Citizens Participation Week 2010 Brief report of members´ activities Analytical Center on Globalization and Regional Cooperation (ACGRC), Armenia We sent invitation to Facebook page to 219 of our friends. Sustainable Development Association – SDA, Bulgaria As a part of the Citizens Participation Week activities in Bulgaria, Sustainable Development Assosiation translated, presented and disseminated the Code of Good Practices for Civil Participation in the Decision-Making Process to non-goverment organizations from 16 countries (Greece, Turkey, Macedonia, Serbia, Croatia, Romania, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Germany, Turkey, Bulgaria, Botswana, Hungary, Russia and the UK) in Keramoti, Greece. We have spread the information over our BG partners and colleagues. Besides this, we will participate on pure BG organization of NGOs, called Forum Civil Participation, where we will present, propose and try to implement totally the Code. Further more we have already started process of dialogue with BG EU MP's Mrs. Neinsky and Mr. Kalfin, responsible for the NGO's to do lobbying for the EU Civil House project. Center for Civil Initiatives, Croatia Press release from Croatia: Radio Mreznica: Rado 047: 1 Karlovac danas (web portal): Saturday, September 25 - a big event in Karlovac. More then 70 CSOs attended. Unfortunately, the Town did not use the logo of CEE CN – CPW due to lack of funds from our side. Agora Central Europe, Czech Republic In the scope of the CPW Agora CE realized an international seminar called Development of Cities – Together and Sustainable – innovative methods of citizens involvement into sustainable development planning. Norwegian experience in their field presented our colleague Kirsten Paaby. The seminar was organized on Monday the 20th of September. On Tuesday and ¨Wednesday we organized together with Prague 1 workshops with citizens Community Planning of Social Services. On Friday the 25th of September and Saturday was a two day seminar Public participation of youth for teachers and youth workers from West Bohemia region. Estonian NGO Roundtable Foundation, Estonia 1. Monitoring and asking from Ministry of Internal Affairs of Estonia of realising and puting into practice proposals made by Estonain NGOs and communities during regional seminars and roundtables of Estonian Civil Society Developmnet Concept (EKAK) organized by Estonain NGO Roundtable Foundation in 2005 in close cooperation and partnership eith Ministry of Internal Affairs of Estonia (from 18 August up to 10, November 2005 in all Estonian counties and big Cities, Tallinn and Tartu) 2. Planning, designing and organizing discussions on CP Study and carring out and realizing CP Study in Estonia, in Estonians communities and local administartions (University of Tartu, Association of Estonian Cities, Association of Estonian Village Communities, Estonian Womens Sience and Research Center (ENUT) etc.). 3. Designing and working out of new Action Plan of Estonian Civil Society Developmnet Concept (EKAK) by Joint Commission of Estonian NGOs and Estonian Government and Ministry of Internal Affairs of Estonia (Estonian NGO Roundtabel Foundation was not actively involbed in his process) Civitas Georgica, Georgia The major focus for this year was made on involvement of citizens in elaboration of local development plans. In 5 municipalities of Samegrelo region (Tsalenjikha, Zugdidi, Martvili, Khobi and Senaki) public hearings were organized by Civitas Georgica with over 600 local citizens participating. In Guria region student debates were organized on the issues of emergency risk reduction and prevention planning. Meetings with officials and youth representatives were held in 4 most vulnerable villages. Municipalities of Sagarejo, Khashuri, Chokhatauri and Ozurgeti were collected in Ureki on 25-28 September, where together with Polish partner NGO “Educator” Civitas has organized training Children rights. On September 22nd Civitas Georgica has launched new project on youth involvement in local decision making. Youth centers were established in Zugdidi, Lanchkhuti, Bagdati and Ambrolauri. Hungarian Association for Community Development, Hungary Be a Part of the Whole! Campaign for Citizenship and Democracy Citizen Participation Week 2010 - Hungary The Honorary Patron for the event was Mr. Elemér Hankiss sociologist International organizer and co-ordinator: Central and Eastern European Citizens Network ( Main organizers in Hungary: Civil College Foundation Hungarian Institute for Culture Association for Developing Community Involvement Vocational Network for Supporting Community Initiatives Hungarian Institute for Culture and Art Between 20th and 26th September hundreds of civil organizations ran a campaign for raising awareness on citizen participation and local action at 156 local, small regional and regional events. Similarly to previous years, the programme was following two main threads: a national random sample survey, and local and national events. Survey: The survey was about the highlight the level of citizen’s participation in Hungary. The HACD collected more than 3000 questioners from all around Hungary. Results on CPW site! Opening Event, 20th of September. Pass it on! HACD and CCF started to organize a nation-wide teaching and learning youth movement half year ago. The movement implemented its second national professional meeting in the framework of the CPW. According to this formal (and natural) link, youth participation and CPW were the main focuses of the event. Closing event, 26th of September. BudapestDO! The GÖDÖR (hole) is one of the