a card sorting study of MyLO and Turnitin conducted in 2009 (WORD, 168KB)

February 2009
University Web Services, IT Resources
Web Usability Testing
CONTENTS .................................................................................................................. II
OVERVIEW: ................................................................................................................ 2
RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................................................... 2
ABOUT THE TEST ........................................................................................................ 2
CARD SORTING METHODOLOGY: ................................................................................. 3
ANALYSIS: ................................................................................................................. 3
RESULTS OF CARD SORTING: ...................................................................................... 4
Group 1, Test 1: ......................................................................................................................4
Group 1, Test 2: ......................................................................................................................6
APPENDIX C: RESULTS OF SURVEY ........................................................................... 14
REFERENCES............................................................................................................ 14
ABOUT THIS DOCUMENT ............................................................................................ 14
Revision History ................................................................................................................... 14
 University of Tasmania,
University Web Services, IT Resources
February 2009
Web Usability Testing
Information used in the test was derived primarily from the Teaching and Learning
site with some terms used from related sites.
This evaluation is not an exhaustive analysis of the suitability and quality of the
Teaching and Learning site, but seeks to investigate the type of information that
academics need to support their work.
About the Test
Test Facilitator
Maria Moore
Client Group
Prospective students, staff who are also current students
Number of participants
CALT meeting Room 1.1, Morris Miller Library
12th February 2009 from 11am – 3.00pm
Information architecture is a user-map of the information space, or ‘what goes where’,
as defined by Nielsen 2004. Card sorting (Rosenfeld and Moreville 2002) was used to
establish the information architecture in two tests:
Test 1: information relating to Turnitin – open card sorting
Test 2: information relating to couses and units in the MYLO interface – closed card
Two groups were used, recruited as described below:
Group 1 - prospective students from Unistart
Group 2 – staff who are also students
 University of Tasmania,
University Web Services, IT Resources
February 2009
Web Usability Testing
Each group was given both tests. At the conclusion of each test, participants were
given a brief questionnaire, in which they were asked to please name up to 5 of the
most important features, to them, and to state why this was important.
Card Sorting Methodology:
A combination of closed and open card sorting was used, in which some cards had
labels (closed) or participants could write their own (open) (Rosenfeld and Moreville
2002). In Test 2 participants were presented with labels or terms relating to items they
might see when logged into MyLO.
The participants were directed to:
o Sort the cards into piles of related material
o Name each pile
o Sort the cards in each pile in order of importance
o Rank or order each pile in order of usefulness to them
o They could:
o Rename cards
o Write new cards
o Remove cards to the ‘Trash’ pile
While the participants worked, their comments were recorded using an IPod.
All participants were also given a short questionnaire at the conclusion of card work.
The audio recording was reviewed and interpretive (This is…) or interrogative (What
is …) comments were noted down, as an indication of where the categories or terms
used in the testing either did or didn’t make sense. Any information that was referred
to as ‘missing’ was also noted. Comments related to planning and timing were
These comments were sorted into general headings. Individuals are not identified. A
list of these comments appears in Appendix B.
 University of Tasmania,
University Web Services, IT Resources
February 2009
Web Usability Testing
At the conclusion of testing each pile and its cards were then given numbers
according to their placement by the academics. These ranking were then transferred to
the documents listed in the original audit of the website.
The comments from the questionnaire were recorded with their frequency. The results
are shown in Appendix C.
