12 Year - 4-H Meeting

Crawford County 4-H Dairy Skills
12 year old
Holding a 4-H Meeting
The meeting is the center of activity for the 4-H youth development program. What happens at
the meeting determines the success of the local program and what an individual member learns. At 4-H
meetings a correct order of business should be followed. Motions need to be made and presented
properly. Committee reports should be complete but brief and minutes should be well written. Officers’
should be giving reports. i.e. treasurer, reporter, others. The President should conduct the meeting and
correct parliamentary procedure should be observed.
The Presiding Officer may be called a speaker, a chairman, or a president. He should speak of
himself as “the chair” and should never say “I” when presiding. He may not make, second or discuss a
motion while occupying the chair. If he wishes to do so, he calls upon the vice-president or some other
member to preside and should follow the regular rules applying to members. The presiding officer always
has the right to vote but does not usually do so, except when the vote is by ballot or roll call or when the
vote is a tie.
Election of Officers:
It is sometimes helpful to a have a nominating committee, which should nominate at least two
persons for each office. If a nominating committee is used, this report must be accepted by the meeting
the same as any other committee report.
If a nominating committee is used, it is always in order to nominate others from the floor. It is not
necessary to second a nomination.
Before proceeding to an election, whether nominations have been made by a committee or from
the floor, the chair should inquire if there are any further nominations. If there is no response, he
declares the nominations closed. In very large groups it is customary to make a motion to close the
nominations, but until a reasonable time has been given, this motion is not in order. If a nominating
committee is used, there is always a danger that good officer material will be defeated for one office and
will not be nominated for another. Therefore, it should be remembered that any club member defeated
for one office can be nominated for another from the floor.
Elections are usually made by ballot, or show of hands with eyes closed. Tellers should not be
nominees nor anyone who has made a nomination unless the club is very small. After an election the
President should say, “I declare ________ elected to the office of ___________.”
Present officers perform their official duties until new officers are installed.
News Reporter
Song Leader (optional)
Social Chairman (optional)
Order of Business (Agenda)
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance and 4-H Club Pledge
3. Roll Call
4. Reading of Minutes
5. Treasurer’s Report
6. Committee Report
7. Unfinished Business/ Old Business
8. New Business
9. Educational Part of Program
10. Announcements, Comments, Suggestions
11. Adjournment
A motion is a formal proposal made in a group for action on an item of business.
How to make a Main Motion:
1. A member addresses the chair. “Mr./Madam President.”
2. The chair recognizes the member. “Chair – “states the name of the member”
3. The member proposes a main motion. “I move that . . . . “
4. Another member seconds the motion. “I second the motion.”
5. The chair states the motion to the assembly, then asks for debate/discussion on the motion.”
“Chair – It is properly moved and seconded that…” “Is there any discussion?”
6. The assembly debates the main motion.
7. The chair takes a vote on the main motion. “Chair – Is there any more debate?” “We will now
proceed to vote. All of those in favor of the motion say ‘aye’…. Those opposed, say ‘no’.
8. The chair announces the result of the vote on the main motion and the effect of the action.
“Chair – the ‘ayes’/’nays’ have it and the motion is adopted/lost”
1. What is the center of the 4-H youth development program? _________________________
2. Name 3 orders of business to be conducted at a 4-H meeting:
a. ________________________________
b. ________________________________
c. ________________________________
3. Name the four main officers of a 4-H club.
a. ________________________________
b. ________________________________
c. ________________________________
d. ________________________________
4. What is made to for the 4-H club to take action on an item of business? _________________