Matter-Antimatter Asymmetries: What have we learned? Jeffrey D. Richman University of California, Santa Barbara MIT Physics Department Colloquium: May 5, 2005 PEP-II e+e- Ring and BABAR Detector Linac PEP-II ring: C=2.2 km BABAR 1993: start of PEP-II construction 1994: start of BABAR construction Spring 1999: BABAR moves onto beamline Oct 29, 2000 PEP-II achieves design luminosity Fall 2003: start trickle injection of beams into PEPII (5 Hz) Spring 2004: PEP-II achieves 3X design luminosity Current data sample: about 230 M BB events. BABAR Collaboration The UCSB HEP Group in BABAR Faculty: Claudio Campagnari, J.D.R., (Michael Witherell). Engineers and Technicians: Dave Hale, Susanne Kyre, Sam Burke, Dan Callahan, Julie May, Julie Stoner, Andrea Allen, Lap-Yan Leung Postdocs: Jeffrey Berryhill, Philip Hart, Owen Long, Wouter Verkerke Graduate Students: Adam Cunha, Bryan Dahmes, Anton Eppich, TaeMin Hong, Natalia Kuznetsova, Steven Levy, Michael Mazur. Undergraduates: Aviva Shakell, Jeff Flanigan, Oshin Nazarian. BABAR/PEP-II Experiment at SLAC Antimatter and other radical ideas Dirac relativistic wave eq’n (1928): extra, “negative-energy” solutions. Positron interpretation confirmed by Anderson. A radical idea: doubling the number of kinds of particles! Supersymmetry: doubles the number of particles again! Pb: 6 mm thick P.A.M. Dirac, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London), A117, 610 (1928); ibid., A118, 351 (1928). C.D. Anderson, Phys. Rev. 43, 491 (1933). Discrete Symmetry Operators: C, P, T C: a a P: r r e C e s e P e s p reversed e incoming T e outgoing Discrete symmetry transformations: multiplicative (not additive) quantum numbers. The weak interactions violate C, P, CP, T. 1st observation of CP violation CP violation at a tiny level (10-3) was first discovered in 1964 in the decays of neutral kaons (mesons with strange quarks). B( K ) (2.0 0.4) 10 0 L 3 CP ( K L0 ) 1, CP ( , L 0) 1 Jim Cronin’s Nobel Prize lecture: “...the effect is telling us that at some tiny level there is a fundamental asymmetry between matter and antimatter, and it is telling us that at some tiny level interactions will show an asymmetry under the reversal of time. We know that improvements in detector technology and quality of accelerators will permit even more sensitive experiments in coming decades. We are hopeful then, that at some epoch, perhaps distant, this cryptic message from nature will be deciphered.” Questions about antimatter 1. Is the difference between matter and antimatter merely one of convention, or do they behave differently? CPT symmetry guarantees m( a ) m( a ) (a ) (a ) In contrast, SUSY is a badly broken symmetry: m(a ) m(a ) Compare corresponding processes ? (a f i ) (a f i ) CP violation rate (process) rate (anti-process) CP violation and alien civilizations We can use our knowledge of CP violation to determine whether alien civilizations are made of matter or antimatter without having to touch them. ( B K ) ( B K ) ACP 0 0 ( B K ) ( B K ) 0 bd 0 13% bd We have these inside of us. K us ud Matter vs. antimatter: implications for cosmology A. Sakharov (1967): How to generate an asymmetry between N(baryons) and N(anti-baryons) in the universe (assuming equal numbers initially)? Baryon-number-violating process Both C and CP violation (particle helicities not relevant to particle populations) Departure from thermal equilibrium Bnet ( X Yi ) ( X Yi ) Bi i We may well owe our existence to some form of CP violation at work in the early universe. 