
Process of Selecting the Coordination Team’s (CT)
Members of CEE Citizens Network
- final version Membership in CT
The Coordination Team (CT) of CEE Network has 6 members. Membership in the
Coordination Team is on a voluntarily basis. Three of these members are elected and
the other three are designated positions: member from the host organization,
upcoming Conference Coordinator and the CEE Citizens Network Coordinator.
Elected membership is based on a professional and personal profile of the potential
candidate as well as the organization (NGO) – member of CEE Network, to which the
potential candidate belongs.
Geographic criteria (regional coverage of NGO – member of the Network) when
selecting members of CT is also taken into consideration.
Process of nominating a candidate for membership of the Coordination
The process of nominating potential candidate means direct involvement of NGOs –
members of CEE Network from specific countries, as well as current members of the
Coordination Team.
NGOs – members and the Coordination Team’s members of CEE Network are
responsible for identification and nomination of potential candidates from their
countries by following the concrete application process of CEE Network.
The following should be included with each nomination:
 A letter of intention to become a member of CT of CEE Network (the letter is
created by a candidate); a written statement by the candidate describing why
she/he is interested in becoming a member of CT Team of CEE Network; how the
candidate plans to contribute to promotion of CEE Network as a member of CT
relating to his/her professional or personal background
 Personal CV
 Completed form of nomination for a concrete person – the form is completed by
NGO member of CEE Network or current member of CT (the form should be
The nomination period should be completed at least two months prior to annual
Representative Team (RT) meeting in order for a decision about new members of CT
to be made at their regular meeting.
CEE Citizens Network’s coordinator will receive application forms and this person is
responsible for processing nominations to the RT within the process of selecting CT’s
members. This responsibility includes providing his/her opinion about each candidate
individually (together with application documents), based on accessible information
and previously defined criteria.
This information should be delivered to RT’s members of CEE Citizens Network at
least one month before holding an annual meeting.
A Representative Team (RT) of CEE Citizens Network will adopt a candidate for a
member of CT by consensus, and if it’s not possible then by a two-thirds majority out
of the total number of members of RT present.
Membership period in the Coordination Team
A mandate of CT’s member of CEE Citizens Network lasts for 3 (three) years, with
the possibility of re-election for an addition 3 (three) year period.
A rotation of membership in CT will be implemented over the first three years so that
no more than 1/3 of the total number of CT’s members will be change.
Members of the Coordinating Team (CT) are elected on the personal basis and will
serve the term of election regardless of their continued employment with the
organization that nominated them.
A profile of potential member of CT
Potential candidate for membership in CT of CEE Network should:
 Show determination toward democratic processes and human rights
 Demonstrate dedication to work of NGOs and strengthening the role of
citizens in making decisions; understanding of main goals of CEE Network as
well as individual responsibilities of organizations and people inside the
 Prove respecting his/her work or his/her NGO’s work inside NGO community in
the country he/she comes from
 Understand concepts and articulate new ideas
 Present personal experience in work with NGOs (with and accent on the CEE
 Be ready for standing and voluntarily work as a member of CT of CEE Network
Job description of CT’s member
Job description of CT’s member is important because it specifies CT’s expectations
regarding its members. Job description presents obligations, responsibilities and
expectations, so that potential candidate can estimate if she/he will be able to meet
the expectations or not.
contribute to creating, reviewing and adopting CEE CN mission as well as
estimating whether the mission is accomplished through the activities or not
participate in an annual evaluation of environment in which the network acts as
well as creating and adopting the network’s work strategy
participate in creating and implementing of the strategy for the network’s
work on improvement of the process of communication and cooperation within
the network through creating concrete processes and /or activities
contribute to strengthening of the image of CEE CN and its visibility for both the
users (citizens’ activists), and partners organizations and NGO networks
participate in selection, support, monitoring and evaluation of the network
contribute to identifying of perspective future CT’s members of the network as
well as support new members in orientation and understanding of CT’s activities
participate in an annual evaluation of CT’s work (including structure,
responsibilities and organization) as well as in identification of the steps for
eventual improvement of CT’ work
support the network’s members, in an appropriate way, in the implementation of
the activities of the network (conferences, training sessions, research, etc.)
participation in evaluating of the work of CEE Citizens’ Network through
comparison with the mission and long-term objectives
contribute to ensuring creation of different reports which will reflect results of the
work adequately as well as the other effects of the network’s functioning
(finances, etc.)