Lab Syllabus for section 002

Chemistry 109L
Summer 2012
Chemistry of Living Things Laboratory (SCHM 109L)
Sec 001
Recitation: T, W, Th 8-8:50 Smith 210
T, W, Th 9-11 Smith 411
Instructor: Dr. J. Krueger
Sec 002
Recitation: T, W, Th 3-3:50 Smith 320
T, W, Th 4-6
Smith 411
Instructor: Dr. R. Krueger
Instructors Office/hours
J Krueger
R Krueger
Sm 414, T & W, Th 11-12 (lab days)
or by appointment
Sm 406, M 9:50-11:50 & 2:55-4:55
W 10:50-11:50
Email/web page
Materials (all available in the USC Upstate bookstore)
1. Chemistry 109 Lab Manual
2. Safety goggles stamped with Z87.1. Must bring to lab by second lab meeting!!!
3. Casio fx-260SOLAR calculator
Because chemistry is an experimental science, you must experience a laboratory setting to understand
the subject. In this chemistry lab, you will develop skills in using lab equipment, heighten your
powers of observation and measurement, and increase your abilities to interpret and analyze results.
Most of the labs will complement our discussions from lecture.
Course Activities
Laboratory: The exercises performed in the lab are designed to give you a feel at a simple level for
how chemical experiments are done and to show how an experimental result can support or contradict
a hypothesis. Make sure you have read the material for the lab to be performed that day and have,
where requested, answered the pre-lab questions. For some labs you will be asked to use spreadsheet
& graphing programs.
Recitation: The recitation will provide an informal setting for questions and discussion of lecture
material, of laboratory exercises and of suggested homework problems (see web page). Please come
to class prepared to ask questions and get involved in problem solving.
Attendance is required for all laboratory experiments. If you have a good reason to miss a lab, you
may be allowed to attend the other lab section that day (consult with the lab instructor). Any lab not
performed will receive a zero. The lowest lab report grade will be dropped to allow for illness.
Chemistry 109L
Summer 2012
All students are required to wear goggles at all times in the lab. As long as anyone in the lab is
doing lab work, you must wear goggles, even if you are done with the lab or are only writing in your
notebook. In addition, you must wear long pants and shoes that completely cover the toe in the
laboratory. If you arrive without goggles, long pants or appropriate footwear, you will not be allowed
to start the lab until you have corrected the problem. If you live far from campus, you might consider
putting an extra pair of appropriate shoes and long pants in your car or backpack. If the clothes you
are wearing do not sufficiently cover your torso, you must wear a lab apron or lab coat.
Grading Procedures
The laboratory work will be worth 25% of the total course grade for SCHM 109. There are twelve
lab exercises planned for the summer session. You will need to perform each lab and complete a lab
report for each one to get credit. Completing a report for all or any portion of an exercise that you
did not actually perform would be a violation of the student honor code. Each lab report will be
worth ~1 point. Other factors that influence the lab grade are: preparation for lab, punctuality, proper
lab technique, and safe lab practice. (Grades on lab reports will be lowered at the discretion of the
instructor if you do not clean up after lab or are repeatedly late for lab.) Most of the lab reports will be
due two meeting days after it is performed. At the end of the semester, this time may shorten. If a lab
report is turned in late, but before the instructor has returned that graded lab to other students, the
grade will be reduced by 30%. That is, the maximum credit that can be received for turning in a 1
point lab report late is 0.7 points. However, no credit can be received for a lab report turned in after
the instructor has returned that lab to the class.
There will be several quizzes that cover the lab material. See the schedule below for details. There
will also be a safety quiz worth one point.
Below are some criteria on which your lab reports will be graded.
All parts of the experiment are performed, and they are conducted in a safe manner.
All the required data/observations are obtained and recorded in the appropriate location.
All questions are answered clearly and accurately.
All calculations are performed accurately and presented clearly, with correct significant figures & units.
All work is legible.
The report is turned in on time.
--AND VERY IMPORTANT!-7. The data and calculations presented are your own. The answers to questions must be the result of your
own thinking and writing. You must perform all calculations. Do not copy or plagiarize. Also, do not let
your work be copied. If you need clarification in this area, talk to your instructor and see “The Code of
Academic Integrity” in the Student Handbook or at
Grading Summary:
Lab reports 1 pt each (12 pts), Library assignment (2 pts),
Safety quiz (1 pt), Lab quizzes (10 pts)
Portfolio of graded labs & quizzes (1 pt)
(0.0714 points ea for labs from Sprdsheet Ex to DNAI lab, Qz 1 & 2, and safety qz)
Total = 26 – 1 (lowest lab dropped) = 25 points
Chemistry 109L
Summer 2012
SCHM 109 Lab Schedule Summer 2012
T 5/22
W 5/23
Th 5/24
T 5/29
W 5/30
T 6/5
W 6/6
Th 6/7
T 6/12
Safety & spreadsheet exercise
W 6/13
Th 6/14
T 6/19
W 6/20
Th 6/21
No lab, Last day to withdraw w/ “W”
Enzyme kinetics
T 6 /26
Lab quiz
Basic lab techniques (BLT)
VSEPR & molecular shape
Gas laws
Representing organic structures
Chemistry of copper
Titration of vinegar
Meet in library: Genetic disease
Work to be turned in at start of lab period
Safety Quiz (signature on safety agreement)
Spreadsheet exercise
BLT report
VSEPR & molecular shapes report
Gas laws report, Quiz 1 on BLT
Representing organic structures report
Chemistry of copper report
Titration of vinegar report
Kinetics report, Quiz 2 on VSEPR – Chem. of Cu
Equilibrium report
Enzyme kinetics report, DNA I report &
DNA II report (w/ prelab)
Library: Genetic disease Paper, Lab portfolio
Quiz 3 on Vinegar Titration – DNA I
Other useful materials for SCHM 109 are available at: or
In keeping with University policy, any student with a disability who requests academic accommodations
should contact Disability Services at 503-5199 to arrange a confidential appointment with the Disability
Services Coordinator. Students are encouraged to seek an appointment as early in the semester as possible, as
accommodations are not provided retroactively. Letters of accommodation must be signed and printed on
letterhead from the Disability Services office. It is the student’s responsibility to provide these letters to
professors in a timely manner so that accommodations may be put in place.
Consult a physician if you are pregnant or have any other medical condition (asthma is an important example)
that might render you susceptible to problems from the chemicals used in laboratory.
Academic Honor Code Issues: The USC Upstate Code of Academic Integrity can be found in the USC
Upstate Student Handbook. Please refer to the Handbook if you are unfamiliar with the Code.
Do not copy homework assignments or lab reports from other students and do not let other
students borrow your work, as their copying your work could compromise your academic integrity.
What many students call “working together” often results in working too closely and copying.
If you have uncertainty at any time about whether a piece of work or particular activity might be a
violation of the Student Honor Code, ask! For copying associated with lab reports, students may receive only a
warning for the first offence. Depending on the nature of the first offence, credit of that work may be reduced
to zero. A second offence will be taken to the Dean of Students and then to Honor Court.
Disclaimer: The instructor reserves the right to adjust the syllabus & schedule as necessary.