Pittsburg State University College Of Education Department of Curriculum and Instruction Spring 2010 Course Number: 853 Title: Advanced Assessment and the English Language Learner Credit Hours: 3 Instructor: Dr. Alice Sagehorn Office Hours: TTH 9:00-11:00, 12:15-1:00, F 8-12 or by appointment Office: 106 Hughes Hall Phone: 620-235-4499 e-mail: asagehor@pittstate.edu HOW TO ACCESS THE COURSE ON THE WEBSITE 1. Access your Internet service provider. 2. URL address: http//www.pittstate.edu 3. Click on Login at the top of the homepage 4. Click on Angel 5. Type in the following information: USER NAME: PSU ID Number (use all 7 digits) and Password (If this is your first time logging into ANGEL read the directions on the ANGEL home page.) 6. Click on CURIN 853-99 : Advanced Assessment and the English Language Learner 7. Announcements – Watch for updated information 8. SYLLABUS on the Course Home Page 9. Communicate Tab – email instructor 10. Lesson Tab– All Course Materials, Assignments. Discussion Board, Drop Boxes 11. Report Tab – View your grades on assignments 1 I. COURSE DESCRIPTION An advanced study of assessment issues relating to formal and informal-first and second–language assessment instruments and techniques. Directed to the practitioner’s use of item and test construction methods and administration, interpretation, and explanation of test results including identification, placement, monitoring, and exiting of the ELL. Includes the use and interpretation of group literacy assessment tools and programs. II. PREREQUISITE Graduate Status III. PURPOSE OF THE COURSE This is a required course in the ESOL endorsement program. The purpose of this course is to ensure that participants can create, use, interpret, and communicate to parents and others formal and informal assessments. IV. COURSE OBJECTIVES Teaching Standards for Kansas Educators – English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Teaching Standard #4: The teacher of English for speakers of other languages effectively communicates with students, parents, and members of various cultural groups in the community. Knowledge #4 The teacher understands and complies with laws related to English language learners’ rights and teacher responsibilities including use of translation resources in the native language. Teaching Standard: #6 The teacher of English for speakers of other languages understands and uses formal and informal first- and second-language assessment techniques to evaluate the progress of English language learners, including knowledge and use of assessment tools to determine program placement, exit criteria, and participation in state assessments. Knowledge #1 The teacher understands the characteristics, uses, advantages and limitations of formal and informal first- and second-language assessment instruments and techniques. Knowledge #2 The teacher understands item and test construction methods appropriate to the learning needs of English language learners including a thorough knowledge of second-language assessment. 2 Knowledge #3 The teacher knows how to administer, interpret, and explain the results of standardized tests to English language learners and their parents. Knowledge #4 The teacher understands measurement theory and assessment-related issues such as validity, reliability, language and culture bias, scoring concerns, and accommodations for state assessments. Performance #1 The teacher appropriately uses a variety of formal and informal assessment techniques evaluate English language learners’ progress for making informed instructional decisions. Performance #2 The teacher constructs items and tests that provide an accurate picture of English language learners’ knowledge and performance. Performance #3 The teacher demonstrates appropriate use and interpretation of standardized tests and communicates the results to English language learners and their parents in an informative, positive manner. Performance #4 The teacher evaluates the effect of class activities on both individuals and the class as a whole. Performance #5 The teacher collects information through observation of classroom interactions, questions, and analysis of student work. Performance #6 The teacher maintains useful records of English language learners’ work and performance and communicates progress knowledgeably and responsibly to students, parents and other colleagues. Teaching Standard: #8 The teacher of English for speakers of other languages demonstrates a high level of proficiency in English commensurate with the role of an instructional model. Knowledge #1 The teacher knows the grammar, usage, and conventions of Standard English. Performance #1 The teacher uses the grammar, usage, and conventions of standard written and oral English. 