SSLS 819

Department of Special Services and Leadership Studies
School of Education
Pittsburg State University
Practicum in Educational Technology
SSLS 819
Credit Hrs.:
Office Location:
Office Phone:
SP 2010
Dr. Sue Stidham
620 235-4024 or 918 533-5524
By arrangement
Course Description: Supervised experience in selecting, classifying, designing,
producing and managing instructional media and materials. Prerequisite:
Permission of instructor.
Purpose: The practicum is the final step in The Master of Science degree with a
major in Educational Technology is a 36-hour program designed to prepare the
candidate to work with educational technology in either industrial or educational
settings. Three curricular emphases are offered within the degree: 1) Technology
Facilitator (Industrial Setting); 2) Technology Facilitator (Educational Setting); and
3) Library Media. Candidates who select the technology facilitator emphasis study
the design, development, and management of instructional materials through the
use of educational technologies. Candidates who select the library media emphasis
will be prepared to direct the activities of learning resource centers and are eligible
for recommendation for certification as a School Library Media Specialist in the
state of Kansas.
Introduction: The practicum experience for the Educational Technology Masters
candidate is a critical component of the degree program. The opportunity to explore
and apply the concepts and skills developed through the program course work is
essential to becoming a successful professional in the area of educational
Role of Practitioner/Mentor: The University relies on area practitioners to assist in
the development of the Educational Technology candidate through the practicum
experience. The practitioner acts as a mentor by sharing his/her skills and
knowledge while directing the activities of the practicum candidate. This
relationship yields benefits to both the practicum candidate and the mentor.
Practicum coordinator: The university professor who supervises and evaluates the
overall practicum experience, working with the mentor and the practicum
candidate. Dr. Sue Stidham is the current Practicum Coordinator for Library
Purposes of the Practicum Experience: The purpose of the practicum is to place the
candidate in a setting where he/she can both observe and participate in the
management and operation of a school library. 120 clock hours of field experience
are required at the level for which the candidate is seeking certification. In
addition, various course projects are assigned which cause the candidate to be active
and involved, and not merely an observer of school library activities. These projects
are defined later in this guide.
Prerequisites for the Practicum Candidate: To enroll as a candidate in Practicum in
Educational Technology, the candidate should have:
Completed nearly all of the course work required for the master's degree;
Obtained written permission from his/her supervisor indicating that release
time or other accommodations will be made in the practicum candidate's
schedule to participate in practicum activities;
Received permission of the practicum coordinator, Dr. Sue Stidham.
Agreed to follow the practicum guidelines to complete the practicum.
Role of the Practicum Candidate: The role of the practicum candidate is to complete
the activities and projects defined within the course syllabus. The practicum
candidate will serve initially as an assistant to the mentor, but during the practicum,
move to a role which can best be described as partner, peer, and colleague.
Role of the Mentor: Through a sharing of knowledge and skills, the mentor's role is
to assist the practicum candidate in becoming a successful professional in the area of
educational technology.
Duties of the Mentor:
Conduct weekly meetings with the practicum candidate;
Work with the practicum candidate in defining the appropriate activities and
responsibilities in which the candidate will be involved;
Ensure increasing levels of responsibilities for the practicum candidate over
the duration of the practicum;
Provide feedback to the practicum coordinator regarding the practicum
candidate's progress and effectiveness;
Perform an overall evaluation of the practicum candidate at the end of the
practicum, including a recommendation for a course grade.
Role of the Practicum Coordinator: The practicum coordinator works with both the
practicum candidate and the mentor throughout the practicum experience. The
specific responsibilities of the coordinator include:
Assisting in the selection of practicum mentors;
Selecting practicum candidates;
Meeting or talking with the mentor periodically to gain feedback on the
practicum candidate's progress;
Visiting the candidate relevant to the practicum on 2 separate occasions
during the practicum;
Resolving any problems which may arise;
Evaluating the practicum candidate's performance with input from the
References: All books and materials from courses in entire program.
Purpose of Practicum Guide: This guide defines the language, the roles, and the
activities associated with the practicum experience for the Educational Technology
program. Should questions arise that are not addressed within this guide, please
contact the practicum coordinator.
Assessment Strategies: Practicum Rubric for Mentors, Practicum Rubric for
Advisor, Conferencing Strategy, and Completed Portfolio.
Practicum Log
The candidate is required to log his/her time to document that the required number
of hours for the practicum is completed. The log sheet can be either the one
provided on this site or the candidate can create one in a spiral or other type of
notebook. (120 clock hours are required for completion of the practicum.) This
practicum is designed to demonstrate the understanding and implementation of the
7 standards listed as designed for practicum.