Group 1, Test 1:
Preliminary group perceptions on purpose of system:
 Citation system helper
Essay helper
Discussion groups
System to not commit plagiarism
Essay checker
Ref. check
Sentence matcher
Reference guide
Proof reader/”double check”
Plagiarism specialist
Structure, from card sorting:
Glossary of Useful Terms
Explaining referencing systems and uses
Which referencing system to use
o Harvard
o Number and note
o …
 University of Tasmania,
University Web Services, IT Resources
February 2009
Web Usability Testing
Avoiding plagiarism
Essay helper
Citation helper
Other languages:
Ask a tutor for help:
Discussion group: find someone to work out the problems with
Useful resources
What to do next
Vote for different answers
Site Management
Site maintenance
How your work is protected
How information is regulated daily: new material, essays, documents
Contact for person overseeing the site
Access for Alumni
Definition of what the system will do
Info sessions on how to use it
Definitions (including examples and pictures):
What it needs
Database of phrases and sentences
Dictionary: terms that faculties use
Spell check
 University of Tasmania,
University Web Services, IT Resources
February 2009
Web Usability Testing
o Citation
o Essay
o Plagiarism
Frequently Asked Questions:
How do I get into it?
Can I use it from work/home?
How is the information protected?
Why should I use it?
How soon can I get results?
Will Uni staff see my work?
When is it updated?
What is unique about this system?
Where would you expect to find this system?
 Uni homepage under quick links
Library, on computer lab machines
Library home page
Faculty notice boards
Bookshop, in the shop
Group 1, Test 2:
Structure from Card Sorting:
Only available under each unit:
Course Links
Glossary of Terms
Submit web links
Electronic discussion
Web links
Course Info
Theoretical background
Lecture notes
 University of Tasmania,
University Web Services, IT Resources
February 2009
Web Usability Testing
Powerpoint slides
Recorded lectures
Tutorial topics
Tutorial group selection
Tutorial readings
What happens in tutorials?
Both, although unit information may be specific to unit:
Submission Guidelines
Guidelines for preparing assignments
Essay Submission
Assignment submission
Assignment submission via Tunitin
Lab report submission
Lab report submission via Turnitin
Group work submissions
Mid-semester quiz
Unit outline
Sample recorded lectures
Sample submission of work
Sample self test
Self test
Sample quiz
Sample submission via Turnitin
Web Links
Web link to Library
Library catalogue for self help
Web link to IT Support
Web link to Student Support
Outside Unit, everyone can see this:
How To…
 University of Tasmania,
University Web Services, IT Resources
February 2009
Web Usability Testing
What is Lectopia? (new)
What is Turnitin? (new)
What is MyLO? (new)
How to write essays
How to avoid plagiarism
How to reference
How to manage your time
How to prepare for exams
Tutorials about using computers, for self help
How to use Turnitin
How to use MyLO
How to use Lectopia
Turnitin, for self help
Group 2 Test 1:
Preliminary group perceptions on purpose of system:
 Feedback
Reference validation
More information about Turnitin
Optional feedback before final submission
Grammar check
Academic English checking
Indicate extra advantages
Simplicity, format for printing
Pre-submission check
Basic construction check
Simple reports and options for more details
 University of Tasmania,
University Web Services, IT Resources
February 2009
Web Usability Testing
One stop shop for assignment writing
At the moment anti-student (need to change this)
Structure from Card Sorting:
University’s purpose (Transparency)
Communication and Education
o Lecturer
Wish List
What does it do?
Simplifying use
Score % match
Notification of assignment being received by staff member
Progress of assignment
o Viewed
o What’s happening
o Feedback
Your submission has been successful
Grammar/spelling check
Reminder of due date for assignment
Link for Current Students on UTAS web site
Big buttons – small are too hard to read
Simple terms
Basic examples of plagiarism
Flexible for each school but consistent for student use across faculties
 University of Tasmania,
University Web Services, IT Resources
February 2009
Web Usability Testing
- 10 -
Referral for help where do you find help?
Second chance function
Pre-submission check
Submit – feedback – resubmit – (you have paraphrased here – reference? –
you have plagiarised here – revise)
Referencing help
Input – which referencing system? – referencing check
Referencing – specific examples according to ref. style
What if you do your own referencing instead of using Endnote?
Background information
Why use it?
What’s it for?
