正修科技大學網路輔助教學開課資料 正修科技大學網路輔助教學開課資料 申請日期 2006/5/3 開課學年度與學期 95 學年度 1 學期 所屬系科 電機工程系 教師姓名 林永祥 教師電子郵件信箱 lyh@csu.edu.tw 教師電話號碼(O) (07)7310606-3423 教師電話號碼(H) (不對外公開) 教師手機號碼 (不對外公開) 課程名稱 微積分(一) 課程代碼 450331 是否曾開設相同網路課程 未開設相同課程 教材內容異動比例 100(%) 錄製技術異動比例 0(%) 教材自製比例 100(%) 日間部(部) 日間部四技(所系科) 電機工程系 課程實施對象 (學制) 一(年級) 甲(班別) 其他開放班級 學分數與時數 3 學分 3 小時 必選修別 必修 授課教室類別 專屬視聽教室 Calculus is one of the greatest achievements of the human intellect. Inspired by problems in astronomy, Newton and Leibniz developed the 課程簡介 idea of calculus 300 years ago. Since then, each century has demonstrated the power of calculus to illuminate questions in mathematics, the physical sciences, engineering, and the social and biological sciences. Calculus has been so successful because of its extraordinary power to reduce complicated problems to simple rules and procedures. Our goal is to provide students with a clear understanding of the idea of calculus as a solid foundation for subsequent courses in mathematics and other disciplines. This text is written for first-year undergraduate students. It is assumed that students have completed high school math courses. Our primary goal is to teach the techniques of differential and integral calculus that students are likely to encounter in undergraduate courses in their majors and in subsequent professional activities. The exposition is designed to provide the basic concepts of calculus without sacrificing mathematical accuracy. Calculus is fundamentally different from the mathematics that you have studied previous. Calculus is less static and more dynamic. It is concern with change and motion; it deals with quantities that approach other quantities. 課程學習目標 For that reason it may be useful to have an overview of subject before beginning its intensive study. Here we give a glimpse of some of the main ideas of calculus by showing how limits arise when we attemp to solve a variety of problem. By the time you finish this c ourse, you will be able to use t he ideas of calculus to solve th e problems of tecnology and econ omic. In chapter 1 we stardy the definition of limits and its properties. In chapter 2 we learn how to obtain the derivatives of functions. We develop properties of derivatives, it’s contain the rules for differentiating products, quotients, and composite functions. 課程大綱 In chapter 3 its aim is to enable the student to use the drivative in solving problems, including optimization and graphing. In chapter 4 we shall learn some techniques to solve problem of integration. Week1:Section 1-1 Section 1-2 Week2:Section 1-3 Section 1-4 and infinite limit Week3:Section 2-1 Derivative Week4:Section 2-2 課程進度表 Differentiation Limits One-Sided Limit Continuity A limit at infinity Definition of The Rule of Week5:Section 2-3 Chain Rule and Implicit Differentiation Week6:Section 2-4 The Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions Section 2-5 The Derivative of the Inverse Trigonometric Functions Week7:Section 2-6 Derivatives of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions Week8:Section 3-1 The Mean Value Theorem and its Applications Section 3-2 Increasing and Decreasing Functions Week9:Section 3-3 Maximum and Minimum Values Section 3-4 The Max -Min Problems Week10:Section 3-5 Concavity and Points of Inflection Section 3-6 Week11:Section 3-7 Week12:Section 3-8 Asymptotes Sketching curve Numerical Approximate –Differentials Section 3-9 L’Hopital’s Rule Week13:Section 3-10 Taylor Series Week14:Section 4-1 Antiderivative and The Indefinite Integrals Week15:Section 4-2 Integration by Changing Variables Week16:Section 4-3 Integration by Parts 先修課程 基礎數學(高中、職數學) Calculus Ι By Austin , Bill , Danil , Frank and Gray 課程主要教材 CSU Math Publishing Series 1 1.微積分 2.微積分 版社 課程參考資料 3.精解微積分 版社 4.怎樣解題 5.微積分入門 楊維哲著 三民出版社 高雄工專數學研究會 登文出 劉豐榮、林永祥編著 張億壽譯 康明昌著 千立出 眾文圖書公司 牛頓出版社 6. Calculus with Analytic Geometry Johnson and Kiokemeister’s 嘉賢出版社 1.回覆平台討論區的問題 2.有一節課會在教室討論與習題演練 3.網路繳交作業(Word 檔,要練習 Word 的編輯 輔導方式 器)及作業上傳,不收手寫作 業。 4.諮詢時間至研究室 諮詢時間 週一至週四 中午 1200~1230 辦公室地點 : 160310(電機系館 3 樓) 辦公室地點與電話 辦公室電話 : (07)7310606-3423 使用平台與錄製方式 錄製 wmv 串流語音檔 作業:30% 平台:10% 課程評量方式 期中考(筆試):30% 期末考(筆試):30% 已開過二專部微積分學(二)、大學部微積分學 (一)、大學部微積分學(二)、二專部微積分學 (全)及大學部微積分學(二)(英文版)之 e 化輔 助教學。 其他有助於審查資料 已完成數位化教材,網址如下: csm00.csu.edu.tw/0227/lyhcal941index.htm 個人網站資料 csm00.csu.edu.tw/0227/lyhcal942index.htm Code:542858330583295415498398919440