2. How are CP violating asymmetries produced? The Standard Model predicts that, if CP violation occurs, it must occur through specific kinds of quantum interference effects. In the SM, CP violation is traced to a single parameter that is connected with how quarks acquire their masses. A1 source A1 a A2 a A2 A1 A2 fi fi Two amplitudes with a CP violating relative phase Suppose a decay can occur through two processes, with amplitudes A1 and A2. Let A2 have a CP-violating phase f2. A A1 a2e i 2 A A1 a2e i 2 No CP asymmetry! (But the decay rate is different from what it would be without the phase.) A A1 A2 A2 A1 A1 A A1 A2 2 A2 Two amplitudes with CP conserving & violating phases Next, introduce a CP-conserving phase in addition to the CP-violating phase. A A1 a2e i (2 2 ) A A1 a2e i ( 2 2 ) A A1 A2 Now have a CP asymmetry A A A2 A1 A1 2 2 2 A A1 A2 A2 Evidence for “direct” CP violation in B0K+ vs. B0K- N ( BB ) 227 106 B( B K ) 2 105 bkgd symmetric n B 0 K 910 n B 0 K 696 696 910 A 0.133 696 910 AK 0.133 0.030 0.009 hep-ex/0408057 Time-Dependent CP asymmetries B0 mesons spontaneously oscillate into their own antiparticles, providing a second path to final states that are CP eigenstates. This provides an exactly known CP conserving phase. B0 ( bd ) fCP B ( bd ) no net oscillation no net oscillation B 0 net oscillation ( B 0 phys (t ) fCP ) fCP 0 B 0 B 0 net oscillation ( B 0 phys B0 (t ) fCP ) 3. Can CP violation point to new physics? source A1 A2 ANP Study processes in which there can be extra amplitudes arising from new physics (NP). Must be sure that all SM amplitudes are fully understood. ANP from physics at high mass scales small want to use processes in which A1,2 are small KEK press release, 13 August 2003 (excerpt) Perspective on the b quark u d oscillations c t s b loop processes The b-quark is relatively heavy, giving it many kinemetically accessible final states. All B decays are suppressed, because the b quark must decay into quarks outside its own generation. This gives the b quark a long lifetime (1.6 ps). t W b t-quark decays: very fast; overwhelmingly dominated by Feynman diagrams for weak decay/oscillation amplitudes e Tree W b d e b c d d Box d W d u d Penguin loop d u , c, t b W Tree u u,c, t W W b s u , c, t b d g d Heavy particles (M>mb) are allowed in the intermediate state! s s A few projects… …the rest of them. Blind Analysis Nearly all CP and rare decay analyses in BaBar are performed with a blind protocol. Information that would reveal the result is hidden until the full analysis procedure is defined. Designed to avoid subconscious bias of the experimenter. (E.g., desire to confirm a an earlier result!) When we are ready, we have an unblinding party….. Quark transitions and CP-violating phases in the Standard Model W qj gVij W qi g Lint ( J W J †W ) 2 qj * ij gV J ui 12 (1 5 )Vij d j i, j LYukawa (Y jk uLj uRk Y jk d Lj d Rk h.c.) 1 2 j ,k v m jk Y jk 2 Quark mass matrices qi (v H ( x )) Higgs field v mjk Y jk 2 The mysterious pattern of the CKM matrix V 1 2 V V V 1 ud us ub 2 V 1 2 V V 1 cs cb 2 cd V A 3 (1 i ) A 2 V V ts tb td 0.97 0.23 0.004 0.23 0.97 0.04 0.004 0.04 1 A 3 ( i ) 2 4 A O ( ) 1 (magnitudes only) • The SM offers no explanation for this numerical pattern. • But SM framework is highly predictive: Unitary matrix: (Col 1)(Col 