FCS 479

Pittsburg State University
Family & Consumer Sciences
FCS 479 (3 hours)
Time: FCS 429 – Occupational FACS, Room 114
FCS 479 – Teaching Techniques of Family & Consumer Sciences
Room 114 and Room 208 on Fridays
Credit Hours: 3
Office: 113 FCS Building
Instructor: Cris Elliott
Office Phone: 235-4512
e-mail: celliott@pittstate.edu
Office Hours:
8:30 – 10:00 am 2:00 – 3:00 pm
8:30 – 10:00 am
8:30 – 10:00 am
8:30 –9:30am, 2:00 – 3:30 pm
Department Policy for first day of Class: Students in Family and Consumer
Sciences courses are expected to attend class regularly beginning on the first day of a
scheduled class. If a student does not attend on the first scheduled class session or notify
the instructor of an expected absence on the first day, the instructor may remove the
student from the class roll at the second class meeting to accommodate students who may
wish to take the course or have been on a waiting list. Students on class waiting lists are
strongly advised to attend the first session of class. This will indicate interest and
commitment on the part of the student as well as keeping the student current in the class
with peers already enrolled. Instructors should be able to indicate to the student at the
first meeting the likelihood of the student enrolling based on attendance.
I. Course Description: Techniques, methods, and course content used in teaching
Family and Consumer Sciences in middle and secondary schools. Philosophy and
implementation of career and technical education, curriculum construction, applications
of educational psychology, and demonstration techniques are addressed.
Pre-requisite: Admission to teacher education and psych 357-Educational psychology
II. Purpose of Course: The purpose of this course is to assist students in
establishing and cultivating their teaching competencies.
III. Course Objectives:
FCS 479
Develop a philosophy of family and consumer sciences education
Develop a mission statement of the profession
Develop good teacher/student communication skills
Examine, evaluate and utilize a variety of instructional media and technology
Develop and implement classroom curriculum
Identify, evaluate and develop measurement tools
Examine and evaluate methods of classroom management
Identify the importance of professionalism in the school environment
Understand the role of the KSDE in family and consumer sciences
Demonstrate teaching techniques in a school simulation
Develop an understanding of teaching in a diverse student body
Identify the composition of an career and technical family and consumer sciences
Develop a philosophy of career and technical education
Develop and implement classroom curriculum for an occupational program
Examine and evaluate methods of classroom management for the occupational
Demonstrate the skills necessary to be a successful career skills teacher
Understand how FACS teachers can help students assess their interests and
abilities plus provide career guidance
Develop FACS curriculum that involves integration of process skills (soft),
SCANS Skills (Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills),
technical skills and academic learning skills.
Understand the Kansas and Missouri Career Fields and Cluster Model
Design a career pathway model
Understand the role of the State Department of Education in a family and
consumer sciences occupational program
Demonstrate teaching techniques in a school simulation
Develop an understanding of the leadership role that a CTSO plays in the total
FCS program
Develop an understanding of teaching in a diverse student population
Understand the components of an FCS ESL classroom
Examine different opportunities to provide student with work-based learning.
Understand the role of a Career and Technical Education Advisory Board and
how to create a community relations program
IV. Instructional Resources
o The Act of Teaching, Cruickshank/ Deborah Bainer Jenkins/
Kim Metcalf McGraw-Hill Higher Education
o Creative Instructional Methods for Family and Consumer
Sciences, Valerie M. Chamberlain/ Marrilyn N. Cummings
o Big Book of Projects, Dinah Zike
V. Teaching Strategies:
Textbook and printed materials
Instructional activities: individual and group
Discussion groups
Student projects
FCCLA activities
Student research projects
VI. Assessment:
Overall evaluation is based on:
The student’s ability to answer questions on objective and essay tests
The completion and quality of assigned work
Participation and cooperation in class activities
Evaluation Criteria:
Class Notebook
Group activities
Reaction papers
Daily attendance activities
Final project
Class presentations
Participation in outside FCS activities
Grading System:
A = 90 - 100%
B = 80 - 89%
C = 70 - 79%
D = 60 - 69%
VII. Class attendance and Instructor's policy
Attendance is expected. You are responsible for all material covered in class. In
the event of excessive absences, the instructor will drop the student from the
No make-up exams will be given unless prior arrangements have been made with
the instructor.