most popular Club in the centre of Budapest. The Club joined the CPW and organized a two days programme on participatory theatres. Linked to the programme, HACD implemented a community action in the park of the Club. The action covered interactive plays to highlight what residents would do for Budapest, as well as community constructions, fabrics representing citizen participation. Results in short: - 156 activities were implemented all over Hungary within the CPW - The activities were much more CIVIL in a very positive sense, as the larger part of them covered “hot issues” about the civil society’s interests, according to the CPW10 main Hungarian focuses (Code of civil participation; youth participation; tolerance and solidarity). Wide scope, cross sectorial cooperations were formulated. Dozens of activities had been carried out to get closer to the overall changes on these fields. - As a new thread, this year the Alliance for the Development of Community Participation has introduced its 7 policy directives, and organized two press conferences involving lead politicians - National survey was implemented about the level of citizens participation - 70-90 media reflections had been collected - The online element of the campaign was stronger, as besides the international CPW Facebook page a separate Hungarian was also set up, and the CPW blog was also reformed. Results, reports, pictures on Programmes implemented, backround information on NGOs Support Centre OWOP, Poland NGO’s Support Centre, based in Bialystok, Poland, organized within the framework of the Citizen Participation Week 2010 a series of events: 1. Handicraft fairs in Rajgrod – within the framework of “Rajgrod Manufacture” project directed to the unemployed women of this community (18 September 2010). About 45 people took part in this Saturday afternoon event. During the fairs, the participants of the project were supposed to present to their community the fruits of their hard work on handicraft workshops, such as felt earrings, rugs woven from wool, mascots etc., and encourage them to buy these products. The workshops were organized at intervals of a few weeks from April to August 2010 at the headquarters of the Social Assistance Centre in Rajgrod. The handicraft fairs were the last action in this project. 2. Study visit to Elblag, Gdansk, Slupsk, and Ustka (20-23 September 2010) – within the framework of “FIO1 supports NGO” project and its Project Managers’ School. The school consists of workshops and trainings about e.g. writing motions for subsidies, Project Cycle Management, accountancy in projects, and monitoring and evaluation. And nearly 20 persons took part in this visit. The participants had an opportunity to get acquainted with various interesting projects and initiatives of organizations and local communities of these towns, for instance: activity of ESWIP Elblag Association and their efforts to establish a network of thematic villages in their region, activity of RCIWOP Gdansk Foundation, activity of CIO Slupsk Centre and their civil media (e.g. paper and TV) or Ustka’s Third Age University. 3. On 21th September, 2010, at the headquarters of the Marshal Office of Podlaskie Voivodeship an information seminar took place. It was directed to the teachers of regional schools and it concerned preparing motions for subsidies / projects cofinanced from ESF. Since September 2010, there is a new core curriculum of general education in primary schools. And this core curriculum takes account of equal educational opportunities for students from groups with limited access to education and reduce disparities in the quality of educational services. The projects aim to prepare schools to implement a new core curriculum in grades 1-3, with particular emphasis on the individual needs of each student. And with the development of curricula, there will be developed also civic attitudes of students in these schools. 4. On 24th September, 2010, in Hajnowka, right on the edge of Europe's largest natural forest – Bialowieza Forest – within the Citizen Participation Week, there was a workshop held. This workshop was directed to representatives of NGOs working in the field of animation and the development community of this green county. During the training, participants learned how to work with residents: how to activate the local community to work towards its development. They also discussed amendments to the Law on Public Benefit and Volunteer Work, which introduced a new tool for activation of the inhabitants – a local initiative. Thanks to it, since 2010, Polish people may, at their request, in cooperation with public authorities implement joint projects improving the quality of life of the whole community. The meeting was chaired by Krzysztof Leonczuk from NGO’s Support Centre. 5. On 21-22 September, 2010, we conducted (in Barszczewo near Bialystok) a training for people who are at risk of social exclusion, to restore them to be active in social life. 1 FIO stands for Civil Initiatives Fund – Polish governmental funds for various citizens initiatives. The group consisted of persons laid off from the largest factories in the region. During the training, participants learned new methods of communication and ways of coping with the barriers that prevent them from proper functioning in society. The training took place during the Citizen Participation Week. The Association of Leaders of Local Civic Groups, Poland 1. Participation in the eyes of those who want to influence governance! Below, there is a list of articles that we wrote. We do not translate them, which we planned at the beginning, as it does not make sense to put all those details typical for local situation. They would need a lot of explanations to be understandable. I am not sure they would then be digestible . 