Course Syllabus Subject: Managerial Economics Course: ECON 610 Sections: EMBA Semester: Spring 2013 Instructor: Dr. Khaled Aldeeb Department: Economics Room No.: 3116 Telephone Number: 0507373315 E-mail: Lecture Days and Time: On Wednesday, Thursday :5.30. pm – 8.15pm Lecture Place: Building No.: 121 Class-room: Office Hours:Thursday 3:30-5:30pm room:3116 Prerequisites: Econ 101 – Econ 102 – Econ 204 – Econ 205 Course Objective: The objective of the course is to familiarize the student with Managerial economic methodology, economic way of thinking and the essentials of economic phenomena. This course focuses on the study of the choices that individuals and businesses make, how these choices interact in the markets and the influence of government. Also how apply managerial economics in action. Course Outline: Session 1 Date Chapters Chapter 1 Subject Introduction: Terms- concepts 2 Chapter 1 Definition of Economics Micro Versus Macroeconomics -Managerial economics The Questions Economic addresses. Factors of production – self interest and social interest-pricing systems 3 Chapter 3 Demand and supply Demand definition – The law of Demand – Demand curve and Demand schedule – A Change in quantity demanded versus change in demand 4 Chapter 3 5 Chapter 5 6 Chapter 4 Supply : Supply definition _ the law of supply _ A change in quantity supplied versus change in Supply Demand estimation and forecasting Market Equilibrium : Price as a regulator – Price Adjustments – Predicting changes in price and quantity Demand Elasticity Price elasticity of demand Calculating price elasticity of demand. 7 Chapter 4 Inelastic and elastic demand. Total revenue and elasticity The factors that influence the elasticity of demand 22-5-1434 8 9 Mid Term Exam Chapter 6 Theory of production 10 Chapter 6 The firm Behavior: Production: Production function Decision time frames – short run technology constraint – product schedule and product curves. Law of diminishing returns Cost: Marginal, Total , Average Cost Theory of cost 11 Chapter 7 12 Chapter 8 Perfect competition Chapter 8 What is perfect competition: How perfect competition arises -Price takers _ Economic profit and revenues – the firm decisions Monopoly 13 14 Chapter 14 The firm output decision: total revenue, total cost, and economic profit –Marginal analysis and the supply decisionTemporary shutdown decision- The firm supply curve. The Role of government and opportunity for today managers. Important date Final Exam: 12-7-1434 DELIVERY METHODS: This course is delivered in the form of interactive lectures summarized in handouts and accompanied by transparency presentations. Most important issues within each concept and/or topic are clarified through discussions and class participation. Method of teaching will totally depend on: L=Lecture; T=Transparency; D=Discussion; H=Handouts; Ch=Chapter; SUPPLEMENTARY READINGS: Business magazine, text books, articles, internet, newspapers. STUDENT EVALUATION AS PER COURSE OUTLINE: Attendance and Participation 10% Homework- assignments 10% quizzes 20% M.Term Exam 20% Final Exam 40% Total 100% Required Textbook: Managerial Economics- Economic tools for today decision makers Paul G. Keat and Philip K.Y.Young 6th edition, available at Book Store. Important Rules: 1. No makeup exams. 2. Students, who miss any of the two exams, will not be allowed to enter a comprehensive exam (Final exam) at the end of the term. 3. Students must deliver their homework within the assigned time. 4. Students who come late will be allowed to attend the class, but no attendance for them, they will be considered absent. 5. No mobile phones in the class are allowed. The ‘Test’ can be: Multiple-Choice Tests: Multiple-choice items can be used to measure both simple knowledge and complex concepts. True-False Tests: Because random guessing will produce the correct answer half the time, true-false tests are less reliable than other types of exams Short-Answer Tests: Depending on your objectives, short-answer questions can call for one or two sentences or a long paragraph. Essay Tests: Essay tests enable you to judge students' abilities to organize, integrate, interpret material, and express themselves in their own words. Presentation, Popup Quizzes, etc. “WISH YOU ALL THE BEST” Dr – Khaled Eldeeb