3 Performance #2 The teacher models a high level of English language proficiency in reading, writing, and listening, speaking, viewing and presenting visually. Teaching Standard #10: The teacher of English for speakers of other languages understands and uses a broad range of literacy methodologies, programs, and assessment tools for English language learners and acknowledges the important role of family literacy in second language acquisitions. Knowledge #4 The teacher understands individual and group literacy assessment tools and programs. Knowledge #5 The teacher understands the process of benchmarking and appropriate application in literacy to measure achievement gains. Pittsburg State University Graduate Knowledge Base *This indicator has been identified as representing a disposition. Professionalism The educator will demonstrate specific attitudes, values, beliefs and behaviors which reflect a commitment to a dependable and professional demeanor. Acts with integrity and fairness in an ethical manner* Demonstrates commitment to life-long learning Participates in ongoing professional development Demonstrates professional behavior* Sets priorities through self-motivation and self-direction Maintains confidentiality at all levels* Communication The educator will demonstrate specific attitudes, values, beliefs and behaviors which promote effective communication. Utilizes multiple collaborative strategies necessary in developing effective learning opportunities for all Demonstrates a high level of proficiency in oral and written communication skills Adapts to a variety of unique cultural and ethnic communication styles* Practices effective interpersonal skills that enhance communication* Leadership The educator will demonstrate specific attitudes, values, beliefs and behaviors which exhibit leadership competencies. Demonstrates the ability to make decisions based upon data and input from stakeholders 4 Adheres to ethical and professional standards Transforms ideas into action through effective team building Utilizes a variety of problem-solving strategies and possesses strong critical thinking abilities Prioritizes tasks and manages time efficiently Instruction and Assessment The educator will demonstrate specific attitudes, values, beliefs and behaviors which reflect advocating, nurturing and sustaining best practices and multiple assessments. Possesses pedagogical knowledge relevant to specific disciplines Provides for instructional variation and integration with other disciplines Establishes goals and expectations that lead to effective learning Inspires all learners to develop self confidence and competence* Demonstrates specialized preparation in specific area of study Differentiates instruction appropriately for specific needs of learners* Expects all students will achieve full potential and attain individual success* Evaluates student knowledge and performance by using multiple methods of assessment Utilizes assessment outcomes to develop instruction that meets the needs of all students* Adheres to ethical and unbiased assessment practices* Diversity The educator will demonstrate specific attitudes, values, beliefs and behaviors which provide equitable learning opportunities for all. Demonstrates sensitivity to community and cultural norms* Values students and encourages them to value self and others* Promotes a bias free learning environment* Believes in and encourages the success of all learners* Appreciates individual variation and shows respect for the diverse talents of all learners* Responds appropriately to larger political, social, economic and cultural issues through global awareness* Technology The educator will demonstrate specific attitudes, values, beliefs and behaviors which enhance the integration of technology within the educational environment. Maximizes learning by using technology Enhances the