3)* =0 etc. Only 4 independent parameters: A, , , One CP violating phase parameter The Standard Model “Unitarity Triangle” [Col 1][Col 3]*=0 The structure of the CKM matrix means that all terms in (Col 1)(Col 3)* are of order 3. If just 2 quark generations: no CP phase allowed! CP Fat unitarity triangle large angleslarge CP asymmetry But only certain decays have interfering amplitudes!! Possible new CP phases in bs from Supersymmetry New source of flavor violation introduced by squark mass matrices (not diagonalizable in same basis as quark mass matrices). Gluinos can have flavor-changing couplings to quarks and squarks. Standard Model . g=gluino From S. Khalil and E. Kou, hep-ph/0212023 Production of B mesons in e+e- collisions Since quarks have electric charge, they couple to the photon. e- TM e+ b b 0 B (bd ) d d b (4 S ) strong 0 b B (bd ) weak t 10 23 s ( B) 1.6 1012 s B (bu) B (bu ) e e bb (4S ) B0 (bd ) B 0 (bd ) e e uu , dd , ss , cc , bb , e e , , EM Calorimeter: 6580 CsI(Tl) crystals (5% BaBar Event Display (view normal to beams) energy res.) Cerenkov ring imaging detectors: 144 quartz bars (measure velocity) Tracking volume: B=1.5 T Silicon Vertex Tracker 5 layers: 15-30 m res. Rdrift chamber=80.9 cm (40 measurement points, each with 100-200 m res. on charged tracks) Identifying a decay process a 1 2 ... Ea E1 E2 ... pa p1 p2 ... m E ( pa ) 2 a 2 a 2 2 Ei pi i i 2 Peak at m=mB m GeV/c2 Ebeam 2 pi i 2 Main parameters controlling the experimental design mB 5.28 GeV Mass/momentum scale (e e (4S )) 1.1 nb B( B X CP ) 103 106 B 1.6 ps m 0.5 ps -1 Production cross section Branching fractions to useful final states. B meson mean lifetime 2 (T= m 12 ps) B 0 B 0 oscillation frequency Major issue: how can we observe an interference pattern that occurs in time and whose variation occurs over about 1 ps? PEP-II e+e- Ring Two separate storage rings • unequal energies • multibunch op. • trickle injection LER (3.1 GeV) e+ I HER 1550 mA I LER 2450 mA N (bunches) 1588 e HER (9.0 GeV) Ee Ee Ee Ee 0.49 Ee Ee 4 Ee Ee 0.56 Innermost Detector Subsystem: Silicon Vertex Tracker Installed SVT Modules Be beam pipe: R=2.79 cm (B mesons move 0.25 mm along beam direction.) Converting the interference pattern f(t) into f(z) e e 4S bb 1023 s 10 s B bd -1 0 B 0 bd EPR correlated oscillations B0 B0 B 0 decay (tag) B 0 ( t 0) z c(t ) 170 μm 1 ps B 0 f CP Ingredients of the CP Asymmetry Measurement B (t ) f B (t ) f 0 ACP (t ) 0 B (t ) f B (t ) f 0 Determine initial state: “tag” using other B. Final state doesn’t tell you whether its B0 or B0! 0 Measure t dependence. Reconstruct the final-state system. The magic If there is just one direct decay amplitude in addition to mixing, the poorly known hadronic matrix element divides out! For the modes BJ/ KS (J/ KL) AJ / K 0 S ,L t J / K 0 S ,L sin 2 sin m t If CP violation is due to interference between mixing and one direct decay amp: • Pure sin(m t) time dependence • No dependence of asymmetry on hadronic physics CP violation due to interference between mixing and decay: non-exponential decay law Final states for sin(2) “benchmark” To obtain interference between direct decay and decay after oscillation, must use final states that both B0 and B0 can decay to. B 0 ( B 0 ) J / K S0 (2 S ) K S0 c1 K c K 0 S 0 S J / K L0 J / K *0 Vcb B J / 0 K 0 K0 oscillates into a quantum superposition of K0 and K0 Results on sin2 from charmonium modes (cc) KS (CP odd) modes J/ψ KL (CP even) mode sin2 = 0.722 0.040 (stat) 0.023 (sys) (2002 measurement: sin(2β) = 0.741±0.067±0.034) Control samples Many control samples are used in the measurement to calibrate resolutions and errors in tagging. Fit projections on the Δt distributions of the J/ψK+ control sample Summary of sin2 measurements with charm or charmonium final states Courtesy Heavy Flavors Averaging Group An aside: progress on measuring a The mode B has nearly 100% longitudinal polarization and the penguin contamination has been bounded by B0 0. BABAR B+ - a [101 916 (1 ) 29 18 (2 )] Constraints on the Apex of the Unitarity Triangle All constraints Constraints from angles only Combined BABAR and Belle data; plots courtesy of CKM fitter group. Final states for sin(2) “penguin modes” In the SM, these modes should also give a time-dependent CP asymmetry with amplitude sin(2). [See later for caveats…] B 0 ( B 0 ) f K S0 f K K K S0 K S0 K S0 K S0 K 0 S K 0 0 S f K 0 K 0 S B 0 K 0 S K0 oscillates into a quantum superposition of K0 and K0 0 Belle Results for BfKS Summer 2003 BELLE 140 fb1 Signal N f K S0 68 11 Sf K 0 S 0.09 0.96 0.50(stat) 0.11 (syst) Cf K 0 0.15 0.29(stat) 0.07(syst) S Summer 2004 BABAR B f K B fK 0 S 0 S 0 S and B K K K BK K K 0 S 0 Btag 0 tag B 0 Btag 0 Btag Asymmetry sin2 0.50 0.250.07 0.04 sin2 ~ SK K K 0 /(2fCP -even 1) S 0.55 0.22 0.04 0.11 Summer 2004 f K0 B0 f K0 : CPV Result S = 0.73 fit B f K S0 Poor tags S = +0.00 0.33 A = +0.06 0.22 Good tags fKS + fKL : S (fK0) = +0.06 0.33 0.09 A (fK0) = +0.08 0.22 0.09 ~2 away from SM 275M BB BABAR vs. Belle in sin2 from bs loop processes 0.45 0.09 0.39 0.11 Combined BABAR & Belle Results for bs penguins Theoretical issues for the penguin modes Due to extra amplitudes, the Standard Model predictions for the bs penguin modes are subject to some degree of uncertainty. Mode f S sin 2 (Cheng,Chua,Soni) f S sin 2 (Beneke & Neubert) f K S0 0.029 0.037 [+0.01, 0.04] K S0 0.006 0.038 [-0.01, 0.03] 0 K S0 0.048 0.038 [+0.02, 0.13] K S0 0.010 0.043 0.040 [+0.03, 0.19] Projections for measurement uncertainties vs. time Courtesy D. MacFarlane 0.40 f0KS KS0 KS ’KS KKKS 0.30 0.25 0.20 (S ) 0.30 K* 0.15 2009 Projections are statistical errors only; but systematic errors at few percent level Jul-09 Jan-09 Jan-08 Jul-07 Jan-07 Jul-06 Jan-06 Jul-05 Jan-05 Jan-04 Jul-03 0.00 5 discovery region if non-SM physics is 0.30 effect 2004 Jul-04 0.05 Jul-08 0.10 Jan-03 Error on sine amplitude 0.35 Conclusions and Prospects The B Factories at SLAC and KEK have far exceeded their design specifications. As expected from the SM, CP asymmetries in B meson decays can be large--of O(1)-- in contrast to the O(10-3) effects observed in the neutral-K system. Agreement with the SM pattern of CP-violating and CPconserving observables indicates that the phase in the CKM matrix is the dominant source of CP violation in quark processes. However, there is still room for new physics effects. Additional data and more theoretical work will be needed to resolve these issues. Key information will also come from CDF/D0 at FNAL. Major luminosity goals: 500 fb-1 by end of 2006; >1000 fb-1 by end of 2008. Backup slides Measurement of Mixing Frequency t trec ttag T=2/m m 0.516 0.016 (stat) 0.010 (sys) ps -1 Time-dependent CP asymmetries from the interference between mixing and decay A1 e i D cos( 12 m t ) B 0 fCP no net oscillation ( B 0 phys net