Professional Conference
The candidate must attend at least one professional conference and then write a
two-page summary of this conference. The two-page summary can include the key
note speakers, the various break-out sessions attended and how the knowledge
gained can impact the candidate’s future as a library media specialist/technology
facilitator. The Annual Technology and the Classroom Conference hosted by Pitt
State can count in this area. Other conferences can count as well as long as they are
relevant to this program. You can also opt to present or assist with the Annual
Technology and the Classroom Conference for the points under this assignment.
You do not have to seek approval for your conference. Any conference that would
be appropriate for a media specialist is acceptable.
Staff Development Design
Library media specialists and technology facilitators previously designed staff
development sessions which reflected their knowledge of the curriculum and
effective instructional techniques, which simultaneous crossed disciplines and
integrated information literacy. The library media specialist/technology facilitator
will present this staff development to colleagues at site of practicum. (You are not
creating a staff development design, but you are getting points for presenting. You
will give proof that you presented either in digital picture, etc.)
Cataloging Practice
Hands-on projects and problems in cataloging, which provide practical experience.
The database system used in the site facility will be learned. The practicum
candidate will become familiar with the actual cataloging process as relevant to
Kansas, Oklahoma or Missouri schools. Budget, personnel, facilities, evaluation,
selection, acquisitions, cataloging, processing, deselection, inventory, client access
and circulation will all be practiced. Must add up to at least 30 hrs. in the practicum
log. No need to submit anything. These hours will be assessment from practicum
log. You do not need to turn in an additional document.
Computer Trouble Shooting
Candidates will devote part of their practicum to trouble shooting computer
problems. Evidence will be documented in the practicum log. Must add up to at
least 10 hrs. for library media specialists. No need to submit anything. These hours
will be checked from practicum log.
Reading Project
Candidates will implement a reading project, which promotes the importance of
reading. This project can be like a brown bag and a book, hot chocolate and warm
reading session, a library club, etc. Send some type of proof.
Only for Library Media Specialists who are adding Technology Facilitation
Networking Practice: Technology facilitators have learned to install and administer a
local area network and connect this network to the Internet in their Networking
course. They will now practice these techniques plus networking architecture,
hardware, and software. They will also work with popular protocols for establishing
connectivity for sharing resources such as printers and files will also be covered.
Must add up to at least 50 hrs. in the practicum log.
Practicum Self-Assessment
The candidate should prepare and submit a 2 page summary and analysis of the
practicum experience, including these topics: Identify areas of greatest growth
during practicum; identify areas where growth is needed most in the future; and
outline plans for achieving professional goals. (No points are awarded for the selfassessment, but no grade will be given until the assessment is submitted.)
Candidates will complete their portfolio, which represents their entire course work
and present to advisor upon completion of practicum. This portfolio will model
ethical and responsible behavior with regard to use of information and will also
model basic ethical and legal tenets of intellectual freedom, confidentiality,
intellectual property, fair use and copyright regulations. The portfolio is designed to
demonstrate the understanding and implementation of the 7 standards designated
for the practicum. Be sure to spend extra time on your reflection statements because
they should reflect master’s level writing and this is what will determine some of
your grade on the portfolio.
Guidelines for Logging Practicum Hours
It is important that the following guidelines are followed in logging practicum
Do not log hours for activities and tasks you would do within your normal job
Logging hours related to research is acceptable, but limit it.
You should log the time spent meeting with your mentor and with the practicum
It is possible, and quite likely, that all practicum hours will not be completed during
a single university semester. In that event, a grade of "I" will be awarded and you
will need to complete the required number of hours in the following semester; Use
the log form or a notebook to log all practicum hours. There will be no grade
deduction for requiring an "I" since this is standard procedure for the practicum
You can use any format that you wish but you need to acknowledge the following:
Time Spent On Task
Cumulative Hours
You must fulfill the 120 hour requirement. Be sure to check with your practicum
adviser as to what your specific requirements are. If your expertise is high school,
then spend time at all other levels. This is becoming more of a mandate from the
A different logging activity will be advised for library media specialists or
technology facilitators who are employed in their perspective fields by the state of
Kansas, Oklahoma or Missouri at the time of their practica.
Visit: The adviser will visit to consult with the candidate. The mentor evaluation
will have each of the outcomes assessed and a grade will be indicated by the mentor.
Grading Scale:
Academic Dishonesty: Please refer to the catalog for the university policy on
academic dishonesty. You are expected to do and submit your work and not that of
Attendance: Attendance is extremely important to the successful completion of this
course. Any absence should be discussed with the instructor and/or mentor. When
an excessive amount of absences (2) occur, the instructor has the latitude to reduce
the grade accordingly. Attendance with your mentor is very important. If you have
scheduled times, keep those appointments. This can affect a practicum grade.