educational environment through technology Implements various instructional technology strategies Tailors appropriate technology strategies to a specific content area Research The educator will demonstrate specific attitudes, values, beliefs and behaviors which implements effective research within the educational environment. Uses existing educational research to inform and guide practice 5 V. Maintains ethical standards in both conducting and applying educational research* Identifies and solves problems by making decisions based upon accepted theory and research TEXT AND MATERIALS: REQUIRED TEXTBOOK: Herrera, S., Murry, K, and Morales Cabral, R. (2007). Assessment Accommodations for Classroom Teachers of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students., Allyn and Bacon: Boston 0-205-49271-1 Optional Textbooks: Law, Rebecca and Eckes, Mary (2007) Assessment and ESL: An Alternative Approach, Second Edition, Portage and Main, Winnepeg, MB Canada 978-1-55379-093-8 VI. INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCES Handouts PowerPoints Podcasts Video Internet Resources ESOL Appropriate Testing Instruments VII. TEACHING STRATEGIES Readings in text and other sources Inquiry Method Blogs Discussion Boards VIII. REQUIREMENTS AND EVALUATION A. ATTENDANCE Because this is an on-line class and we will not be meeting as a class, attendance will be defined differently than for site-based courses. Attendance for this online course is defined as completion of assignments. If one assignment period goes by without turning in any assignments, participation in group activities, or there is no contact with the instructor of this course, then the student will be dropped from the course. Active participation in the course is expected of all students. B. ASSIGNMENTS You have required readings in the textbook and from handouts in the Chapter folder including PowerPoints and Internet resources. You are expected to complete all of the readings for each topic. 6 It is your responsibility to make sure that all assignments have been posted and/or submitted. There are times when submissions get lost in the Internet.. PLEASE make and keep copies of your work. It does not happen often, but papers can be misplaced or lost. Detailed descriptions/guidelines for each assignment can be reviewed in the ASSIGNMENT Folder in the Lesson Tab on the ANGEL Management System. Students are highly encouraged to review the descriptions/guidelines before you proceed with the assignment, while you are working on the assignment, and before you submit the assignment. ALL ASSIGNMENTS ARE DUE BY 5:00 PM ON THE DATE. DUE ALL ASSIGNMENTS MUST BE IN THE .doc or .docx FORMAT MICROSOFT WORD. DISCUSSION BOARD QUESTION POSTED TO ANGEL 5points X 8 Reading Assignments = 40 points After reading the assigned readings and any assigned articles for the chapter, each student will compose 1 question that the group will discuss. These are questions that the student still has after reading the assignment and that are NOT answered in the reading assignment. These questions may not have a definitive answer. Each student will post his/her questions for the group to read and respond to in the Discussion Board Section for each Reading Assignment on ANGEL. ALL SUBMISSIONS MUST BE MADE BY 5:00 PM ON THE DUE DATE. DUE DATE: Chapter 1 January 19 Chapter 2 February 2 Chapter 3 February 16 Chapter 4 March 2 Chapter 5 March 23 Chapter 6 April 6 Chapters 7 April 20 Chapter 8 May 4 RESPONSES TO QUESTIONS ON THE DISCUSSION FORUM: 5 responses X 8 questions @1 point each = 40 points Each student must respond to a minimum of 5 questions on each of the Discussion Forum threads. You are expected to read ALL questions and responses, even those to which you did not choose to respond. 