[Risk Type/Internal Audit Subject Area] Recommendation X – Developing policies and procedures It is recommended that the department develops and documents policies and procedures for all significant business processes. Original Management Response and Agreed Action Plan: We agree with the recommendation, and the following action will be undertaken: Each Team Leader will document policies and procedures for their respective business processes. The Department Manager will consolidate these documents into one User Manual that will be available to all staff members via the Intranet. Review and revisions will be approved by the General Manager, and staff will be advised of all revisions. Status: [Complete / Partially Complete / Not yet commenced] Proposed further action: [If ‘Partially Complete’ or ‘Not yet commenced’ then include specific actions to be undertaken to address the recommendation in full] (if applicable) Original action due date: [Day Month Year] [If Partially Complete / Not yet commenced then include the revised action due date proposed by management to complete the action (or alternative action if this satisfies in full the intended outcomes of the recommendation)] Revised action due date: (if applicable) Note: An explanation from management is required if an extended due date is included and it should be clearly stated that management has accepted the risk due to the extended timeframe for completing the action/s. Refer below for an example management explanation: The action due date has been extended from 30 September 201X to a revised due date of 31 December 201X. The extension of time is due to [reason for extension] and management has accepted the risk associated with not completing the action by the original due date. Action Owner: John Smith Department Manager