All assignments and reaction papers must be turned in at the specified time. Late
work will not be accepted unless prior arrangements were made with the
Written work assigned in advance must be typed
Plagiarism and cheating. Each student is expected to do original work. Any
student who cheats or plagiarizes will receive a failing score for the particular
project or examination.
The student’s grade will be dropped one letter grade upon the 5th absence
from class. Absences are not differentiated between excused and unexcused.
Students should call whenever possible if they are going to be absent.
Teaching Concepts
Family & Consumer Sciences
FCS 429 and FCS 479
 Each student will maintain a class notebook with class materials and
 Each student will complete a professional portfolio. This portfolio
will be used for FCS Senior Seminar and as a major project for your
professional semester.
 An Updated Tentative Schedule can be accessed on the PSU Angel
 All assignments will be listed on the PSU Angel System. FCS 429
and 479 will be merged onto one Angel Account.
Typical Class Format
Classroom Introductory Activity – Teaching ideas for the class notebook and
educational psychology.
Daily Objectives – Concepts to be discussed that day.
Reinforcing Activity - Assignment
Evaluation - Measure of achievement
A tentative schedule and assignments will be posted on Angel.
Becoming an Educator
The Learner
Children and Youth as Learners
Learning Styles
The FCS Curriculum
Going Beyond Lectures and Discussions
Setting the Stage/ Physical and Social Environment
Instructional Planning and Lesson Plans
Teaching methods
State Standards
Technology for Instruction
Motivation, Discipline and Student Responsibility
Diversity, Equity, and Special Learning
Classroom Management
Managing Youth Organizations
Community Connections and Service Learning
Marketing Your Program
Balancing Your Personal and Professional Life
Growing as a Professional
Teaching Sensitive Subjects
Occupational Programs
Multiple Intelligences
Web Quests
Using Movies to Teach
Thematic Teaching
Parent Conferences
Working with Administrators
Demonstration Techniques
Managing Lab Situations
Humor in the Classroom
Cooperative Learning
Effective Time Management in the Classroom
Stress and Burnout in the Classroom
Advisory Boards
Links with Parents, Community and Industry
Advocacy- Individuals, Families, and Industry
Career and Technical Education
Professional Development
College of Education Indicators
Student Teaching
Teaching Standards for Kansas Educators
The following standards are addressed by:
FCS 429 Occupational Family and Consumer Sciences
FCS 479 Techniques for Teaching Family and Consumer Sciences
Early Adolescence through Late Adolescence Grades 6-12
Standard #1 The teacher of family and consumer sciences demonstrates an understanding of the
major concepts, theoretical views, scientific principles, resources, and skills in the areas of personal
and family development, life span human growth and development, parenting and child
development, interpersonal skills, human sexuality, personal and family resource management, life
and career planning, nutrition and food, wellness, living environments, and apparel and textiles.
1. The teacher understands family systems throughout time and within cultures.
2. The teacher understands the complexity of the challenges faced by individuals and families.
3. The teacher understands the importance of the strength and vitality of families in the development of
individuals and families.
4. The teacher understands the significance of using reasoned processes and integrating knowledge related
to emerging and persistent concerns of families in the areas of personal and family development including
relationships, cultural influences, and the integration of multiple life roles and responsibilities in family,
career and community settings, life span human growth and development, parenting and child
development, human sexuality, personal and family resource management, nutrition and food, wellness,
living environments, apparel and textiles, and life and career planning.
