EE 202 – Object Oriented Programming Syllabus COURSE TITLE Object-Oriented CREDITS ENGLISH ARABIC CODE /NO CODE/NO. Th. Pr. Tr. TCU EE 202 202 هـ ك 3 3 - 3 Computer Programming EE 201 Pre-requisites Object-oriented programming: classes, objects and methods. Object-oriented design. Simple data structures. Best programming practices (structured coding, documentation, testing and debugging). Faculties and departments requiring this course (if any): Required for Electrical and Computer Engineering Textbooks: H. Deitel and P. Deitel ,Java: how to program, 8th ed. Prentice-Hall, 2009. Reference: C. Thomas Wu, An introduction to object-oriented programming with JAVA, 5th ed., McGraw-Hill, 2009. Course Instructor: Eng. Khalid Alkhulayfi Email:, Office hours: 11am – 1 pm ( Sunday – Tuesday ) (317A) Course Learning Outcomes: By completion of the course, the students should be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Apply available classes to write simple application programs Identify the difference between objects and classes Create simple classes based on predefined requirements Apply loops and conditional statements to write simple programs or methods Write class and object methods Identify the main use of arrays and write methods that deal with array data Apply tracing concept to given application program that deal with so many classes Write mathematical expressions and I/O statements Apply the Java SDK and the Eclipse IDE to develop applications Course Topics and Duration Duration in Course Topics weeks 1. The basic idea of Classes and Objects, Messages and Methods, Data Values, Inheritance, Software Engineering Life Cycle, Java Program Components. 2 2 2. Numerical Data: Variables, Arithmetic Expressions, Constants, I/O. 3. Self defined Classes: Constructors, Class/Object Methods, Data Members, Class/Object Constants,Methods/Constructors Overloading, Parameters Passing, Organizing Classes intoPackages, Javadocs Comments. 4. Flow Control: If Statement, Nested If Statement, Boolean Expressions, Switch Statement, For/do/While Loops. 5. Arrays: Defining an Array, Arrays of Objects, Two-Dimensional Arrays, Lists and Maps. 6. Classes: overloading constructor, this, Composition, static members, Final instance variables, Data abstraction. 3 2 2 3 Class Schedule: Lectures: two sessions per week of 1.5 hours Tutorial: one session of 3 hours lab per week Course Relationship to Student Outcomes: NCAAA Domains of Learning ABET Interpersonal Knowledge Cognitive Skills Skills and Responsibility and Additional Student Outcomes Maximum Attainable Level of Learning* 1 2 1 3a 3b 3c 3e 3h 3j 2 2 1 3d 3f 3i Communication, IT, Numerical Skills 3g 2 * 3k 3l 3 1: Low level (knowledge & Comprehension), 2: Medium (Application & Analysis), 3: High (Synthesis & Evaluation) Where Outcome (1): Knowledge of facts, concepts and theories of Math and basic sciences. Outcome (2): Knowledge of discipline-related industrial practices and procedures. Course Contribution to Professional Component: First exam Second exam Assignments/Quizzes Lab Final exam Total 15% 15% 10% 20% 40% 100%