Application of Course Grades to Graduate Degrees: Only grades of A, B, and C are
acceptable on a degree program. A cumulative grade point average of (3.0000) is
required for grades earned in:
All graduate coursework at the 700, 800 or 900 level;
Senior-graduate coursework (500 or 600 level) applied to a graduate degree.
A maximum of six hours of C or pass work may be applied to a candidate's
degree program. If the candidate receives any grade of C, status in the
Graduate School will be reviewed by the advisor and the dean. An extension
of no more than six hours credit may be made to the approved degree
program in order to achieve the minimum 3.0000 and offset C grade credit.
Standards in Action: Kansas Board of Education and National (ALA) Standards
Standard 1: The library media specialist/technology facilitator applies the principles
and information studies to create effective, integrated library media programs.
Standard 2: The library media specialist/technology facilitator integrates information
literacy through collaboration, planning, implementation, and assessment of
Standard 3: The library media specialist/technology facilitator applies knowledge of
learning styles and of human growth development.
Standard 4: The library media specialist/technology facilitator provides equitable
access to and effective use of technologies and innovations.
Standard 5: The library media specialist/technology facilitator plans, develops,
implements, manages, and evaluates the library media program.
Standard 6: The library media specialist/technology facilitator upholds professional
ethics and promotes equity and diversity.
Standard 7: The library media specialist/technology facilitator recognizes the role of
the library media programs within the community.
Pittsburg State University Graduate Knowledge Base
*This indicator has been identified as representing a disposition.
Professionalism: The educator will demonstrate specific attitudes, values, beliefs and
behaviors which reflect a commitment to a dependable and professional demeanor.
 Acts with integrity and fairness in an ethical manner*
 Demonstrates commitment to life-long learning
 Participates in ongoing professional development
 Demonstrates professional behavior*
 Sets priorities through self-motivation and self-direction
 Maintains confidentiality at all levels*
Communication: The educator will demonstrate specific attitudes, values, beliefs and
behaviors which promote effective communication.
 Utilizes multiple collaborative strategies necessary in developing
effective learning opportunities for all
 Demonstrates a high level of proficiency in oral and written
communication skills
 Adapts to a variety of unique cultural and ethnic communication
 Practices effective interpersonal skills that enhance communication*
Leadership: The educator will demonstrate specific attitudes, values, beliefs and
behaviors which exhibit leadership competencies.
 Demonstrates the ability to make decisions based upon data and input
from stakeholders
 Adheres to ethical and professional standards
 Transforms ideas into action through effective team building
 Utilizes a variety of problem-solving strategies and possesses strong
critical thinking abilities
 Prioritizes tasks and manages time efficiently
Instruction and Assessment: The educator will demonstrate specific attitudes, values,
beliefs and behaviors which reflect advocating, nurturing and sustaining best
practices and multiple assessments.
 Possesses pedagogical knowledge relevant to specific disciplines
 Provides for instructional variation and integration with other
 Establishes goals and expectations that lead to effective learning
 Inspires all learners to develop self confidence and competence*
 Demonstrates specialized preparation in specific area of study
 Differentiates instruction appropriately for specific needs of learners*
 Expects all candidates will achieve full potential and attain individual
 Evaluates candidate knowledge and performance by using multiple
methods of assessment
 Utilizes assessment outcomes to develop instruction that meets the
needs of all candidates*
 Adheres to ethical and unbiased assessment practices*
Diversity: The educator will demonstrate specific attitudes, values, beliefs and
behaviors which provide equitable learning opportunities for all.
 Demonstrates sensitivity to community and cultural norms*
 Values candidates and encourages them to value self and others*
 Promotes a bias free learning environment*
 Believes in and encourages the success of all learners*
 Appreciates individual variation and shows respect for the diverse
talents of all learners*
 Responds appropriately to larger political, social, economic and
cultural issues through global awareness*
Technology: The educator will demonstrate specific attitudes, values, beliefs and
behaviors which enhance the integration of technology within the educational
 Maximizes learning by using technology
 Enhances the educational environment through technology
Implements various instructional technology strategies
Tailors appropriate technology strategies to a specific content area
Research: The educator will demonstrate specific attitudes, values, beliefs and
behaviors which implements effective research within the educational environment.
 Uses existing educational research to inform and guide practice
 Maintains ethical standards in both conducting and applying
educational research*
 Identifies and solves problems by making decisions based upon
accepted theory and research