5. The teacher understands human sexuality, including information about sexually transmitted diseases,
especially acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). (FCS 479)
1. The teacher demonstrates the skills of discovery, integration, and application of knowledge in the areas
of personal and family development including relationships, cultural influences, the integration of multiple
life roles and responsibilities in family, career and community settings; life span human growth and
development; parenting and child development, human sexuality, resource management; nutrition and food;
wellness; living environments; apparel and textiles; and life and career planning.
2. The teacher uses and models analytical, empirical, interpretive, and critical science modes of inquiry.
3. The teacher integrates knowledge across the curriculum to enhance the development of individuals and
families. (FCS 479)
4. The teacher demonstrates skill in presenting information about sexually transmitted diseases, especially
acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS).
Standard #2 The teacher of family and consumer sciences understands that social, cultural, cognitive,
economic, emotional, and physical factors contribute to the well being of individuals, families, and
1. The teacher understands the development and use of personal, social and material resources to meet
individual, family and community needs.
2. The teacher understands the complex roles of individuals and families as consumers of materials and
3. The teacher understands the importance of nurture and challenge to the development of the learner
within the learning community as well as within the family.
1. The teacher addresses emerging, persistent, and perennial concerns of individuals and families and plans
instruction to meet these needs. (FCS 479)
2. The teacher acts as an advocate on behalf of individuals, families, consumers, and communities. (FCS
Standard #3 The teacher of family and consumer sciences understands that individuals and families
can be empowered through education to maximize their potential and to function independently and
1. The teacher understands factors to be used in the design, development, and management of a family and
consumer sciences program. (FCS 479)
2. The teacher understands the importance of a family and consumer sciences program in preparing
students for family, community, and career roles. (FCS 479)
3. The teacher understands that family and consumer sciences programs are built upon sciences, arts, and
humanities. (FCS 479)
4. The teacher understands the importance of a family and consumer sciences curriculum that empowers
students to maximize their potential through problem-solving, critical thinking, ethical reasoning,
leadership and citizenship, and communication skills. (FCS 479)
1. The teacher works collaboratively to develop and implement a family and consumer sciences program
that addresses issues affecting individuals and families. (FCS 479)
2. The teacher acts as an advocate for family and consumer sciences programs. (FCS 479)
3. The teacher makes linkages and develops partnerships with parents, the community, and business and
industry. (FCS 479)
Standard #4 The teacher of family and consumer sciences understands how technology and the
quality of environments enhance the functioning and productivity of individuals, families, careers
and communities.
1. The teacher identifies the broad implications of technology on individuals, families, careers and
communities. (FCS 429)
2. The teacher understands the environmental impact of decisions made by individuals, families and
3. The teacher understands general health and safety principles related to individuals, families, careers and
communities. (FCS 429)
1. The teacher creates learning opportunities that help students understand relationships among society,
technology, and the environment. (FCS 429)
2. The teacher establishes and models appropriate health and safety practices in the family and consumer
sciences learning environment. (FCS 429)
3. The teacher develops a safe learning environment for family and consumer sciences students. (FCS
Standard #5 The teacher of family and consumer sciences develops family and consumer sciences
programs that prepare individuals to be productive members within society and for careers based
upon family and consumer sciences knowledge and skills.
1. The teacher understands the importance of career and life planning.
2. The teacher understands the knowledge, skills and practices needed to prepare students for careers in
family and consumer sciences. (FCS 479)
3. The teacher understands the importance of the linkages and partnerships between family and consumer
sciences and career and technical education. (FCS 429)
4. The teacher understands how career and technical student organizations help prepare students for roles of
leadership and service in the family, community, and workplace. (FCS 479)
1. The teacher plans, develops, implements, and evaluates programs that prepare students for individual,
family, community roles, and for careers in family and consumer sciences. (FCS 479)
2. The teacher prepares students for leadership and service roles in the family, community and workplace.
(FCS 479)
3. The teacher implements learning opportunities that empower students to make the transition from school
to career. (FCS 429)
4. The teacher documents work experience related to family and consumer sciences.