20th of September 2010 Residents of Łódź Want to Make Decisions. A Few Remarks on The Guidelines for Consultations. An article on civic initiative to prepare Guidelines for Consultation in Łódź and its practical implementation. More: 21st September 2010 How to Make People Act! Can Money Drive That Process? An article on the participation in the budget decisions on the level of neighborhood in Szczecin. What is a practice now and what should be a vision for that. More: 22nd September 2010 Krakow – City That Consults its Residents! An article on the system of consultations in Krakow - one of the best Polish practice. Still there is a lot of barriers stopping people from getting involved and feeling their influence. More: 23rd Sepember 2010 I Can Make a Change! How to Move People in a Small Town. An article on the activity of local newspaper and association in Tłuszcz (a 18,000 inhabitant town). The Chief Editor tells how they made people participate in the Town Council meetings, how they made it 4-hours long instead of 1 hour and how they engage those who are not interested in politics. More: 27th September 2010 My Neighborhood. A Few Remarks Why it is Worthwhile to Take Care of It. An article summing up different neighborhood initiatives. It should how people can organize, what is a typical process and how it ends with increased political activity. More: Centre of Social Innovations, Belarus 23.09.2010 In the Minsk IBB international center was a conference aimed patient rights protection. This event was connected with international event: Citizen Participation Week started by CEE CN network. Results: 1) The event has convened the wide range of representatives from Ministry of health, medical education sphere, health care professional associations, civil society organizations, patients’ groups, and mass media. The participants have used the conference as communication platform for sharing ideas and experience on patients’ rights protection and promotion. 2) Commitment has been reached to continue cooperation and further work with regard to patients’ rights promotion in Belarus. 3) The results of the discussion have been disseminated through the biggest national mass media issues (nationwide internet portals,,, newspapers “Zviazda”, “Narodnaya Volya”). Terra-1530, Moldova By CPW we were taking care of 16.000 trees, planted in the autumn of the last year and in the spring of the current one. Asociatia CRONO, Romania During the Citizens Participation Week 2010 (20th – 26th September), C.R.O.N.O. Craiova and its partners organised the following events: Monday, 20th September 2010, Calafat Town (Dolj County, region: Oltenia, SW Romania), Municipal Cultural Center Calafat. P.L.I.M.M. Calafat, Local Public Administration (L.P.A.) from Calafat Municipality and Plenița Commune in partnership with C.R.O.N.O. Craiova organised a public meeting, in order to establish a Local Action Goup (L.A.G.) Calafat (”G.A.L. Calafat”) in the microregion Calafat – Plenița (SW part of the Dolj County, region: Oltenia, SW part of Romania). This new NGO was founded on the LEADER programme principles of the E.U., a partnership between 17 LPAs and 32 legal entities of private sector (19 NGOs, 13 private enterprises) from this microregion (Dolj county). During this meeting the representatives of these entities signed the official constituency acts of the Association ”G..A.L. Calafat”. Wednesday, 22nd September 2010, Craiova City (Dolj County, region: Oltenia, SW Romania). C.R.O.N.O. Craiova, PACT Foundation Bucharest and CeRe (Resources Center for Public Participation) Bucharest organised a public meeting with local NGOs and public institutions representatives for presentation of the Good Practices Code for Civil Participation. The event was in the framework of the project “Towards building a viable partnership between NGOs and public authorities on social inclusion issues”, financed by Balkan Trust for Democracy. Thursday, 23rd September 2010: Fetești Town (Ialomița County, region: Muntenia, SE Romania), Gr. Sc. Ind. Alim. High - School. The teachers and students from this high-school organised a Public Debate on World Café method. The theme for this event was “A single world – Millions problems. A common battle against poverty”. Participants identified the causes and proposed solutions for those problems. Commune Bustuchin (Gorj County, region: Oltenia, SW Romania), Local Council Hall. C.R.O.N.O. Craiova in partnership with the local partners organized a focus-group, in order to elaborate local development strategy for the following 6 years on the participative base, through active involvement of the local stakeholders. 14 local public institutions/ LPA representatives participated at this focus-group. This event was organised in the framework of the project “AcCiviRur 2010” (May 2010 – February 2011), financed by PETROM S.A. through its CSR programme. Commune Urzicuța (Dolj County, region: Oltenia, SW Romania), Local Council Hall. C.R.O.N.O. Craiova and Local Council Urzicuța organised a public meeting with citizens to debate the major local development priorities for the next years, in order to elaborate the participative local development strategy on medium term. This event event was organised in the framework of the project “Participative Local Development Strategy Urzicuța”, financed by a local company. Friday, 24th September 2010: Commune Cungrea (Olt County, region: Oltenia, SW Romania), Local Council Hall. C.R.O.N.O. Craiova in partnership with the local partners organized a focus-group, in order to elaborate local development strategy for the following 6 years on the participative base, through active involvement of the local stakeholders. 