oscillation (t ) fCP ) 0 B A2 ie 2 i M sin( 12 m t )e i D B A e i cos( 1 m t ) fCP 1 2 0 D 0 ( Bphys (t ) fCP ) B0 2 i M i D A2 ie e sin( 12 m t ) PEP-II and BABAR P and C violation in the weak interactions =spin direction = momentum direction e e e e P e Allowed Not Allowed Allowed e C P and C are each violated maximally in the weak interactions, but the combined CP is a symmetry even for most weak processes! A. Sakharov’s inscription Out of S. Okubo’s effect At high temperature A fur coat is sewed for the Universe Shaped for its crooked figure. Measurement of Decay Time Distributions τ( B ) 1.082 0.026 (stat) 0.011 (sys) 0 τ( B ) B0 decay time distribution (linear scale) background Oscillations, the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen effect, and B tagging A B0 meson spontaneously evolves into an anti-B0 meson! The oscillations of the two B mesons are completed correlated by their production mechanism (EPR). If one decays as a B0, the other must have been a B0 at that instant! Use the decay mode of the “tag” B meson to determine the “flavor” of the other B meson at that “start” time. Time-dependent CP asymmetries from the interference between mixing and decay A1 e i D cos( 12 m t ) B 0 fCP no net oscillation ( B 0 phys net oscillation (t ) fCP ) 0 B A2 ie 2 i M sin( 12 m t )e i D B A e i cos( 1 m t ) fCP 1 2 0 D 0 ( Bphys (t ) fCP ) B0 2 i M i D A2 ie e sin( 12 m t ) Calculating the CP Asymmetry AfCP (t ) S sin( m t ) - C cos( m t ) S 2 Im( ) 1 C 2 1 2 If single direct-decay amp, hadronic matrix element divides out, leaving pure phase. Pure phase factor in B decays since mixing is dominated by M12 (off-shell intermediate states). 1 2 f CP H B 0 M M 12 12 f CP H B 0 * 12 i 2 i 2 * 12 Coverage of BABAR pentaquark searches Expect pentaquarks , are members of 10f 8f Dedicated searches for claimed states 5 , 5 , 50 Inclusive searches for other states in the 10 8 (final states in red ) Dedicated searches for selected states from other multiplets , e . g . * 5 5 5 5 5 Example pentaquark search: 5 (1540) Compilation of positive signals nK pK 0 S BABAR Lc2285 pKS0 (123fb-1 ) 5 (1540) ? pKS0 (123fb-1 ) BABAR-CONF-04/036 Summary of Pentaquark Search Results o Compare with production of other baryons resonances o Λ(1520) may not be most reliable guide o Most positive results at lower energies o Different production mechanisms for exotic baryons? BABAR-CONF-04/036 Measurement of the CKM angle a BABAR & Belle combined Mirror solutions disfavored From combined , , results: 9 a 100 10 o CKM indirect constraint fit: a 98 16o Z. Ligeti (LBNL) Penguin Olympia Andreas Hoecker Naive (dimensional) uncertainties on sin2 One may identify golden, silver and bronze-plated s-penguin modes: Gold W B 0 b VubVus ~ 4Ru e i u s g s s d d Silver Color-suppressed tree B 0 b d W Bronze Color-suppressed tree B 0 b d W f, K K W [CP ] B 0 ', f0 W B 0 , , K0 t b g W 0 B 0 b d s s s d f, K K ( 2 ) ~ 5% [CP ] K0 VtbVts ~ 2 d K0 0 g d K0 VubVus ~ 4Ru e i u u s d t b VubVus ~ 4Ru e i u u s d VtbVts ~ 2 s s s d ', f0 ( 2 (1 fqq / )) K0 ~ 10% VtbVts ~ 2 t g s d d d K0 0 , 0 , Note that within QCD Factorization these uncertainties turn out to be much smaller ! ( 2 / ) ~ 20% Direct CP Violation in BK B 0 K BABAR hep-ex/0408057, to appear in PRL ACP 0.133 0.030 0.009 4.2 Belle Confirmation at ICHEP04 Signal (274M BB pairs): 2140 53 ACP 0.101 0.025 0.005 3.9 Average ACP 0.114 0.020 B K 0 ACP 