Magnetism and Magnetic Materials DTU (10313) – 10 ECTS KU – 7.5 ECTS Module 6 18/02/2011 Micromagnetism I Reference material: Blundell, section 6.7 Coey, chapter 7 These lecture notes Mesoscale – nm-mm Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO) (for today’s module) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Explain why and how magnetic domains form Estimate the domain wall width Calculate demagnetizing fields in simple geometries Describe superparamagnetism in simple terms List Brown’s equation in micromagnetics Explain how hysteresis arises in a simple Stoner-Wolfharth model Flashback M M S BJ (y) gJ m B J(B M ) y k BT 2 n m g m (J 1)M S eff TC J B 3k B 3k B Edge effects and consequences This is a bit misleading Dipoles 1 m rr m H (r) 3 5 3 4 r r dip m0 m r A(r) 3 4 r Dipole field Dipole vector potential m1 rm 2 r m0 m1 m 2 E 3 3 4 r r5 Dipolar energy EZ m B m B Two interacting dipoles Zeeman energy Torque m2 H12 H21 m1 Energy of magnetized bodies dm rdr This is to avoid double-counting Each dipole (magnetic moment) within a magnetized body interacts with each and every other. The sum of all that is the “self energy” of a magnetized body. dm2 dm1 r r r'r' r r' 1 m0 r r' dE 3 drdr' 3 5 2 4 r r' r r' 1 m0 E 2 4 Ed m0 2 r' r' r r'r r' drr dr'r r' 3 3 5 r r' r H d rdr H d (r) dip h (r r')dr' Recognize this? It’s the dipole field “density”. The demagnetization field The demagnetization field m0 A(r) 4 (r') (r r') dr' 3 r r' For spheres, ellipsoids, and a few other shapes, the demag field is uniform throughout the shape. In general, the demag field is highly non-uniform. B(r) A(r) m0 (r) d (r) = B + M H Demag field for uniformly magnetized objects m0 M 0 A(r) 4 m (r r') dr' 3 r r' m0 M 0 r r' m D(r') 3 dr' 4 r r' m0 M 0 r m D(r) 3 4 r mk A(k) im0 M 0 D(k) 2 k kmk B(k) m0 M 0 D(k) k2 mk m0 M(k) m0 M 0 D(k) 2 k k M0 m k ikr H d (r) 3 D(k) 2 ke dk 8 k Introducing the characteristic function D(r), with value 1 inside the object, and 0 outside, we disentangle shape effects and get a convenient expression for the demag field. Representation of the demag field for a uniformly magnetized tetrahedron Demag energy and demag factors H d (r) M0 8 3 D(k) m k ikr ke dk Nˆ (r)M 2 k Demag field as a result of a tensor operation on the magnetization H (r) Nˆ ij (r)M j i d Nz Ny Nx 1 ˆ N ij (r) 3 8 Ed m0 2 ki k j ikr D(k) 2 e dk k H d rdr m0 2 The demag tensor (a function of position) M i Nˆ ij rdrM j 1 m0 M 02V N i mi2 K dV N x m x2 N y m y2 N z mz2 2 ix,y,z 1 N i Nˆ ii (r) V Nˆ ii (r)dr Demag factors The demag energy: a 2-form involving the three demag factors along main axes and the magnetization direction cosines This is valid for any shape, provided its magnetization is uniform. Domain walls Large dipolar energy, no exchange energy Snaller dipolar energy, some exchange energy Idem Bloch walls: bulk, thick objects Neel walls: thin films, thin objects Cross-over between dipolar and domain wall energies for a sphere (idealized model) Wall width E 2JS1 S2 2JS cos 2 dE d JS d 2 2 2 JS 2 a DW E 0 DW NJS 2 DW JS 2 N N NK K 2 2 0 sin d K K sin K 0 2a 2 2 2 K 2J A minJS S aK K a 2 The strong commercial magnet NdFeB has K=4.3e6 J/m3, and A=7.3e-12 J/m. Estimate the domain wall width in this material. 2 DW K K 2 2JS 2 with A a The domain wall energy is proportional to the area DW AK Magnetocrystalline anisotropy The crystal structure creates anisotropy: some directions are more responsive (“easier to magnetize”) to applied fields than others. K K u sin 2 K u2 sin 4 Uniaxial K K1 m x2 m y2 m x2 mz2 m y2 mz2 K 2 m x2 m y2 mz2 u M Cubic Consider a sphere of radius R magnetized along some easy axis u with anisotropy constant Ku=4.53e5 J/m3 (value for Co). If the magnetization flips to –u, the energy remains the same (up and down states are degenerate). But, in order to rotate from +u to –u, the magnetization has to go through a high energy state, i.e. when M points perpendicular to u. Suppose that the temperature is such that kBT is of the same order of the energy barrier separating the degenerate states. What happens? Stoner-Wolfharth E K dV (N x cos2 M N y sin 2 M ) m0 M 0 H cos( M H ) sin 2 M 2h cos( M H ) h 1 H (N y N x ) M 0 0 M (h, H ) M y M The direction of M at any given applied field H x Single-domain hysteresis is a consequence of anisotropy (shape or magnetocrystalline). Brown’s equations Ed m0 M 0 2 Kd 3 8 mr H d rdr mk k dk 2 k 2 EK K u mr u 2 dr E x A m x m y mz d 3r 2 2 A m(r) 2 m(r) d 3r 2 The whole set of equations provides a full description of the energy landscape of a micromagnetic system (such as the one shown above) and drives its evolution towards the ground state of minimum energy EZ m0 M 0 mr H app rdr r M 0mr Sneak peek Searching for ground states Micromagnetic simulations m m m Heff m t t LLG equation Magnetodynamics and evolution Wrapping up •Magnetic domains •Bloch and Neel walls, and wall widths •Dipolar/magnetostatic/demag energy •Demagnetization fields and factors •Stoner-Wolfharth hysteresis •Magnetocrystalline anisotropy •Brown’s equations Please remember to: •Install OOMMF on your laptop •Familiarize a little bit with it •Bring your laptop to class on Tuesday, February 22 Next lecture: Tuesday February 22, 13:15, KU (A9) Micromagnetism II (MB)