16 local public institutions/ LPA representatives participated at this focus-group. This event was organised in the framework of the project “AcCiviRur 2010” (May 2010 – February 2011), financed by PETROM S.A. through its CSR programme. Drobeta Turnu Severin City (Mehedinți County, region: Oltenia, SW Romania). The Association ”MEHEDINȚEANCA” Drobeta Turnu Severin – representing Local Action Group (L.A.G.) ”Ținutul Cloșani” (Mehedinți County), in partnership with MBH Consulting S. R. L. (representing L.A.G. ”Mehedințiul de Jos”), and C.R.O.N.O. Craiova (member in 2 L.A.G.’s from Dolj County: L.A.G. ”Calafat” and L.A.G. ”SUDOLT” Giurgița) organised an informal meeting for initiation a regional L.A.G. Network in Oltenia (South-West Region of Romania), in order to have a strong representation at national and European level for all L.A.G’s. from our region. The network can sustain the management and implementation of territorial cooperation within the LEADER programme and can also be a catalyst for all the territorial cooperation actions among its members from different sectors (public authorities/ institutions, private enterprises, NGOs) with local communities members active involvement. Saturday (25th September 2010) and Sunday (26th September 2010), Govora Town (Vâlcea County, region: Oltenia, SW Romania). C.R.O.N.O. Craiova organised a 2–days regional NGOs meeting in the framework of the project “Rural NGOs Network from Oltenia”, financed by CEE Trust. 30 local NGOs representatives participated. During the event participants establish partnerships between NGOs from our region in order to elaborate common projects and programmes, which can be financed through the European Funds. Foundation PACT, Romania Generally, as well as during the CPW, we try not to promote participation in itself, as it may appear a mere abstract or technical concept, or as an idealistic principle – but to link the practice of participation to concrete practicalities of day to day life, in order to make people regard it as a tool and approach to democratic life in all its aspects. This is what we did during the CPW in 2010, too. Here are the main activities that we have organized or supported during the CPW 2010 in Romania: Translation of the "Code of Good Practice for Civic Participation in the decision process” in the Romanian lanuguage Dissemination of the Code via website, Facebook page and public event in Craiova Translation and adaptation of the HACD questionnaire model to be applied to citizens during CPW Dissemination of questionnaire in Romanian via website and Facebook page Organization of a trans-national conference in Craiova, Romania – within a project developed in partnership by PACT Foundation (national coordinator), CeRe and CRONO Follow up of the event in the local/regional mass media from Oltenia (Craiova’s region) Strong promotion of and participation to the “Let’s Do It, Romania” project – largest national level social project, that took place on the 25 th September, 2010 Intense promotion of a youth volunteering project in Bucharest, called VolunTising Please see more detailed info below (quoted from Citizens’ Participation Week: 20 to 26 September 2010 (15/09/2010) PACT Foundation, together with CRONO Association (Nonprofit Resource Center for Oltenia) and CeRe (Resource Centre for Public Participation), marks the Citizen Participation Week in Romania with the Regional Workshop "Open Method of Coordination and partnership in social inclusion", to take place on September 22nd, in Craiova. The event is organized by PACT and its partners, as part of the project "Building a viable social inclusion partnership between the NGO sector and public authorities" (June 2010 February 2011), financed by the Balkan Trust for Democracy. The project aims to build a NGO - public authorities partnership for an effective and viable strategy for social inclusion at national and local level, an important objective of the Social Europe. Representatives of local authorities and institutions in the region of Oltenia, with responsibilities in social inclusion, announced their presence at this workshop, together with specialized NGOs and community organizations. The workshop is a joint initiative of the Working Group for the Open Method of Coordination (OMC) in social inclusion, formed in October 2009 through a project coordinated by PACT, in partnership with CeRe and CRONO, funded by the European Commission PROGRESS program. The OMC group includes NGOs active in social inclusion, working with representatives of the Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Protection and other public authorities and local institutions. The Group aims to promote and support the Social OMC, as defined by the EU 2020 Strategy, through a tighter collaboration between social actors relevant in this field. The project consists in a series of workshops and seminars which will be concluded by a Future Search Conference on "Integrated Services for Social Inclusion", to take place in November 2010. We Support Let's Do It Romania Project (16/09/2010) *an event intensely promoted via multiple communication channels, and by us on Facebook, too PACT supports the largest national social involvement project so far: "Let's Do It, Romania! - Cleaning across the whole country. In one day!" It is an unique social volunteer