Steering Committee - Terms of Reference

Steering Committee Terms of Reference
1 Primary Function
The Steering Committee (“the Committee”) is accountable to the University for the successful
delivery of the XXXXX Project and maximising the benefits from the projects to the University.
2 Membership
Members of the Committee will be determined by the Committee from to time to time, as required.
Each member of the Steering Committee facilitates the project by providing direction and advice, by
clearing obstacles to the project’s success and by championing the project across the University.
The Steering Committee reports to the Project Sponsor, who in turn report to the Vice-Chancellor
and Council. Actions and accountabilities may be delegated to individual Committee members but
they remain accountable to the entire Committee.
The Chair may invite other attendees to meetings. This would include the Project Manager and
representative(s) of the engaged consultants. If other Committee members would like to invite
people to the Committee meetings, this should be cleared with the Chair in advance of the meeting.
3 Meetings
The Committee will meet as and when required, but a minimum of monthly during the formative
stages of the project.
The Committee will be jointly chaired by the Chief Operating Officer and the Provost, or one in the
absence of the other.
A quorum of members will be at least five members including either the Provost or the Chief
Operating Officer.
A secretary will complete minutes of each meeting and same shall detail actions and the
member/attendee with whom responsibility for completing each action lies. Minutes will be
distributed to members at the subsequent meeting but will be available in draft to the Project
Sponsor in advance if required.
It is likely that meetings will occur less frequently as the project progresses. The committee will
meet periodically after implementation to complete a post implementation review.
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