0.06 0.06 0.01 BABAR ACP 0.04 0.05 0.02 Belle 3.6 Average ACP 0.049 0.040 Signal (227M BB pairs): 1606 51 BABAR B 0 K B 0 K Phenomenology of Oscillations Effective Hamiltonian for the two-state system (not Hermitian since particles decay!): Quark masses, strong, and EM interactions H11 H H 21 B 0 f B 0 transitions f off-shell f on-shell H12 M * H 22 M 12 M12 i * M 2 12 12 Decays The Oscillation Frequency (m) In the neutral B-meson system, the mixing amplitude is completely dominated by off-shell intermediate states (m) [contrast with the neutral kaon system]. Calculation of the mixing frequency m VtbVtd strong+weak interactions 0.5 ps 2 -1 Time-dependent mixing probabilities and asymmetry dN nomix 1 et 1 cos(m t ) dt 4τ B dN mix 1 t e 1 cos(m t ) dt 4τ B NoMix(t) - Mix(t) Asym(t)= cos(m t ) NoMix(t) Mix(t) Calculating the CP Asymmetry 0 AfCP (t ) f CP H B (t ) 0 f CP H B (t ) 2 f CP H B (t ) 2 2 f CP H B (t ) 2 0 0 B 0 (t ) f CP B 0 (t ) f CP B 0 (t ) f CP B 0 (t ) f CP AfCP (t ) S sin( m t ) - C cos( m t ) 2 1 2 Im( ) S C 2 2 1 1 Pure phase factor in B decays since mixing is dominated by M12 (off-shell intermediate states). If single direct-decay amp, hadronic matrix element divides out, leaving pure phase. f CP H B 0 M M 12 12 f CP H B 0 * 12 i 2 i 2 * 12 sin2 Signal and Control Samples J/Y Ks Bflav J/Y Ks (Ks ) (Ks +-) mixing sample CP=-1 J/Y KL CP=+1 J/Y Ks (Ks Ks00) J/Y Y(2s) Ks J/Y K*0 *0 J/Y (K*0 KKs0) c1 Ks (Ks 00) (K*0 Ks0) Testing the assumptions in the extraction of sin2 extraction from charmonium modes The extraction of sin(2) assumes /=0 (no lifetime difference between neutral B mass eigenstates) |q/p|=1 (checked with dilepton CP asymmetry measurement.) CPT is conserved We have performed a detailed study to check these assumptions: submitted to PRL PRD in final review Quantity / sgn(Re |q/p| (Re z)(Re()/||) Im z Measured value Theory The CKM angle a The angle a enters into the CP asymmetries for bu modes, such as B , B , B Assuming the bu tree diagram dominates d + B0 - Time-dependent analysis would extract: S=sin2a, C=0 We now know that the penguin contribution is likely to be sizeablehave two significant direct decay amplitudes d in addition to mixing. + B0 - Effect of Mistagging and t Resolution No mistagging and perfect t w=Prob. for wrong tag D=1-2w=0.5 Nomix Mix t t D=1-2w=0.5 t res: 99% at 1 ps; 1% at 8 ps t t Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) Linear Accelerator End station A: fixed target expts in 1970s found nucleon substructure (u, d quarks). SLC Experimental Hall: Properties of Z boson were measured here. photograph by Steve Williams SPEAR e+e- Ring Discovery of same particle discovered at Brookhaven called J); the J/ is the lowest mass cc bound state. Discovery of lepton. PEP-II Interaction Region 2: home of the BABAR; studies b quarks & CP violation. Linac/PEP-II layout PEP-II beams and the interaction region e e Luminosity (x1034) 0.9 Units e+ 3.1 GeV e- 9.0 GeV I+ 2.45 A I- 1.55 A (y*) 11 mm (x*) 30 cm Bunch length 10 mm # bunches Crossing angle Need to avoid crossing between outgoing bunch and next incoming bunch. Tune shifts (x/y) rf frequency Site power 1588 0 mrad 4.5/7 x100 476 MHz 40 MW Current and projected performance of PEP-II Luminosity (x1034) 0.9 2.4 Units e+ 3.1 3.1 GeV e- 9.0 9.0 GeV I+ 2.45 4.5 A I- 1.55 2.2 A (y*) 11 (x*) 30 30 cm Bunch length 10 7.5 mm # bunches Crossing angle Tune shifts (x/y) rf