project, which involves cleaning the entire country of the cities outskirts trash, in a single day. That day, known as the National Cleaning Day, falls on Saturday, September 25, 2010. The project was initiated in Estonia in 2008, implemented in Latvia and Lithuania (2008, 2009), and for this year, Portugal and Slovenia to join in, along Romania. By involving a large number of volunteers in this project, we can break a record, because Romania is the largest country in Europe that registered for the project so far! The Initiative Group of the Bucharest Community Foundation will participate to the National Cleaning Day with 30 volunteers. This is the first public action of the Bucharest Community Foundation. Community Foundation is part of a the Program for the Development of the Community Foundations in Romania - coordinated nationally by the Association for Community Relations in Cluj (ARC), in partnership with PACT (responsible for developing the program in southern Romania) and Foundation Partnership (REPF). You can get involved, either as a volunteer, as a supporter, sponsor or donor, by signing up on site Here you can also find the latest news of the campaign. Why "Let's Do It, Romania"? • because Romanians were so tired of “sitting and watching”, without taking any action • because if we all get involved, for one day, we’ll make a visible change in Romania • because Waste and garbage is a real problem in Romania • because Romanian citizens must understand the importance of responsible behaviour towards the environment and the necessity of acting accordingly in everyday life. Website:; Blog: You can see here a very interesting video about cleaning in Estonia. Support Citizen Participation Week by filling a short questionnaire (21/09/2010) * related material also posted on PACT Foundation’s Facebook page, on the same day You can support this initiative, by filling this questionnaire on active participation and sending it to If you're interested in the event, you can find out more on the website of the event and on its Facebook profile. Debates in Craiova on civic participation, under the aegis of Citizens’ * Participation Week (22/09/2010) reminder on CPW questionnaire and Code of Civic Participation (promoted in Romanian and English) posted on PACT Foundation’s Facebook page, on the same day The Resource Center for Non-Profit Organizations in Oltenia (CRONO) together with PACT Foundation (Partnership for Community Action and Transformation) and the Resource Centre for public participation (CeRe) organized a meeting during the Citizens’ Participation Week, attended by members of several NGOs in Craiova and representatives of local authorities from Oltenia region. Along the event, there were debates on various local and regional realities, focusing on democracy and the importance of participation, as well as on opportunities for active citizenship. Issues related to initiative, involvement and local action were addressed also, stressing on good practices in this respect. The topics under discussion converged towards the necessity and usefulness of increasing community welfare through direct actions of citizens themselves. The organizers provided relevant examples, based on practical experiences and realities actually lived by people in different communities, which were meant to be inspirational towards taking action. The event was an opportunity to debate the European Code of Civic Participation and to present joint proposals of the working group on social inclusion referring to a potential consultation mechanism between public authorities and NGOs with regard to social inclusion policies. Once again we reiterated the crucial importance of real collaboration among NGOs active in the area and local authorities that hold responsibilities related to the creation and implementation of measures aimed at the social inclusion of vulnerable groups. Hence, it was underlined that only by starting from the local level we may then build together a national strategy for social inclusion that is efficient, viable, and thus realistic (based on the very needs of beneficiaries themselves). Citizens’ Participation Week (September 20th – 26th, 2010) represented a good occasion for local communities and NGOs confronted with various common problems to share their experiences and express their initiatives of social improvement, as well as other professional initiatives that unite them. The reunion itself was meant to evidence the importance of dialogue and collaboration and to promote those civic initiatives that play a key role in the development of local communities. Over the recent years, more than 200 NGOs in 20 European countries have joined the efforts of the Central and Eastern European Citizens Network (CEECN) in the development of Citizens’ Participation Week and have gained commitment for this cause from local personalities and political leaders. For more details related to the events of Citizens’ Participation Week from the CEECN member countries you may follow the CPW Facebook page here. 150.000 Romanians participated to Let’s Do It, Romania! on September 25 th and cleaned throughout the country (26/09/2010) *posted on PACT Foundation’s Facebook page, quoted from the social media Up-date (8/11/2010) – source: Over 200.000 volunteers participated in the largest social involvement project in Romania, by going to the great cleaning day on September 25th, 2010. Over 550.000 garbage bags were gathered from all over the country. The largest numbers of volunteers mobilized were rated in Brasov county (15.000), followed by Cluj county (13.000) and