7 ALL SUBMISSIONS MUST BE MADE BY 5:00 PM ON THE DUE DATE. DUE DATE: Chapter 1 January 21 Chapter 2 February 4 Chapter 3 February 18 Chapter 4 March 4 Chapter 5 March 25 Chapter 6 April 8 Chapters 7 April 22 Chapter 8 May 6 PROFESSIONAL CONVERSATIONS ON PRACTICE (15 Points each) After reading Chapters 1, 4, and 7 and the documents in Chapter Folders, choose one of the Professional Conversations on Practice (found at the end of the chapter) and write a 2 page/double spaced response to the Professional Conversation of your choice. Upload to Drop Box. DUE Chapter 1 - January 23 Chapter 4 – March 5 Chapter 7 – April 23 RUBIC (25 Points) Choose one assignment that you already give to your students and create a rubric that would be appropriate for the ELLs in your classroom. (See Rubric Guidelines in the Assignment Folder, Lessons Tab on ANGEL.) Upload to Drop Box DUE: February 5 PRE-ASSESSMENT (20 points) Choose one pre-assessment method that teachers can use to probe students’ current understandings of targeted curricular concepts. Create your own preassessment for a curricular objective for your content area or grade level. See Pre-Assessment Guidelines in the Assignment Folder, Lessons Tab on ANGEL. DUE: February 10 KELPA Practice Tests (50 points) Each student will complete 5 KELPA Speaking Practice Tests and 4 KELPA Writing Practice Tests and write a summary statement. (See KELPA Podcasts and Practice Test document in Chapter 5 folder.) Upload Summary Statement to Drop Box DUE: March 26 FORMAL AND INFORMAL ASSESSMENTS (55 points) Choose one formal assessment and one informal assessment that you currently use or would like to use. Adapt it for an ELL learner(s) in your classroom. See Formal and Informal Assessment Guidelines in the Assignment Folder, Lessons Tab on ANGEL. Upload to Drop Box. DUE: April 9 8 ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENT FOR ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS 100 points DUE: MAY 10 Create a formal, formative or summative Assessment Instrument that can be used with the English Language Learners in your class. You can use a formal assessment that you already use as the basis of the assessment. You can modify or adapt the assessment so that it meets the needs of the English Language Learners. (If you are not currently teaching, choose a grade level, content area, and level of language proficiency for the ELLs). The evaluation is based on the Assessment Instrument you create and an Explanation of the Assessment. The Explanation of the Assessment includes: 1. Instructions - clarity of instructions, the match between items and instructions, the level of difficulty, response length, the relative value of the section (25 points) 2. Content - receptive/ productive language skills, mastery/some attainment of objectives, the title, fairness to all students and potentially sensitive content or language (25 points) 3. Format and Layout - the overall length of the test, items giving away answers for other items, correct response pattern, technical arrangement and spacing of items (25 points) 4. Scoring - methods of scoring, specific suggestions are given on changes/additions to the test with rationale (25 points) See Assessment Instrument for English Language Learners Guidelines and Rubric in the Assignment Folder, Lessons Tab on ANGEL. C. GRADING SCALE: 90-100% A 80-89% B 70-79% C 60-69% D 0-59% F Academic Honesty: Please refer to the catalog for the university policy on academic dishonesty. You are expected to do and submit your work and not that of others. Late Projects Points equivalent to one letter grade will be deducted for each day the project/assignment/test is late. NOTE: The instructor may find it necessary to modify assignments. IX. COURSE CONTENT CLASS SCHEDULE: 9 ALL ASSIGNMENTS ARE DUE AT 5:00 PM ON THE DUE DATE. January 14-January 22 READ Chapter 1 Classroom Assessment amidst Cultural and Linguistic Diversity Pages 1-19 Chapter 1 Folder in Lessons TAB Read/Watch Video-clip – Title: Not On the Test Kansas ESOL Standards Overview PowerPoint Kansas ESOL Standards - document http://www.ksde.org/Default.aspx?tabid=350 ESOL Program PowerPoint Culture Bias PowerPoint ASSIGNMENTS Discussion Board Question Due January 19 Discussion Board Responses Due January 21 Professional Conversation on Practice to Drop Box Due January 22 January 23 – February 5 READ Chapter 2 Authentic Assessment pages 20-49 Chapter 2 Folder in Lessons TAB Read/View Portfolio Assessment PowerPoint Performance and Portfolio Assessment for Language Minority Students http://www.ncela.gwu.edu/pubs/pigs/pig9.htm A Portfolio Assessment Model for ESL http://www.ncela.gwu.edu/pubs/jeilms/vol13/portfo13.htm Balanced Assessment PowerPoint Testing VS Alternative Assessment PowerPoint Designing Alternative Assessments PowerPoint Project Based Instruction PDF 10 http://www.nwrel.org/request/index.php