frequency Site power 1588 0 8 mm 1700 0 mrad 4.5/7 8/8 x100 476 476 MHz 40 40 MW For 05 & 06 shutdowns: Additional LER and HER rf stations, vacuum chamber upgrades, stronger B1 separation field,… Best shift, no trickle Nov 2003 Best shift, LER only trickle Mar 2004 Best shift, double trickle PEP-II: ~5 Hz continuous KEKB: at ~5-10 min intervals PEP-II Lumi HER current LER current BABAR data sample BABAR runs 24 hours/day except during shutdowns and machine development periods. BABAR operational efficiency: 97% Data processed in two passes: (calibration and reconstruction) within 2 days of acquisition. 1 fb-1 1.1 M BB events Best instantaneous luminosity: 10 BB/sec Best month: 20 M BB Total sample: 245 M BB 245 M BB BaBar Detector center line DIRC: quartz bars standoff box PM tubes Superconducting magnet (1.5 T) Drift chamber e + e CsI crystals Silicon Vertex Tracker Muon detector & B-flux return The BABAR Detector 1.5 T solenoid DIRC (particle ID) CsI (Tl) Electromagnetic Calorimeter e+ (3.1GeV) Drift Chamber Instrumented Flux Return e- (9 GeV) Silicon Vertex Tracker SVT: 97% efficiency, 15m z resol. (inner layers, perpendicular tracks) Tracking : pT)/pT = 0.13% PT 0.45% DIRC : K- separation >3.4 for P<3.5GeV/c EMC: E/E = 1.33% E-1/4 2.1%; 16.0-17.5 X/X0 BaBar Silicon Vertex Tracker (SVT) • 5 concentric layers • 340 Si sensors (wafers) • Strips on both sides • AC coupled • 140 K readout chans. • 10-40 m hit resol. • about 70 cm long 50m 300m 80 e-/hole pairs/m BaBar DIRC (Cerenkov Particle ID System) 1 cos C n Num. r.l.=0.19 X0 n 1.473 (C) = 3 mrad Number of Cherenkov photons=20-60 BABAR DIRC No. light bounces (typical)=300 Overall length (4 bars): 4.9 m Roughness (r.m.s.)= 0.5 nm 3.5 cm (typical) = 400 nm The Electromagnetic Calorimeter Design characteristics: • 6580 crystals of CsI(Tl) • Reconstruct down to 10-20 MeV. • Target resolution: Performance: • E/P width from bhabhas 2.4 % • consistent with MC expectations. • Correct 0 mass. A bit wider than the MC. • Significant improvements in noise. • Energy cut per crystal now 0.8 MeV. Drift Chamber Performance • Momentum resolution: • Measured with di-muon events. dPt / Pt = 2.9 % x Pt. Consistent with spec. • Hit resolution: • Measured to be 100 - 200 m, average value 125 m. Exceeds spec of 140 m. • dE/dX resolution: • Measured 7.5% with bhabha events. • Hope to achieve 7% with further corrections. DCH Hit Resolution 200 m 100 m Signals for new states * 0 0 D (2458) D (2112) DsJ (2317) Ds sJ s 1022 50 events 195 26 events Masses below DK threshold natural decay channel is forbidden. Decay widths are within experimental resolution, about 10 MeV. Pionic decays are I-spin violating, explaining the narrow observed widths. PEP-II Very high current, multibunch operation 2 rings helps avoid beam instabilities and parasitic beam crossings (crossings not at the IP) I(e+)=1.3 A (LER), I(e-)=0.7 A (HER) Bunch spacing: 6.3-10.5 ns Beam spot: x=120 m y=5.6 m z=9 mm Number bunches/beam: 553-829 (to 1658) High-quality vacuum to keep beam-related backgrounds tolerable for experiments Quark Content of Mesons Quark content of B mesons: B 0 bd B 0 bd mB 5.28 GeV/c 5 mp B bu all have: J 0, L 0, S 0 B bu 2 Quark content of some lighter mesons ud _ 0 1 2 (uu dd ) K us c K c K 1 0 0 K K K 2 1 0 0 0 KL K K 2 0 S K ds 0 0 S 2.7 cm CP=+1 0 L 15.5 m CP=-1 KEKB and Belle in Japan Mt. Tsukuba KEKB Belle ~1 km in diameter sin(2): summer 2003