Bucharest-Ilfov region (11.000). SUPPORT FOR THE VOLUNTISING CAMPAIGN – BEYOND YOUTH POTENTIAL *posted as well on PACT Foundation’s Facebook page along the way We are happy to support Voluntising - a BYP project (06/08/2010) The BYP team (Beyond Youth Potential) merges volunteering and advertising in Voluntising, a project that we enthusiastically joined. The idea was born in may and since then, it has shaped into 3 TV spots made by volunteers, that met great succes among young people. This autumn, the project continues. The implementers are hoping for it to have a bigger impact, by moving forward from TV spots creation to full-sized online campaigns promoting volunteering. In order to be able to better monitor the project evolution, the BYP team shall manage a database of potential volunteers subscribed during the campaigns. The database shall be made available to BYP partners. Please access for more information. Beyond Youth Potential promotes volunteering to young people (20/09/2010) Voluntising is a project of Beyond Youth Potential (, that we decided to support, for the mere reason that it promotes a value we believe in: volunteering. After a first edition in May, this autumn the project continues and grows. In May, young people that participated in the project combined advertising and volunteering to create TV spots that promoted volunteering. For the second edition, implementers add a new dimension to promotion: participants are challenged to elaborate online marketing campaigns to promote volunteering. Come and join Voluntising 2 (01/10/2010) Between October 21st and November 29th, BYP - Beyond Youth Potential is organizing the project Voluntising 2, aimed at increasing awareness on volunteering. The event will take place in Bucharest and it will be consist of 3 components: a 5-day training in volunteering and advertising, 1 month promotion of media campaigns realized by participants and producing an information video on volunteering designed for NGOs. The project's second edition aims at increasing the involvemnt of youth in volunteering activities. Participants shall be organized in teams in order to produce TV spots, radio jingles, print designs and (online) banner designs to promote volunteering. Participants shall use knowledge acquired during the training session in order to produce these materials. The themes for the promotion campaigns are: general volunteering, environment volunteering, youth organization volunteering, social volunteering and education volunteering. The event will also benefit from the presence of famous speakers, such as: Monica Tatoiu, Andreea Ionescu, Monica Brătescu, Carmen Marcu, Ciprian Gavriliu şi Tedy Necula. If you are willing to participate in this event, you should fill the application form, until October 17th 2010. BYP is a non-profit organization funded in August 2007, by young people willing to get involved in volunteering activities. The organization's objectives are personal and professional development of young people, facilitating their access to working fields such as project management and human resources and training youth according to market demand, by helping them to unveil their potential. For more information, please contact the project site: Contact person: Alexandru Molea – BYP President; e-mail: Promoting volunteering in Voluntising 2 (01/11/2010) Between November 21st and 25th, 35 young people took part in a 5-day training organized within Voluntising 2 - a project that aims at increasing youth involvement in volunteering activities. After having acquired information on advertising and volunteering and abilities in campaigning and teamwork, participants created 5 videospots (that you can watch below) and took the first steps in sustaining and developing online promotion campaigns for their teams and projects. Throughout the next month the teams that take part in the project shall dedicate their time to attracting new volunteers, promoting their ideas, conceiving small projects to put into practice along with their supporters. After the promotion campaigns officially end (on October 29th), the teams that have succeeded in conceiving viable projects and in attracting new members, shall be supported by Beyond Youth Potential and other NGOs to put their plans into action. CeRe Resource Center for Public Participation, Romania CeRe celebrated the Citizens Participation Week by organizing the second edition of the national event Public Participation Awards Gala on September 23rd. During the event, the 11 winning projects have shown once again that in order to change something in your community one doesn't need much money, but a lot of will and ambition. At the Gala participated over 150 NGO activists, representatives of public authorities, journalists and citizens interested in what successes taking action can bring. The Gala benefited from national and local media coverage and it still generates in-depth articles on the winning stories of public participation and advocacy. The Pictures from the event are available on Facebook Pro Democracy Association Brasov branch, Brasov, Romania Informational campaign on how are applied the Romanian Laws no. 544 of 2001 and no. 52 of 2003 - 21st of September 2010 – On September 21st, 2010, took place in Brasov city (Brasov county, Romania), in central area of the town (Piata Sfatului, Republicii street), at Pro Democracy Association Brasov branch initiative, a street action named “A campaign to inform citizens of Brasov town how are applied the Law no. 544 of 2001 and Law no. 52 of 2003.” This campaign aimed to stimulate citizen participation at