Direct election of Senators
5. Regulation or government ownership of Railroads, Telegraphs, Telephones
6. Gradated Income Tax
7. Inflation of Currency
8. "Remonetization" of Silver*
Panic of 1893
Reading and Philadelphia Railroad Failure: Lasts until 1898
Jacob Coxey: Coxey's Army
The Silver Issue: What bases currency?
Bimetalism: The old way
1870: Official Mint Ratio 16:1 (silver: gold) ve Market Ratio (Rose above 16)
1873: Discontinues Silver Coins
Late 1870s: Silver drops below 16; the "Crime of '73"
Sherman Silver Purchase Act of 1893: Cleveland calls for repeal
Election of 1896
Republicans: Gold Standard (European Agreement to silver): William McKinley
Democrats: Warring Platforms; final speaker in convention William Jennings Bryan
Bryan's "Cross of Gold" Speech; the Populist Plight
Bryan's political stumping; Republican outspend $7 million to $300,000
1897: President William McKinley
Dingley Tariff (return to protectionism)
Currency Act of 1900 (Gold)
Questions of the Populist Movement:
1. Anti-Semitic?
2. The interracial experiment / failure
3. Populist Failure
4. Who were Populists?
5. Populism's Legacy
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The Rise of Imperial America
The New Manifest Destiny: Racial Social Darwinism
Alfred Tahyer Mahan, The Influence of Sea Power Upon History (1890)
Thesis: 2 coasts, reliance on colonies
1890: move to 5th largest navy; 1898: 3rd largest navy
1889: Secretary of State James Blaine, Pan-American Congress
1895: Venezuela and British Guiana border dispute: "Violation of Monroe Doctrine"
Hawaii: 1875 Duty-Free Sugar
1887 Pearl Harbor base on Oahu
Samoa: Pago Pago, the US, Germany, Britain
1895: Cuban Revolt against Spain (in part due to Wilson-Gorman Tariff, 1894, effect on
sugar); Valeriano "The Butcher" Wayler: Hearst, Pulitzer
1895: McKinley more interventionist than Cleveland had been, conflict dying down
1897: The Dupuy de Lome (Spanish Minister) incident
The destruction of the Maine
1898: Attempt at armistice and Peace, but Spain refuses to negotiate with rebels
April 25, 1898: Spanish-American War (Ends August 12, 1898; Armistice in Dec)
"Splendid Little War" vs. racial conflicts
Asst. Sec. Of the Navy Theodore Roosevelt: Commodore George Dewey, the Philippines
Charge of Kettle Hill (San Juan Hill) Rough Riders
Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam: Question of the Philippines
The unusual fight: Twain, Carnegie, Gompers: The role of William Jennings Bryan
1900 Election: Bryan vs. McKinley
Territorial Status: Hawaii 1900, Alaska 1912, Puerto Rice 1917
Cuba: The Platt Amendment (1901)
The Philippine War: 1898-1902 (Capture of Emilio Aguinaldo, Gen. Arthur MacArthur)
China: Sec. Of State John Hay, the "Open Door Notes"
Sent to Russia, Germany, Italy, England, Japan, France
"Spheres of Influence", the tariff
Boxer Rebellion of 1900
Elihu Root and the modern military (1900-1903)
Fort Levenworth Army Staff College, General Staff (Joint Chiefs of Staff)
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1. Optimistic
2. Improvement and Perfection
3. State Intervention
Flavors of Intervention:
1. Anti-monopoly (Economic)
2. The Social Order (Social)
3. Efficient Organized Society (Political)
The Muckrakers: "Social Gospel"
Lincoln Steffans, McClure's, The Shame of the City
Religion and Reform: Salvation Army, Charles Sheldon In His Steps
Settlement House Movement
The question of "the Effects of the Environment"
1889: Hull House, Jane Addams Social Work, Eleanor Roosevelt
Scientific Management, love of expertise, "Taylorism"
Rise of the "New Middle Class":
The professions: Professional Societies
Genderization of Professions (Teachers)
Women's Clubs
Move for Progressive Political Reform
1. Move from Australian to Secret Ballot
2. Municipal Reform (Galveston, TX, 1900)
Nonpartisan Commissions
City Manager Models
3. Turn to State Level, but not legislatures
Initiatives, Referendums
The Recall Election
4. National Reform: Slower: 1912-13 Seventeenth Amendment
(Direct Election of Senate)
Success Governors:
Woodrow Wilson (New Jersey, anti-trust)
Hiram Johnson (California, Southern Pacific)
Robert M. LaFollette of Wisconsin
Regulation of railroads, utilities, referendums, initiatives, workplace reform
Decline of Parties Starts; Rise of "Interest Groups"
Machine Bosses adopt some reform agendas
Triangle Shirtwaist Fire in 1911, New York (146)
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Social Progressives "Crusades"
Temperance: revival of power
1879 Francis Willard Women's Christian Temperance Union
1893 Anti-Saloon League
1917: Push for the Eighteenth Amendment; voted in effective Jan 1920
Nativism: The Closing of Immigration (by nationality: Assimilation argument)
Women's Suffrage:
Elizabeth Cady Stanton: Natural Rights vs Women's Sphere (Declaration of Sentiments)
National Women's Suffrage Association
New Approaches: Social Concerns
1910-1920 growth of state voting power; 1920 Nineteenth Amendment
Socialism: Eugene V. Debs (Socialist Party 1900-1912)
Who was attracted?
