EDTH 731

Department of Teaching and Leadership
College of Education
Digital Portfolio
Course Number:
Credit Hrs.:
Office Location
Office Phone:
EDTH 731
Spring 2012 (March 8 – April 26)
Mrs. Michelle Hudiburg
305 Hughes Hall
M-W 9:30 to 11:00
M and W 2 to 4
Virtual office hours, by appointment
Course Description: This course is a requirement for all LMS and technology integration
specialists, and is foundational to the final assessment instrument used for graduation
from the Educational Technology program. Students will be taught how to collect and
display material electronically using a digital portfolio. Students will begin constructing
a multimedia portfolio in a format suitable for web distribution. The portfolio will be the
foundation for the entire program as it unfolds.
Purpose: Supports technology integration specialists and library media specialists in the
design, development, and evaluation of their portfolio.
 Internet access
 Access to university learning management system
 Access to assignments from previous courses
Teaching Strategies:
Hands-on experience, with strong instructor support.
Course Objectives:
1. Candidates will define terminology linked to use of portfolios.
 Artifact
 Reflection statement
 Portfolio
2. Given the PSU College of Education Graduate Knowledge Base standards and the
curricular standards of their emphasis, candidates will compare the standards to
gain understanding of how the two are related.
3. Using an artifact from a previous course, candidates will craft a reflection
statement meeting criteria set forth by a scoring rubric.
4. Upon completing this course, candidates will apply the Educational Technology
Program portfolio process.
 Examine the Portfolio Handbook
 Collect required artifacts from previous courses
 Write relevant reflection statements
 Peer review reflection statements using the portfolio scoring rubric
 Store artifacts and reflection statements in an easily accessible location
 Be prepared to add artifacts to the portfolio in progress during each
successive semester enrolled
 Understand the process for submitting the portfolio for final assessment
and graduation requirements
Assessment Strategies:
 Checklist
 Rubric
Portfolio Beginnings
Reflection Statement 1
Reflection Statement 2
Portfolio Flowchart/Checklist
Evaluation, Grading Scale & Classroom Policy
Syllabus Supplement Spring 2012: For more information on policies, important dates
and other university procedures, visit http://www.pittstate.edu/dotAsset/c76cfbbd-c6ad4bcf-b89f-60d322b880f6.pdf
Grading Scale:
F-----------------below 60%
Class Policies: The PSU policy on academic dishonesty is printed in the University
Catalog. Students are expected to submit your own work. Disrespect will not be tolerated.
Class attendance is not an issue with online courses; however, you will need to pace
yourself each week and stay on schedule. Online courses require much self-discipline.
Ethical Behavior: Respect for the integrity of the academic process in both Professional
behavior and social and emotional well-being for faculty and students.
The rights and responsibilities that accompany academic freedom are at the heart of the
intellectual purposes of the University. Our conduct as community members should
protect and promote the University's pursuit of its academic mission. We are all,
therefore, expected to conduct ourselves with integrity in our learning, teaching and
research, and in the ways in which we support those endeavors.
Examples are as follows:
*Professional Behavior*
--Demonstrates effective interpersonal skills
--Functions effectively in a variety of group roles
--Is respectful of alternative views
--Collaborates with others on professional level
--Demonstrates honesty and integrity to self and others
--Demonstrates moral excellence and trustworthiness
--Is reflective when making decisions
--Demonstrates the flexibility to accept and change
*Social and Emotional Well-being*
--Analyzes and takes responsibility for own behavior
--Accepts constructive criticism positively
--Exhibits respect for others
--Demonstrates ability to learn from both success and failure
--Demonstrates a professional emotional state
Assignments and Incomplete Policy: Assignments must be received by the due date
and time. If assignments are not submitted through ANGEL by the specified time, they
will be considered late.
Check ANGEL daily for updates and announcements.
The assignment schedule is subject to change depending on circumstances.
Incompletes will be processed as late assignments, but as a cumulative late assignment,
which means that points can be deducted. If an incomplete is not finalized by the end of a
one year period, the "I" will automatically change to a grade of "F" as per PSU's existing
Written Communication Skills: All text submitted should represent the writer’s best
writing skills. Spelling, punctuation, grammar, and sentence structure will be evaluated in
each assignment and graded accordingly.