public decision making, through appropriate information on the application of Romanian Laws no. 544 of 2001 – regarding free access to public information, and no. 52 of 2003 – on decisional transparency in public administration. Our organization volunteers have interact with Brasov citizens, inform them both on Citizen Participation Week and on previously mentioned legislative instruments, instruments that can be used to determine local government to work more transparently. Also, our volunteers have distributed informational materials to interested citizens, presenting them how an application under Law no. 544 of 2001 – regarding free access to public information -, can be filled and which are the institutions to whom it can be addressed. Were distributed 120 informational materials to the interested citizens, materials containing information on Romanian Laws no. 544 of 2001 and no. 52 of 2003. “Take action! – An local NGOs and media campaign for identifing and prevent the coruption acts” - 23 and 24 of September 2010 – Another event held during Citizen Participation Week, in Brasov city, was a training session, with the topic “Take action! For integrity”. The event took, included in the project “Take action! - An local NGOs and media campaign for identifing and prevent the coruption acts”, financed by European Union, through program Transition Facility 2007/19343.01.11 – Strengthening civil society support in the fight against corruption. This project is conducted at the national level and was initiated by Pro Democracy Association and implemented in Brasov by Pro Democracy Association Brasov branch. The mentioned activity was carried out at Baiulescu House, located at no 33-35 Baiulescu Boulevard in Brasov city. Through this training session was aimed to transform NGOs and local media from Brasov city into active partners of local government, in order to carry out specific measures to identify and prevent corruption and transparency of public government activities. Local project coordinator, from part of Pro Democracy Association Brasov branch, presented the project manual “The Road to Integrity” and discussed about the ways in which it can become an effective tool in educating the community to be involved in the process of identifying and preventing corruption, by promoting ethics, transparency and accountability of public institutions. At the training were presented 18 participants; 14 participants from NGOs located in Brasov city and 4 participants from local media, which have acquired knowledge and skills necessary to act as local resources persons and information’s multipliers. Civic Initiatives, Serbia The promotion of citizen participation and work to increase the level of participation is one of the strategic goals of Civic Initiatives. All projects that are implemented are intended to raise the capacity of NGOs and citizens to influence the decision-making process. One of the biggest programs of Civic Initiatives, the Civic Education program, is aimed at raising the quality of the subject of Civic Education in secondary and primary schools, and in particular it insists on the issues of participation, democracy and influence the decision making process. During the Citizens Participation Week, Civic Initiatives held three events to promote the participation among three different target groups. The first is the conference "The Code of Good Practice for Civil Participation in the Decision-Making Process", the second was a training for high school students within the SYLP program where the trainers presented the benefit of participation, and the third event is a lecture within the Specialist Course for teachers of Civic Education in primary and secondary schools. The conference on "Code of Good Practice for Civil Participation in the Decision-Making Process" is the first of a series of events under the project "Citizens Decide". The Council of Europe’s Code and its implementation and good practice of the EU were presented to the participants and individuals interested in design and implementation of policies at national and local levels. The conference attendees (more than 50 representatives of NGOs from Serbia) were addressed by Milan Marković, Minister of Public Administration and Local SelfGovernment, Miljenko Dereta, Executive Director of Civic Initiatives, Nadia Ćuk, Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary General in Serbia, Tina Michieli, Centre for Information Services, Cooperation and Development of NGOs from Slovenia and Žarko Šunderić, Manager of the Deputy Prime Minister’s Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction Unit. The main objective of this conference is the introduction of European standards of civic participation. Within the scope of the training for high school students, organized to prepare them for their visit to the U.S. and to provide them with necessary skills for actions that will be implemented in their municipalities after they return, one session was devoted to the concept of participation. At the beginning they played a game - the participants were divided into two groups. The instruction was to play soccer, but using hands only to roll the ball across the room, trying to score a goal. When members of one team make a foul, the other team has 30 seconds to set a rule which has to be obeyed during the rest of the match. The game was interesting and fun for the participants. After the game, we discussed about how they felt when someone else had all the power of making decisions for them, how did the process of negotiating within the team unfolded, with an emphasis on the