Rubrics and Rubric Information http://school.discoveryeducation.com/schoolguide/assess.html www.sdst.org/shs/library/powerpoint/rubrics.ppt Rubric PowerPoint ASSIGNMENTS Discussion Board Question Due February 2 Discussion Board Responses Due February 5 Rubric to Drop Box Due February 5 February 6 - February 19 READ Chapter 3 Preinstructional Assessment and the CLD Student pages 50-77 Chapter 3 Folder in Lessons TAB Read/Watch Kansas Assessment Fact Sheet: Appropriate Testing Practices 2008 –09 http://www.ksde.org/Default.aspx?tabid=2450Assessment, Assessment, Evaluation and Testing PowerPoint Skills Development Charts – Home Survey English and Spanish pages 269-270 Cultural Profile from Home Visit ASSIGNMENTS Discussion Board Question Due February 16 Discussion Board Responses Due February 18 Pre-Assessment to Drop Box Due February 19 February 20-March 5 READ Chapter 4 Assessment of Acculturation pages 78-117 Chapter 4 Folder in Lessons TAB Read/Watch Acculturation Self Assessment for Asian American Acculturation 11 http://careers.gmu.edu/students/cultures/assessment.html Developmental Considerations and Acculturation of Children: Measures and Issues http://ics.uda.ub.rug.nl/FILES/root/Articles/2003/PhaletK-Assess/PhaletKAssessment-UU-2003.pdf LOA Observation Rubric page 272 ASSIGNMENTS Discussion Board Question Due March 2 Discussion Board Responses Due March 4 Professional Conversation on Practice to Drop Box Due March 5 March 6 – March 26 READ Chapter 5 Assessment of Language Proficiency pages 118-169 Chapter 5 Folder in Lessons TAB Read/View English Proficiency Tests – KELPA PowerPoint Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMAOs) http://www.ksde.org/Default.aspx?tabid=350 Complete the KELPA Podcasts and Practice Tests Handout Assessing English to Speakers of Other Languages http://www.ksde.org/Default.aspx?tabid=2450 Oral Language Assessment PowerPoint Reading Assessment PowerPoint Writing Assessment PowerPoint SOLOM – Student Oral Language Observation Matrix pdf http://www.waterloo.k12.ia.us/files/StudentServices/Student_Oral_Language_Ob servation_Matrix.pdf SWLOM – Student Written Language Observation Matrix pdf http://faculty.saintleo.edu/ESOL/SWLOM%20SOLOM.doc. 12 Limited English Proficient Checklist pdf http://www.k12.wa.us/SpecialEd/pubdocs/culturally_linguistically_diverse/limite d_english_proficient_checklist.pdf. ASSIGNMENTS Discussion Board Question Due March 23 Discussion Board Responses Due March 25 KELPA Practice Tests - Upload Speaking and Writing Scoring Practice papers to the Drop Box in the Lessons Tab of ANGEL. Due March 26 March 27 – April 9 READ Chapter 6 Assessment of Content-Area Learning pages 170 - 213 Chapter 6 Folder in Lessons TAB Read/Watch Organizing and Assessing in the Content Area Class http://www.everythingesl.net/inservices/judith2.php Graphic Organizers for Content Instruction http://www.everythingesl.net/inservices/graphic_organizers.php How to Develop Questioning Strategies http://www.everythingesl.net/inservices/questioning_strategies.php Practical Ideas On Alternative Assessment For ESL Students http://www.cal.org/resources/digest/tannen01.html Formal VS Informal Assessment Formal Assessment PowerPoint Informal and Formative Assessment Power Point ASSIGNMENTS Discussion Board Question Due April 6 Discussion Board Responses Due April 8 Formal and Informal Assessments to Drop Box DUE April 9 April 10 – April 23 13 READ Chapter 7 Special Education Issues in the Assessment of CLD Students pages 214 - 240 Chapter 7 Folder in Lessons TAB Assessing ESOL Students http://agls.uidaho.edu/fcsed/FCS469/Assessing%20ESOL%20Students.pdf Accommodations Manual http://www.ksde.org/Default.aspx?tabid=2372 ASSIGNMENTS Discussion Board Question Due April 20 Discussion Board Responses Due April 22 Professional Conversations on Practice Due April 23 April 24 – May 7 READ Chapter 8 Postinstructional Assessment pages 240 - 254 Chapter 8 Folder in Lessons TAB Read/Watch Continua for the Assessment of English Language Development page 281 Cultural Literacy Response Map page 285 Rubric for the Assessment of cognitive and Metacognitive Strategy Use page 286 ASSIGNMENTS Discussion Board Question Due May 4 Discussion Board Responses Due May 7 Assessment Instrument for English Language Learners to Drop Box Due MAY 10 14