FYCS Non-Thesis Project Proposal Form Proposal Directions: Committee Member:

FYCS Non-Thesis Project Proposal Form
Committee Chair:
Committee Member:
Proposal Directions: Type your proposal in this template. Handwritten proposals
will not be accepted. You must provide sufficient information in all sections for your
committee to evaluate the merits of your proposal.
1. Project Title:
Provide a short, descriptive title for your project.
2. Project Goal
Identify the broad goal you have for your project and how it relates to your graduate degree
and career goals.
3. Project Objectives/Outputs
Identify 3-5objectives or outputs for your project.
4. Why is this project important?
In one or two paragraphs, describe the problem or issue your project is designed to address
and why it is important. Cite appropriate statistics and literature.
5. What does the research or literature say about the problem/issue that
your project is designed to address? What are the important theoretical and
empirical considerations?
In no more than 5 double-spaced pages review the appropriate theoretical and empirical
literature related to your project. Your review should be in APA style and format.
6. Plan of Action & Timeline
Develop a timeline and action steps for completing your project. If the step includes the written
portion of your project, include a date for when you will provide a written draft for your chair
to review.
Task #1:
Draft to Chair:
Completed by:
Task #2:
Draft to Chair:
Completed by:
Task #3:
Draft to Chair:
Completed by:
Task #4:
Draft to Chair:
Completed by:
Task #5:
Draft to Chair:
Completed by:
7. What resources/stakeholders will you consult for your project?
List the resources/stakeholders you plan to consult as you implement your project. Describe
each one’s relationship to your project.
8. Describe the final written document you will provide to your committee
once the project is complete?
In a paragraph, describe how you will write the final document you will provide to the
committee. Provide a sample outline.
9. How will you assess your accomplishments?
For each objective or output, describe how you will assess whether your project was