benefits of participation of citizens. As part of the Specialist Course intended for teachers of Civic Education, a lecture on the importance of participation and civil society was given by Miljenko Dereta, Executive Director of Civic Initiatives. The lecture started with defining civil society as organized activity in the interests of society and individuals. He stressed that there are different and numerous definitions of CSOs, and finally quoted an English one: "Arena - collective action for the common good." Further, they discussed that in participatory democracies elected officials are obliged to consult with citizens and then he listed the levels of civic participation. Center for Community Organizing, Slovakia CPW in Baile Herculane, Romania A group of 7 young people from Slovakia participated in Youth Community, a 6-day youth exchange activity organised in Baile Herculane, Romania, with 24 young people from Slovakia, Poland and Romania. Different activities like promoting citizenship values, volunteering, discussions, focus groups, preparing and listening to successful stories and workshops where held. The Slovak group contribution was introducing the Citizens Participation Week and Citizens Participation Survey, as well as the Code of Good Practice for Civil Participation in the Decision-Making Process. A publication on successful stories, included the ones presented by the participants during this week, is to be issued. CNVOS, Slovenia We promote CPW during our annual festival LUPA. The main goal of the festival is to promote NGO sector wider and make things that NGO do more visible. We have quite a lot of events during the week (around 30) – besides our activities we invite different NGOs to include their events into this week, so it was quite varied and interesting. The main event was bazaar, where more than 150 organizations participate and present their work in the city centre of Ljubljana with an entertaining cultural program. During this event, we also did the survey in the frame of CPW, with around 200 questionnaires, which Simon will help to processed them, since he establish internet application of this questionnaire. We were quite satisfied with the festival but mostly we missed media support. We have a media partner Radio Student, and we were covered with some stations, but not enough. It’s really general problem in Slovenia, to include, present and promote NGOs activities to public. INePA, Slovenia Slovenian on-line survey for collecting data about the level of citizen participation is now available I have also added a short notice on Facebook Code of good practice for civil participation in the decision-making process in the heart of the CPW 2010 Additional information about the CPW 2010 in Slovenia were disseminated by using Twitter The Citizens Participation Week activities in Slovenia took place as a part of the 9th Nongovernmental organisations festival LUPA in Ljubljana during 27th of September and 1st of October. On 30th of September a public discussion entitled "Challenges and opportunities for eparticipation in local communities" took place. During the NGOs festival in Ljubljana an internet access point was also available to the citizens to participate in a web survey relating to the citizens participation experience and practices both on-line and off-line. Both public discussion and internet access point were organized by the Institute for Electronic Participation as a part of the Citizens Participation Week 2010 activities in Slovenia. Association of Economic Development of Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine Association of Economic Development of Ivano-Frankivsk in cooperation with the Main Department for Tourism, European Integration, External Relations and Investments of IvanoFrankivsk Regional State Administration completed the project "Support to community initiatives in solving specific community problems of Ivano-Frankivsk region through providing micro grants" by supporting of the International Renaissance Foundation. The main aims of the project - to provide supporting of the micro-community initiatives in the field of population self at home in local communities Ivano-Frankivsk region. The objective: to analyze regulations in the field of waste treatment, conducting the survey to study the problems and prospects in the field of waste treatment, working out proposals to improve activities in the field of waste management and their approval by the head of the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional State Administration; improve information society in reforming the management of solid waste. Project target groups: • NGOs and organs of self (including legalized by the message without registration of legal entities); • initiative groups of citizens to solve problems of local areas (street, neighborhood); • condominium association. Priority fields of micro-community initiatives in the field of population self at home in local communities Ivano-Frankivsk region, which submitted proposals were: 1. Support community initiatives in the field of self-organization of residence: 2. Advocating the rights and interests of the community in relations with state and local authorities, providers of social, communal and other services. Participants took part in the seminars of the writing projects for micro-grants. Following evaluation of the members of the Committee it was 12 winners that obtained the highest score, for a total cost of 119 000 UAH. Evaluation and selection of 12 micro projects by the Commission was realized during the week of September 20 – 26, 2010 – the CPW.