1. Immigrants (Germans and Jews)
2. Protestant Farmers (South, Midwest)
3. Intellectuals: Lincoln Steffans, Walter Lippman (journalist) Frances Willard
Differing Goals: Some focused on Pacifism, some on Labour militancy
Industrial Workers of the World (Militant) "Wobblies"
William "Big Bill" Haywood
Economic Approaches: Regulation vs. Decentralization
1909, Herbert Çroly The Promise of American Life - Good versus Bad trusts
Nationalization of some trusts
1913, Louis Brandeis, Other People's Money - government breakup of trusts
National Progressivism: Teddy Roosevelt
1901: McKinley Assassinated September
Roosevelt's First Term vs. his Second
Sherman Antitrust invoked 1902 against Northern Securities; 39 more times
1902 United Mine Workers; Federal Arbitration; possible intervention for workers
1904: "The Square Deal"
Hepburn Railroad Regulation Act of 1906:
ICC - Interstate Commerce Commission may now see financial books of Railroads
Pure Food and Drug Act (FDA); Meat Inspection Act (response to The Jungle)
1907: New Initiatives
1. Eight hour day
2. compensation for accident victims
3. inheritance & income taxes
4. regulation of the stock market
5. Conservationism: National Forest Service - Gifford Pinchot
1902 Newlands Reclamation Act
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Roosevelt fights with conservative Republicans in his party
Panic of 1907: J. P. Morgan and New York
Okay to have US Steel buy TN Coal and Iron from NY Bank
Roosevelt Retires (Somewhat reluctantly)
1909: Republican President William Howard Taft (Unreadable at first, beats Bryan)
Shift to Conservatism: Leads to resounding defeat by 1912
Problems: The weak response to lowering protective tariff
Replacing Secretary of the Interior James Garfield with Richard Ballinger
Ballinger : corporate Lawyer, tries to invalidate protection on 1 million acres of land
Accusation brought to Pinchot that Ballinger sold Alaska land to coal syndicate for $$
Taft decides not to pursue the matter; Pinchot leaks to Press
Taft Fires Pinchot
1910: After return from Safari, Roosevelt returns to politics
New Nationalism Speech of September 1
Democrats begin to turn to progressive candidates
Election of 1912: Nomination of Roosevelt vs Taft after La Follette's breakdown
Chicago Convention of 1912: Progressives walk out
Progressive "Bull Moose" party
Intervention and War
Teddy Roosevelt: Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick
"Civilized vs. Uncivilized" Nations
China and Japan:
1904: Japan attacks Russian Fleet in Manchuria
1905 Peace Agreement: Teddy Roosevelt's Secret Promise
1906 Nobel Peace Prize
Same Time: San Francisco and Asian Segregation; Riots; "Yellow Peril"; Great White
"Roosevelt Corollary": The question of destabilization in Latin American Governments
1902: Venezuela blockaded by Germany, Italy, Britain; German Bombardment
The Era of American Latin American Intervention:
Dominican Republic (controlled import/exports)
1902: Cuba independent with Platt; 1906 "protected" again
The Panama Canal: Financed Revolt from Colombia (vs. Nicaragua)
Canal opens in 1914
Taft's "Dollar Diplomacy" : Change from Roosevelt
*Failure in China (banker pressure, failed railroad)
*1909 Nicaraguan revolution; financial and military
Dominican Republic, Haiti 1915-1934; purchase of Danish West Indies (Virgin Islands)
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The Mexican Conundrum:
Dictator Porfirio Diaz
1910: Francisco Madero overthrows him (anti-American)
1913: Victoriano Huerta (about to be recognized by Taft; murder of Madero)
Wilson: Huerta is a butcher
New Government: Carranza and Pancho Villa (John J> Pershing)
The Great War
Triple Entente: Britian France Russia
Triple Alliance: Germany, Austrio-Hungary, Italy
1914: Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated in Sarajevo, Bosnia by Serbian
Wilson calls for impartiality: The true story of neutrality: Economics
The German U-Boat challenge
1915: The Sinking of the Lusitania
1916: Brief accord; Allies then arm trade ships
1916: The sinking of the French ship the Sussex
Wilson's 1916 campaign: "He Kept Us Out of War"
Slim lead for Democrats
"War for Democracy"
Feb 25, 1917: The Zimmerman Telegram
March 1917: Czarist government toppled by Republicans; November; Lenin's Bolshevik
April 1917: America Enters War: First by Sea, then by land
Selective Service (The Draft)
1918: General Pershing and the retaking of Belgium
Nov 11, 1918, Germany Surrenders
Domestic: Liberty Bonds, huge taxes, debt of $32 Billion when GNP was $35 billion
Ironies of “War for Democracy: Economic & Political
"War Boards": War Industries Board
National War Labour Board
Committee on Public Information, George Creel.
Espionage Act of 1917; 1918’s Sabotage and Sedition Acts
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