DEPARTMENT of PSYCHOLOGY & COUNSELING COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Pittsburg State University Summer 2009 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Course Number: PSYCH 826-50 Title: Contemporary/Ethical Issues in School Counseling Credit Hour: 1 Course Time Schedule: June 22-25; 2:00-6:00 p.m. Mon.-Thurs. (201 WH) Instructor: Becky Brannock, Ph.D., LPC Office Phone: (620)235-4569 Professor Office: 205A Whitesitt Hall Office Hours: M -Th:12-2 & F:10-12 (Additional times by appointment) I. COURSE DESCRIPTION Contemporary/Ethical Issues in School Counseling is a course designed to focus on the contemporary issues school counselors face when working with children and youth in schools. An emphasis will also be on the challenges school counselors address in terms of ethical and legal issues. The American School Counselor Association’s and American Counseling Association’s Codes of Ethics will be utilized. II. PREREQUISITES PSYCH 745; Introduction to Counseling and Psychotherapy and PSYCH 814; Program Planning and Management in School Counseling or permission of the instructor. III. PURPOSE OF THE COURSE The purpose of the course is to prepare school counselors employed in elementary and secondary settings, to work with students on a variety of contemporary issues. The challenge of addressing ethical and legal issues will also be a focus of the course. IV. COURSE OBJECTIVES Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to: A. Be aware of the importance of lifelong professional development and become familiar with the major professional associations in the school counseling field. 1 B. Organize and conduct classroom guidance activities, small groups, and teacher inservice workshops which address current societal and environmental conditions. C. Understand the utilization and importance of referral sources within the community setting. D. Be familiar with ASCA’s & ACA’s codes of ethics and the ramifications of ethical and legal issues school counselors face. V. REQUIRED TEXTS No texts will be required, as supplemental materials will be incorporated. VI. INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCES Huey, W.C., & Remley, T.P., Jr. (2002). Ethical and legal issues in school counseling. Alexandria, VA: American School Counselor Association. Metcalf, L. (2002). Counseling toward solutions. West Nyack, NY: The Center for Applied Research in Education. Sklare, Gerald B. (2005). Brief counseling that works: A solution-focused approach for school counselors and administrators.Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, Inc. Stone, C. (2005). School counseling principles ethics and law. Alexandria, VA: American School Counselor Association. JOURNALS: Professional School Counseling The Journal of Counseling & Development Counseling Today (tabloid) ASCA School Counselor (published bi-monthly) VII. TEACHING STRATEGIES A. B. C. D. E. Lectures and classroom discussions Readings in journals and supplemental materials Group activities Student presentations Guest speakers 2 VIII. REQUIREMENTS AND EVALUATION A. Attendance is crucial as well as participation in class discussion. Points will be assigned accordingly (see grading scale below). B. Activities 1. Activity #1: Visit a school counselor (preferably meet with the counselor at his or her school setting, if possible) for the level you intend to work with. The purpose is to ask questions regarding the school counseling program, obtain resource ideas, get input on contemporary issues students face today and pertinent, challenging ethical or legal issues, etc. Submit a two page, double spaced, typed summary of what you learned. (DUE DATE: June 24, 2009) 2. Activity #2: Make a classroom presentation from one of the assigned topics of contemporary issues school counselors are challenged with and must address today when working with children and youth in the school setting. (PRESENTATION DATES: June 24 & 25, 2009) C. 1. 2. 3. 4. Evaluation Criteria: Attendance/Classroom Participation Topic Presentation School Counselor Visit TOTAL D. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Grading Scale: A = 150-135 points B = 134-120 points C = 119-105 points D = 104-90 points F = 89 points & below 50 points 50 points 50 points 150 points 3 Course Outline -Summer 2009- M(6/22):Professionalism & Professional Associations; Ethical Decision Making Model; Codes of Ethics; Ethical Dilemmas Discussion T(6/23): Ethical Dilemmas Discussion, cont.; Processing Ethical Dilemmas; MTSS/RTI speaker W(6/24):Solution Focused Brief Therapy with Children and Youth; TOPIC PRESENTATIONS: Bullying, Cutting & Self-Mutilation, Eating Disorders SCHOOL COUNSELOR VISITS DUE. Th(6/25): TOPIC PRESENTATIONS, cont.: Strengths Based School Counseling, SIT/504’s, Creative Counseling Techniques; High School Counselor speaker 4