Virtual tour (tutorial)One click what features and why, protect yourself
Lecturer feedback pre final submission
Integrated into current systems – eg MyLO
Where would you expect to find this system?
 MyLO
Current students
School home pages
Student learning site
International students home page
Library home page
What made you hate it?
 Policing – big brother
Guilty until proven innocent
Lack of feedback
 University of Tasmania,
University Web Services, IT Resources
February 2009
Web Usability Testing
- 11 -
o No indication of submission, disappeared
o Unclear feedback – just sentences, direct quotes or standard phrases
Even though cleared of plagiarism, still feel guilty
Not for students, more for the uni
No second chance
What is an acceptable amount? No parameters
Should not be an assignment writing tool
Should have multiple uses/options
Group 2, Test 2:
Structure from Card Sorting:
Only available under each unit:
Unit outline
Theoretical background
Powerpoint slides
Lecture notes
Recorded lectures
What happens in tutorials
Tutorial group selection
Tutorial topics
Tutorial readings
Electronic discussion
Mid-semester quiz
Sample submission of work
Sample self test
Sample quiz
Self test
Glossary of terms
Both, although unit information may be specific to unit:
How to use MyLO
How to use Lectopia
 University of Tasmania,
University Web Services, IT Resources
February 2009
Web Usability Testing
Tutorials about using computers, for self help
Sample recorded lecture
- 12 -
Assignment submission
Essay submission
Assignment submission via Tunitin
Sample assignment via Turnitin
How to avoid plagiarism
How to use Turnitin
Group work submission
Guidelines for preparing assignments
Turnitin, for self help
How to write essays
How to reference
Lab report submission via Turnitin
Lab report submission
Self help
Library catalogue, for self help
How to prepare for exams
How to manage your time
Web links
Web links
Web link to IT support
Web link to student support
Web link to library
Submit web links
Random listing of links – like advertisements in Facebook (new)
Appendix A: List of Labels used in Card-Sorting Test 2
Unit outline
Recorded lectures
Tutorial readings
 University of Tasmania,
University Web Services, IT Resources
February 2009
Web Usability Testing
- 13 -
Theoretical background
Assignment submission
Assignment submission via Turnitin
Electronic discussion
Group work submission
Tutorial group selection
Powerpoint slides
Web links
Submit web links
Glossary of terms
Self test
Mid-semester quiz
Lab report submission
Lab report submission via Turnitin
Lecture notes
Guidelines for preparing assignments
Tutorial topics
Essay submission
Web link to Student Support
Web link to Library
Web link to IT Support
How to use MyLO
How to use Turnitin
How to use Lectopia
How to manage your time
What happens in tutorials
How to prepare for exams
How to avoid plagiarism
How to reference
How to write essays
Sample quiz
Sample submission via Turnitin
Sample submission of work
Sample self test
Sample recorded lecture
Turnitin, for self help
Library catalog, for self help
Tutorials about using computers, for self help
Appendix B: Comments made during Card Sorting Exercise 1
Interpretive or Definite Comments
 University of Tasmania,
University Web Services, IT Resources
February 2009
Web Usability Testing
- 14 -
Comments Relating to Planning or Timing:
Information currently absent:
Appendix C: Results of Survey
Results show the total number of each comment that was made.
McCracken, Daniel, Rosalee J. Wolfe (2004) User-Centred Website Development
Pearson Prentice Hall
Nielsen, Jakob, 2004 Card Sorting: How Many Users to Test
Rosenfeld, Louis and Peter Morville (2002) Information Architecture for the World
Wide Web O’Reilly Media Inc, 2nd Edition
About this Document
Web Usability Testing – Card Sorting Exercise – Turnitin and
Maria Moore
Version Date
13th February 2009
First run report
Contribution to improvement of CALT Online Resources
Document Location
Sent to clients
Revision History
Version Number
Draft 1.0
 University of Tasmania,
University Web Services, IT Resources
Released to CALT staff
February 2009